House of Cards - roleplayer & sosesfighter007


New Member
Italy within the city confinds of venice a young man sits upon a balcony of a two story cobble stoned cottage, sitting at a small coffee table situated on the balcony the young male is engaged in reading a email on his lap top. The email states a request for a assignment by the young male's secret benefactor, known as the Ace of Kings to this young male the sole individual responsible for giving this young male his freedom just a few years ago from the evil clutches of the House of Cards. Anytime the young male receives a contact from the Ace of Kings its mostly a assignment to help resecue another rogue(aka Joker card like himself) or destory a house of card safehouse holding captives for genetic processing. Young male was hoping it was a message from his underground contractor for yet another paying contract, but the young male know that he had to keep his promise to assist the Ace of Kings whenever he requested the young man's assistance. The message read " Maxwell your prepaid vacation package has been scheduled in london two days from now, go to your private po box and retrieve your vacation documents for travel. Enjoy your vacation maxwell." Maxwell took a sip of coffee from his coffee mug that had a big yellow smiley face painted upon its sides, and then he sent a email to his drop dead gorgeous partner in crime a female rogue known as christine. "Hey sexy we got a favor to pull off for the Big A once again."
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roleplayer100 said:
Christine often helped her friend Maxwell with 'odd jobs' from 'Big A' the man responsible for Maxwell's, and by association her own, freedom. However when Christine wasn't doing jobs with Maxwell, she contracted paying jobs of her own through a woman who worked for a well to do lawyer. He often hired her to get information from some people and protect others, usually to make sure witnesses made it to stands or his clients made it to court at all. However she was saving up money to open a frozen treats shop. Christine was lounging in bed, lazing about for the morning and getting some well deserved rest when she heard her phone buzz. She pulled her pillow over her head and rolled over. Finally after a moment or two though she turned over and looked at her phone. "You always have something to say..." She muttered and picked it up, opening the email. She made a face, she was really hoping she could lazy about in her apartment all day. Of course no such luck. She sighed and got up, 'I'll meet you in the park in fifteen.' She typed out and sent to her partner.

Christine got up and got dressed, putting on a pair of jeans and a fluttery, halter top. She put her hair up in a pony tail, threw on her sunglasses and heels, and waltzed out the door, picking up her to go bag on her way out. Christine lived a few minuets, walking, from the park, which was about midways from her house to Maxwell's. Christine was usually happy and fun loving, however when it came to jobs she took them extremely seriously. Mostly because it was what she'd learned growing up, also because she knew her powers were dangerous, especially if someone saw her who wasn't supposed to. She closed her eyes and relaxed on the park bench, next to a small fountain, waiting on her friend to get there.
Maxwell closed his laptop and preceeded to his masterbed room were he entered into his walkabout closet quickly changing from his previous sleeping attire to his traditional victorian era style fashions. Finishing off in the bathroom with his hygienic practices maxwell finally grabbed a bagel from his kitchen and headed out the front door of his cottage. A few moments later maxwell took a water taxi upon the venice canal waterway to transport him to the post office were his private po box is located, once there maxwell enters the location and immediately retrieves his package within his po box. It contains a fake pass port and a yellow envelope of spending cash, plus a map with a destination marked upon it, plus a note with a address identifing the location upon the map. Also on the note read "This place my friend is yet another House of Cards meat locker." Maxwell knew that phrase meant another prison holding center for new recruits, people being held against their wills in these god forsaken safehouses. Tucking the documents within his black overcoat maxwell exited the post office and walked the 4 blocks to the park where christine waited for his arrival.
Christine looked up when he arrived and walked over, pushing her sunglasses on top of her head, she put her thumbs in her pockets. She smiled,"Hey, so whats the mission this time?" She asked, some missions were fun, to take down the organization with the very skills they taught her. The House of Cards was her home and her hell, Christine did other missions for the money, however these missions she did because it was her calling. Her body was the ultimate weapons and she was the only person who could use it, she felt like a super hero, battling the very evil that was responsible for her existence.

(uuuulgh writers block)
Maxwell strolled into the venice park ground and mingled among the crowd of foreign tourists that frequently asked him to take varies pictures of them posing by scenic backgrounds. Finally after finishing off dealing with the varies tourists maxwell spotted christine by the park's world renouned water fountain, maxwell saw a small stand selling flowers to bypassing tourist so he bought a red rose and made his way to christine " Hello christine my dear, here you go this beautiful rose is for you my lovely. We have a paid in full vacation in london from Mr A once again, our target is yet another house of card safehouse, which means the usually outcome lots of violence and mayhem for the bad guys, I know thats right up your alley christine."
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As maxwell and christine converse over their upcoming mission, some unwelcomed company rears its ugly head. A young male with spike multi-coloried hair and varies tattooss upon his sleeveless arms stands among a flock of pigeons throwing bird feed from a small bag in his hands, the man's line of view is towards maxwell and christine suddenly he drops the small bag of bird feed at his booted feet. Motioning his righthand towards the right side of his face, he then places his index and middle finger upon his temple brow and concentrates sending out a psychic command to the bypassing tourists and residents within the park. Immediately everyone around maxwell and christine now feels a uncontrollable urge to attack the duo standing by the park fountain! Yelling and cussing is heard all around maxwell and christine as a large angry mob surrounds them both, the mob has acquired varies lethal items that could be found among the park grounds to be used as serious weapons, bricks,rocks,sticks etc.. Without warning another female agent emerges from the backdrop behind the mob she has animalistic features, "Well we finally tracked you two rogues down, maxwell if your wondering how we found you just thank your good old informant charlie. Our contacts informed us that old charlie was helping lowlife Jokers like yourselves in acquiring work to sustain your sorry existence, so alittle torture and old charlie spilled his beans about you two." replies the shapeshifting female card agent as she transforms into a large bengal tiger her summer dress falls to the ground as she prepares for mortal combat!

OOC: Hope your writers block has passed!
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( 0.0 wow I totally didn't see you posted at all sorry! ) im posting back right now 
(god im so excited to really start using Christine, like develop her a little bit.)

Christine was talking to Maxwell, her tone and expression serious as the conversation continued, that was until she stopped talking suddenly, seemingly out of no where as she looked around, seeing the man with the spiked hair, she glared as the crowd fell under his mind control - turning them into mindless zombies. Christine took an offensive stance, getting ready for battle when she heard a female voice and glared at her, letting her deep, ocean blue eyes strike the girl's like lightening on water. Even though it was the other woman who had cat like features, it was Christine who growled as she told them how Charlie gave away their locations, Christine didn't know if she was mad because it was a lie, or mad because she believed it. Either way - she was mad and ready to take everyone down.

She moved a hand in front of her, creating a huge wall of ice as the tiger jumped at them, causing it to jump right into the wall. Christine laughed,"Did kitty get a brain freeze?" She said then put her hands on the ground, making a trail of lava for the tiger's feet,"How about I warm you up?" She said, her fiery red hair falling around her face as her ocean blue eyes turned red as well, a small smirk playing across her lips, that was until a rock was speeding towards her head from a mind controlled human. She out of the way, grabbing the person's wrist and spinning them, throwing them half way across the park. She kicked another in the face, clearing some room before putting her hands on the ground again, forming ice in a thirty foot radius, letting it spread from her hands to the ground, to the 'zombie's' feet, then legs, all the way up to their shoulders, eliminating them as threats without killing them, however she'd have to let them go soon, they couldn't last long in that ice. That didn't take care of all the humans, but it took care of most of them. She turned her attention back to the tiger, taking an offensive position again.
The tiger's superhuman feline reflexes saved itself from the lava flow that was directed towards it from christine's elemental attack, and within mere minutes its bruised muzzle caused by christine's ice wall finished healing. The tiger transformed back into it's now naked human form of the wild looking woman," Tricky girl aren't you! But your little elemental tricks won't save you from Jungle Jane's fury!" replies the female house of card agent as she transforms into a silverback gorilla and begins yet another assault against christine!

Meanwhile maxwell is manhandling the mob of mind controlled humans swarming around him, mind controlled attackers are flung around like rag dolls from maxwell's superhuman strength. But maxwell spots the true culprit thats behind this mob assault, he recognizes the male culprit as the house of card agent known as Mr Riot! Using his superhuman strength within his legs maxwell superleaps upon mr riot, knocking the villian down onto his back! Mr riot is now trapped under maxwell's body but he's still conscious and orders the remaining crowd to stab maxwell with varies pocket knives and sharp objects, immediately maxwell evades from his mounted position after being stabbed a few times! But maxwell's superhuman healing factor kicks in and quickly starts to heal his stab wounds! Maxwell snatches a pair of scissors out of the hand of a would be attacker and throws it at Mr riot which empales within Mr riot's skull, instantly killing the house of card male agent which causes all of his mind controlled minions to regain their mental facilities!
OOC: Hey SOSES-FIGHTEROO7 whats the deal with you in responding to the rp! You wanted to roleplay this rp on the public private forum, this is kinda making you look bad in being a reliable player in a rp.

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