How to Make Halloween RP More Interesting?

call me rae

Closing this account


It's All Hallows Eve and a group of amatuer monster hunters and mystery enthusiasts have become caught up in the one heck of a adventure.

All around the town people's halloween costumes have come to life and the streets are over-run with ghouls and goblins.

It's up to the unofficial "Scoobies" to find the person or persons responsible for the dastardly plot!

- inspired by Buffy Halloween episode.



As you can see the plot and concept is pretty bare bones. I'm not used to attempting groups on this site so any suggestions on how to make this more appealing? Right now I have it set to be pretty casual - borderline simple. Just a paragraph per post minimum and all you have to do to join is send in a writing sample and a character overview.

It's meant to just be a fun bit of silliness that lasts the month of october to get everyone excited for halloween.

Any suggestions for improvement?

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What year is it?

What country?

Is this an otherwise ordinary world?

Are you going full-90s TV in terms of style, or more actual 90s?

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