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D&D 5th: A Whiff of Grapeshot


Mister Zero
Roleplay Type(s)
So, whose interested in the French Revolution... only with Dungeons, possibly Dragons and obviously some magic empowered Napoleonic warfare?

The general idea of the setting is a powerful nation, Vandalia, is on the brink of collapse and revolution. The nobility is on the verge of seizing total control from the King aside from further crushing commoners under foot with the aid of the clergy.

There are good nobles and priests, but many have become corrupt after five centuries of prosperity. Players are likely to be more affiliated with the growing revolutionary movement but could align with the King if they want considering his own desire to save the kingdom. Public perception though has grown very dim of the King as the Landsraad continues to trample on his power.

Other forces may be at work as well, but that is for the players to discover should they pursue such ends. The revolution is upon you in Vandalia and you must decided which side to take.

Link: Detailed - D&D 5th: A Whiff of Grapeshot

Current Interested Parties:

@ChefTony - Cleric - War Domain

@Beedub - Unknown

@Cashdash25 - Warlock - Fiend Pact

I can take up to two more.
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I'm familiar with forum roleplaying, but I've never played D&D at all before, and one of the reasons I came here was to get into some dice roleplays.

I'd be interested if you'll have me.
Certainly, I am happy to teach. Do you have access to the Player's Handbook?
Also welcome, I've been filling out the Overview with some regional info. Some basic data to understand how the various races interact with Vandalia.
The free PDF helps cover basics. And that certainly looks like the PHB for 5th.
Splendid. Well it looks like I have two players so far. Hopefully we can pick up a few more but I'll still do something with the pair of you to get things rolling. I'll also continue to put up information as it comes to mind. This world is very likely to see lots of use after this with its development.
Cashdash25 said:
Sounds like a fun time, I've played some 5th Ed and have the books so that won't be an issue.
Splendid, it looks like we have three willing to give it a shot. Perhaps you all should start discussing character concepts since you will be a group in the game.
Hmmm, I'd kinda like to run a Warlock at the moment. I usually play Paladins or Fighters so focusing a bit more on the casting sounds fun.

Since this is a Napoleonic Wars era setting I'm assuming we won't be using the regular equipment lists?
Well, regular equipment is still useful. But you'll be getting access to Napoleonic firearms as well along with some other items likes bombs (old school ball and fuse grenades).
Well, I was more thinking a lot of stuff like plate and chainmail armor would have fallen out of use, spears were replaced by bayonets, etc.
You'd be surprised. Dragoons still often wore breastplates and helmets at times considering it might still stop a shot from a musket. Leather armor is still very much a thing particularly for those who go out into the wilds.

Dwarves aren't going to give up their armor just because guns exist. They just learn to make stronger armor and improve on their techniques.

The Elves of the desert favor items made of alchemical glass they make that is hard as steel.

We deal with an era in which alchemy and magic do help to counteract the power of technology from becoming the sole dominant approach to things. Dwarven runes are still powerful as ever. A Wizard is still a terror on the field of battle, especially trained war wizards.

Vandalia's army will be more cloth and rifle with bayonets, but they will have armored corps to support them along with casters and various other oddities of this setting's mixture.
Point taken. Then as I said I would prefer playing a Warlock or other caster. The only other questions that come to mind are;

Will we be rolling stats or using the point buying method? And what's our starting level going to be?
We'll likely start out at Level 1 just so people can adjust and build up as the plot moves on.

Stats will likely be point buy or the array they offer up in the book. Keeps everyone on a good level while leaving options open.

Who were you looking at as a patron for your Warlock?
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Interesting. The Fiends of Vandalia tend to be affiliated with one of the Dark Three. I've not had time to fill out the Religion entry better.

What sort of Fiend is of interest? I'm happy to tailor something more directly for you. It can be a forgotten power or something more active.
Is there information about the RP itself that I'm missing? Do you have something posted up somewhere?

I haven't had a huge chance to read through the book yet, so I'll get back to you on a class a little later. Busy week.
Beedub said:
Is there information about the RP itself that I'm missing? Do you have something posted up somewhere?
I haven't had a huge chance to read through the book yet, so I'll get back to you on a class a little later. Busy week.
There is an Overview Tab you can select from the link I posted. I've been filling it in with details when I can. No worries on the class, I very much understand when a week gets ahead of you.
Crocodile said:
Interesting. The Fiends of Vandalia tend to be affiliated with one of the Dark Three. I've not had time to fill out the Religion entry better.
What sort of Fiend is of interest? I'm happy to tailor something more directly for you. It can be a forgotten power or something more active.
Probably something along the lines of Yeenoghu or Baphomet, a very "Might makes right" sort of creature as opposed to a more subtle "long intricate planning" one.
Currently thinking of playing a priest of The Temple of The Four who has taken arms in disgust at the current state of corruption in the church. For obvious reasons the class that makes the most sense for that build is a Cleric, but maybe its the time setting, or me being awkward, but I can't really see this character using spells all the time, and might actually choose fighter. I will happily go with Cleric however if the party is in desperate need of heals.
ChefTony said:
Currently thinking of playing a priest of The Temple of The Four who has taken arms in disgust at the current state of corruption in the church. For obvious reasons the class that makes the most sense for that build is a Cleric, but maybe its the time setting, or me being awkward, but I can't really see this character using spells all the time, and might actually choose fighter. I will happily go with Cleric however if the party is in desperate need of heals.
Well, quick and dirty rundown of the Gods

Life, War and Tempest all can do Heavy Armor for a more martial bent. Even normal clerics still get access to medium armor, etc. Nothing stopping you from having more combat focus there mostly even with another domain outside of the ones giving Heavy Armor Prof.

Temple of the Four

Solaria (Sun Goddess, chief god and ruler of the Four, Light Domain)

-At the center of Light fighting Darkness, thus primary foe of Umbarian

-Neutral Good

-Spread Light and Hope to those in the Darkness

Bastille (Goddess of War and Honor, War Domain)

-Lawful Good

-Warrior's Code

-Protect the weak

Vitalos (God of Life and Bounty, Life Domain)

-Chaotic Good

-Life is a blessing, don't waste it

-Help those in need

Caduceus (God of Cunning and Fortune, Trickery Domain)

-worshiped by Merchants and Thieves


-Cunning over might

The Dark Three

Umbarian (God of Death and Darkness, Death Domain)

-Neutral Evil

-Death is but a Door, embrace it

-Offers dark pacts and teaches the magics of necromancy to those willing

-Propogates cults and followers across the continent

Dominus (God of Conquest, War Domain)

-Lawful Evil

-Might makes right

-Bring order by force

-Respect foes that can match you

-Bind them to your will if you can.

Sirocco (Goddess of the Maelstrom, Tempest Domain)

-Chaotic Evil

-Devour your foes

-Consume to your hearts content

-Destroy what opposes you

There are others as well, but those I've listed are the ones most are more often aware of in Vandalia.

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