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How do I start a convorsation with someone.


If you click on a user's profile, you should be able to see a link that says, "Start a conversation". It should not matter which device you are on.

-edit- My mistake, I've been corrected. You need at least 10 posts and your account must be 24 hours old in order to start conversations. You're only a post short!
[QUOTE="Demon Hunter]I might need to wait afew hours i joined late last night
Well thanks for the help!

I believe that you need to be a member for 24 hours and have 10 points to hold a conversation with someone not 100% sure
[QUOTE="Demon Hunter]Yeah i got that now. Thanks!

Np man I was trying to find that out to conversation button is a must sometimes. I'm not sure about that I was wondering the same thing myself I believe once your no longer considered a new member you can change it, its not a time thing because i have been here for a while since like march

Click on your account it should be right under where you change your profile picture I believe.

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