Welcome to the Hunt for the Codex RP!
For quick information, this post will be the go-to spot!
Dice System
The dice system in this RP is meant to be sleek, non intrusive and easy for everyone to use. We will be using two 10 sided dice for all combat rolls. Any other rolls (for loot for example) will be done by me, so the only type of roll you need to worry about is the two tens we use for combat.
To use dice, look at the top bar of the web page and click dice. Once there, click the roll button which is in the upper right side of the page. You will be presented with four fields to fill out with information.
"Throwing a die for" is asking you the purpose of the roll. Fill out a brief description of what you're doing i.e "shooting at Scav".
Then change the number next to "roll a total of dice" to 2.
Then change the number next to "faces" to 10.
To add the dice to your post, copy and past the BBCode of the dice which is located directly under the date and time stamp on your dice roll.
It will look like this.
Then, add or subtract the proper amount of nerf points/buff points that come from your skills or any special gear you buy.
This is what a finished roll will look like in a post.
+3 firearm skill = 10
Skill Buffs and Skill Nerfs
Every skill that you have leads to a nerf, buff or no change depending on the level of the skill. Five is considered the neutral number. Every number above 5/10 leads to a +1 buff of a skill, and every point below leads to a -1 drop in a skill.
A person with a 10/10 in a skill will receive a +5 bonus and on the opposite side of the spectrum, a person with a 1 in a skill will receive a -4.
Roll outcomes
2-3 - Strong fails. A 2-4 results in some kind of pain or self injury. An example would be running at an opponent and tripping or throwing a punch and hurting your shoulder. With firearms it's impossible to really self harm without a backfire (which would break the gun, so that's a no go) so in the case of firearms, a 2-4 is just a bad miss. Luckily these are rare.
4-7 - Weak fails, a missed punch, a missed shot, a blocked slash, etc.
8-11 - Neutral rolls. Neutral rolls are when the strike lands, but doesn't land well or cleanly. This is when you shoot someone in their bullet proof vest or punch someone but the strike lands awkwardly. The only enemies these rolls will effect are common enemies, who can be killed or knocked out by neutral rolls.
12-14 - Weak success, these are tagging hits that do damage but don't immediately kill or cripple tougher enemies.
15-18 - Strong success, these are hard hits that can do a lot of damage but don't automatically kill or cripple the hardest of opponents. Some examples would be shooting someone in the stomach or cutting a hand off with a sword. These rolls are the bread and butter of killing tough enemies as each one slows down, and eventually kills the toughest of enemies.
19-20 - Critical hits! Boom.... Head shot! One shot kills, one punch knockouts, decapitations, etc. These will kill everything except kingpin level enemies. Enemy bosses must beware of critical hits!
Before every fight I will post a list of the types of enemies we are facing and the number of enemies we are facing.
The amount of rolls required to kill enemies listed below are TEAM WIDE numbers, not individual. With proper team play, even the toughest bosses can be light work.
There are five classes of enemies.
Common Enemies, the most plentiful of all opponents!
Can be killed by anything other than a fail. Even a neutral roll will kill or knockout a common enemy.
Tough Enemies, aka a trained enemy! They're common enough.
Tough enemies can be killed by two weak success rolls. Anything above a weak roll will one kit kill or one hit knockout.
Under bosses, big badass SOBs with a lot of training!
Require four weak rolls, or two strong rolls. Can be killed by two weak and one strong as well. Can be one hit killed/KOed with critical rolls.
Bosses, dangerous enemies capable of mass violence and killing!
Require four strong rolls to kill. One critical will not kill this enemy, it requires a critical hit and a strong hit, or two critical hits. Weak successes won't do anything.
Kingpins! Where's the funeral music? Your family might need it.
The amount of hits to kill a kingpin depend on the situation. These enemies are very, very rare, and generally they will not be human. We will face a couple of these throughout the RP.
Roll Rules
In every post you can select one enemy to target at the start. You then can roll two times to hit/kill the selected enemy in your post. Those rolls can be any two different types of roll.
If you one hit kill or one hit knockout an opponent, you can target a second opponent to attack. The limit is two enemies per post, and you can only attack that second enemy if you one hit kill the first targeted opponent. When you target the second opponent, your roll count is reset, so you're allowed two rolls to kill/attack that enemy, even if you've already used two rolls to attack the first enemy.
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