Evera Awakening


Capsized Captain's Cap

As far as setting goes, it will be mostly based in a newly-formed nation in a fantasy world. There would be four fairly large and distinct provinces, but in the middle is a city that serves as the seat of the government. The government would be a council of officials chosen from the people of their lands.

The provinces would be separated by matters of both race and their different environments.


In the west are the Human lands. They are mostly plains with the occasional forest. The humans are

prone to racism to others who come into their lands. Their economy is made up of many farmers that once traded with the separated nations.

The smaller villages were used to being mostly self-sufficient, and handled feeding their people, repairing the village, and any other work that needed to be done before. The new government, in an attempt to bring friendlier relations to the others, have merged their farms and have pushed them to move from subsistence to commercial farming. This has angered old farm owners, and many Humans wish for a return to separated nations.

The towns were typically trade hubs, and much of the government's action within their lands has been beneficial to the people of the larger settlements. With the merging, other races have moved to some of the Humans' larger towns, but the villages remain almost entirely human.


To the eastern part are the elves. The land is very forested, and many Elven tribes seek to be "one with nature." In contrast, there are the ones from the larger settlements. Many of them see the tribes as uncivilized and refuse to take the tribal Elves seriously. The larger settlements have done a great deal of logging, much to the dismay of the tribes. Fights between Elves of cities and tribes have happened on and off throughout the years.

The Elves are slightly taller than humans, their average height being about 4 inches taller than the human average. They are also often skinnier than their human equivalents. They consider themselves the best race of the four, and many Elves believe they are disgracing their ancestors by dealing with the other races.


The southern part of the country is mostly desert and mountains. The land is inhospitable to be settled in most places, and other then the scattered Oasis Towns, the land is entirely empty of people. Underneath, however, are the sprawling tunnels of the Dwarves. Many Dwarves spend the entirety of their lives underground, either as miners, smelters, or craftspeople. They are a short and stocky people, their average height being only four and a half feet.

The Dwarves have made the weapons, tools, and assorted metal items for all the country for their entire lives. In return, they get goods they are unable to get beneath the ground. The uniting of the regions didn't phase the Dwarves, and they haven't required any push to trade with the other peoples of the country. In the decision on whether or not to united, the Dwarven representative is quoted saying, "If it isn't going to stop us from mining and smithing, then we're in."


To the north is a land of snow and ice. The only people who wanted to take the lands were the Amazons, an all-female race that averages at 7 feet in height. Most amazons value strength above anything else. They live lives up to three times as long as the other races, and are able to mate with a male from any of them. The Amazons trade in furs, hides, and any fish they manage to get from the icy waters.

The Amazons live mostly in small, nomadic groups. A few have settled down in some of the less harsh, southern areas. As one moves farther north, the average size of the Amazons seems to get larger and larger, and one explorer says he met an amazon nearly 11 feet tall. This is unheard of, as the very largest, tend not to be taller than 9 feet tall.


The central city is the seat of the country's government. Its size is over twice that of even the largest of other cities. Before becoming one nation, Eldoll was a city-state that typically took in trade from all of the regions, then sent it where it needed to go. Now it serves a similar purpose. The city is a mixing pot of all the races, which has caused harmony with some, and anti-race movements with others. A great deal of the city is wealthy, but doesn't overrun the stifling poverty in certain areas.
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