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Fandom Humanformers Characters








(Note: He doesnt wear Germany's colors. He wear black pants, black combat boots, beige trench coat (usually buttoned halfway) and purple shirt)(Looks like the middle one, the other two are his other two personalities)
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Sam AKA Trailbreaker
Classified as a superhuman, Sam has traveled most of his life. Helping out where he can. He will always do a small trick for younger ones to enjoy. He joined the autobots on their quest because he finally felt accepted. The Autobots gave him the nickname, Trailbreaker

Ross AKA Skids
Ross has lived a quite luxurious life. Once he became 18, he was kicked out of his house. He became a well known theoretician, then became a hit man until he found the Autobots. They turned him around and gave him the nickname Skids, for his favorite type of shooting.
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"and stars will scream"
name ;
Charles Maine Langley

nicknames ;
"Starscream" "Lord Starscream"

gender ;

age ;

height ;

personality ;

Overly dramatic, unloyal, and generally an unpleasant person, Starscream holds true to what others say about him. As Megatron's second in command, he's surprisingly disloyal to his proclaimed leader, and will attempt to usurp him at any chance he gets. Unfortunately, his tendency to abandon plans, and cowardly ways ensure his failure every time. Though, these factors aren't why he became a second in command. He's an incredibly intelligent, and cunning individual, who can always come up with a creative plan to knock down his enemies.

The only problem is, his pride always gets in the way, and has a bit of a habit of being too thick-skulled to listen to other's advice. He's always looking for opportunities to further increase his power and standing, and will not hesitate to blackmail and cheat his way to prosperity.

appearance ;


he says his hair turned gray to the stress of leadership but in reality he just dyes it
Ordinarily, Starscream goes all out with his appearance. He'll make sure his hair is perfectly slicked back, his tie is straight, and his overcoat isn't wrinkled. However, Starscream is known occasionally to walk around with a ragged t-shirt and loose tie, lines under his eyes after a foiled plan, or particularly trying day.

history ;
"Charles," or more famously known as "Starscream," hadn't always been a horrible, backstabbing dictator at the side of a tyrant. He was raised in a pretty average home, a little bit wealthy, and had perused a career in science and reliable fuel research for most of his life. However, he was not blind. The older he got, the more corruption he saw, and the more he began to scheme. He disapproved of the corruption, and one particular man who shared his train of thought caught his attention.

Starscream had known Megatron for a long time, and ended up an essential ally in his original rise to power. He had delighted in watching him fight, and enjoyed seeing the power he held in political situations, but didn't immediately consider himself an ally until he and a couple friends were recruited to join Megatron's ranks, which he full heartily agreed to. Starscream's convincing words and conniving habits built quite a backing of Decepticons, and was a key member in the first senate assassinations.

Since then, Starscream's become fascinated with the idea of having his own power, and not just stand in Megatron's shadow. There have been many times where he's attacked Megatron, put him out of commission, attempted to take over, and nearly destroyed the Decepticon forces. However, fortunately, Megatron always has a way of rising up again after he's been defeated, and has shown Starscream the unfortunate consequences of trying to literally stab him in the back. Yet, despite all the punishments he's received, Starscream never gives up, and remains a not-so-loyal second in command to Megatron. Starscream's a bit of a punching bag for Megatron, and knows to steer very clear of their leader when he's made a mistake, or when Megatron's in a bad mood.

theme ;

Devour - Shinedown

"till all are one!"

name ;
James P. Roth

nicknames ;
"Rodimus," "Rodimus Prime," "Hot Rod" [formerly]

gender ;

age ;

height ;

personality ;
Rodimus is a hot-headed, eager, young man who has a tendency to bite off more than he can chew. He's not one to go down easily, and always finds a way to come back kicking after he's been knocked down. However, he's prideful, and likes to be in the spotlight at all times. He's prone to temper tantrums, and is quite possibly one of the most unfit people to lead. Rodimus used to go by the name of "Hot Rod," before he got it into the idea that he could be just as big and well-known as somebody like 'Optimus Prime' due to a decepticon, and proceeded to unofficially change his name due to it.

Though, despite his hotheaded nature, and general disrespect for authority, Rodimus knows how to keep a cool head in an emergency. He's a quick thinker, and often uses creative, foolhardy plans to cheat death itself. He's extraordinarily brave, and wouldn't hesitate to do crazy stunts, like skydive or run into an open battlefield, if he survives, and if it gets him a bit of recognition. He's not too keen to admit his mistakes, and when he's faced with something he's done wrong, he'll turn a blind eye, or react with anger. Still, deep down in his chest, there's a caring bot, that can admit his mistakes in troubled times, and that will allow himself to get down. He ordinarily doesn't rely on others to pick him up, but does have friends that he knows he can fall back on.

appearance ;

history ;
Initially, Rodimus was known as "Hot Rod." He was just an unruly kid who didn't listen to authority, and didn't see the point of picking sides in the city. He just saw good deeds, and he saw bad deeds. When he was younger, and the Decepticons were still rising to power, he was offered a position in their ranks, and refused. He didn't like their ambiguous morality and power-hungry ways, and even Starscream's convincing words couldn't get him to change his mind. He saw the violence, and disapproved of it, and believed that continued factions would only lead to continued violence. He did join the Autobots alongside Optimus Prime, however, seeing as their cause was much truer than the Decepticons.

He did have a particularly rough standing with Megatron once or twice. When Optimus and Megatron had been fighting, and Megatron reached for his weapon in order to deliver a killing blow, Hot Rod had stepped in to intervene, only to be taken to be used as a shield by Megatron. Fortunately, Hot Rod had been able to escape his grip, and Optimus Prime was able to get the upper hand, leading Megatron to retreat. Another time they have conflicted is after Rodimus had defeated Starscream in combat in order to reclaim an important Autobot weapon, and upon retrieval, threatened Megatron with it. Unfortunately, Megatron wasn't concerned with the weapon, and instead shot Rodimus. This hospitalized Rodimus for quite some time, but after he was able to recover from it, he was regarded highly by Optimus Prime, who officially regarded him as 'Rodimus Prime.'

theme ;
Dare - Transformers: The Movie

tbh most of this stuff isn't really necessary but it helps me with figuring out the characters
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( omg yay I love transformers I have been waiting for a beautiful moment when someone puts it into rp, this really warms my heart X""D
I would say just do as many as you can handle. And there always is the option of if you dont like a character you made you can kill them. So there's that. But if its a canon character it will be discussed if they die or if not just drop em.
( TriClaw / Decepticon)

Personality: Nervous, alert when she feels something is wrong, sarcastic when someone annoys her, doesn't like being in battles, caring and creative, works under soundwave as his student
Age: 35
Real Name: Trinity Densa
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(Zodiac / Autobots)

Personality: Ambitious, Quick to notice anything wrong, tries to keep people happy, very childish like bumblebee, best friends with Ratchet, is a tomboy
Real Name: Luna Sene

(Jazz/ Autobots)

Personality: Laid Back, chill, jokester, friendly, tries to keep the peace, treats Zodiac like a little sister, great hand to hand combat as well as shooting
Real Name: Erin Rosales
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The Personal Stuff...
Name: Darius Washington - Codename Bulkhead.
Gender: Male
Age: 34

Detailed Appearance:
Bulkhead is a large man with a mesomorphic build. He stands at about 5''10 and weighs in at 236 lbs, and that weight is ALL. MUSCLE. This guy has got the body of a professional football player- He is RIPPED and you do NOT want to be tackled by him. He can crush you beneath his feet as he plows you over. Physical features aside, Bulkhead is typically seen in a green bomber jacket and black slacks. On the shoulders of the jacket he has ironed on Autobot symbols to make it clear his alliance.

Bulkhead is typically seen as a threatening figure. Who wouldn't be scared by him? This guy is a mountain of a man, and could probably crush your skull with his pinkie finger. However, most anyone that knows him will know that Bulkhead is more of a gentle giant then anything else. When the time comes he can and will smash your face, but as long as you're his friend, he's nothing but a cinnamon roll. He loves hugs, even if he does crush a couple bones on accident. Bulkhead is also very clumsy and often ends up breaking things on accident by falling onto them, stepping on them, or just simply by not realizing they're important and using them as a throwing object.

Darius Washington grew up in a small town called Iron Springs in Texas. He went to a private school that his dad worked day and night to be able to take him to. His dad was a single father, working hard to do the best for his son, but this often forced him to stay at work into the wee hours of the morning, often going entire days without seeing the son he loved.
Darius had to learn to take care of himself pretty quickly. He learned to cook a mean grilled cheese and pack his lunch and ride his bike to school. His other friends told him it was kind of messed up that his dad was never home, but Darius understood. His dad did the best he could for his beloved son, and the days his dad was home were the best days. They had pizza for dinner and sent the whole night watching Darius' favorite movies.
Speaking of his friends, Darius had a small group of friends in the private school he went to, including (Insert Wheeljack's name here). They called themselves The Wreckers, despite being a bunch of fifth graders. They weren't exactly the most popular and were bullied heavily. At one point, Darius suggested they start taking self defense classes, and his friends were all for it. So with a little time and effort, Darius saved up enough from his allowance and doing miscellaneous jobs around his neighborhood, he managed to gather enough money to buy a months worth of self defense classes. His friends' parents all paid for theirs. With time, the Wreckers could actually wreck things if they wanted to, but they actually rarely used their newly acquired self defense skills. They mostly just kept the things they learned in the back of their minds.
Darius was the only one to use what he learned once tragedy struck. Apparently, while his father was on his way home from work, he was mugged, dragged into an alleyway, and shot execution style for the small amount of money in his wallet. Darius was thrown into the adoption system, and after his father died, he became a terror. Constantly picking fights, angry and frustrated with how his life had taken this sudden turn. It wasn't until one day, wen he was about 16 when an older man, one with this look of wisdom beyond his years showed up at the orphanage where he was staying.
The man introduced himself as Peter Cullen and that he was thinking of adding him, Darius, into his ... special family. Darius questioned him as to why he would want a messed up, useless kid like himself in his "special" family. Ya know, like an angsty teen. And Peter just smiled and told him, in basics, "Trust me. I know you'll fit in just fine."
And thus began Darius's transformation into Bulkhead, lovable goof Autobot. With time, hestopped being an angsty little shit and grew into his usual, friendly self. He found new purpose in his job, becoming determined to make sure nobody else would have to go through what he did.

The More Technical Stuff...

Bulkhead is an okay shot with his pistols, but his real preference when it comes to guns is his trusty shotgun. He also has a pair of spiked brass knuckles he keeps in his jacket pockets.
Weapons aside, Bulkhead has a bulletproof vest he keeps on his person at all times, a multi-tool he keeps in an inner pocket of his jacket, and of course his earpiece connected to the Autobot COM frequency.

Fighting style:
He's more of a power-over-accuracy kind of guy. He uses his pistols when it comes to long range attack, but to be perfectly honest, he prefers the up close and personal approach. He uses his overwhelming size to plow over his enemy then finish them off with a shotgun blast, or if he's really feeling it, he busts out the brass knuckles and smashes your face in that way.

Bulkhead drives an armored SUV as his typical vehicle. It's big and intimidating, just like him.
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Peter lived a hard life. Many of his friends were taken from him. When Peter moved out, he was having trouble getting started. Megatron offered him assistance, and the two became friends. When Peter found out what Megatron was doing, he was appalled. He joined the local police force, but they were corrupt. Peter made it his personal mission to stop the decepticons. He worked his way up to comissioner, then fired the corrupt cops. Along the way, he adopted Darius. Peter hired many good officers, each with a code name. His was Optimus Prime. Together, they created a new name for the force, the Autobots.
Height: 6' 4"
Pistols, and his favorite, Ion blaster, as he called his gun.
And an orange battle axe



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The Personal Stuff...
Name: Louise McCalister - Codename Loudmouth
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Detailed Appearance:
Loudmouth is a moderately sized young woman, standing at 5''6 and weighing in at 210 lbs with an Endomorphic build. She's on the curvier side of the spectrum. Not completely overweight, but there's some lovely curves on this young woman. Despite her figure, she's surprisingly fit and active. She's got a four-pack of abs and toned legs. She typically keeps her hair long and in tons of braids.
Moving away from physical attributes, Loudmouth typically wears a tight fitting motorcycle jacket that would normally bare the Autobot crest big and proud on the back, but she took it off for obvious reasons. Along with that, she has a pair of black hiking boots, some dark blue jeans, and a white tank top under her jacket.

Loudmouth is... well, a loudmouth. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and will if you don't stop her. She is brave to a fault with a penchant for running into really bad situations without thinking about it. All this in mind, she is extremely loyal to her cause and the friends she makes. She will die for her friends and the cause she fights for. She does however, know when to shut up and keep her opinions to herself. Theres a time and place for talking shit about Starscream, and that place is not right in front of him.

Louise didn't have the best home life. She grew up in the very city our story takes place in, right on the streets. She always knew about Megatron and his group of Cons, and she despised them. They were the reason she was in this mess, picking through scraps on the street, just trying to survive to the next day. If you weren't a Decepticon, you didn't get any of their protection. You were on your own. Her mother was very sickly and weak when the cons suddenly took over, and a sick woman would be no use to them.
Louise tried to keep her mother alive, but in the end it wasn't enough and her mother passed peacefully in her sleep. So, she was grateful for that at least. But this also left Louise completely alone. Nobody to call a family, nobody to care for but herself. Which is what she did for many years, just skirting by on table scraps and torn down homes. It was all mundane, the days blurred together. Until one day, she decided to fight back.
A big group of Cons was mercilessly raiding an area of the city she was in, and when they tried to rip away her hard earned food, she retaliated. Her fist flew into the nearest guy's face, her legs kicked madly as she delivered blow after blow to the brutes, but in the end she was outnumbered four to one. When the men were done beating the shit out of her, they tossed her in the nearest street and continued on their way. She laid there, barely conscious for a while, till a car drove, by and stopped not too far away. There, a big man in a green jacket (Bulkhead) got out of his car and rushed over to her. From there, he picked her up, placed her in his backseat, and drove off.
Thus began her transformation from Louise, a street rat with no family, to Loudmouth, a secret spy.
Upon waking up in the Autobot base, Loudmouth was greeted by an older man who introduced himself as Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. He offered her a place among them, and she happily accepted. She was halfway through her training, when they decided to send someone into the Decepticons to keep a watch on them, and since she hadn't been seen with the Autobots, Loudmouth volunteered. Anything to help take down the cons.

The More Technical Stuff...

Loudmouth's gun training never quite finished, so she isn't that big of a sniper with her pistols, but she can still shoot with a modicum of confidence. She is however a complete badass with a grenade launcher. She carries a belt of various types of grenades and keeps her homemade grenade launcher under the seat of her ATV. Weapons aside, Loudmouth also has a modified helmet she wears while riding her ATV that has a earpiece connected to both the Decepticon COMs frequency and the Autobot COMs frequency, along with a microphone thats lets her talk back. In her backpack, she carries;
-An emergency Medkit
-Sewing kit
-Survival knife
-Some rations
-A waterbottle
-Extra ammo for days

Fighting style:
Loudmouth is a stealth master. Years of flying under the radar do that to you. She can vanish into shadows, leave a false trail and have you running in circles after she's long gone. However, when she needs to, she prefers to keep it quiet, and uses her favored hand-to-hand combat form- Kick boxing. She uses her crazy muscular legs to kick you in the face and knock you out cold. Not to mention her proficiency with knives.

Loudmouth drives a modified ATV that has extra storage space under the seat and can reach super high speeds.
There's no OOC thread, so I was wondering if I might be able to reserve Vortex, Knock Out, and Wheeljack, until I can get the CSs up?

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