New Member
Hi! I'm Martzi. I'm nonbinary and use they/them/theirs pronouns. I'm in EST in the USA. I have been rping for about 15 years and love it so much. Other hobbies include board games and being out in nature. I'm chronically ill and disabled and my health sometimes kicks my ass - I ask for your patience when it does.
Length: I average 2-5 paragraphs or around 200-700 words. But I mirror my partner on this and can write more or less. I don't think I can do less than a solid paragraph (150 words), though, or consistently do over 1k. All I ask from my partner is that you give me something to work with and that you don't have so much happen in one post that it doesn't flow naturally or give me a chance to respond.
Frequency: My post frequency varies from multiple posts a day to one every few days. Sometimes health or life happens but I'll try to give you a heads up on what's happening. If I forget, feel free to give me a nudge and I'll give you an update - I'm generally able to chat even if I can't post. I do not expect my partners to post as frequently as me, I know I'm on way more than most are able to be. I would love at least one post a week, but I endeavor to never make you feel pressured. I may check in to see how you're doing but that is because I care about you, not because I'm demanding a post. This is a hobby, and it quickly becomes less fun if you feel pressured, in my experience.
Tense & Perspective: I prefer 3rd person, past tense.
Characters: I write characters of all genders and orientations. I prefer most of my characters to be queer of some description and rarely write mxf. I might make an exception for FinnickxAnnie but if you only write cis-het characters then I don't think it will work out. I love taking on multiple characters or at least filling the rp with interesting npcs for a lush world. I'm interested most in OCxOC but might also be interested in CCxCC. I might be willing to go for CCxOC but no promises. I am also open to rps that don't include romance.
Communication: To me, the joy of rping is in building a story collaboratively. As such, I will always endeavor to hold up my end of plotting and world building without taking control. I ask that you do the same. I also love chatting ooc and being friends with my rp partners, and am almost always on to chat if not to post.
Hunger Games is one of my favorite fandoms (though I'm more familiar with the books than movies). I feel like there's so much in the world to explore. Here are a few ideas, which can also be combined. I kept them as simple concepts for now - I'd love to expand on them together. I'm also open to any ideas you may have!
A victor's loved one (could be romantic or platonic) is reaped and they have to Mentor them. This could be a punishment, simply to grab Capitolites' interest, or even just a coincidence. We could explore how this effects them and their relationship. We could have the tribute learn how victors are treated, learn if it's a punishment that they were reaped, etc. We could see if the Mentor tries to find creative ways to save their loved one or resigns themself to the inevitable.
We could explore what the games look like from the perspective the mentors. This could include some interesting worldbuilding of the Capitol as well as a look at how the victors interact. It could also include some rebellion plotting, as I picture the victors having been central to that for a long time.
We could look at a newly crowned Victor and how they recover from the trauma and readjust to life outside the arena. This could include Snow trying to control them, a look at how District residents react to someone coming back from the games (are they a hero or a murderer), and how everyone tries to recover.
We could look at the early days of the rebellion in one of the districts. Or we could come up with a plot the rebels tried between A Sunrise on the Reaping and The Hunger Games.
I'm not normally a huge fan of rping the games themselves because that's a perspective that I feel has already been explored. But it could be interesting to rp a pair who go into the games loving each other (again romantically or platonically). It's a normal games and there's no rule twist saying they can both leave the arena alive. Only one of them can survive. Do they even want to be the one, if it means the loss of the other?
I don't normally do mxf rps but I do love Annie and Finnick... I would be interested in exploring their story. How did Annie grow on Finnick? How did they handle their relationship being secret and how Snow was using Finnick? (Note - I don't love that District 4 got erased as a career district in the movies because I think it's really interesting. They aren't close to the capitol like one and two and are one of the more rebellious districts. So, exploring why they're careers is interesting to me. I'd love to talk about this and world build a little around it!)
If you're interested in writing together, please dm me with a little about yourself and what you'd be interested in writing together including any initial plot thoughts to help us get started!