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Help I Am New and Pretty Stupid


i'm fairly unfamiliar with the concept of forum rping. is there even a way to do private rps? how do one-on-ones work? how do i look for people from a specific fandom? please help.

like i said i'm new; i joined just a few hours ago.
I'd recommend taking a look here :3
An Introduction to Forum Role-Playing
But in short, private RPs usually take place in PMs, or on the sites discord.
One x one's are normally when there are only two people taking part, and again usually take place within PMs or in threads on the site's 1x1area.
If you're looking for a fandom rp then in the looking for partners section you would look for that prefix, or look in the fandoms section within the group area :3
That intro link will help a lot. Also don't be scared to click around and read things. Nothing helps out more than experiencing things on your own. If you find you've typed up something that doesn't belong, deleting is an option. See what buttons do! Nothing self destructs... I'm ...pretty sure..
Don't worry, the self-destruct option is only available to admins... ^;3^

But seriously, what PanOtterPus PanOtterPus and Futaba Sakura Futaba Sakura said. And feel free to ask anytime you have questions!

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