Looking for How to get over your favorite show ending that you’ve been deeply attached to?


mental health hiatus (again.)
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I’m going to be honest about this. There’s a animated series I watch that has become a comfort for me as I practically grew up and now I got word it’s ending very soon. What can I do so the pain of it ending doesn’t hurt as much?
stop watching it and never finish it and then it'll never be over
Rewatch it, write fanfiction, and sob. Not necessarily in the order.

In all seriousness, you should finish it. It'll give you a sense of closure, I feel? Afterwards, write about the series and look back on the memories fondly- it was going to have to end someday, and aren't you glad for the memories it gave you?
I usually talk about it with friends, and go try to find similar shows. Although, what ends up happening is that I wont find anything remotely interesting for like a year or two, lol. :closedeyesfrown:
I usually turn to fanfiction, it's basically free extra content! It's not the same of course, but it helps to fill the hole at least a little bit. Or RP, that's really kept me going after finishing something I loved before as well.
Fanfiction, rp and cosplay if the show made me so attached I can't get over it.
Also, talking to friends and getting them into that show to have more people to discuss it with. 😈
With this show called The Owl House, the biggest thing I did to get over it when it was in that like year long hiatus was to roleplay it and read lots of fan fictions. Ngl sometimes it made me miss the show more, but other times, especially with the RPing, it soothed and satisfied my craving.
Usually I cope by reading fanfiction and looking at art- even if it's all stuff that you've seen before. It's definitely a hard thing to go through, and I hope you get through it okay!
I just try. Of the shows that I thoroughly enjoyed that ended, I almost have the entire series on DVD. I just need Seasons 5 and 6 of Grimm.
If the show ended decently, even though it was sad I try and appreciate the greatness as well as the impact that it had in my life. I kind of don't get over it, but get through the emotions to appreciate a masterpiece in its own right. 😌

(If it ended badly or the show got ruined I just riot)
Rewatch, cry, read fic, cry, find people to cry with, cry, RP every possible AU/canon divergence. But more seriously, I find that talking the series out with other fans helps a lot! Brings a new perspective and depth to what you've watched, and makes you appreciate it in a different way
Finish, feel empty, get over it. Find something new. Progress; grow.
I like to seek out other things made by whoever was behind that series or whatever piece of media it is I've watched. Usually, it'll be just as endearing as whatever you just finished watching.

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