Cs Skelet0n
y0u d0n't need t0 use the bbc0de but it w0uld make me very happy if y0u did I will help if y0u need anything, I've added 'HEY Y0U! Y0U MIGHT WANT T0 CHANGE ME' 0n anything like c0l0ur, URLs, and text changes that are buried in the c0de t0 make it easier f0r y0u t0 see the things y0u can edit. if y0u kn0w en0ugh ab0ut bbc0de t0 edit 0ther stuff g0 ahead, but I just highlighted bits I myself understand and y0u m0st likely w0uld want t0 change. TIP: ctrl + f 0n y0ur keyb0ard searches the entire page y0u're 0n f0r whatever y0u put in the search bar, this makes navigati0n easy if y0u are l00king f0r s0mething specific! 0n ph0ne this is in the three d0ts 0n the right generally, and called search in page.
if y0u d0 n0t want t0 use bbc0de, y0u just drag and c0py the text, lmk if it d0esn't w0rk 0r anything!
N0TE: please rem0ve my c0mments in y0ur finalized cs, it makes it way easier f0r me t0 read!
let me kn0w if y0u have any questi0ns 0r what n0t! Suggesti0ns are always appreciated.
y0u d0n't need t0 use the bbc0de but it w0uld make me very happy if y0u did I will help if y0u need anything, I've added 'HEY Y0U! Y0U MIGHT WANT T0 CHANGE ME' 0n anything like c0l0ur, URLs, and text changes that are buried in the c0de t0 make it easier f0r y0u t0 see the things y0u can edit. if y0u kn0w en0ugh ab0ut bbc0de t0 edit 0ther stuff g0 ahead, but I just highlighted bits I myself understand and y0u m0st likely w0uld want t0 change. TIP: ctrl + f 0n y0ur keyb0ard searches the entire page y0u're 0n f0r whatever y0u put in the search bar, this makes navigati0n easy if y0u are l00king f0r s0mething specific! 0n ph0ne this is in the three d0ts 0n the right generally, and called search in page.
if y0u d0 n0t want t0 use bbc0de, y0u just drag and c0py the text, lmk if it d0esn't w0rk 0r anything!
N0TE: please rem0ve my c0mments in y0ur finalized cs, it makes it way easier f0r me t0 read!
let me kn0w if y0u have any questi0ns 0r what n0t! Suggesti0ns are always appreciated.
Character name 0r something
age: (y0u are in university, s0 ar0und 18+)
c0untry of birth:
archetype: (a funny and 0pti0nal title f0r y0ur character; an example w0uld be c0medy relief 0r dumb bl0nde)
maj0r: (what they are maj0ring at the university and min0ring if they have 0ne)
year: (what year are they in at the university)
appearance: (please have a picture 0r a written descripti0n; pictures are preferred. Character images must be art, anime, etc and can n0t be easily rec0gnizable characters such as Narut0, G0j0, etc)
descripti0n: (0pti0nal)
hair c0l0ur:
eye c0l0ur:
b0dy m0ds: (example, tatt00s, piercings etc.)
identifiable marks: (these c0uld be scars 0r s0mething ab0ut the character y0u w0uld n0tice 0n lets say, a c0rpse 0r the first time y0u see them)
style: (this is fun and y0u d0n't have t0 d0 it, but y0u can add examples 0f 0utfits and stuff as well. I find it fun t0 find and l00k at :3, these d0n't have t0 be art because I find it harder t0 find g00d 0utfits f0r m0dern stuff, but y0u can use art as well f0r references!)
pers0nality: (list 0r written descripti0n is fine)
fears: (these are very imp0rtant!)
ph0bias: (these are extreme 0r even irrati0nal fears that y0ur character might have)
dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: (this can include mental AND physical. f0r example: glasses 0r anxiety)
bi0: (d0esn't have t0 be much m0re than a simple paragraph and vague. ANY pl0t-related p0ints y0u want t0 keep hidden need t0 be 0kayed by me first and sent t0 at least me s0 I can a) add it int0 the st0ry and b) make sure it fits the w0rld. Make sure t0 add y0ur interacti0n with Marry Beth here, 0r at least DM it t0 me!)
physical fitness: (h0w fit is y0ur character, if y0u want, y0u can g0 m0re in-depth 0n h0w much y0u think they can lift 0r run, but that's c0mpletely 0pti0nal)
(a simple stat system s0 that we can set up limits and kn0w h0w much a character can d0 in situati0ns and r0ll-wise if dice are needed. I'm n0t sure 0n them and f0r what, but if I d0, stats will be the same as dnd wise if y0u get that, d0n't w0rry if y0u d0n't)
(y0u get 10 p0ints t0 add t0 y0ur stats, y0u can take them away fr0m 0thers t0 make them less than 9 if y0u want. 9-10 is basic human skills in them; meaning zer0 t0 VERY little experience in them, what any pers0n 0n the street c0uld d0. Anything bel0w 9 means y0u w0uld be weaker than the average pers0n 0r are disabled in that in s0me way, such as medical c0nditi0ns, etc)
strength: 9 (h0w hard can y0ur character hit, h0w much can they lift)
speed: 9 (h0w fast y0ur character can m0ve, generally running)
agility: 9 (h0w much y0ur character can bend 0r d0 dexter0us feets; flexibility; this includes park0ur, gymnastics, etc)
stamina: 9 (h0w l0ng y0ur character can keep g0ing)
mental f0rtitude: 9(h0w much mental strain can they endure. A g00d way t0 decide this is h0w well they w0uld react under extreme stress and f0r h0w l0ng)
percepti0n: 9 (h0w likely y0u w0uld be t0 n0tice s0mething, h0w0n edge y0u are, y0ur ability t0 detect 0ther pe0ples lies 0r small details)
intelligence: 9 (h0w much d0es y0ur character kn0w, the capabilities 0f their mem0ry, learning speed)
curse: 0 (keep this at zer0; it will update with the st0ry 0r based 0n bi0s if needed :3)
invent0ry: (basically what y0u will have at the start 0f the rp; y0u sh0uld have s0me f0rm 0f device 0n y0u as the intr0 t0 the rp will start with an0ther p0st fr0m 0103. If y0u want t0 be quirky, I d0n't mind this being like a TV 0r pr0ject0r in class 0r library PC, anything w0rks, and then y0u w0n't have t0 have 0ne 0n y0u! At the start y0u will be at a rand0m place at ar0und 8 pm. Y0u must be 0n campus, this includes the gym, library, d0rms, classes, 0r any 0ther university facilities. F0r example, y0u c0uld be sleeping 0r g0ing in the sh0wer, whatever y0u want. Just include anything y0u want t0 start with here. Keep within reas0n please)
last kn0wn l0cati0n: (basically read invent0ry inf0, just tell me where y0u were s0 I can understand y0ur item ch0ices)
Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission
[font=Overpass Mono][border=transparent;
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background: var(--art-c);]Character name 0r something[/border][/border][comment]-- Text --[/comment] [comment] HEY Y0U! Y0U MIGHT WANT T0 CHANGE ME! [/comment]
age: (y0u are in university, s0 ar0und 18+)
c0untry of birth:
archetype: (a funny and 0pti0nal title f0r y0ur character; an example w0uld be c0medy relief 0r dumb bl0nde)
maj0r: (what they are maj0ring at the university and min0ring if they have 0ne)
year: (what year are they in at the university)
appearance: (please have a picture 0r a written descripti0n; pictures are preferred. Character images must be art, anime, etc and can n0t be easily rec0gnizable characters such as Narut0, G0j0, etc)
descripti0n: (0pti0nal)
hair c0l0ur:
eye c0l0ur:
b0dy m0ds: (example, tatt00s, piercings etc.)
identifiable marks: (these c0uld be scars 0r s0mething ab0ut the character y0u w0uld n0tice 0n lets say, a c0rpse 0r the first time y0u see them)
style: (this is fun and y0u d0n't have t0 d0 it, but y0u can add examples 0f 0utfits and stuff as well. I find it fun t0 find and l00k at :3, these d0n't have t0 be art because I find it harder t0 find g00d 0utfits f0r m0dern stuff, but y0u can use art as well f0r references!)
pers0nality: (list 0r written descripti0n is fine)
fears: (these are very imp0rtant!)
ph0bias: (these are extreme 0r even irrati0nal fears that y0ur character might have)
dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: (this can include mental AND physical. f0r example: glasses 0r anxiety)
bi0: (d0esn't have t0 be much m0re than a simple paragraph and vague. ANY pl0t-related p0ints y0u want t0 keep hidden need t0 be 0kayed by me first and sent t0 at least me s0 I can a) add it int0 the st0ry and b) make sure it fits the w0rld. Make sure t0 add y0ur interacti0n with Marry Beth here, 0r at least DM it t0 me!)
physical fitness: (h0w fit is y0ur character, if y0u want, y0u can g0 m0re in-depth 0n h0w much y0u think they can lift 0r run, but that's c0mpletely 0pti0nal)
(a simple stat system s0 that we can set up limits and kn0w h0w much a character can d0 in situati0ns and r0ll-wise if dice are needed. I'm n0t sure 0n them and f0r what, but if I d0, stats will be the same as dnd wise if y0u get that, d0n't w0rry if y0u d0n't)
(y0u get 10 p0ints t0 add t0 y0ur stats, y0u can take them away fr0m 0thers t0 make them less than 9 if y0u want. 9-10 is basic human skills in them; meaning zer0 t0 VERY little experience in them, what any pers0n 0n the street c0uld d0. Anything bel0w 9 means y0u w0uld be weaker than the average pers0n 0r are disabled in that in s0me way, such as medical c0nditi0ns, etc)
strength: 9 (h0w hard can y0ur character hit, h0w much can they lift)
speed: 9 (h0w fast y0ur character can m0ve, generally running)
agility: 9 (h0w much y0ur character can bend 0r d0 dexter0us feets; flexibility; this includes park0ur, gymnastics, etc)
stamina: 9 (h0w l0ng y0ur character can keep g0ing)
mental f0rtitude: 9(h0w much mental strain can they endure. A g00d way t0 decide this is h0w well they w0uld react under extreme stress and f0r h0w l0ng)
percepti0n: 9 (h0w likely y0u w0uld be t0 n0tice s0mething, h0w0n edge y0u are, y0ur ability t0 detect 0ther pe0ples lies 0r small details)
intelligence: 9 (h0w much d0es y0ur character kn0w, the capabilities 0f their mem0ry, learning speed)
curse: 0 (keep this at zer0; it will update with the st0ry 0r based 0n bi0s if needed :3)
invent0ry: (basically what y0u will have at the start 0f the rp; y0u sh0uld have s0me f0rm 0f device 0n y0u as the intr0 t0 the rp will start with an0ther p0st fr0m 0103. If y0u want t0 be quirky, I d0n't mind this being like a TV 0r pr0ject0r in class 0r library PC, anything w0rks, and then y0u w0n't have t0 have 0ne 0n y0u! At the start y0u will be at a rand0m place at ar0und 8 pm. Y0u must be 0n campus, this includes the gym, library, d0rms, classes, 0r any 0ther university facilities. F0r example, y0u c0uld be sleeping 0r g0ing in the sh0wer, whatever y0u want. Just include anything y0u want t0 start with here. Keep within reas0n please)
last kn0wn l0cati0n: (basically read invent0ry inf0, just tell me where y0u were s0 I can understand y0ur item ch0ices)
[FONT=courier new]Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission[/FONT]
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