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Fandom Hosts vs Hostesses


You faker than some Sweet 'N Low
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Ichigo "Mama" Mizutani
Monday, before school


As we all know, both clubs have had an increasingly inconsistent rate of guests. Each week, it seems that one club makes more money than the other. Now, you kids know that we love working with you, but it's really it all comes down to money. We can't continue to fund both clubs, or we'll be spending more money on them than you're bringing in. Throughout the year, we will be monitoring your income, and the club with less income will be shut down. Permanently.

The announcement that the school was expecting either the Host or the Hostess club to shut down by the end of the year had been sent to everyone on Sunday Night. Which school official had decided that 7pm on the weekend had been the day to tell them something like that? Was scaring children right before they went to bed just a hobby of theirs? Was it just because they didn't want to send such an important message while they were all at school to protest? It didn't really matter.

There hadn't been any declerations of war yet, but when Ichigo called an emergency meeting with the other members of the Host club and invited the Hostess Club President to bring the rest of her club members (this involved both of them, it was best to have everyone), he got the feeling that was where everything was going. There had to be a better solution, he didn't want to force another club to disband, but at the same time he knew he wasn't going to be able to just disband his own club to avoid conflict. He couldn't do that to his friends.

He hadn't gotten anyone else's opinions yet. Or, more accurately, if anyone had sent him their suggestions, he hadn't actually read them. Ichigo had just sent out a mass text message and ignored any other notifications. He'd justify it as having been busy getting the meeting room ready if anybody asked why he hadn't been responding, rather than admitting he turned his phone on silent mode because he was too busy fretting.

Speaking of getting the meeting room ready, all he'd actually done is find a different unused Music room (how many of these did the school have?) and start dusting off the chairs, arranging enough of them for everyone to sit in. There hadn't been a table, probably because nobody used this room, but chairs hadn't been an issue. Dust, however, had, and he'd carefully dusted off each chair so that the only person getting dirty would be himself. As long as nobody else would be bothered by it, that was all that he actually wanted, he was okay with being covered in dust.

(No he wasn't. He hated his clothes being dirty. But he'd tell himself it was okay.)

How civil could a meeting like this even be? He was practically everyone to come in and start a fight with the other club. He should cancel it and just wait until the end of the day for a normal club meeting. Spend his day drafting posters or something to advertise Host Club events- Come up with a better theme for the next event they had scheduled. Butlers? Were Butler Cafes popular right now? If he started now, he could probably tailor a few tail coats. No, maybe that was too basic, to really attract attention maybe maids would be better. Maybe a more basic kind of appeal, yukata were generally considered appealing, and he thought he could sew that faster than a maid dress. He normally only made the more intricate outfits himself to save some money on tailoring expenses, but taking over the simpler ones too would certainly help their budget... Less loss meant more profit, after all.

He sat down in one of the chairs he'd arranged, scribbling a few outfit ideas in a notebook, ending with him sketching out some kind of vampire outfit he thought would fit Seiki. No, he should be a werewolf. Seki definitely had werewolf vibes. Rui... Would making him a merman really be much of a costume? He wouldn't mind being shirtless, probably. This...

Wasn't as distracting as he wanted.

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