House of Dreams


One Time Luck
For one reason or other you have wandered into the house of dreams. Weather you were a runaway, a convict, an orphan, or just happened to need lodgings the house of dreams has welcomed you to stay within its walls. You may stay as long as you like, and are free to come and go as you please - with no charge. Of course, once people find out the powers this house contains, not many wish to leave. For inside these walls lies the power to make your greatest dreams come true. If you can dream it, it will appear to you. Of course, there are some slight limitations as to what the house can and cannot do. Other than that, you are most welcome to stay with us. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. Sweet dreams.

Rules of the house:

- Any item you dream of will appear to you. With the exception of people. The dreams cannot bring people to you.

- You cannot control another person through your dreams. For example, you cannot dream of someone falling in love with you. You can, but it will not come true.

- The dreams cannot change your emotions, or thought process. Meaning you can't dream to be a happier person, or have a happier life. The dreams can give you things that make you happy - for example, many dream for wealth - but it cannot make you instantly care-free.

- Even if you dream for someone to die, it will not happen. Dreams of death cannot happen in this house.

Other Rules:

- Follow the site's rules.

- You may have as many characters as you like and they do not have to be equal in gender. I'm fine with you having 1 girl and 2 guys, or anything you wish.

Character Sheet:





Nationality: (American, Canadian, British/English, etc.)








Sexuality: (Straight, Gay, Bi, etc.)



Mannerisms: ('Habits' such as bitting the fingernails when nervous. Or perhaps tapping a foot when anxious. Etc.)

Job: (Or previous job if you no longer have one.)





My Characters:

Name: Grover Alan Bort

Nickname: Gove

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: English

Mother: Dead

Father: Dead

Siblings: 1 brother - David Bort

Spouse: None

Children: None

Boyfriend: -

Girlfriend: None

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: Solitude, but is at the same time, afraid of being alone. It's complicated. He cares for his brother, and mother.

Dislikes: He hates his father

Mannerisms: He checks his watch constantly when he is nervous. He also bites his bottom lip.

Job: He worked for his brother as a bartender.

Bio: There isn't much to tell about poor Grover. He was abused as a young child because his father hated him. He thought he was useless, and that David was the better son - being the oldest and all. Of course, David always watched out for his younger brother. They were the best of friends, and both young gentleman too. One day, just a few years back, the boys' mother passed away. Grover believed it was because of his father that his mother was dead. David protested, trying to get Grover to come back to his senses, but Grover would not listen. He got into a heavy fight with his father that very night, and he was injured badly, but his father ended up killed. Pushed out the window by Grover. Frightened, Grover and David both ran. For a few years they have been searching for a place to stay. And, with no money, the house of dreams was the perfect place for the to stay.

Personality: Grover, or Gove as his brother calls him, is a very sweet young man. He is also a wonderful gentleman. Though, he is not very much liked by many. Some find it slightly awkward talking to him because of his heavy stutter. Most people prefer his older brother, David. Though a bit troubled, Gove is still the most generous, kind, sweet man you may ever meet. He is also extremely self-conscious and shy.


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Other: His father used to abuse him. Not his brother, just him. He stutters severely. The doctors say this was caused by severe head trauma caused by his dad beating him over the head so much. Also, he is very much a gentleman. Him and David. THeir mother taught them how to be respectable young men.

For David Bort:

I am going to be lazy, but only because I already explained David mostly above in Grover's information.

- male

- brother of Grover

- the more popular of the two

- the favorite son

- the eldest (only by two years) being 27

- he has no wife, children, of girlfriend

- he is straight

- he owned a bar for a while

- he is like Grover, only more open and not shy at all. He is very smooth with his words.

Name: Pascal Fluet (sound like Pass-k-al Floo-ay)

Nickname: Pascal

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: French

Mother: Dead

Father: Dead

Siblings: None

Spouse: None

Children: None

Boyfriend: -

Girlfriend: None

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: A lot of things, but mostly having a good time no matter where he goes. (He loves to travel.)

Dislikes: It takes a lot for him to not like something. The only thing he really doesn't like are rude jerks. He will get into fights over someone's rude comment.

Mannerisms: When he stands, he stands with his feet shoulder-length apart. He has a habit of kicking at the ground softly while standing and talking to someone as well.

Job: He was a tour guide for a few years. He would show people around his hometown - the city of Paris.He decided to come and stay at the house of dreams for a while.

Bio: Born in Paris, France he grew up an only child. His parents were average parents. He had a very boring childhood until his parents died in a fire. He went to live with his Grandfather at the age of eight. For the longest time, his Grandfather tried to persuade the young Pascal to learn English. He refused - being young and bored with the subject of learning anything - but after his Grandfather died when he was eighteen, he decided that then was the time to learn English. For his Grandfather's sake. He did so, and is now very good at it. English comes easily to him - only a few words of phrases escape his mind from time to time - but his pronunciation can be a bit messy now and then. Now done with his temporary job as a tour guide, he is living in the house of dreams.

Personality: He is very nice, but a lot of people mistake him for being a bit rude because of his inability to remember the correct words to say in certain situations. He is a bit humorous, and he is very outgoing. He can, however, be very protective of the people he cares about. He will get into a physical fight with someone if they make a comment he finds offensive in any way.

Appearance: (Only his hair is shorter and black - still curly though - and he often wears a red scarf)

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Other: None


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