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How about some literate, adventure fantasy...? =)


The Kindly Creature =3
Not to say you have to write like Stephen King, I can deal with 1-2 paragraphs as long as they're nice and meaty; but if you can do more, please do! =D

Right now I'd have to say medieval fantasy is my preference, I never aim for romance but if you MUST have it, I won't say no; but my character ultimately has to decide for him/herself. I make no promises. xD

I have about a million unformed plots buzzing about my cranium at any given time, so if you're low on plot ideas just start brainstorming with me. ;3, I love brainstorming. ^^

Dragons, werewolves, talking animals, time portals, insect people, undead, evil forces clutching at powerless worlds...c'mon! It all sounds fun to me! ;D lol, And I enjoy antagonistic roles as much if not more than protagonistic ones. xD , So, reply here if you wanna' cook up somethin' fun (my PMs work now, yay)! ;3

Things I enjoy:



Creepy ruins



Psychological aspects

Character interaction & development

Current Plot Ideas:

--- Forced to Fight ---

Koth is a massive city located at the heart of the Shalan Desert, a territory devoid of any civil or governmental rule. As a result it is a hotspot for thieves, assassins, mercenaries and slavers, its seedy underbelly thick with crime, all centering around the Kothrock Arena. Kothrock has become a legend in its own right, known for its amazing gladiatorial tournaments between humanoid contestants. Some enter willingly, others are captured as slaves and forced to compete for their freedom, but only recently have slave-traders begun taking in wild beasts to fight as blood sport in-between the main tournaments. This fad caught on quickly and soon every noble in the territory sought to pay merciless poachers to venture out into unexplored territories and capture the fiercest beasts they could find. In time the Beast Battles became as popular as the Gladiator Trials and on-lookers could see all manner of bizarre creatures fighting for their lives in the sand-pit arena. The problem is...not all of these creatures are the dumb beasts their trainers think them to be. Some are intelligent, and some plan to use that hidden intelligence to escape their torturous prison and seek vengeance on those who tore them from their homelands.

(Medieval fantasy|romance optional|any character species accepted)

(More may be to come! =D)
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Bats: Got any characters or plot ideas you've been dying to play or try? ^^

PeterPan: Any preferences on type or direction? =), Diggin' through some old characters of mine, I have a minotaur whom almost NEVER gets to interact with anyone but I love him to bits. He's the quiet-giant sort, kinder than he is cruel though he does take on work as a mercenary when the need for currency arises. I'd love an opportunity to slip him in a new story arc; got any characters who might work well alongside him? :D
Bats: As soon as I can PM I'll pop you one with a few plot ideas. ;3

NaomiKatyr: That would be awesome! =D, What sorts of characters do you generally play? Do any come to mind? ^^, I also usually play multiples; I enjoy medium to large casts so at least half of them can die or leave at any time. x3
I have been roleplaying mostly fantasy for a very very long time and enjoy the genre very much. If you want to PM me feel free, maybe we could come up with something entertaining and substantial.
Hey, if you want to do a medieval plot, we can come up with one that happens in Scotland. Like the same plot to Outlander (A book and TV Show if you are clueless), but not so much like it.
Theresa: Not sure that'd be my cup of tea. ^^'

Drake, Hinatarocks: I'll PM ya'. x3

Still looking for literate partners! If you're not up for fantasy toss me your other ideas, I'm all ears. ;3
Well, there are other ideas that I have in my mind, as a plot is being found, some are tossed and forgotten.
I don't know if you're still interested, but I've got a medieval fantasy role play taht I have been looking for someone who is very literate to play. Pm me if you'd like to see the plot :3
Still seeking more partners! Quite a few people bailed on me so I have lots of slots open again. lol ^^

Added some stuff to my original post, too. :P
I'm interested. ^^ Also, don't worry about my posts being too short. I have a tendency / old habit of writing huge-ass paragraphs when I'm really into a roleplay.

PM me when you have the time. ◕ヮ◕

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