How does the Wyld Hunt hunt?


The Problem:

Two of my players have made themselves obvious to a wyld hunt that was pulling into town. The No-moon and the Zenith took off, animas blazing, and the Wyld Hunt needs to presue them. Now they have the Wanted flaw at probably a ratin 3 because they also killed about 20 mortals, and attempted murder on a town leader DB. Without help from Sidereals (though I'm not above using that) how would they track them? All they have is the anethema's names, caste, and vague location.

The Hunters:

I currently have 5 dragon blooded hunters. All with roughly 400 exp. 2 immaculate monks (fire & wood, both maxed in their elemental tree). A water aspect tactition, an earth aspect general (with a hundred mortals give or take), and an air aspect sorcerer (mostly used for messages).

The Prey:

We have the No-Moon fox lunar who is pretty powerful right now as she has essence 5, and has taken DBT 4 times at least. She isn't a super shape changer but she throws spells around like it's no big deal.

Next we have the one I want dead the most: a Zenith caste who is a discusting swordsman. Dex 6, melee 5 (+3 dual weild swords), dodge 5, ect ect. Neither are exceptionally bright, but they are quick because the no-moon has storm wind rider and isn't afraid to run. They also may recruit a full-moon cat lunar that is slippery as she is deadly.

I need a way to kill the two of them, and I'd would love a quick and swift death. I unfortunately fear it means I'll have to bring in Sidereals, and I'd rather do it with just the given hunters. Any advice would be welcomed.[/b]
Okay, finding them is no problem, unless they completely avoid civilization. Remember, even if alot of Creation doesnt like the Realm, they cling to the imacculate faith as a sort of false hope. If everyone knows there's Anathema runnin around, ANYONE who looks suspicious will be reported. Covering your faces makes you even moreso. Remember, small villages are often suspicious of outsiders.

If you're just taking down those two, that hunt should be fine. If it's like a Wyld Hunt when the Scarlet Empress was in command, make it at least 10, plus some lower level DB's. Remember, tons of people signed aboard for Wyld Hunts, and it was a privilege and a grand event to be in one.

If the Wyld hunt  are NPCs then they could just know where the players are if the players aren't actively trying to hide their tracks.  If they are that blatant it shouldnt be too hard to find them.  

As for fighting them... divide and conquer.  Geek the mage first though.
So you want these two PCs dead? Do I read that right?

I'm planning to gank my players in the next session, but it's only 1 DB versus 2 Celestials and a DB Water Dragon master.

Here are a few tricks I've cooked up to help him not die:

  • Drain their essence: Those essence flare perimiter thingies from Wonders. Set them up near the ambush site, and BAM! That's 16 motes off the top of everyone's pool before the fight even begins.
  • Make it hurt them to hurt you: This DB has Artifact 5 armor with a souped up version of the Alchemical Electrification Onslaught Dynamo. Every time they come in contact with him in any way, they're getting their asses reflexively jolted.
  • Bring backup: You've got a sorceror, and that means you have to potential to have demons. Maybe lots of them if there's enough time (a sorceror working alone can manage 1 per day). Leave them dematerialized so the PCs don't figure them into their strategy, and then when the group's worn down a bit, BAM! a couple of dozen demons materialize with Principle of Motion active, and rush in swinging.

And remember, those 100 mortals are fodder. Send them rushing into the meat grinder before you let any of your DBs break a sweat.

Finding them is the easy part.

As for fighting them, send in cannon fodder.  Lots and lots of cannon fodder.  Let the bastards burn their essence and when they are either low or just simply out of motes send in the real deal.  I suggest taking out the swordsman first with long range attacks.  I'm assuming he has either perfect dodge or parry so use as many non-Charm attacks as you can to finish off his perfect defence.  Since he won't be able to fight perfectly against the DBs from distance without the use of charms he is as good as dead.  As for the No-moon, if he focuses on long range attacks you should attack him up close.  If you have used your cannon fodder wisely he shouldn't have enough motes to shape any spells.  If he does, attack him from multiple sides in case he has Death of Obsidian Butterflies.  If not, you should still attack him from multiple sides so that he won't be able to run away.  Even if he is a good fighter he shouldn't stand much chance against 5 DBs.  If the Fire Aspected DB has two short daiklaves and Hearthstone Bracers he will be able to attack at least twice before the No-moon can attack once (Jade Short Daiklave + Jade Hearthstone Bracers = Speed 2).

The point is, save the strength of the Wyld Hunt until the hunted have used up theirs.
They've got their Handy Dandy Anathema Essence Compasses right?

OK, barring a nifty toy that they get to locate Solar Essence travelling along the many Dragon Lines that feed into various Dragon Blood controlled Manses, the Hunt probably has a stable of Spirits and odd trackers.  Beastmen and God Bloods with odd gifts.  Sorcery.  Spirits. Pacts with the odd animal gods.  Did I mention Spirits?  Because Spirits are a great way to track folks.  

And at 400XP, the DBs might just have enough Survival to do the tracking themselves.

As for killing this pair: cheat.  Do bad things to them--like with Sorcery.  Like with draining their Essence by popping up inconsequential threats that your Sorcerer Lunar will expend Essence upon.  Send out Spirits to spook them.  Trigger their defenses.  Hound them.  Hit them from a distance.  Use the natural formations around them--rockslides, avalanches, floods, hurricane like winds--I did mention Spirits before, right?

Let's not forget handy Essence Draining Technologies that the DBs have.  Have them expend Essence in getting away from threats.  Winnow them down, and then follow their asses.  Yup, the Stormwind Rider is a handy spell.  Nothing to prevent DBs from using it as well, especially if they have Artifacts to get them places fast to boot.

Stormwind away--but it is visible, and trackable.  And relatively expensive.  Make them flee and when they are forced to ground, with Essence expended, then they get hit from abuscade.  Say the DBs have Artifacts that mimic Travel Without Distance would be very naughty of you.  Tracker who is using another Stormwind has his own tracking device that sends up a signal where the others should 'port into--with no Essence cost to themselves but from the devices.  Oops.  Essence depleted Celestials versus Fresh As a Daisy DBs, with Essence Draining tech, and Spirits to back them up with protection and annoying drips and drabs of interference that will cause the Celestials all sorts of problems.

Then, the Celestials discover that the DBs have an airship at their disposal to rain down firedust and worse on their position.

Tracking them is the least of the Hunt's worries.  It's finding a killing ground that favors them, and with a wee bit of preperation, they can turn nearly any ground into that...
In addition to what others have said:

  • Sorcery-capturing cord, used defensively.
  • As Thorn said, villages are xenophobic, even in real life. Imagine villagers that know for a fact that fair folk who want to suck them dry exist, in addition to ghosts, zombies, abyssals, anathema, etc. Strangers == VERY BAD. (Smart parties, btw, disguise themselves as dragon-blooded for this reason.)
  • Some suggested Wyld Hunt Tactics
  • White Wolfs hideous wiki also is has something that mentions how a team of DBs would boost themselves before a fight.
I'm not generally one to actively try to kill my players, but if I was, I would distract them, make them think they've lost the Hunt, then give them something really fucked up to deal with, and in the middle of that, THEN the Hunt shows up.
Also you would want to sneak them.  Dont give them a chance to put up their persistant defenses.
Stillborn said:
  • Drain their essence: Those essence flare perimiter thingies from Wonders. Set them up near the ambush site, and BAM! That's 16 motes off the top of everyone's pool before the fight even begins.
  • Make it hurt them to hurt you: This DB has Artifact 5 armor with a souped up version of the Alchemical Electrification Onslaught Dynamo. Every time they come in contact with him in any way, they're getting their asses reflexively jolted.
  • Bring backup: You've got a sorceror, and that means you have to potential to have demons. Maybe lots of them if there's enough time (a sorceror working alone can manage 1 per day). Leave them dematerialized so the PCs don't figure them into their strategy, and then when the group's worn down a bit, BAM! a couple of dozen demons materialize with Principle of Motion active, and rush in swinging.

And remember, those 100 mortals are fodder. Send them rushing into the meat grinder before you let any of your DBs break a sweat.

*wandering innocently in to the thread and wandering off with this idea before I get caught*

Just remember people, Duck fate doesn't work in IRL!
Whenever I decide to play dirty, I always throw in the charms that break attunement with weapons.  The Earth Dragon Immaculate charm is great because not only does it break attunement, it can easily damage the weapon to the point where it isn't usable.  If solar is using daiklaves of any nature, they will become virtually useless to him.

Ultimately though, I have to agree... what exactly will killing your players solve?  Are you hoping that they will come back around with better thought out characters.  I personally would bank on the fact that, after having been hosed by the system, they would come back resolute on hosing the system right back.

By all means, kill them, enjoy the sound they make when they go splat.  I'm just curious what you intend to do after they're dead.

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