Hypothetical Non-Hypothetical Roleplay Question


Lord Legendary
So, two people want the same part in one of my RPs. They both write well. One shows promise in their writing and comes off as very artistic. They took the basic idea of the RP and made it work for their character beautifully. Their grammar is exemplary.

The other has less-than-exemplary grammar. They didn't make the character quite as well. Under normal circumstances, I'd give the role to the former with no hesitation. However, in this case, I have to put both under consideration because the latter has such an obvious talent for writing they made everyone else who tried to reply look like a flaming sack of horse poopie.

So...Which one should I choose and why? This is so troublesome.
If at all possible, I'd create a new role, open a new spot, you'd be amazed at how much of an affect one writer can have on others. Otherwise I'd recommend the better writer to other people.
There's a limited amount of spots and they want the same thing. I took your advice; the exemplary-grammar girl now has the role and the amazing writer created his own, amazing role.
I will answer your question with a coupe of questions that may help you decide.

Which one will you have more fun working with? Remember the first rule is always Have Fun. This rule is for players and GMs alike.

Which one will make it easier for you to drive your story better? Put the grammar aside and judge based on which of the character stories both fit into what you are starting with and what you can use to build on/into as the story progresses. Look for chances for character development as well.

Last, take their style of writing (grammar, tone, and vocabulary) into account and see what meshes well with your own style as well as the styles of the other players for the game. It doesn't have to match with what you are doing, but you can at least tell what you are letting into the story. If you are going for a serious and dark style, you might want to eliminate the comic relief style to keep your tone. Alternately, you could decide to keep it in order to add the "keep hope alive" element to the game.
Whenever I have to make a choice between two writers, I just go with my gut and say it's nothing personal. If at all possible, I make another role for the other player, if I feel they have something to contribute.
Please keep Roleplay related questions in Roleplay Discussion. This thread has been moved.

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