House Of Freaks (Always open)

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
Welcome to our house of freaks. This is wear we are free to be ourselves and we don't have to be afraid of what other people think. Outside the house we try to act like normal human beings and we have to pretend so nobody knows what we real are. Here we can be who we want and relax.


1. Online rules apply

2. Star out bad words. Like T***

3. Keep it Pg-13

4.Drama is allowed

5. Have fun :)


Looks: (Pic)





History: (OPT)


My Character:



Name: Max Lane

Age: 19

Personality: She very protective of who she cares about. She won't let harm come to them. She makes sure people get what they need and is very giving. Though when you first meet her she might come on a little intimidating and doesn't want to get close to people. Later on you'll learn that she is very sweet and just wants the best for others.

Species: She is 85% human and 15% Bird. (She has wings that she hides under her shirt when she goes out and advance eye sight)

History: She keeps that to herself.

Other: Lily is her sister and she is very protective of her sister.



Name: Lily Lane

Age: 16

Personality: She is sweet and bubbly. She likes to make people happy. And is much more open and friendly than her sister. She also seems to act childish.

Species: 85% Human and 15% wolf. (She has ears that she hides under a hat and a tail)

History: Her and her sister use to be all human until one day when These people came and took them, their parens gave them away to theis strange people. They were experimented on and tortured. They finally escaped and bought a home and let it open for other freaks like them.

Other: She hides her scares from when she was younger.

What the house looks like


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Looks: (just add ears and tail)


Name: Dawn

Age: 16

Personality: Dawn is anti-social and usually keeps to herself. She is loyal and protective over those that she cares about. She has pretty bad trust issues but once she lets you in, she will do anything to protect you. She knows how to protect herself and others from harm or danger if necessary.

Species: 80% Human, 20% wolf.

History: Dawn was abused as a child and most of her teenage life. She ran away when she was 14 and was later captured and was tortured for about a year and a half and while she was there they injected her with wolf DNA which made her get wolf ears and tail. She also got some traits from the wolf DNA like extreme hearing, slight speed, the ability to growl, and some other small traits. She has been living on the streets ever since she escaped.

Other: Dawn always hides her ears and tail, along with her many scars from her father with jeans and a long, baggy hoodie. 
(sorry for using the scientist/experiment thing but I finished this then read yours, plus it reminded me of the Maximum Ride series :P )
Mhm Maximum Ride is a good series... but in my opinion there were a bit too many books and the last book seemed like it rushed things.
Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mhi1noFLvA1rfx2g0o1_500.jpg.a35f02422bef301e0e39d45538a32401.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mhi1noFLvA1rfx2g0o1_500.jpg.a35f02422bef301e0e39d45538a32401.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Mike Taze


Personality:Mike is a fun loving guy and funny at that.He is crazy and sometimes weird but you still gotta love this guy.He is a smart one when it comes to anything about food or candy.He is very talkative.Once you get him talking it's hard for him to stop.He loves nature and the night skies.

Species:65% Human 35% Bunny


Other: Twitches his noes when he is mad.



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So is everyone meant to be a hybrid or can they be otherwise a 'freak'? Like, weird powers, etc?
You can have powers or whatever you would like :) You don't have to be hybrid. That's just what I dicided to make my character.
Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/IMG_1055.jpg.6fffc452eca27fa47bd9351a480743a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/IMG_1055.jpg.6fffc452eca27fa47bd9351a480743a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Because of his infatuation with sports, Darien has always been somewhat muscular. Unfortunately, given that he almost exclusively plays football (soccer, to the American's in the audience) his upper body isn't all that put together. While there's not much extra fat there, most all the muscle on his form has taken up permanent residence on his calves and thighs.

He has olive-toned skin, hinting at Mediterranean origin, though due to a heavy amount of his time being spent in the sun and a more African family line on his mothers side he tends to edge towards a darker hue. His brown hair is often scruffy and uneven, given that he cuts it himself, and it defiantly doesn't help his over all appearance, given that most of his clothes are full of holes and poorly patched up. He tries to look generally clean. Up until recently, Darien has looked rather like a ragamuffin, but lately he's been being kept fairly neat, if only because Hyun-ki and Warren won't let him leave his room without at least looking SOMEWHAT presentable. Between the two of them Darien is regularly forced into new, non-ripped up shirts and shorts, and has his hair almost routinely combed. The only bit they haven't managed to get rid of is the shoes - affectionately named "duct tape sneakers" by Darien and so called because they're about eighty percent tape, fifteen percent staples and glue, and five percent shoe. He maintains that they're still usable, so why would he throw them out?

In terms of clothes, he generally wears shorts and t-shirts, simple and easy, and all bought from good will, or picked up out of the trash if he sees it and thinks it's still usable.

Name: Darien Ellyas

Age: 18

Personality: Darien is the sort of person who would find happiness in a house made of dung. He's almost constantly content where he is, if only because where he came from was always worse. When he lived on the streets he learned to be thankful for every little bit of cover and scrap of food, so now a couch is like a goose-down mattress with silk sheets to him. He can make himself happy in just about any situation he's put in, and because of this he often never tries to better himself. He'll be utterly content in slum-like living conditions, and never think to want something better, because it's already a lot better then what he was in before. Because he's happy where he is, he doesn't think that he can be happier anywhere else, and so he doesn't try to be. As such, he doesn't usually realise he wants something until after he has it - he didn't know he wanted a couch until he was sleeping on one, he didn't know he wanted a bed until he'd been moved tothat. He didn't realise how much better it was to have new, clean clothes until he had the money and means to pick up a few new shirts. Likewise, he rarely realises that he likes someone or wants to be in a relationship until he already is, and can rarely think to make the first move. He doesn't understand the consumerist need to want more more more, and likely never will.

That being said, there are some things he will never stop striving for, the foremost of which is normalcy. Darien hates his abilities with fire, and has tried to suppress or get rid of it from a very young age. He's only recently started trying to control it, and it's still the part of him that he can stand the least. Chances are you'd hate it too if you had tendency to light things on fire whenever you sneezed. In any case, he strives to be normal in every way - it's his dearest wish, the thing he wants most to fix about himself. He blames his abnormality for the fact that he was disowned (which is entirely true), and assumes that until he finds a way to make himself 'normal' his family will never want him back (which is entirely not). This is also why he isn't very open about his orientation - while he's not ashamed of who he is and who he likes, he knows that it's cause for being ostracised, and as such doesn't like to talk about another 'abnormal' part of him, as he sees it.

He likes animals more than people for a number of reasons, one being that he was just never a very social creature. He gets dogs and cats and birds, etc., more than he does humans, if only because they share his essentially simplistic view on life and ability to accept and often even be happy in whatever situation they're dropped into. He also adores them, at least on a subconscious level, because of how loyal some animals can be. Animals don't care that he's at a higher then normal temperature at all times, and they certainly wouldn't disown him for it. In fact, cats tend to like how warm he is. He gets to play radiator for them, which makes him quite happy. The simple acceptance that he finds in animals is more then he's ever expected from a person, and as such he loves them all dearly. He cannot understand why any human would willingly leave behind or hurt an animal, and can at times be scarily protective of them, even ones he's never met before.

When it comes to sports, Darien is highly competitive, and borderline obsessive. He's incredibly active, and spends more of his time in cleats then he does regular shoes. He'll practice for hours a day, and when he has a game coming up he often calls extra emergency practises, and will run his team ragged up until the day before the game, then let them have a full day off to rest. He trains relentlessly and takes extreme joy from all forms of sport, though sometimes others find his willingness to give up a social life for training to be disturbing. The thing is, sports are his social life - he doesn't have many friends, so his team mates are the closest thing he's got. It's one of the only ways he can hang out with people his age, given that he's too old for sleepovers and the like, and when he was young enough he didn't exactly have any parents around to take him to one.

Species: Homosapien Superior (mutated human)

Other: Pyrokenetic (the ability to create and control fire). Darien's powers allow him to create bursts of flame and high heat at will, and when it's a self-created flame he has the ability (though it causes him some mental duress) to control what that fire does. Once his fire spreads, however, he cannot normally control it in any fashion and it is free to devour and destroy whatever the flames alight on. Basically... once it's lit he can't put it out. He's a walking forest fire waiting to happen. His mutation causes him to remain at a fairly high temperature except when sick (when he has a cold and the like he drops to a normal human temperature. When he has a fever he tends to burn off his own clothes and smoke, rather than sweat, it out). He has trouble controlling his temperature in all areas but his hands, which he has fairly good heat-control in. Because his powers are mentally triggered extreme emotions can cause dramatic fluctuations - he heats up dramatically when angry, excited, or embarrassed, and when he's sad or in a depressive state he cools down to an almost-human temperature, which is pretty dangerous for him (he also has a bad habit of smoking/his hair lighting on fire when he gets at all aroused).

He has absolutely no control over his ability whatsoever - any abrupt change in mood can cause a sudden wildfire without his actively trying to trigger it. Highly unstable.

Oh, also... Darien as as gay as a flag. Girls kinda freak him out, actually, after a bad experience with a lass named Shelby.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc870ca6_tumblr_lwzucp0U4K1qa3e2do1_1280-Copy.jpg.5c1b67a79ea354171466fa96ad6f0b89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc870ca6_tumblr_lwzucp0U4K1qa3e2do1_1280-Copy.jpg.5c1b67a79ea354171466fa96ad6f0b89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cora (no last name avaliable)

Age: It's not polite to ask a lady her age (somewhere around three hundred)

Personality: Cora is, first and foremost, calm. She's an almost unshakable in the way of one who has seen so much in her years that things that might have been shocking lost all their ability to off balance her years ago. On a similar note, she has the patience of the immortal - when you has literally all the time remaining in front of them it's hard to bring yourself to feel rushed about anything.

As a member of a race that was neatly and routinely slaughtered by newcomers she absolutely does not tolerate any form of racial slurring. Or most wide-spread insults as a whole. Tormenting and bulling others is not something she'll tolerate, even in a joking fashion, and people quickly learn to watch their tongues when around her lest they loose the ability to speak for the rest of the day.

I'll likely add more to this over time, I just don't have the energy to break her down completely right now.

Species: While technically human, Cora is perhaps best considered a witch

History: Ask her about it. She might tell you.

Other: She runs a small antique shop that sells magical artefacts, etc.. The shop is never actually where it opens -much like Howl's shop or Brimstone's tooth room it's connected to an Elsewhere and has a door that opens to many other doors around the world. In the case of this roleplay I'm going to have it's Elsewhere centre be in the middle of the house.



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Is it okay to have characters already living at the house? Or do we all have to stumble across it?
Darien up, working on Cora 
Cora up~

I may or may not bring Renn, Nick, and Sophia into this. Idk. I have quite a few people who would fit this and I'm always debating putting them into this sort of roleplay. 
'cuz I kinda like the idea of having people who haven't been living in the house in there too.


Name: CJ Queens


Personality: He is an overall nice guy and a big flirt but will sting if he is angered to the slightest. He enjoys reading books and sweets especially honey and he also enjoys playing music in his free time. CJ also likes long walks on the beach and laying in hammocks with that special someone.

Species: 70% Human 30 % Bee

History: -

Other:(He produced pheromones that attract bees and human females but he is not limited to just this type of pheromone. He can also produce several types of honey from openings in the palms of his hands that open on his command.)

Description: Sen has pale skin that holds some peachy undertones so that she does not just flat out burn in the sun. Her navy dark blue hair is wavy and thick, but soft to the touch. She has an average frame that is slim do to nourishment not being the best, but she still has a womanly frame as well. Her eyes are a vibrant violet. Her dress attire is a white, pink, and brown jacket, blue jeans and a white top underneath long sleeve. She has brown boots on. Her clothing is dirty and ripped but not too bad.

Name: Sen Jay Rivers

Age: 17 almost 18.

Personality: Due to the way she lived for years Sen is very submissive to orders and control, she is way too eager to please others putting herself at risk or danger if needed to accomplish the task. It also does not help that the girl has a severe lack of self-worth, she sees herself as a tool, a murder, weak, and helpless thus she is a little quiet keeps to herself, she has a very airy gentle spoken tone. When someone sympathizes with her, she warms up to them quite quickly, too quickly, it makes her an easy target as she depends on them, using that person as a crutch. Yet she does not get deep in detail attached, her past is her secret sin. Sen has a long fuse on her temper and will most-likely shut down instead of fight back. When she is keeping to herself she is usually reading or sewing something, or daydreaming, Sen loves to day dream of a life she should have had, could still have if things were not so impossible. Sen can chat and converse, even play games and have a good time, but its more for others than herself she is far too eager to please others, in her mind it’s all she is good for. Like everyone else Sen does have her flaws besides the low self-worth, she can get jealous of other people or things. When she is daydreaming it can get annoying when she is not all there. Along with flaws comes fears, Sen fears her father will come searching for her and will stop at nothing to bring her back. Sen is a tad odd because she worries or says weird things at times.

Species: 80% Human and 20% Demon.

Power: She would call it more of a curse. Sen’s left index finger is where all her power comes from, this power give her the ability to paralyze someone. The paralyzing is only temporary, but it can last long enough for a quick kill for further damage to be done so the person is knocked out, this is what her father specialized in doing. This curse/talent is not all powerful, some can fight through it this power comes with a price for Sen as well. For one, she phases out while in the process of paralyzing, her eyes roll back so you can only see the whites in them and her breath is labored, and two, Sen becomes very weak and sick after doing the ability; it can last from hours and she will feel an after affect for days.

History: Lillian Rivers is the daughter of a demon named Shinjo and a human woman named Farruh. She grew up in his domain in the Far East Mountains of Malduka. Apart from being a half-demon Lillian's life was not one of a normal child. For starters her very birth killed her dear mother, much to her father’s heartache, and seething rage, she was hated from the get-go. The power sensed in her infant body gave her a chance to live, but they came with a price, her body remained mostly human so the vast unknown power at at her lungs and heart limiting her lifespan as she grew. With the knowledge of her weak body, her father banned her from activities severely limiting them to preserve her like a porcelain doll too valuable to be released from its packaging. She mostly sat around in her room, when she was able to go out, it was for short periods of time, and it was often being pulled around by her nanny or sat on a blanket in the garden. Lillian was socialized by visitors, but it was always bitter when her friends left off to adventures while she was left to her own devices. When her powers revealed themselves, her life completely changed. Lillian was sent out on duties for her father heavily guarded by his soldiers. This brought love from him, as false as it was, she clung to it.

Lillian became sleep deprived and had dreams of her unknown mother calling out to her, she remembered seeing the woman in a portrait in her dreams that face was tight with angst as she mouthed soundless words to Lillian every night. Lillian figured out it had to do with her, seeing nothing special about her other than the strange powers, they must be the reason. The girl begin to wonder whether her powers were a blessing or sin?

The girl continued to go out on missions using her powers frequently, it was something about the powers... what was her mother telling her? It seemed like a harmless task, just a simple touch. As the night terrors plagued relentlessly she took a deeper look. Her life made little sense, sheer fear in the guards eyes that were twice her age and size made her wonder what happened to the people after she touched them? She was always whisked away before she came back from her hazed state enough to realize what happened. Determined to figure out all this strangeness, Sen tip-toed around the halls into her father's chambers were he had not yet retired for the night. Puling open the heavy door made her breath go away for several seconds when she lit the candles and the fire illuminated the room, she realize she should have never enter, staying ignorant was easier, safer. Blood drained from her already pale skin from her face all the way to her toes wavering on the spot, she collapsed to her hands and knees shock griping her being. Little Lillian knew with out a shroud of doubt why her mother called to her, why her soldiers held a silent fear, why her dad brewed false love for her achievements.

She may have only touch each person, but in the touch was a sentence of death. The proof was mounted on her father's wall each head staring blankly at her with rotting pealing skin, skeleton yellowing bones, and hollow eyes. Lilian must have passed out, she awoke in a thick sweat head throbbing before her father arrived Lillian made it to the hall were her nanny found her and took her back to her chambers. One evening at dinner the girl confronted her father, who tried to soothe her frantic, and illousional thoughts that her powers were evil. Yet Lillian was relentless in her argument, her mother evading her dreams slip into the banter between the two. Anger flared like no other, the mere mention of the woman Shinjo treasured so, killed by Lillian how dare she bring her up! Lillian found herself pinned against the wall as demon nails pressed marks in her throat as it was squeezed, her lungs gasped pleadingly for air. Her father's words were final. Serve him or die. What choice did she have? She served him, now only seeing herself as a weapon; a tool, a sinful being… the name Lillian was soiled no longer meant for such a demon thus the teen cast away her innocent name becoming Sen.

After many years of baring this sin, her freedom came. Sen had been preparing for it, using threats and sneaking about to getting an idea on where to go and how to get away. One night, her chance arrived there was a horrible storm, a twister coming their way, servants were running amuck preparing for it. No one paid a lick of attention to her or questioned her whereabouts taking only a small pouch and the clothing on her back, Sen escaped the fortress unnoticed using her tactical plan of hiding in wagons, waging through the streams, and switching paths as she traveled through the woods, she has been traveling ever since.

Other: Sen’s real name is Lillian, she loves to chew gum, and thinks books are a sanctuary. She wears gloves or a finger glove over her left index finger at all times.
Name: Ellie Derby McQuillen


Her eyes are a pale grey on one, and the other a bright clover green. Ellie's got a fair trade of tattoos and piercings. With magnetic implants on all the fingers in her left hand, a septum, and a tattoo saying "Drink Me" on the inside of her lip are the smallest. She has an assortment of Celtic knots on her shoulder blades, some other designs and writing in Elvish on her wrist, and she has 3 piercings in each ear, both of which are pointed.

Age: 17

Personality: While Ellie loves to travel and meet other people like her, she has issues with crowded rooms of people she has nothing in common with. She's usually found out in the garden or in her room. A very soft spoken girl, it's very hard to get her nerve to show, but when they do they're intense.

Species: Elvish

History: Ellie is from Dublin Ireland. Her family is mostly of Elvish decent and were very well known around the area and many storied were written about them in traditional Irish folk tales. With the help from the many people who owed her family a deal or two, she traveled around Europe and eventually to the Freak's house. Her family was weary of her leaving due to the very secretive nature of the clan, but as long as she didn't get into any trouble it was okay. Her father was in the high council, as was most of her family since pretty much everyone is related.

Other: Ellie isn't really attracted to anyone. She was betrothed to a man of another clan from Germany, but he refused to join her on her adventures. Recently though she's found herself looking at the girls she's met in the other countries, so who knows?
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