


So, uh, hi there, internet... I am PizzaSlut, which I just think is funny because it's not Pizza Hut, but it rhymes with the restaurant chain and has a very obvious sexuality to it. If that doesn't tell you enough about me, this next bit sure will~

Actual name is long and starts with an A; I generally go by Am. I live in Florida and just graduated with a general AA from a local community college (hooray for cheaper higher education!). In Autumn I'm starting at a local private university (boo for really expensive higher education...) to get a BA in Graphic Design. I'm afraid that over the Summer I'm going to lose myself to a mindless abyss of laying in bed and doing nothing but marathoning Bob's Burgers in between episodes of Mad Men and probably Game of Thrones. To avoid this, I am hoping to commit myself to some serious roleplays, most likely slice of life and romantic styles--it is Summer after all.

I am new to RPNation, obviously, so I'm not too sure on how it works. In the past I've roleplayed on Gaiaonline, if anyone is familiar with that, but the forums are so cluttered with all kinds of fantasy that I'm finding it difficult to just jump in anywhere. I'm hoping here I'll feel more welcome. I roleplayed frequently for about 4 years, but when I started college I became too busy with a part time job at a Library to boot; I'm ready to re-commit myself.

If you have any helpful beginner's tips or if you'd like to suggest a roleplay that you've got going and you think you might like me to join, please don't hesitate to introduce yourself! I'm accommodating and (I think I am/try to be) witty~

I'm also Am. And PizzaSlut.

Thanks for reading~
Sorry...but I'm gonna to suggest a name change. It's a bit inappropiate for this site.
Hey there! I'm pretty new to the site m'self but welcome. :) Just a few comments to make:

A. Fellow Floridian here ^-^

B. Pizzaslut...I like it. I like it a lot. I would sell my body for pizza so I see we already have many things in common.

kosmosnot said:
Hey there! I'm pretty new to the site m'self but welcome. :) Just a few comments to make:
A. Fellow Floridian here ^-^

B. Pizzaslut...I like it. I like it a lot. I would sell my body for pizza so I see we already have many things in common.

I found a shirt online that has PizzaSlut under the red roof of the Pizza Hut logo and I swear I will not be the same until I can have it permanently sealed to my body. Or at least until I own it. I'll probably be fine either way, but, I mean, I would be lying if I said I would be buried after death wearing anything but a PizzaSlut shirt.

Florida sure is getting hot though. I want that end-of-winter chill back.

Anyway, I hope good things come to you in your exploration of the site! :)
Hi hun,

I really hate to do this to you, but do to the nature of your name and our site rules (Both or censor and no sexual content rulings), I'm going to ask that we select a different screen name for your account. Please respond with what you'd like it changed to and I can swap stuff around for you. I'm really sorry about this, Hun.


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