cause & effect , parallel
Welcome to Crexir Park
Please step up to the registration desk.
In year 2020, scientists made a big step in genetic technology - successfully bringing dinosaurs back from the dead. While not much else has happened in the world of science, news erupted around the world about this new achievement. Many people wanted 'dino-zoos' and such, one rich male bought the technology and introduced an extremely dangerous new sport - dinosaur hunting. As of now, there is only one park; known as Crexir Park, it is located in Mid-Southern Africa, taking up the whole of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It may seem like overkill, and it really was. Millions were displaced and there was possible extinction of several species, but nobody was all that worried seeing as hell, they'd just brought back the dinosaurs. What was stopping them from bringing back everything else?
Due to the expenses of running such a park, membership is reserved only for those who are rich enough to pay or those gutsy enough to sneak in. There's no getting through the other walls - they're seventy feet tall and made of a concrete-metal mix, in addition to being laced with electric fencing. The only way in is through the front building, which is heavily guarded by guards and military personnel alike, armed with weapons designed to take out escapee dinosaurs as well as trespassers. Silent helicopters fly around, dropping supplies for the hunters, providing rescue and transportation, and also pick up trophy pieces.
The parks founder, David Thelly, is an avid hunter himself. Perhaps you may see him around in your adventures, an impressive hunter he is indeed. However, just how reliable is the park? The sign up form does make you sign a waver, but they promise to keep you as safe as they can.
Happy hunting!
I am looking for roleplayers who have a realistic sense and a will to play a character that may or may not die. While this is a fun little roleplay for hunting dinosaurs, I will be creating a GROUP PM, which will only be used to discuss a future plot. It will be a rather complicated system and will have a lot of information, but it won't be hard to Role-Play. I will be looking for posts at least 1-2 paragraphs with proper spelling and grammar - but first, I need some interest!
I do plan to eventually open three different 'regions' - the one in Africa is already up. However, I would also like to apply a colder region one - perhaps in Russia or similar areas -, and a tropical climate park that would more likely than not be held in South America. If that is not an interest of the Role-Players, then I will not create the extra parks.
Please step up to the registration desk.

Due to the expenses of running such a park, membership is reserved only for those who are rich enough to pay or those gutsy enough to sneak in. There's no getting through the other walls - they're seventy feet tall and made of a concrete-metal mix, in addition to being laced with electric fencing. The only way in is through the front building, which is heavily guarded by guards and military personnel alike, armed with weapons designed to take out escapee dinosaurs as well as trespassers. Silent helicopters fly around, dropping supplies for the hunters, providing rescue and transportation, and also pick up trophy pieces.
The parks founder, David Thelly, is an avid hunter himself. Perhaps you may see him around in your adventures, an impressive hunter he is indeed. However, just how reliable is the park? The sign up form does make you sign a waver, but they promise to keep you as safe as they can.
Happy hunting!
I am looking for roleplayers who have a realistic sense and a will to play a character that may or may not die. While this is a fun little roleplay for hunting dinosaurs, I will be creating a GROUP PM, which will only be used to discuss a future plot. It will be a rather complicated system and will have a lot of information, but it won't be hard to Role-Play. I will be looking for posts at least 1-2 paragraphs with proper spelling and grammar - but first, I need some interest!
I do plan to eventually open three different 'regions' - the one in Africa is already up. However, I would also like to apply a colder region one - perhaps in Russia or similar areas -, and a tropical climate park that would more likely than not be held in South America. If that is not an interest of the Role-Players, then I will not create the extra parks.
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