I Am Ina


One Time Luck
I am Ina.

I am the one who will bring the future.

I am the one who will sunder the past.

I am the one who changes the present.

I am a force to be reckoned with.

But welcome. Any particular games you play or are looking for?
Well if you want a more serious and less jokeyly pompous introduction...

I mainly play White Wolf's various games (especially Exalted) and a large variety of independently produced gamed (including Fate, tremulus, and Houses of the Blooded.)

I live somewhere on Earth (Near the Continental European West Coast if you want something more specific than the planet I call home) and I have a variety of hobbies, aspirations and delusions I shan't bother with beyond one.

I like to write.
Welp, you've got tons of options when it comes to Exalted. I expect you may even have found some already. Hang on, I've got some copypasta here that might assist...

Over in the Roleplay Discussion Forum you may want to add yourself to the Players Seeking Games thread, and possibly look at the Roll of Storytellers.

And if you browse Our Roleplays you'll see the all the games currently live, plus a few dead ones. If you click the little coloured prefixes, you can assemble all of those games to check - Recruiting are brand new and looking for players, Joinable might have been going a while, but have space, Waitlist can't add new players right now, but if you talk to the ST they may fit you in future, and Closed is just that.

There's also the Creativity section, for writing. If you want to shout into the void, that's the place. If you want the occasional 'I like this', there you go. If you want actual feedback, there's mostly me with minimal poking and a few others if you bug them long enough.

I am not a charitable critic, but I like to think I'm a helpful one.
I'd rather have a helpful critic than a charitable one. Charity may boost my ego but it won't do much for my skill.
That's the kind of attitude I like to see. Useful feedback is so hard to come by.

Sorry, where are my manners? *sigh*

I am Wolf, and I wish you welcome to RPdom *bark*

And it looks live you've already found your guide if you're here for Exalted. All old Wolf can add, is that you should not hesitate to contact the Staff here if you have any queries that are not specific to any roleplay. It is doubtful if we'll cross paths here, given your preference of systems, but I wish you all the best ;)

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