How'zit Hangin'?


Potato Gunner
Names Linkman496, most people just call me Link.

Not much to say, I've Roleplayed on a few forums a while back, not this one though, found this one when looking for something to do while Procrastinating, so now I'm here. Thanks Google.

I'm an experienced RPer, but I feel there's always room for improvement, and that there's always someone better. I hope to get even more experience here and in turn become a better Roleplayer over my stay here. So yeah.

Nice to meet'cha.
Hey Link! i am also brand new to this community! (found it on google)

If you would ever like to message me feel free to drop a line!
Howdy Link and welcome to RPNation. (: Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
Welcome to :RpN: Link,

You'll make tons of great friends here, I'm sure, and you'll hardly ever be bored with the amount of role plays going on here! There's something in here for everyone and you'll be welcomed with open arms!

Ganbatte! Ja ne!

~Ravynne V.C.

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