







Mia Stone
(22 years old)

Sweet natured and compassionate, Mia is easily the heart of the group of siblings. Mia just wants to help other people and at any cost and she does not believe in hurting others though this attitude makes her overly optimistic and idealistic. She is fiercely loyal to her siblings and wouldn't hesitate to do anything at any cost to herself in order to save their lives and she is very trusting. She sees the best in everyone even if that person doesn't see it themselves and she always gives people the benefit of the doubt.

Background: Mia was in her third year of her nursing practicum when the epidemic broke out and she was on the ground floor of a general ward for one of her practicum placements when the infection first began hitting hospitals. She had a number of close calls with the infected before withdrawing from the nursing program and quitting. She was the first sibling to respond when Charlie called saying that their father had died and that their mother was ill with the same disease and given her experiences at the hospital Mia rushed to her little sister's aid. She couldn't bear to kill their mother despite knowing about the infection so she took Charlie and abandoned their mother and they went to find Nick. Nick insisted that they begin hiding and the Stone siblings have been on the run ever since last week when Charlie was bitten... Mia refuses to accept Charlie's fate and she is adament that they will not shoot their youngest sister until they have to, she hopes that Charlie will just burn out peacefully.

Strengths: Mia has medical experience as she was training to be a nurse. She can therefore address and treat a number of wounds or sicknesses if she has the supplies available to her. She is fiercely loyal to her siblings and will do anything for them. She is quite agile.

Weaknesses: She tends to think with her heart before her head which can be dangerous to herself and others. She can't help but to think of vampires as infected and sick people and therefore she tends to hesitate to kill vampires unless it is absolutely necessary. She is fairly unskilled and clumsy with most weapons because she doesn't want to use them though she has improved because of necessity.

Charlotte "Charlie" Stone (16 years old)

Personality: Charlie is very perceptive and intuitive and she cares immensely about others. Charlie loves people and new experiences and she tends to be lively and fun, and she enjoys being the center of attention. While Nick is the muscle and Mia is the heart she is what keeps the group grounded and sane because she goes out of her way to make her siblings happy and she is always joking and smiling trying to bring a little light into the world. She can be very spontaneous and optimistic and she often makes quick rash decisions without thinking too far into the future which unfortunately is why she is now infected.

Background: Charlie was born six years after Mia and nine years after Nick so she didn't grow up with too much in common with her older siblings... she was always the tag-along and the irritating younger sister until her two older siblings left the Stone household. She hated being the youngest sibling and longed to be considered an equal to her older siblings in their minds; she was also the only Stone child to be at the house when her father came home from work after being bitten. The infection was still new by this point so Martin Stone was put under bed-rest as he began to get sicker and change. He bit Ellen Stone (their mother) five days after he came home ill and he was brutally dispatched by Ellen. When their mother fell ill with identical symptoms she phoned her older siblings desperately and Mia who had recently encountered the virus rushed to the household and insisted that they had to leave. Together Mia and Charlie went to where Nick lived and convinced him to go on the run with them. They had been running and hiding ever since... or at least until just a few days ago when they were foraging for supplies and came across a nest of twos. Charlie was bitten.

Strengths: Fast runner, good gatherer, intuitive. She has average shooting skills.

Weaknesses: Charlie has been infected. She makes quick and rash decisions without too much thought about the consequences. She is smaller, younger, and weaker than her siblings.

Nick Stone (25 years old)

Personality: Nick is the leader of the group of siblings without question. He is the one to make the decisions in the group and while he allows for input and suggestion for the most part he can be forceful and decisive and he often gets his way. Nick is determined and stubborn. He is the type of man who would rather die than fail. He does not make promises lightly and if he promises anything he will keep it at any cost. He can often be single-minded, aggressive, ruthless, but also careless when it comes to what he wants. He hasn't always been so rough but circumstance has forced him to harden himself against the world because protecting his sisters is the most important thing to him now. He blames himself for what happened to Charlie and he wishes it was him.

Background: Following his high school graduation Nick moved to a small country town and began to train as an engine mechanic. He was isolated from the beginning of the epidemic due to where he lived but the rumours and gossip became all too real when Mia and Charlie showed up at his doorstep nearly hysterical. He managed to get the story of what was happening out of them and despite the fact that his town had not yet been affected by the epidemic he forced them to gather up supplies and they retreated into the woods. They have been surviving ever since though the future of the Stone siblings was thrown into question after Charlie was bitten.

Strengths: Nick is a fairly decent physical fighter though his real skills are in tinkering, creating, and repairing. He is quite useful with his hands and he can be quite critical. He is excellent at noticing things around him and about people and has sharp eyes.

Weaknesses: He is extremely stubborn, guarded, and untrusting of others. He likes to be in charge and responsible and because of this he takes failures extremely hard. Though it is Charlie's fault for being bitten because she lacks the attention to details that Nick has and because she makes careless decisions he blames himself for what happened and is very critical and self-loathing about the incident.

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