Idea Hostage Highschool: An idea I'd like some help in developing.


Friendly Neighborhood Sad Boy
Hi I'm Doc, and it's been a very long time since I've been a part of a group rp, or even helped in making one. I've returned to RPN after a year hiatus, and while digging through some of my workshop threads I found this unfinished idea I wanted to make into an RP. I think it has a lot potential, and this isn't really an interest thread, but more a help me further develop this idea before I do actually post it thread if that makes sense. I'm looking for someone or someone(s) who are willing to help me flesh this out, sorry if this is in the wrong prefix. So enough beating around the bush and to the idea.

Cherrybrim High School was considered a masterpiece of educational architecture. The largest, most diverse, most advanced school in the country. The entire campus had 5 zip codes, and the main building alone had 2 of those.The school was large, and so was the population inside the school. Having over 30,000 students enrolled and attending. Cherrybrim was constantly buzzing. Classes and teacher in session at all times. It was a beautiful institution, with smiling students ready to learn all year round. Perfection. Exactly what any parent would dream of as their child's high school experience.

But all that came to a halt, on the first day of school, on Cherrybrim's fifth year. Students and teachers filled the halls, as if it was just a normal first day. But some students were acting odd, most all new. New students at cherry brim was no odd occurrence, there were always a lot of them. But these had something about them, and when the third period bell rang it began. All of the new students, and even some old began taking out teachers, and any other staff within the building. Locking the doors from the inside, and keeping as many students as they could within the main building.

Without any explanation, most of the students in Cherrybrim were locked inside the school. Beaten back by the same people who'd beaten down the staff. In no time police, swat, and even the military arrived outside the campus. Students were given hope. That these officials would come in and free them. But they didn't. They simply sat outside. Staring at the building. Camped out there. Waiting. No one inside knew why they wouldn't come in. But it was clear to everyone outside why they wouldn't.

Who ever had organized this whole school take over, planted bombs all over the school, and if anyone tried to get in. They'd detonate the entire place, with the students in it. No one knew who it was, or why they'd done this, and that only solidified why no one could enter. Calling a bluff would risk the lives of over 20,000 children. Not the blood anyone wanted on their hands. Parents camped outside the school, hoping to see their child make it out, but no one was leaving. The school's electronic lock system stopped anyone else from being able to get out.

This was how it started. It's been a month now, and even more hell has broken loose within the school. Food has become scarce, and students long ago loss their sense of rules and civility. Only one Rule exists here in this school now. Given to them by the one who trapped them there, through the school's intercom. Be in a room, by 12:00 am, until 6:00 am the following morning. If you don't make it into a room, all doors will lock, and you will disappear. After a few days, people began finding the bodies of those whom didn't make into a room, outside the school, dead and mutilated. But to the students within the school, the kids who don't make it in, just disappear.

Along with this every morning, food is scattered around the school, without explanation, or origin. Students rush out in the mornings to collect as much food as they can for themselves. With no contact in or out of the school, students begin to lose their grip, not knowing what is actually going on, and wondering why exactly no one comes to save them. Fights break out, and gangs, and pacts are made to survive, and get food. Territory is fought for, so gangs have enough space to keep all their members safe at nights, and rivalries begin.

Power struggles erupt throughout the school. Gangs, and groups not only want to survive, but they want power. Without rules to dictate what they can and can't do, people feed into any desire they want. Some people just want to fight. Some people just want to survive. Some people just want power. Whatever they want they'll do anything they need to get it. The school has fallen apart...

Our characters are a random group of students who locked themselves in a classroom during the beginning of the lock down. We're trying to figure a way out of the school alive. Sticking together is absolutely necessary if we intend to get out of this alive. Yet we're nothing more than a few suburban kids not fit for this dog eat dog situation we've found ourselves in. We're ignorant to what's going on outside or the true nature of captors. And some of us are slowly losing our grip on sanity from the isolation. Watching the police and our parents standing outside and refusing to help us and not knowing why is slowly eating at us.

The temptation of joining another group will pose a challenge for members of the group, as other bigger groups with motives less savory than ours are attempting to recruit members. We're on the top floor of the 10 story school, and if we even wanna think of getting out we need to get the bottom floor. The issue is gangs and and factions of other students taking advantage of the pandemonium make traveling the halls a huge risk for anyone who doesn't want to fight. Along with the possibility of their being informants and moles hidden within the various factions and maybe even our own giving information to the criminals that locked us in here.

Rumor is that the first floor is completely under the control of those very criminals, so getting there may just outright be impossible. Every floor has a main group that controls it, and we'll have to figure out a way to get either get past them or work with them to get down to the next floor. Negotiating agreements that may be mutually beneficial, and perhaps even sacrificing some of our group members in the process

Alright there it is, so I did flesh out the idea a little more from when I found it. Originally the RP was gonna have the players make their own factions, and stuff, and control the seperate floors, but I think that's too much freedom, and having them start out as one group seemed more viable and sustainable for a legitimate rp. Also it allows for the characters to be inherently linked to one another.

If the big antagonist who's holding everyone hostage seems a little vague, that's because it is. 17 year old me just had the vague idea of a dystopic high school setting and just used big bad guys as a vague group to make it happen without much further explanation. So I'd like to brainstorm that, and the 8 factions controlling each floor would also have to be all thought up prior to actually getting into the story.

If there's any other holes you see that need to be like fleshed out before get to actually doing this, please please do tell, or if you even wanna help in the creation and partner up with me to make this thing happen tell me. I'm accepting all help and criticism. Except if you're that guy in the comments who's like "This isn't realistic, there's no school that big, and there's no way a group of students could organize that," etc. Please suspension of disbelief here, as long as it won't break the rp, it's fine. Thank you, and hope to hear from you soon! ^^

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