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Fantasy Hunting The Scourge: Character Sheets


Six Thousand Club
NOTICE: Please fill out at least a sentence in the bio. If you'd like to keep the bulk of the history of the character unrevealed, please specify!

Weapon: (Optional)
Extra: (optional)
Theme Song: (optional)

Main Thread: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/hunting-the-scourge-open.343187/
OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/hunting-the-scourge-ooc.343186/
Extra Info: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/hunting-the-scourge-extra-info.343904/

Name: Ruby
Age: 160 (Looks around 17)
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Ruby concept Art.jpg
Claws, Fangs, any vampire power in existence basically?
Personality: Ruby is very quiet and timid. She hates being the center of attention, which isn't great at her current position as a daughter of the king and queen. She prefers to be alone and doesn't like interacting with anyone. She usually stays up in her room, in the tallest tower and stares at the night sky until morning.
Bio: Ruby wasn't always the king and queen's daughter. The Royals couldn't bear a child, so instead during a hunt, they found a young girl and made her a vampire. They also used their thralling powers to erase most of her memory so she only remembers them. However a small amount of humanity was left in her, and it resulted in her feeling what humans feel. She now refuses to drink blood and because of this, she is one of the weakest vampires.
Extra: She has a lovely singing voice, but never uses it unless she's alone.
Theme Song:

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Kai Clarke

Name: Kai James Clarke
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Cisgender
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: 5'5'' 110lbs
Weapon: Bo-Staff and Pen Knife

Vices - Aggression, Callousness, Craziness, Impatience, Jealousy, Liar, Obsessive, Rashness, Recklessness, Stubbornness,
Virtues - Assertiveness, Courage, Creativity, Curiosity, Daring, Determination, Focus, Generosity, Intuition, Loyalty, Persistence, Reliable, Understanding, Valor.

Kai grew up an orphan in a underground human hideout used to protect children and weak adults. He was taken in at a young age by the head of the hideout Xander Clarke and was taught how to fight and take care of himself from a young age. One day a few years back, a messenger said that a bunch of rouge vamps found their underground facility and that they had to relocate the whole human population of a few hundred to another location. 50 men and women chose to stay behind though and fight for the facility and give the others a head start. One of those was Xander himself. He gave up leadership of the people to Kai and said that he ha to take care of them now. It has been years since his father's name has even been spoken. It's a tough subject and Kai misses him deeply. He now runs this group of underground humans known as the Ravens and said that he is the only one allowed up to the surface to collect supplies as the most adapted to the fighting life.
Extra: (there is a chance he could willingly turn into a vampire later on if he falls in love with one)
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Kai Clarke

Name: Kai James Clarke
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Cisgender
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: 5'5'' 110lbs
Weapon: Bo-Staff, Pistol and Pen Knife

Vices - Aggression, Callousness, Craziness, Impatience, Jealousy, Liar, Obsessive, Rashness, Recklessness, Stubbornness,
Virtues - Assertiveness, Courage, Creativity, Curiosity, Daring, Determination, Focus, Generosity, Intuition, Loyalty, Persistence, Reliable, Understanding, Valor.

Kai grew up an orphan in a underground human hideout used to protect children and weak adults. He was taken in at a young age by the head of the hideout Xander Clarke and was taught how to fight and take care of himself from a young age. One day a few years back, a messenger said that a bunch of rouge vamps found their underground facility and that they had to relocate the whole human population of a few hundred to another location. 50 men and women chose to stay behind though and fight for the facility and give the others a head start. One of those was Xander himself. He gave up leadership of the people to Kai and said that he ha to take care of them now. It has been years since his father's name has even been spoken. It's a tough subject and Kai misses him deeply. He now runs this group of underground humans known as the Ravens and said that he is the only one allowed up to the surface to collect supplies as the most adapted to the fighting life.
Extra: (there is a chance he could willingly turn into a vampire later on if he falls in love with one)

Marcellus Mossmire
The Thief


Age: 19

Gender: Cisgender male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Light brown, straight hair. Almond-shaped, amber (orange-brown) eyes that are tilted slightly upward with thin, light brows and unusually long eyelashes. A delicate nose that is subtly upturned, which is likely his most perfectly-sculpted feature and contributes to a facade that is overall softer and more feminine than that of most males. Prominent dimples in his cheeks which make him look younger than his true age. Tan skin, thin lips, a slender, athletic physique. He stands at 6'1" and would be considered, all-in-all, a handsome young man, but in that pretty-boy sort of way that wouldn't earn him the spot of a rugged-looking hero on the cover of a swashbuckling romance novel. Ordinarily, one would never spot Marcellus in heavy armor; rather, he trades maximum protection from bloodsuckers with his favorite brown-leather armor, a lighter form of dress that allows him the mobility to perform sneak attacks and travel in and out of the many back alleys of the vampire-ridden world. Always seen with a small, golden hoop earring in each slightly-pointed ear - illustrating his father's elvish heritage - and wearing his family ring on his non-dominant right hand: a golden band with an upsidown-triangular emerald set in the center.

The regular bow and arrow - with silver-tipped arrows, of course - is his best weapon: he was introduced to the skill at a young age by his archery-savvy mother, and his undying interest in the weapon gave impetus to his continued exploration of the skill long after his mother passed. When combat, much to his dismay, is confined to closer quarters, however, Marcellus prefers a typical silver sword, yet his proficiency in the weapon lacks compared to his striking talent with a bow.

Marcellus is not Mr. Congeniality — at least, not upon introduction, of course. Guarded and withdrawn from those around him, Marcellus has a general disdain for social interaction due to his ingrained opinion that most people are self-involved idiots who don't understand nor want to understand his pain. Quick to mentally judge those who complain about their problems, as no one's struggles could possibly compare to his, Marcellus could be viewed as a textbook hypocrite: a guy who condemns others' grievances over a comparatively 'easy' life, yet complains incessantly about his own troubles in the process. Because of this, he is often seen as whiny, bratty, sulky, surly, and any other word that ends with a 'y' to describe someone who prefers to remain miserable in a bad situation. When faced with a person he dislikes, one of many on a long list, Marcellus either ends the conversation quickly, if possible, or makes his contempt with the discussion known by behaving in a brusque, impatient manner that either hurts innocent feelings or aids in getting his ass kicked. Being more of a recluse, however, Marcellus is not the type to actively seek confrontation, and he often prefers to express his disdain slyly, with snide remarks or clever comebacks before making a speedy escape if the interaction goes in a more unfavorable direction (read: he's about to get his ass whooped). A quick talking liar who prefers to use his mouth to avoid trouble over his fists, Marcellus has a knack for wildfire wit and logical decision making. Additionally, he has the ability to be an excellent leader when he applies himself, even if that is something rarely done by a smart-mouth thief who prefers the consumption of narcotics to fighting for justice, and he is often silly and caring around his short list of friends. When not in one of his 'moods', Marcellus is willing to advise, look after, and defend his loved ones at all costs, with a special affinity for kids who resemble the younger sibling he never had yet always wanted, and, with the tendency to fall in love quickly, passionately, and desperately, nothing can break his commitment to the girl that he loves. Although his speech has the tendency of being crude and slang-ridden, Marcellus is, at times, rather poetic and sincere, with emotions that are deeply felt and a conscious that is always present, even when he chooses to ignore his moral code and do the wrong thing.

The first eleven years of Marcellus's life were spent in a stable, happy home life - or, as stable and happy a home life could be in a world ravaged by a vampiric nightmare. His mother, Caia - beautiful, genius, and with an unshakable 'save-the-world' attitude - was an alchemist and proficient warrior in search of a cure for vampirism, which claimed the life of her dear sister prior to Marcellus's birth, and his father, Eldras, who, prior to meeting Caia, spent his days getting high off of illegal potion narcotics in an anti-vampire bunker, was a recovering addict who served as his wife's apprentice in her lofty alchemical endeavors. Despite the horrors of the world outside, Marcellus's parents, particularly his mother, succeeded in their efforts to carve a relatively happy and sheltered life for Marcellus in the confines of an underground forest hideout, allowing Marcellus to develop into a wickedly clever, sweet, and daring child, a perfect combination of his mother and father, with big dreams of continuing his mother's noble quest to make the world a better place using the wonders of alchemy.
Naturally, however, as life has the tendency of turning happiness on its head, when Marcellus turned eleven, Caia was killed by vampires after venturing into a coven-lair in search of a specimen for her work, catapulting Eldras headlong into a deep depression and back into his old, drug addicted ways. Because of the painful, sudden death of his mother, Marcellus's view that the world is unfair to those that do good, as well as his blood-boiling hatred for vampires, emerged: Caia selflessly dedicated herself to eradicating a disease that claimed the lives of thousands, yet she ultimately perished before seeing her biggest dream through. As he was forced to live with a depressed, absent father who was soon emotionally incapable of scrounging supplies for his starving family, Marcellus had to extrapolate upon his mother's lessons in combat and venture into the vampire-striken world on his own, thieving just enough supplies each and every week to keep himself and his father alive, even resorting to selling hand-crafted potions and his father's illegal drugs to survivors in the hope of gaining enough coin to buy provisions from underground sales-rings.
Eventually, when he turned fourteen, Marcellus's thieving ways caught the eyes of a clandestine guild of thieves, who survived the vampire-apocalypse by leaning on one another and stealing resources from fellow survivors, and they welcomed him into their fold after he abandoned his atrophy-striken father, whose drug-dependency had made him unrecognizable from his formerly silly and loving persona and nothing but a hindrance in Marcellus's endless struggle to survive. Learning from the best in the art of sneaking, lockpicking, and telling only half-truths, Marcellus developed into a shrewd, discerning thief who spent four long years exploiting the less fortunate so that he and his new family - a band of plundering ne'er-do-wells whose immoral ways made them almost indistinguishable from the vampires themselves - could thrive. However, Marcellus's relationship with his guild began to strain when he caught wind of his father's suicide, and his own 'casual' drug use escalated into a full, painful addiction. Even worse, after eventually falling in love with a member of his clique — passionately and wholeheartedly, of course, as that is in Marcellus's nature — he entered into a toxic romantic relationship that led in an inevitable, heartwrenching end of both his relationship with his love interest and his closeness with the other members of the gang.
Because of this, Marcellus is now, at age nineteen, entirely alone, with no friends, dedicated family, or girly-girls to speak of - and that is just the way he pretends to like it. No longer affiliated with the thieves' faction but not immune to their same brand of immorality, he has spent the past year traveling from province to province, scrounging whatever little supplies he can find and carving shelters out of the most unlikely places. While many in his shoes hope to finally be united with a like-minded band of survivors, Marcellus does his best to avoid forming a meaningful connection with whatever little society still exists in favor of a solitary existence of wallowing in his own misery and pining over the true purpose of staying alive.


Marcellus Mossmire
The Thief


Age: 19

Gender: Cisgender male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Light brown, straight hair. Almond-shaped, amber (orange-brown) eyes that are tilted slightly upward with thin, light brows and unusually long eyelashes. A delicate nose that is subtly upturned, which is likely his most perfectly-sculpted feature and contributes to a facade that is overall softer and more feminine than that of most males. Prominent dimples in his cheeks which make him look younger than his true age. Tan skin, thin lips, a slender, athletic physique. He stands at 6'1" and would be considered, all-in-all, a handsome young man, but in that pretty-boy sort of way that wouldn't earn him the spot of a rugged-looking hero on the cover of a swashbuckling romance novel. Ordinarily, one would never spot Marcellus in heavy armor; rather, he trades maximum protection from bloodsuckers with his favorite brown-leather armor, a lighter form of dress that allows him the mobility to perform sneak attacks and travel in and out of the many back alleys of the vampire-ridden world. Always seen with a small, golden hoop earring in each slightly-pointed ear - illustrating his father's elvish heritage - and wearing his family ring on his non-dominant right hand: a golden band with an upsidown-triangular emerald set in the center.

The regular bow and arrow - with silver-tipped arrows, of course - is his best weapon: he was introduced to the skill at a young age by his archery-savvy mother, and his undying interest in the weapon gave impetus to his continued exploration of the skill long after his mother passed. When combat, much to his dismay, is confined to closer quarters, however, Marcellus prefers a typical silver sword, yet his proficiency in the weapon lacks compared to his striking talent with a bow.

Marcellus is not Mr. Congeniality — at least, not upon introduction, of course. Guarded and withdrawn from those around him, Marcellus has a general disdain for social interaction due to his ingrained opinion that most people are self-involved idiots who don't understand nor want to understand his pain. Quick to mentally judge those who complain about their problems, as no one's struggles could possibly compare to his, Marcellus could be viewed as a textbook hypocrite: a guy who condemns others' grievances over a comparatively 'easy' life, yet complains incessantly about his own troubles in the process. Because of this, he is often seen as whiny, bratty, sulky, surly, and any other word that ends with a 'y' to describe someone who prefers to remain miserable in a bad situation. When faced with a person he dislikes, one of many on a long list, Marcellus either ends the conversation quickly, if possible, or makes his contempt with the discussion known by behaving in a brusque, impatient manner that either hurts innocent feelings or aids in getting his ass kicked. Being more of a recluse, however, Marcellus is not the type to actively seek confrontation, and he often prefers to express his disdain slyly, with snide remarks or clever comebacks before making a speedy escape if the interaction goes in a more unfavorable direction (read: he's about to get his ass whooped). A quick talking liar who prefers to use his mouth to avoid trouble over his fists, Marcellus has a knack for wildfire wit and logical decision making. Additionally, he has the ability to be an excellent leader when he applies himself, even if that is something rarely done by a smart-mouth thief who prefers the consumption of narcotics to fighting for justice, and he is often silly and caring around his short list of friends. When not in one of his 'moods', Marcellus is willing to advise, look after, and defend his loved ones at all costs, with a special affinity for kids who resemble the younger sibling he never had yet always wanted, and, with the tendency to fall in love quickly, passionately, and desperately, nothing can break his commitment to the girl that he loves. Although his speech has the tendency of being crude and slang-ridden, Marcellus is, at times, rather poetic and sincere, with emotions that are deeply felt and a conscious that is always present, even when he chooses to ignore his moral code and do the wrong thing.

The first eleven years of Marcellus's life were spent in a stable, happy home life - or, as stable and happy a home life could be in a world ravaged by a vampiric nightmare. His mother, Caia - beautiful, genius, and with an unshakable 'save-the-world' attitude - was an alchemist and proficient warrior in search of a cure for vampirism, which claimed the life of her dear sister prior to Marcellus's birth, and his father, Eldras, who, prior to meeting Caia, spent his days getting high off of illegal potion narcotics in an anti-vampire bunker, was a recovering addict who served as his wife's apprentice in her lofty alchemical endeavors. Despite the horrors of the world outside, Marcellus's parents, particularly his mother, succeeded in their efforts to carve a relatively happy and sheltered life for Marcellus in the confines of an underground forest hideout, allowing Marcellus to develop into a wickedly clever, sweet, and daring child, a perfect combination of his mother and father, with big dreams of continuing his mother's noble quest to make the world a better place using the wonders of alchemy.
Naturally, however, as life has the tendency of turning happiness on its head, when Marcellus turned eleven, Caia was killed by vampires after venturing into a coven-lair in search of a specimen for her work, catapulting Eldras headlong into a deep depression and back into his old, drug addicted ways. Because of the painful, sudden death of his mother, Marcellus's view that the world is unfair to those that do good, as well as his blood-boiling hatred for vampires, emerged: Caia selflessly dedicated herself to eradicating a disease that claimed the lives of thousands, yet she ultimately perished before seeing her biggest dream through. As he was forced to live with a depressed, absent father who was soon emotionally incapable of scrounging supplies for his starving family, Marcellus had to extrapolate upon his mother's lessons in combat and venture into the vampire-striken world on his own, thieving just enough supplies each and every week to keep himself and his father alive, even resorting to selling hand-crafted potions and his father's illegal drugs to survivors in the hope of gaining enough coin to buy provisions from underground sales-rings.
Eventually, when he turned fourteen, Marcellus's thieving ways caught the eyes of a clandestine guild of thieves, who survived the vampire-apocalypse by leaning on one another and stealing resources from fellow survivors, and they welcomed him into their fold after he abandoned his atrophy-striken father, whose drug-dependency had made him unrecognizable from his formerly silly and loving persona and nothing but a hindrance in Marcellus's endless struggle to survive. Learning from the best in the art of sneaking, lockpicking, and telling only half-truths, Marcellus developed into a shrewd, discerning thief who spent four long years exploiting the less fortunate so that he and his new family - a band of plundering ne'er-do-wells whose immoral ways made them almost indistinguishable from the vampires themselves - could thrive. However, Marcellus's relationship with his guild began to strain when he caught wind of his father's suicide, and his own 'casual' drug use escalated into a full, painful addiction. Even worse, after eventually falling in love with a member of his clique — passionately and wholeheartedly, of course, as that is in Marcellus's nature — he entered into a toxic romantic relationship that led in an inevitable, heartwrenching end of both his relationship with his love interest and his closeness with the other members of the gang.
Because of this, Marcellus is now, at age nineteen, entirely alone, with no friends, dedicated family, or girly-girls to speak of - and that is just the way he pretends to like it. No longer affiliated with the thieves' faction but not immune to their same brand of immorality, he has spent the past year traveling from province to province, scrounging whatever little supplies he can find and carving shelters out of the most unlikely places. While many in his shoes hope to finally be united with a like-minded band of survivors, Marcellus does his best to avoid forming a meaningful connection with whatever little society still exists in favor of a solitary existence of wallowing in his own misery and pining over the true purpose of staying alive.

Accepted! I love the thought put into his character!
Ailish Vander

Name: Ailish Vander or 'Ishie'
Gender: Female
Weapon: Bow and arrow and a small hunting knife
Personality: Contrary to her appearance Ailish is very shy, Guarded and blunt as an axe when you first meet her. She wouldn't win first prize in being nice or friendly to a stranger, if someone were to lose something she may ignore it unless she knows the person. Even when you get to know her she is quiet, mostly keeping to herself and is always slightly grim in her emotions. Ishie has remarked many times that she hasn't really ever been happy due to many things. After a long time she may smile for a few seconds at you or maybe laugh otherwise she is always blank faced.

Ailish is the youngest of 4 kids, all being boys but herself she had to fight for everything she got. Raised by a drunk mother and a always supportive farther, She had always been kind of a grim child often described as 'Disturbed' or 'demented' by others her age and adults alike. Ishie had never really smiled or laughed around many people, Her mother eventually left taking 2 of her brothers and the house from her father, brother and herself. Living in a small apartment complex she ha to learn to do many things for herslef as her father and brother worked and balanced something else like school. As time wore on Ishie had got a part time job at 14 years old to keep up with the rent and other household things, she is reluctant to tell much more about herself.
Theme Song: Dont threaten me with a good time- Panic at the disco.
Ailish Vander

Name: Ailish Vander or 'Ishie'
Gender: Female
View attachment 325395
Weapon: Bow and arrow and a small hunting knife
Personality: Contrary to her appearance Ailish is very shy, Guarded and blunt as an axe when you first meet her. She wouldn't win first prize in being nice or friendly to a stranger, if someone were to lose something she may ignore it unless she knows the person. Even when you get to know her she is quiet, mostly keeping to herself and is always slightly grim in her emotions. Ishie has remarked many times that she hasn't really ever been happy due to many things. After a long time she may smile for a few seconds at you or maybe laugh otherwise she is always blank faced.

Ailish is the youngest of 4 kids, all being boys but herself she had to fight for everything she got. Raised by a drunk mother and a always supportive farther, She had always been kind of a grim child often described as 'Disturbed' or 'demented' by others her age and adults alike. Ishie had never really smiled or laughed around many people, Her mother eventually left taking 2 of her brothers and the house from her father, brother and herself. Living in a small apartment complex she ha to learn to do many things for herslef as her father and brother worked and balanced something else like school. As time wore on Ishie had got a part time job at 14 years old to keep up with the rent and other household things, she is reluctant to tell much more about herself.
Theme Song: Dont threaten me with a good time- Panic at the disco.

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