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Realistic or Modern how the wild west was fun — ic



adventure one
The Disappearance of Charlotte Price

Welcome to Misty River Fields! It’s a ranch with vast acres of land owned by a farmer and his family. As the group is passing through, a frantic Peter Price comes running from the farmhouse and is making a beeline straight for the group. After calming down, Peter asks the group if they have seen his eldest daughter, Charlotte. Apparently, Charlotte is missing, has been for a few hours. Peter explains that Charlotte had gone outside to milk the cows and hadn’t returned. Maybe one of the cows had gotten loose and Charlotte went after it only to end up lost. Or what if Charlotte was snatched up by bandits? Where is Charlotte? And what happened? Peter begs the group to help find his daughter and to bring her home safely. Time to find a missing person.

setting details:

a camp outside of Misty River Fields
time of day: early morning
date: June 18th, 1870
weather: warm and crisp
setting summary: the group is going about their usual morning routines in the camp before they get ready to pack up camp and set out to find a new adventure.

Please feel free to go ahead and start posting <3

Edith Cameron

The Cook

the camp





Edith awoke long before the dew had settled on the grass — long before the sun warmed the earth below her cot, long before anyone else had begun to stir — to the sound of her own screaming. As it had done a thousand times before, Edith had bolted upright from the trappings of her blanket with her hand pressed firmly into her chest, feeling the rise and fall of worried lungs and the hectic thumping of a hectic heart beneath her palm. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the world around her, every item in her field of view swimming together as she tried to orient herself.

Someone snoring in the distance. The smell of the burned out fire, reduced to embers and ash with through the decay of night. A horse's soft exhales as it slept peacefully hitched nearby.

Edith swung her legs over the edge of the bed, squeezing her eyes shut as she reached a clammy hand up to push the auburn hair away from her forehead. Slowly, her body began to relax until finally, Edith felt strong enough to pull herself fully from the remnants of sleep to get her day started.

Nightmares were making it impossible to sleep those days, terrors ripping Edith away from the well needed rest that her body so frequently begged for. More often than not, Edie was one of the last few of the group to go to back and was routinely the first person awake in the morning. Somehow, despite the exhaustion that plagued her bones like an unshakable flu, Edith didn't mind this arrangement. The quiet of early morning allowed her time to work in silence, the others asleep and leaving her in peace to prepare kettles of coffee and eggs on iron skillets. If she woke up really early, or if she couldn't sleep at all, Edith found herself wandering off to a quiet spot in the woods to stare up at the stars between the leaves of the forest canopy, more often than not with Teaghlach by her side. It was there, embraced by moss and ivy and insects, that Edie would lay for hours until the sun finally reminded her that there was a job she had to do.

Luckily, Edith had somehow managed to sleep through most of the night this time. Edith wasted no time cleaning herself up in a wash basin of fresh water, pinning her hair up into a careful bun and shrugging on a clean dress as she made her way to where she had set up the kitchen to begin her breakfast. As she worked away, cracking eggs and stirring oats and mixing coffee and brewing tea, Edie's lips remained pressed into a fine line, mostly to keep her from yawning but partially to keep the soft hums echoing from her chest to a minimum. The last thing she wanted to do was wake anyone up before breakfast was even ready. These outlaws and vagabonds were incredibly short when hungry and honestly, Edith was in no mood to tolerate it.

With breakfast well on its way, Edith poured herself a cup of coffee and began to sip away at it as she watched the horizon where a sunrise, orange and brilliant, began to paint the sky.

© weldherwings.

Morgan was plagued by nightmares too. This was not an unusual occurrence. It felt weekly these days. In his case, it was an old memory that plagued him, even during his waking hours. Morgan felt the phantom hands tear off his Sergeant stripes, and heard a voice like a death knell pronounce his sentence.
'Mister Stokes, it is the decision of this Tribunal that you, sir, are a coward. You shall wear the sign of your failure on you for the rest of your days.' Morgan opened his mouth to argue, and that was when the brand descended. He felt it sear him just as he woke up, mouth clenched tight to avoid letting out a scream.

He kicked himself free from the tangled mess his blankets had become, and stepped out of his tent. As usual, the sun had not yet risen, but New Boots whickered a greeting and bumped his head into Morgan's shoulder. Morgan slid an arm over the horse's shoulder and drew in a shuddering breath. He soaked in the comforting presence of his horse before climbing up into the saddle. His usual look of determination fixed upon his face once more, he made his way along the perimeter, checking in on the sentries. Finding it had been a quiet night, he turned his horse back to camp. As the sun rose behind him, he was relieved to see smoke rising near the cook wagon. As much as he felt it was much too early to deal with the imp known as Miss Cameron, he was in desperate need of some coffee. He hitched his horse in the usual spot, promising to give New Boots more of a workout later. After he slowly crept up to the wagon, carefully hooking a tin cup and quietly pouting himself a cup. He had hoped to avoid drawing her attention, but he knocked another cup off and it clattered impossibly loudly in the still dawn morning. Sighing heavily, he turned towards her, sipping his coffee before saying:
"Miss Cameron," in a clipped and tired voice. He had no idea why she bedeviled him so, but she had a way of twisting anything he said to the way she wanted. It drove him near mad some days.
mood :
slightly drowsy, at ease.

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
Veil Walker Veil Walker geminiy geminiy
;; embry
upon the rise of the sun on the horizon, the aroma of rich coffee and eggs woke a slumbered embry. arising from her cot, a yawn escaped from her lips, followed by the almost involuntary, instinctual stretch she needed to start her day. she swung her legs over to the side of her cot, where she laced up her boots over socks. she dressed as she normally would, a tan victorian gown, corset tightly cinched over her petite waist.

the bright orange sunrise shone on her tent, casting a dark silhouette of her ectomorphic build on the side. she stepped out, feeling a crisp breeze flow through her blonde locks as her lungs filled with the outside air. she took a long gaze at the red and orange painted sky, almost entranced by its beauty before her gaze was broken by two of the other gang members. first, she glanced at edith, whom of course was behind the smell of food and coffee brewing. edith was a breath of fresh air on most days, except when the other gang members wouldn’t pick up after themselves. rightfully so - edith worked hard to ensure that the camps that were set up were almost in pristine condition - the least everyone could do was ensure it stayed that way.

then, her gaze met morgan. morgan reminded her of her brother some days, some days he made her feel home sick because of it. she then looked down at her tightly knitted corset and long dress, and knew he would probably tell her to put on a pair of pants. the thought made her chuckle to herself a bit, but with that she strode toward the pair, her head held high as the wind blew against her face.

“good morning, early risers. edith, your cooking never ceases to wake me from a dead sleep.” she said, with a slight laugh before pouring a cup of coffee and pressing it to her lips. there was nothing like a warm cup of black coffee to embry, it brought a comforting sensation as the caffeine slid into her bloodstream.
coded by reveriee.
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the lookout.





camp, with the horses





Unlike that of her groupmates, Birdie’s cot had long gone cold, her sheets already neatly rolled up and packed away since Melanie had awoken her for the change of shifts at the crack of dawn. She had no clue how much time had passed since that moment. Time always seemed to flow differently when she was on watch. She sat, silent and watchful, perched on a jagged outcrop, her head rested on her knees which she had gathered tightly to her body. From this vantage point, the shapes that marked the camp seemed far away, along with all her possessions, worries, and other reminders of her everyday life. In moments like this Birdie could simply be, blend into the world around her and take in the scenery; the lowering moon and rising sun serving as the only reminders that the earth still turned on its axis.

Her gaze was caught by movement around camp, settling on the familiar outlines of Morgan and New Boots making their morning rounds. As per usual, Birdie took that as her cue that she could return to the group. In one swift movement she rose to her feet and stretched out her arms, feeling the days’ first few rays of sunlight on her stiff limbs. She clambered down from the outcrop with confident, practiced movements and made her way back to camp. Bit by bit, her mind returned to her body, her thoughts slowly turning over to the preparations she had to make for the day ahead.

She walked into camp with long, purposeful strides, breaking out in a warm smile when she was greeted by the gentle clatter of cutlery and scent of coffee which signalled Edie was awake. Then came the not-so-gentle clanging of a tin cup falling from a shelf, suggesting that other members of the group had already made their way to the kitchen. Unable to help herself, Birdie caught herself wondering if she’d find Cole there, leaning against the wagon as he sipped at his coffee. The image made her heart flutter - a warmth which spread to her cheeks when she remembered what had transpired between them only a few nights prior. She changed direction suddenly, her feet carrying her towards where the horses were hitched up the previous evening.

Firefly was already stood alert when Birdie rounded the corner, ears swivelling in the direction of the sound of her footfalls. He nickered as Birdie came over to rest her forehead on his, raising her hand so that she could feel the hairs on his muzzle tickling her palm.
“Hey there, Bug. Sleep well?”
Firefly jerked his head up in response, Birdie sidestepping to narrowly avoid getting whacked in the face. This earned a laugh from Birdie, who took it as a sign that he was ready to get on with his morning. She retrieved a brush from nearby and set about ridding him of the dust that settled on his coat overnight, humming softly to herself as she went along.

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • how they're feeling...

    kinda tired but happy


the medic

The morning is warm and crisp but still had that early morning chill in the air. The fire had long died down to embers during the night but the air was still warm and comfortable. Minnie was not a morning person, well they are but they’re more of a late morning person. If someone feels like they’re developing a fever or accidentally injured themselves then someone can shake Minnie awake for that. Minnie is the sole medic of the group so they need to be well rested for their job, which is why they tend to get up in the late morning hours.

Something woke Minnie up; they weren’t sure if it was a weird dream they were having or if it was something else. Edith’s cooking perhaps? Minnie always looked forward to meals made by Edith. Either way, Minnie was already awake from a rather deep sleep and it would be pointless in trying to fall back asleep for a couple of hours. The group was due to set off soon after breakfast was finished so it was best to be up and about when the time came to pack up and leave. Minnie laid on their cot, eyes fixated on the red, yellow and orange colors of the sky as the sun was slowly rising itself into the sky. Once Minnie gathered up the strength to sit up from their cot, they slowly shifted into a sitting position.

They felt the chill of the morning when they sat up from their cozily warm cot and it sent a shiver down their spine. Minnie inched their way off of the cot and gently rolled it up to be packed away later when it was time for them to set out again and see what the day brings. With the cot taken care of, Minnie set out to busy themself for the morning. They were definitely planning on getting a warm cup of black coffee this morning like they usually did to perk up but right now they decided to see to Green Bean, Bean for short.

Unsurprisingly, a few of their fellow group members were also up and about. Minnie strolled their way over to the horses, eager to greet Bean and see how he was doing. Minnie took notice that Birdie was with the horses as well, tending to her own horse.

“Hey Birdie.” Minnie greeted her warmly as they made their way over to Birdie and the horses, greeting Birdie before turning their attention to Green Bean to greet him and give him a morning brush down. Green Bean’s attention perked when Minnie approached him. Minnie reached out to give him a few gentle pets to the neck, “Good morning Bean, how’s my sweet boy?” Minnie greeted him coolly, petting his neck a few times before turning to get a brush for Bean. They started to brush down Bean’s coat, removing the dust that had settled itself on Bean’s coat from their ride. “Hey Birdie, what kind of adventure do you think we’ll stumble across today?” Minnie was just trying to make some small talk with Birdie as the two were brushing down their horses.

“I was thinking maybe we could search for jackalopes or something. I think they’re real, what about you?” Minnie inquired.

♡coded by uxie♡

Edith Cameron

The Cook

the camp

exhausted, playful

morgan, embry


Veil Walker Veil Walker cherry bomb . cherry bomb .

Edith took great pride in her peace, in her silence, yet every time she found herself in a rare settled moment, out came someone to interrupt it all. Most mornings, it was Birdie on her way out to make her rounds. Her interruption, of course, was always welcome. Birdie was Edith's pride and joy, one of the few reasons that Edith found to smile these days. Edith had watched Birdie take off to do just that as she had awoken that morning, quietly taking note of how long she would be to make sure that Birdie wouldn't be late.

That morning, though, it was not Birdie that awoke her. Rather, a sly man trying to avoid talking to her entirely and failing almost hilariously as a tin cup, which Edie had carefully washed, dried, and hung from the side of the wagon the night prior, clanked to the ground. Edith jumped slightly but refused to look, knowing exactly who would avoid talking to her yet willingly drink her coffee. Instead, Edith continued to work her knife through a loaf of bread, blowing a piece of hair away from her eyes.

"Miss Cameron," the voice spoke, only confirming Edith's suspicions. A thick slice of bread fell to the table and Edith finally turned to look at the man, blade still in hand.

"Good morning to you too, Morgan," Edith huffed, leaning her hip onto the wooden table beside her. She wasted no time to roll her eyes and begin to speak again, this time clearly more annoyed. "You know, in America it is customary to actually greet the person making you your breakfast instead of creeping around like a mouse in my grain." Edith reached out and swiped the coffee cup from Morgan's hands, taking a sip of the dark liquid inside. "You do know what I do to the mice in my grains, don't you Morgan?"

In a smooth motion, Edith stabbed the knife into the loaf of bread until the metal hit the wooden table below with a thunk. Her threats, as everyone knew, were mostly empty. In all actuality, Edith wouldn't ever raise a hand to harm anyone, unless of course you truly pissed her off. At that point, you may get something just slightly wrong in your meals, a seasoning that doesn't work, or a strange mushroom that tastes just ever so off. Nothing to make anyone sick, of course, but just enough that Edith's point got across. Hell, Edith wasn't even mad at Morgan. In fact, she found the whole thing rather entertaining. Nonetheless, it was even more fun to watch the stoic man squirm.

"And how many times do I have to tell you?" Edith sighed, taking another sip of coffee. "It's Edith."

Saving Morgan from another colourful earful about respect and basic childhood manners, another person joined the conversation. Edith turned her steely gaze from Morgan to Embry, fake scowl twisting into a grin as the blonde approached them to grab herself a cup of coffee. At her polite greeting, Edith reached across the table and tucked a strand of hair behind Embry's ear, giving her a playful wink.

"I do my best, m'eudail," Edith said warmly, as she grabbed a plate and scooped a helping of eggs and a piece of freshly made toast onto the plate. After handing the meal to Embry, Edith turned to Morgan and nodded over her shoulder to Embry.

"See that, Morgan? That's how you get fed while the food's still hot." Edith playfully teased with a mischievous grin. Turning back to Embry, Edith brushed the flour off her hands and began to place the butter, molasses, and jam onto the tabletop. "You look radiant this morning, Embry, as always. I really don't know how you do it."

© weldherwings.

There were a few things that Cole figured he would never get used to since forming their group, but the reason today was the sound of other people getting their morning started. Typically he was one of the first to rise (other than the lookouts of the group) but today he was startled awake by the sound metal hitting rock, jerking up to a sitting position from whatever fitful sleep he’d been having. His hand instantly drifted towards the spot under his pillow where he kept his knife, but as the sleep faded and he took in his surroundings, he realized that all was calm in the camp. A few others were still tucked away in their bedrolls, but the empty spots where some of the others had spent the night suggested that there were a few more people awake than normally were when he woke.

Passing a hand through his hair as his thumping heart settled in his chest, he closed his eyes before glancing up at the sky. The paintings of oranges, yellows and pinks with the splattering of wispy clouds helped center him as he pushed the last remaining reminders of sleep from his mind. It had been a few days since he’d had a good night's rest, and it seemed to be catching up with him if his late waking was to be a clue to anything. Ever since the other night when he and Birdie had… Cole huffed a breath as the memory flooded back to him and forced himself from the comfort of his blankets, letting the crisp morning air wash over him as he stood and stretched. It would do him no good to keep dwelling on the thoughts of the other night, nor what Morgan had told him afterwards. They had plans to head out later in the morning, and though Cole was itching to pack up and ride, he needed to make sure everything was set before they took off.

Cole quietly took the time to neatly pack up his bedding so as not to wake anyone still sleeping, tucking his knife back into his belt before picking everything up to take over to Honey. He wasn’t sure who was on watch last, but he could see that the space Birdie had taken the night before was empty, which faced him with a dilemma of trying to figure out where the woman had gone. He could smell Edith’s fine cooking coming from where she had set up her spot to make their meals, and could hear some quiet conversation, so he took his bet that she would be with the others there, getting a bite before anyone else woke. Taking careful steps, he made his way to where the horses were tied up, careful to make as little noise as possible.

As he neared the horses though, he saw that he’s been incorrect in his assumption that Birdie had been with the breakfast crew and paused, seeing both Minnie and Birdie by their horses having a conversation. He froze, instincts telling him to turn and head the other direction but Honey, already antsy since other people were around that weren’t giving her attention, nickered, stomping her hoof into the ground and bobbing her head. He cleared his throat, letting out a slightly awkward, “Ladies”, before quickly crossing over to Honey and setting his items next to his saddle to be attached later before they left. Honey, ever the attention seeker, happily pressed her nose into his shoulder as he poured all of his attention into her, praying that the other two would continue with their conversation while he calmed Honey enough to let him leave again.


the lookout.





camp, with the horses


minnie, cole

Birdie could have guessed that the next person to join her in tending to the horses would be Minnie. In fact, she was surprised that the medic hadn’t already beat Birdie to it. Minnie and Green Bean had a bond unlike anything she had seen before, they were inseparable. So she was already half expecting it when she heard their voice calling out in a warm greeting.
“Minnie! Why, that dress suits you beautifully.”
She glanced admiringly over the plaid pattern of their skirt before returning her attention to Firefly, allowing Minnie the time to say hello to Green Bean.

Birdie continued on as she was, but would tilt her head as if in thought upon Minnie’s enquiry as to what she thought the group would get up to that day. The suggestion of jackalope hunting elicited a laugh from her.
“Now, there’s an idea. I haven’t got the slightest clue if they’re real or not, but I figure if they were, they would have revealed themselves by now if they wanted us to know about it. Maybe we should respect their privacy.”
At that, though, Birdie would finally look back up at Minnie, a twinkle in her keen blue eyes.
“But if I ever happen upon one while on watch, you’d be the first to know. We’d just have to keep it a secret from the others.”
She gave them a wink before moving around Firefly, ducking under the horse’s head so she could get started on his other side.

Changing sides, however, would put none other than Cole Andrews directly in her line of vision, momentarily freezing her to the spot. ’Speaking of secrets…’ Birdie thought, trying her best to maintain eye contact with the man, but unable to stop her gaze from wandering down to his lips. Her breath hitched in her throat.
“Mornin’, Cole,”
she’d finally manage to respond after she peeled her eyes away from him, tending to Firefly’s coat with renewed vigour. She should have just gone to Edie, Birdie thought. She shot a longing glance over in the direction of the kitchen, almost hoping the other woman would be able to feel her desperation and come running to her rescue. Edith was always the first person Birdie wanted to speak to in the mornings, if she could help it. This must be the universe punishing her for not following through with that ritual.

Still, as far as punishments went, this one wasn’t so bad to look at. She caught herself stealing glances at him in-between brushstrokes, smiling fondly at the way Honey pressed her muzzle into his shoulder.
“Any particular plans for today?”
The words escaped her before she had the time to decide against them, and she cringed internally, immediately cursing herself for saying anything. She cleared her throat and tried to keep her voice as even as possible.
“Minnie and I were just wondering what we should get up to,”
she explained.

♡coded by uxie♡
It took a lot of restraint for Morgan not to growl at Edith as she stole his coffee. It was one thing to tease him, but taking a soldier's coffee first thing in the morning was a dangerous business. Still, he would be damned if he let her get to him this early in the day. He arched an eyebrow at her supposed "threat."
"Now Miss Cameron, I think the next time you threaten me, you might want to get yourself a crate or something. Just so you might be able to look me in the eye." He let a rare smile slowly break over his face to let her know he meant no real harm. She might be aggravating, but Morgan would never even touch her except to try to help her in some way. He prided himself on his gentle nature when it came to the gang. He might yell at them occasionally, but never put hands on them. He had learned first hand that corporal punishment never taught anyone anything but resentment. He let his smile fade slightly as he glanced at his stolen mug of pure joy.
"You know, it can be a dangerous thing, taking an old soldier's coffee first thing in the morning. I'm sure that wars have in fact been fought over plundered coffee." While Morgan kept his usual straight face, his eyes still glinted bright with humor. He made a half hearted effort to snag his cup, snatching his fingers back just before they touched Edith's. Lightly bending over, he scooped up the fallen mug and gave it a brand new clean, nodding to Embry as she walked up. Flicking the mug dry, he set it amongst the others. He forestalled any comment about Embry's choice of clothing, knowing better than to try to mentally spar with both these strong willed ladies.
"Good morning, Miss Callahan. I hope you enjoy your breakfast. I think I'll pass on anything more than coffee. Last time, the meal you served me had a strange taste. I wonder why that was, hmm, Miss Cameron?" Snagging an apple for his horse, he had begun to move that direction when he froze in place. Seeing Birdie and Cole in one place was... awkward to say the least. He knew what had transpired between the two of them, and the last thing he wanted to do was get involved with that. Instead, he stood his ground. He pocketed the apple for later, and tried to figure out any other place to go. He felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he sure didn't want to spend all morning dealing with the tag team of Embry and Edith. He knew any encounter there was doomed for him as soon as it started. On the other hand, he had absolutely no desire to get in the middle of Cole's frankly awful dealings with the ladies. Deciding that discretion indeed was the best part of valor, Morgan marched to his tent. Checking his rifle was indeed still clean after the scant overnight hours since he had cleaned it, he slung the strap over his shoulder and lurked a safe distance away from the chuc wagon to determine when he could best snag a meal without drawing further ire upon himself.
the lookout.
  • .
Birdie, Edith
Veil Walker Veil Walker
Melanie was never one for sleeping. She understood it was necessary for a sound body and mind; she just always thought it a waste of time. Ever since she was a child, she made a habit of sleeping as little as needed in favor of doing other, more active things with her time. This habit came in handy when the job she currently held involved sleeping only half the night. A lack of sleep never seemed to affect Melanie; she was always just as alert as ever; that was just how she functioned. It had been only a couple hours since Birdie had taken her place keeping watch. She was sure she could sleep in for longer if she wanted, but she was always the early riser. Melanie lie awake, staring at the top of her tent, not quite ready to physically get up. She always let her mind wander a bit before she began to get ready for the day. She began to ponder what sort of trouble the group could get into today.

After a few minutes, she sat up on her cot, taking a moment to stretch slightly before getting up and getting dressed for the day in some simple, practical attire. Spotting her notebook and writing equipment left near her bed since she wrote a bit of poetry last night, she took a moment to stash them away in a bag underneath some supplies, not wanting anyone to come across them. Before exiting her tent, she secured her pistol in her holster and clipped a couple small knives to her belt. Melanie liked to be prepared for any situation. While it was unlikely they would be ambushed during their breakfast, it was never impossible.

Exiting her tent, she made her way to grab some food, smelling eggs and bacon as she approached the chuckwagon. Edith always had a gift for cooking some delightful chow. However, before Melanie reached her destination, she spotted Morgan standing a ways away, gazing at the chuckwagon as if he were stalking it, thinking of how to best attack, especially with how his riffle was already slung over his shoulder. She made a quick detour to see if anything was wrong, although she had a suspicion that his behavior was simply over the cook that he was always hiding from. "Morning," she nodded as she approached. "You planing a holdup to get your breakfast?" She raised an eyebrow. There wasn't an ounce of humor in her tone, but Morgan surely knew her long enough to know that she meant this question in jest. He didn't have to give her a straight answer as to why he was lurking around; she didn't expect one, and she wouldn't push for one; she mainly wanted to ensure there was nothing more serious going on.
coded by reveriee.

Elderia was certain there had not been a rock under them when they had gone to sleep, but said rock had somehow migrated its way to jab them in the kidney. They lay awake, eyes still closed, for several minutes– perhaps if they just ignored it, the rock would… go away on its own. Luck did not seem to be in Eld’s favour. They sighed, rolling onto their side and then pushing themself to sitting up. They could hear others stirring and chatting in the camp, which probably meant it was about time for them to get up as well.

Rubbing the crust from their eyes, Eld yawned and turned to begin packing up their bedding. It had been a rather restless night, something about this camp had just rubbed them the wrong way. Finished packing their things, Eld made their way to the horses.

That was first thing every morning, make sure no one had gotten loose, bitten, scraped, bruised, or otherwise injured while the group had slept. Not that El didn’t trust Birdie and Melanie to alert them if something happened, but one could never be too careful.

They raised a hand in greeting to the others gathered around the horses, first making their way to check on Rock Slide. The mare barely acknowledged them, too interested in snuffling at the ground incase there was something tasty hidden in the dusty earth. El gave the horse a quick once over, lifting her legs to check her hooves before moving to where the others stood.

“Sorry to interrupt,” They began, “Mind if I take a look at the horses before we get going this mornin’?” Eld tugged at an earring as they glanced between Birdie, Minnie, and Cole.

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