Hunting the monster [ErwinSmith___Vein]


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Hal leaned his head back, looking up at the mansion from where he was standing. This place looked abandoned, the windows empty and the yard full with weed and overgrown grass. The gate itself was rusty and he had actually had to jump over it, giving up trying to get the old thing to move. All in all, the place had a Gothic look, it might have been an impressive sight once upon a time but now, it was just a memory of a fallen era. Not that he cared too much, he wasn't here to be impressed by the architecture, he was here to bring a monster down.

The young male pulled the bag off his shoulder and knelt down, opening it up and looked at the weapon inside. It was a special machine gun that was loaded with bullets made specifically to take down these monsters. He had already put it together and now checked it over one more time before throwing the stripe over his shoulder, feeling the familiar weight. It was a little lighter than a normal machine gun, perhaps it had a more specific name but he couldn't remember it and didn't care. In his head, it was a machine gun, that was all he really needed to know.

Hal stepped over to the door and checked the handle. It was open. Never a good sign. He pushed the door all the way into it's open position and stepped inside, the floor creaking under his feet. It was dark and smelled of a strange scent, he wasn't sure if it was just the wood rotting or if he was picking up an even worse scent. The male continued deeper into the mansion, his ears and eyes open, searching for his prey.
Sylus had been watching Hal from afar, aware of what the somewhat older looking man was here to do. But not fearing it. He had been faced with hunters before and he'd expected it again, just not so soon, He wasn't properly prepared and that bothered him. But as he felt the presence of this human intruder, he shuddered and bit his lip. There was something about the scent of his blood, something inviting. So being the inquisitive young man that he was, he followed the scent trail.

He climbed many a staircase as he had been hidden in his basement when the stranger arrived. He followed winding pathways and corridors until he finally reached his kitchen, the scent increasing, so sweet, so rich. He knew he wanted this, this would be his best meal in months, for this blood had never been tampered with, it was pure.

Before too much time had passed, the vampire found himself face to face with an eager looking man, armed and ready to kill.

"well, I was rather hoping we could get to know one another before we resort to using weaponry." he said softly, outstretching a hand to shake Hal's like they were two esteemed gentlemen.
The air here was heavy, after a while, he felt like his head was getting… Heavier. Not that that was psychically impossible without some kind of transplantation or alike, it was the feeling that made him shake his head from side to side, trying to keep his mind clear. Was he walking into a trap? No… There seemed to be nothing strange with the air, it must be the feeling of the house itself. Hal stopped for a few seconds, readjusting the strap over his shoulder and the grip on his weapon before continuing deeper into the mansion. It almost seemed… Unreal, how could it be so big? He turned his head to glance back towards the door, he couldn’t see it, couldn’t even smell the fresh air from outside of the monster’s lair.

He continued to move deeper into the house still, feeling like he was walking into a trap. Still, he had his weapon; anyone coming to mess with him would also meet his gun. Then suddenly, the air changed, became heavier… Something was coming… Something strong. He jumped when suddenly, a man was standing in front of him, he had not been there a few seconds ago and there was no way be could have appeared like that unless he was… His prey.

Hal raised an eyebrow as the monster reached out a hand towards him, parting his lips to speak about… Okay what? He was speaking to him like he wasn’t an intruder that had just entered his house to kill him… What kind of game was he playing? Whatever it was, two could play it. The human looked over the other male, giving him an almost sweet smile before moving his arm up, aiming the gun’s opening at the man’s forehead and pulled the trigger without another word. He hoped that he had managed to catch him off guard but surely, it couldn’t be that easily…
Sylus fell to the ground with a light thud.

"how rude." he muttered, picking himself back up and dusting his tailcoat off, he sighed, staring into the other's eyes. So. He wamted to play games, hm? well, if there was ever a man for games, it was Sylus.

Raising his hand again, he wrapped it around Hal's wait, as if to embrace him. But instead he pulled the hunter's neck close to his lips and licked and kissed it gently, pinning his newfound prey up against a nearby wall. The vampire was persistent in kissing at the other's neck, his arms wrapped firmly around his waist.

"now, I am going to bite you, it should only feel like a pinprick. If you are the hunter you appear to be, you wouldn't make a sound." he said seductively, running a forked tongue across the tender skin of Hal's neck. sinking his newly sharpened fangs into the throbbing vein.
He watched as the other male fell back into the ground, feeling rather satisfied as the body hit the floor. That hadn’t been so hard… The guy surely barked louder than he bi… Hal flinched back as the other male suddenly spoke up; moving to stand as if the shot hadn’t hurt him at all. How… That bullet had been designed to kill the likes of him! He wiped the weapon up again and moved to press the trigger but the other male was faster. No, he shouldn’t be called male. A monster, that was what he was… IT was.

Suddenly, the other was standing right next to him, the hunter could feel a cold arm wrap around him, it was like being hugged by a snake, intent on breaking his bones. “H-Hey… The fu-!” He tried to push the monster away, not being able to pull the trigger like this. He felt the male’s lips against his neck, freezing completely for a few seconds, his mind disconnecting as he couldn’t believe what this guy was doing.

A soft voice spoke in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He tried to push him away but the bastard was strong and Hal wasn’t able to make him move before the vampire had sunken his teeth into his throat. For a few seconds… He couldn’t think. This was how his mother had died, he had failed… His breath hitched and his eyes widened, feeling the warm blood being sucked away from him. Then, he was startled awake, raising the gun and moved it to press against the male’s side. “Get off…” He hissed, his finger tightening around the trigger.
he sucked until he was content, pulling away and dabbing at his bloody mouth with his sleeve.

"your blood is indeed, very satisfactory." he said with a small smirk, pulling away and wrestling the gun from Hal's hand.

"I don't think that you will be needing this anymore." he stated, snapping the weapon in half, right in front of the man's face.

"so, now that is out of the way, I believe you have come to discuss the death of your dear mother. would I be correct?" he asked, his amber eyes shining in the dimness of the hallway.

"ask away, for I am somewhat of an open book." the monster said with a grin, baring his bloodstained fangs that had been buried in Hal's neck just seconds before.
The creature didn’t react to his words, nor him trying to push and threaten him, in the end, the hunter felt his head turning light, so very… Light… He tried to keep his thoughts, desperately clung to them and tried to remain calm but… As more and more blood disappeared down the hungry beast’s throat, he was becoming weaker. When the other finally pulled away, his head was spinning and he was a little limp. If it hadn’t been for the wall and the freak’s grip, he probably would have sunken down to his knees by now.

He felt the monster grabbing his gun and tried to hold on to it but his thoughts were dim and his body weak, making him unable to hold on to it. Hal flinched when the gun snapped, looking at the man as he continued to speak. What… Was he saying? Was he the one responsible for…? The hunter hissed, baring his teeth at the other but was unable to do much more.

“…Get… Away from me…” He muttered and tried to weakly shove the other away again. “Damn… freak…”
He smiled.

"my dear boy... consider this: is it me who is the so called freak? or is it you, and people of your kind. like your poor old mother?" he asked, gently running a finger over the wound on Hal's neck, watching it close up and heal.

"I am merely trying to survive." he hissed, his grip suddenly tightening on the man's neck.

"why cut off all contact with such a lovely father, just to revive justice for a coward of a mother... Hm?" he antagonised, letting him go gently and swooping him up in his arms, steadying the man as he understood that it would be hard for him to stand, after the previous extraction of blood from his body,

"explain. for I do not understand."
His head was spinning still, he couldn’t see the other male’s face clearly, it was dimmed, floating before his eyes, dancing around… Mocking him. Why the heck couldn’t he kill him? The first shot had hit him… It had hit, why was he unharmed? The human hissed again, blocking out what it was the other male was saying. A terrible suspicion moved in his head as the other touched his neck, the skin reacting to the man’s touch. Why… Was it healing? No… That monster hadn’t made him one of them had he? No, he still felt human.

The grip switched and now, he couldn’t really breathe again and batted away the other male’s hand, almost falling before the other swept him up. He looked up at him, his own eyes dark with hatred. “Why should… I explain anything to a freak that doesn’t… Even understand… Even if I told…” Damn… The world was… Disappearing. He couldn’t… Fall asleep… His eyes closed, his body now becoming completely limp in the freak’s arms.
Sylus carried the male up the stairs, laying him down in a soft bed and placing the duvet covers over him. he gazed over Hal for a few seconds before running him a glass of water and leaving it on the bedside cabinet. Kissing the other man's lips gently before exiting the room swiftly, retreating to his own bedroom and sinking down into his own coffin, hissing as he did so.

"what an interesting night it has been.." be mused to himself as he closed his golden eyes.

/timeskip to when Hal wakes up?/
The human slowly opened his eyes, looking around with an unfocused look in them. He still felt dizzy but it was a lot better than yesterday. His grey eyes moved around, looking over the room he was in. It was rather big and unlike the corridor he had been walking though the day before, it was easier to breathe in here and it didn’t seem as… Old. He closed his eyes for a second again, moving his hand up to feel over his forehead, trying to recall exactly what had happened the day before.

Wait… He was… He was alive? How could he still be alive? He thought for sure that the freak of a male had been planning on killing him but instead… He was placed in a soft bed, even tucked in it seemed. What the heck was wrong with this guy? First he drank his blood and then he tucked him in…? Weirdo.

Hal’s eyes moved around again and he found a glass of water which he looked at with suspicion before his throat won over his dislike. He picked it up and out it to his lips, drinking a little and then sat up better. He pulled his shirt away from his neck, checking for the wound from yesterday or any new ones. Nope, nothing…
Sylus suddenly appeared at his door, wings sprouted and clad in black leather from his early morning hunt.

"did you sleep well?" he asked, casting his glowing eyes toward the glass on the table. empty, good.

He began to unzip the tightly fitting leather top, exposing not a toned body, but a pale chest. Sylus appeared to be merely skin and bone. Once he had taken off the top, a soft sigh escaped him.

"haah... that's so much better. I do like leather but I must admit, it constricts my movement substantially." he said. as if trying to make smalltalk with the sleepy male in the bed beside him.
Hal flinched with surprised as the other male’s voice reached his ears. He hadn’t realized that the door was open, nor had he realized that the other male was there. He wasn’t easy to hear, actually, he was more or less completely silent, like the hunter he was. The human male moved his head towards the vampire, about to tell him something rude but then… That bastard suddenly decided it was a good idea to take of his clothes (aka, actually just opening up his top.)

Hal stared, feeling his heart move in a traitorous way in his chest. Before he had the chance to get himself together, his cheeks turned a bit red and he reached out for the glass that had been filled with water a little earlier, swiftly throwing it at the monster’s body. “Get out of here, damned perv! I don’t wanna see your stupid chest… What the heck are you trying to do? Keeping me here?” He was fuming with irritation now, his face still heating with embarrassment and a little from anger.
Sylus blinked a few times, he didn't quite know what to say, nobody ever defied him. But this man... He was something different, he wasn't afraid of Sylus at all. And quite frankly... it was quite nice... it was a nice feeling that somebody wasn't afraid. Even if they were a little rude.

considering this, the vampire silently removed the shattered shards of glass from his chest and dropped them to the floor with a heavy sigh.

this was going to be a hard one to keep.
Welp, it seemed like screaming at this guy wasn’t going to go all that well, It seemed more like he shut off when Hal did that. Oh well… at least that saved him from hearing that annoying guy’s voice… He was a pain when talking but the silence was just a little… Creepier. As if the beast could see though him or was thinking about something that would end with Hal getting into trouble. The human male snorted and checked that he was still wearing all his clothes before getting up from the bed and moved away towards the door. He gave the vampire a glare, as if telling him to stay away as he reached out for the handle.

He didn’t really think that he would be allowed to leave so easily but since the vampire seemed to have eaten recently, he probably wasn’t going to bite him again. The thought of it made shivers move down his spine. Unlike what the vampire thought, Hal was afraid of him, he had seen too many vampires to not know to fear them. Still, that didn’t mean he was going to just lay down and give up, doing as that bastard wanted.
The vampire smirked, his eyelashes fluttering slightly.

"is there anything you would like to eat?" he asked softly, having replaced his tight black top with a loosely fitting white blouse.

His features looked somewhat softened now, his skin a little less pale than before and his eyes a welcoming sky blue. He appeared a very striking man, in both forms really. Sylus hadn't reverted to his human form in a while. But it helped him to think, and that is what he needed to do right now. There was something about his new guest that relaxed him, too.
He was just about to open the door and stomp down the stairs when the other male spoke up, making him feel irritated again. He was just about to turn around and tell him to go burn to death somewhere but he halted with his mouth half way open, the first syllabi of his insult already on his tongue but then he just… Stopped.

The vampire looked different now, he was in his human form, it seemed and the air around him had changed. He still seemed a little dangerous but in a more attractive way, his eyes were deep and they almost seemed to suck the human back towards him, making him remove his hand from the door’s handle and then turn towards the male. No, not male, monster… He was a monster.

Hal tried to move away again but he had made the mistake of looking into the other’s eyes and now he had a hard time pulling away from them. His body moved on his own, taking a step back towards the other but then, he snapped out of it, looking away with a low growl of his own. “…What do you want? Why am I still alive?”
"you are still alive because I didn't extract enough blood from your system to kill you. and I would like to know why you attempted and failed to murder me on two separate occasions." he said stoutly.

the man continued to rummage around his kitchen for a couple of seconds, before locking eyes with Hal and staring into them. he found himself unable to pull away from the other Man's gaze... seeing something in his eyes, something that he couldn't explain. But it was definitely there.
The Vampire hunter grunted, moving his hand up and rubbed his temples before just sighing deeply, moving to sit down on the chair next to the table, more or less giving up about understanding the stupid beast in front of him. Still... It did feel a little better then the other was in his human form, he liked that more than he did with the beast. No, wait, he didn't like him at all, that guy was a horrible one, pushing him up against the wall like that and deciding that it was acceptable of him to not only bite his neck but... Kiss it as well. Now when he thought about it, the guy had been strangely gentle when it came to the kisses... Did he do that to all of his victims? The human had no idea and he wasn't even sure that he wanted to know. He grunted and moved to rest his arms on the table, glaring at the back of the vampire's head as he made breakfast or whatever it was he was doing.

Then, the other turned and the two of them locked eyes, starting at each other until Hal realized that his face was becoming warm again, causing him to look away grumpily. "That's not what I meant, stupid... I want to know why you even spared me in the first place. Saving me for dinner or what? I'm no going to answer any questions of yours before you answer mine." He added the last in a low mutter, glaring at the other again.
He smiled, turning to face the other.

"I see what you mean now. The reason I have kept you alive is because there is something about you. you're not afraid of me... There is something about you that I have not figured out yet. I am keeping you here because I intend to find out what this 'thing' is." he said, passing his guest a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, sighing lightly as he got lost in Hal's eyes again.
He slowly raised a skeptical eyebrow at the other's words, turning to look at the things that was being given to him. Coffee and cereal... What a gentleman. The boy snorted and grabbed the cup's ear, pulling it to himself before lifting it to his lips and drank a big part of it all at once. It was warm but it felt good and somewhat calmed his nerves. Was the vampire interested in him? Or was that just something he said to try and make him some kind of pet? It it was, Hal wasn't going t forgive him anytime soon. He didn't buy the 'something special' thing, the other was most likely trying to use him.

He continued to drink the coffee, swallowing it down with an irritated look on his face. Soon enough, the cup was empty and he still didn't feel all that satisfied so he looked up at the other male once more, finding him staring. "...What is it?" He muttered, pushing the cup towards the other male. "Stop staring already... It's creepy." In all honesty, it wasn't all that creepy as much as it was embarrassing.
"nothing, its nothing." he muttered, turning away from the other man.

"you don't find it creepy at all, you're just embarrassed." he said with a soft chuckle as he refilled the mug with more coffee, gently passing it over to him again.

The taller man sat down next to his guest, his eyes still a light blue and his skin still taking on a more human tone. A small smile crept across his cheeks as he ran a nail along the table, blinking a few times.

"now, you can answer my questions."
"... You're... Like... Old..." He muttered lowly, only a few words being actually audible from his mumbling. If it wasn't clear that he was nervous before, it was clearly shown with the way he acted now, looking down at the ground and played around with the cereals in silence now. He didn't really reply before he got the second cup of coffee, then he glanced up at the other and pulled a hand though his own hair.

"So you mean that killing my mother, killing other people that did nothing wrong... That's something you think you should get away with?" He glared at him again, looking very much like he wanted to punch the vampire but instead forced himself to remain calm and keep on drinking the coffee. "I hate your type... What the fuck gave you the right to... To touch me like that?" His face became red again, thinking back to the way the other had kissed his neck before.
He sighed.

"I was only doing that to find a vein, stupid. that doesn't mean a thing." he hissed, scrunching his fists up as his eyes changed back to amber. he pulled at a loose thread on his shirt and growled slightly.

"my uncle brought me up. he said that if I made the people feel good before I bit them... they wouldn't be so mad about it. he taught me everything. and sometimes, with the ladies, his tactics seem to work. I misjudged you to be the sort of man that would submit to me easily, I was very wrong about such things and I apologise profusely for that."
...So he had been right after all, it really didn't mean a thing to this psycho. The boy grunted and crossed his arms over his chest, wondering why he didn't feel more relieved. Seeing as the other had just done it to try and manipulate him, he should be proud that he didn't fell for it. He snorted at the last comment, leaning back to cross his arms over his chest. "Do you think a Hunter would give in to a vampire just because he kissed him?"

Now he stood up, raging having taken over as he was glaring down at the male. "Would you feel like giving yourself over to me just because I kissed those stupid lips of yours?" His hand moved out, grabbing the other's collar and tugged him up to his feet, staring right into his eyes. He was too angry to realize that the other had actually just apologized, the human being just seconds away from punching the vampire's stupid face right there and then.

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