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Huntex (Closed)

TJ woke up early before school to ride Gyspy. She snuck out to the barn and bridled Gypsy before mounting bareback and ridding in the sunrise.
Tapadero said:
TJ woke up early before school to ride Gyspy. She snuck out to the barn and bridled Gypsy before mounting bareback and ridding in the sunrise.
Sam woke up early, before his dad, and went out on a run to freshen his mind.
(I don't ;-) )

TJ dismounted grabbed her school books and walked into town for the first day of school
TJ had just come that last summer so this was her first school year here. She saw a boy sweating and chuckled she had seen him jogging before
TJ took a deep breath and walked in. The halls where bustling with people and TJ gave the occasional sail and received some in return but mostly focused on finding her locker
(Sorry! Just got back from a trip.) Sam walked in slowly, keeping his head down and trying to slip between the people so nobody would see him.
SorrelColonel said:
(Sorry! Just got back from a trip.) Sam walked in slowly, keeping his head down and trying to slip between the people so nobody would see him.
((Fun!!! P.s let's make their lockers side by side ;-) ))

TJ started to grab her books

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