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Realistic or Modern Hostage High School



Friendly Neighborhood Sad Boy

A week has past since the hostile occupation of Roseview Senior High School. Law enforcement has been staked out, just outside the school the entire week. Holding back parents from attempting to break into the school and put every child locked within its walls at risk. Negotiators have received nothing but radio silence from the criminals who organized the hostage take over. All they know is that the school has been rigged with bombs that will go off if anyone attempts to get in. Law Enforcement has until now refused to tell the parents why they have not attempted to enter the school, causing tensions to run very high. Police have come out in riot gear to hold back the parents.

The dire state of the situation outside is only outdone by the desperate nature of what has become of the students within. Signal in the school is jammed, leaving the students unable to contact anyone outside the school, or get any updates on the situation. It didn't take very long for hysteria to break out among the student body, the idea of a speedy rescue has been dashed from their minds. Left to survive on their own, students have banded together to protect, and help one another survive

The most vital resource in the school has become food. The school's vending machines have all been looted save for the one's on floor ten and one. The school is set up with five cafterias. Large cafeterias on floors 1, 4, and 8, and small cafeterias on floors 2 and 6. These have become vital territory for the different factions of students that have collected through the school. Whoever has the food has control over the masses.

On floor 10, we find a small group students stowed away. The gravity of the situation sits silently in the small classroom. Our students seemly completely unaware that they are the only students still on floor ten. They have heard and seen nothing of the pandemonium that has begun to break out on the floors below. They sit in peace, snacking on the food left behind by the teacher that occupied this room before the take over. Bags of chips, crackers, juice boxes, water bottles, and fruit snacks. The stash wasn't meant to hold out 9 students for a week, and it's obvious they'll soon run out. Along with some students quickly running out of space in their bladders.

So the story truly begins now. Eden, Kalani, Deshi, Finnegan, Alexander, Amira, Robin, Kira, and Sonya will soon have to make a decision on whether or not to leave the safe confines of the room 1056 in search of food, or attempt to hold out until help can arrive.

Chapter I


Eden sighed as he stared at the last bag of Fritos. This was it. The last bag of food they had. He'd been trying to eat as little as possible all week, just to make sure everyone would have more food, but it was clear that that would only postpone the inevitable. He picked up the bag of fritos, and looked at the group. The initial small talk that everyone made had died out after the first night. The mood was way too dour for anyone to really wanna talk to one another. Up until now everyone had been civil with one another about the food situation. He placed the bag on the desk in front of him.

"This is our last bag of food..." He glanced at all of them. They were all spread out. Sitting as far from one another. Not exactly the most personable group of students to get stuck with. "We still have a few water bottles left, but in terms of food food, this is it." His eyes surveyed the group. "I think we're going to have to leave." That was a lie. He knew they had to leave. Gentle suggestion worked better for leading small tense groups like these. "We could technically go up to three weeks without eating food, but I'd say we only have up to a week left of water, a bit more if we drink conservatively." Giving them options is a bad idea. The nagging voice popped into his head. The voice that tried to figure out the best way to get control over other people.Talk them out of it. "I don't think that's a good idea, not eating food has a lot of mental health side effects, it makes people irritable and hysterical, and I don't think we need that in a situation like this."

He glanced over at Alex. He was the only person Eden really recognized. They weren't really well acquainted, but he was part of student council during the smear campaign last year, so he must know about Eden's... tendencies. Nothing more than a glance before returning his attention to the silent classroom. Awaiting a response.

demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent

Amira looked at Eden as he held up the last bag of fritos. Their last food source. What happens after that? Eden's right, they have to leave and find new resources even if it meant going beyond the safe zone. Hunger makes people do irrational things, and they couldn't afford to descend into madness.

"I agree, but we can't leave all at once. It's too dangerous," Amira suggested.

Even though Amira was really hungry, she didn't want to go outside. The truth was she's scared. She didn't know what lies outside the walls of the classroom, and anything beyond her knowledge scares her. At this time, everyone were probably fighting to the death for one bag of chips. But someone has to go, the food might ran out and they must have as many of it as they can.

Mentioned: Doc Doc
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Alex sat cross-legged on a desk at the front of the classroom. The tension was so thick that you could have cut through it with a knife. Alex supposed that, in a situation like this, such an atmosphere was to be expected. He could barely remember the last time anyone had spoken.

The silence was suffocating. He hadn't heard a sound from inside or outside the classroom for days. At this point, he wasn't sure if everyone in the school had escaped, or if they were already dead.

"This is our last bag of food..." Eden suddenly spoke. It seemed like the inevitable had finally come. Their little group would have to leave the classroom. Although he'd heard some nasty things about him, Alex had to agree with Eden.

Hearing Amira's suggestion, Alex was skeptical. "There's strength in numbers. Going out alone is just asking to get hurt." Alex looked around at the eight others in the room. "I say we all go together." The truth of the matter was that outside the room, it became a free-for-all. Assuming that others had also banded together, staying in a group was the safest bet.

"Normally I'd say that we should wait for help, but it's obvious that help isn't coming." He got up and made his way over to the teacher's desk. "If we're going outside, we'll need something to defend ourselves with." Alex rummaged through the drawers, before pulling out a box cutter and a pair of scissors. "Can you guys find anything else?" He asked the group.
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Deshi Lee
Deshi. Wanted. Out. He didn't realize his panic had elevated into the vanguard of his worries, but it was taking him over, like a parasite. He was in the corner, sitting on a windowsill, looking out into the large crowds outside that gathered since the takeover. It almost looked like an insurrection. Parents pushed back from police in riot gear, items thrown, people yelling and growing restless and angry. He didn't really know what happened, or how he got stuck here on the first day of school, but all of a sudden he was locked in a room, with random teenagers that he had no idea who they were. His stomach felt raw, never feeling this before, taking in snacks and bottles of water was destroying his track physique. He hadn't seen his parents yet and hoped that they were out there, in the crowds, trying to figure out what happened inside the school.

A voice came from the front of the room "This is our last bag of food." He was worried, now what were they going to do? People were disagreeing already. Deshi thought about two things that could happen to them. Getting separated from the whole group, or never coming back to the classroom they hid in. Deshi nodded to Eden's remark on food. He thought it was better for the group to go out together, but the risk of attack was great.

Deshi wanted to leave, but he didn't know it was safe, he didn't even know a school had ten floors! He also didn't know that he could suffocate in a school so large. He put a book in his lap and watched the other members make their opinions known.

Location: Room 1056
Mentions: demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent
Robin Strider

Robin was pacing around the classroom, as he had been for quite a while now. He listened to everybody else's suggestions as he did so, waiting until everybody had spoken so that he'd be able to impress himself by coming up with an even better idea. Much to his dismay, however, all of their ideas were...pretty reasonable, actually.

"I can't say I disagree with any of you, honestly..." Robin started, no longer pacing. "So, how about we get the best of both worlds? We can send small groups to different locations simultaneously in order to make searching more efficient, and retreat back to here in case we run into trouble, which will also be our regroup point."

Robin thought Alexander had the right idea by looking for weapons, although he found the box cutter and scissors to be a bit lacking. Robin opened a closet and took a broom out of it, giving it a small twirl. "If we find some duct tape, we could create a nifty spear out of this. It'd likely be the superior weapon against any foes we encounter, having the range advantage and all."

"I--" Robin looked like he was about to say something else, but then his stomach growled loudly enough to cut him off. "...Y'know what, let's try not to waste time. Who knows how many resources have already been claimed by other students."

Truth be told, Robin was already nearing the limit of his hunger. He didn't want to waste too much energy by futily scavenging for scraps. Would anybody mind if he just yeeted himself out the window to certain death and freedom? Probably not. But Robin didn't want to die hungry. He wanted to at least have one more sugar rush before the end.

Location: Room 1056
Mentions: demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine wafflegirl wafflegirl Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent Doc Doc

Kira Lukin
Kira stood up from a crouched position against a wall, arms crossed as she met eyes with the others she'd spent the week locked in with, blinking slowly as if just waking up. Hearing their voices was like a novelty despite the amount of time they'd technically spent together. It was an obvious fact that they'd run out of food and have to leave eventually, but beyond this room wasn't a place she could survive alone. She'd long since made it a point to ignore what was going on on the outside, trying not to think about how worried her family must have been; of course, that line of thinking applied to her friends too. But after a full week, the situation had made itself clear. She had to get out and see them again, no matter what. The outside had left her, and it was all on her to get back outside this damned school.

"I've been thinking the same for a while now anyway. Yeah, let's get out of here," she agreed with the others, but what was harder for her to agree with was moving together. Logically it was what made sense of course, but the kinds of power struggles that often arose from groups like this were a massive pain. However, there was no doubt that she'd never survive out there alone; and this group she'd ended up with while waiting for help that never came was probably the best she'd get. "But if we're moving as a group, let's stay together," she stated while shaking her head, "we got no way to contact a group that gets into trouble and can't make it back here."

As some of the group began searching for weapons, Kira only thought of the pen she had in her pocket. The idea of fighting was nothing foreign to her, but there just wasn't much to make use of around them. Box cutter aside, stuff like the pen she had, the scissors Alex had found, and a broom didn't make for all that much of an advantage over just being barehanded. Maybe Robin was better with craftsmanship than she'd have thought, but she couldn't see how they'd turn that broom into a real weapon. Besides, since the broom wouldn't be able to be hidden, they'd look immediately hostile to any other students they came across. Nothing said they'd have to fight anyone they met. Still, if it made them feel any safer then she wasn't going to bother pointing it out.

Location: Room 1056
demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Doc Doc Reticent Reticent

finnegan lewis

Finn knew they'd eventually run out of food. It was something she deemed unavoidable. Even if the group didn't run out of food, Finn thought they were bound to leave the room one day. We can't just stay here, he does have a point. Still, she did feel a sense of doubt—She didn't even know much about Eden. He seemed like the person who always leads, and he probably is.

A moment after, her mind went wandering off. It only hit her now what kind of situation the school was in. Will we ever make it out? She was on the ground, near the far corner, sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees. Finn simply leaned her head on the wall as the others said their suggestions.

It wasn't long before the others started searching for items that could be used for defense. Weapons made sense, since some of the students outside may be that desperate for resources. Finn couldn't imagine what was possibly going on in other floors. She got rid of the thought that students could be killing each other, doing absolutely anything for food and survival.

She stood up from her spot, as if it would do anything, "I agree," she cleared her throat, "I think splitting up is a bad idea." Her thick accent seeped through her words.

demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry Doc Doc Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent
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Crap. There's no way out of this. Amira knew that the others were right, it's just that she let her fear cloud her judgement. She's not sure what's going on outside, but it's definitely not pretty. Amira's stomach churned. She missed home, she missed her siblings and her mom. For the past week she was sleeping on the cold floor with nothing but her hoodie and bag to provide her comfort. The girl silently prayed that the authorities will come and rescue them. She couldn't stand it anymore. She was losing grip on herself and she's so close to having an emotional breakdown.

No. She won't let it happen. She's strong, she's brave and she'll survive even if it means hurting others in the process. After all of this is over, everything will be back to normal. She would go to school, have a meeting with her debate club and go back home to her family. That thought calmed her as her breathing slowed.

The others began searching for weapons, some had scissors, box cutter, and even a broom. Amira realized, she wasn't a fighter like the guys and that short-haired girl. She should've spent some of her time learning tae kwon do or something instead of going to the library. As she opened her backpack, she immediately smiled. Inside it was a pepper spray and a taser that she always carried around. She completely forgot about it, but now as her hands clasped around the two items, she felt a little bit confident.

"Alright, let's do this."


Location: Room 1056
demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Doc Doc Reticent Reticent
location: room 1056
mentions: @all
The past seven days have been passing painfully slow; each minute seemed pass to slower than the next and, as she watched the others around the room, Sonya noticed tensions growing higher. The same was to be said of herself - the full blown panic that had erupted the first day had slowly but surely ironed itself out into a thick blanket of anxiety and tension that covered everyone in the room.

For a while, Sonya had spent much of her time staring out of the windows. She had watched as the crowds grew to massive sizes that caused the police to break out riot gear in an attempt to hold back the distraught and confused parents. She combed the sea of largely unfamiliar faces, looking for her own family. She yearned to see the face of her mother and father waiting outside for her safe return. It would give her hope. But a huge part of Sonya knew better - that her duty was to find her two other siblings that were in the school with her. It had taken a lot for her not to leave the room on a quest to find them, stopped only by the unknown dangers that lay outside of their classroom and her inability to defend herself. In all of her lifetime, she has never been in a single physical altercation and here, without anything to defend herself or adequate food and water, didn't seem like the best time to test her physical dexterity.

So Sonya studied her textbooks relentlessly. Stowed away in a dark corner of the room, just beside one of the windows overlooking the yard full of people outside, she was cozied up with her backpack propped against the wall for support. To her classmates in the room with her, it may have seem strange that she was so entirely detached and focused on something as unimportant as schoolwork. But this was Sonya's way of trying to control the fear that was creeping in on her like a dark cloud, threatening to drive her completely batshit crazy if she considered all the potential possibilities and outcomes. Most of them were bad, she felt, and likely ended in the death of those around her or even herself. The silence in the classroom was heavy.

Seemingly randomly, after fumbling around with a bag of chips, one of her classmates began to speak. As he did so, he made eye contact with each person in the room, including Sonya herself. It was the most interesting thing that had actually occurred in the room for days. "This is our last bag of food... We still have a few water bottles left, but in terms of food food, this is it."

Sonya did not recognize the boy was anyone she had known or seen before. He was tall with beautiful caramel skin and curly, dark locks of hair on his head. If this was a different time, she might have found him attractive. However, she would have never dared to approach him, much less look his way for longer than a few seconds. Still, she listened as he continued on and suggested that this was the best time to leave the room. Several other classmates piped up in agreement, although she noticed one girl was clearly skeptical of the decision, suggesting they go out in groups. Others spoke about the most efficient way to defend themselves against others, gathering futile weapons such as pens, box cutters, and someone even chose a broom in high hopes of turning it into a spear. There wasn't much else to work with so, like several others, Sonya chose a simple pen as her weapon. She briefly wondered if she'd be better off with her bare hands but deciding against it. She knew, deep down, her best chance was to hide behind someone who was a much better fighter or run and hide.

Sonya had never been one to vocalize her opinion and a situation like this wasn't going to change that. She listened to the conversation intently, allowing the group to decide what the next plan of action was going to be. In the meantime, she gathered her textbooks neatly back into her backpack for no reason other than habit. She clutched her pen in her sweaty hand, dreading the moment the group inevitably decided to leave the safety of their classroom. Once they did so, she would soon discover the fate of not only herself, but her siblings as well.

code by arctic
Split groups cause split loyalties. Eden listened as they brought up ideas.

"We shouldn't break the group up, our only possible advantage here is numbers, most of you don't have weapons or any experience in a brawl." He leaned against the teachers desk. "That would be too much of a liability in smaller groups. If we leave we all need to commit to leaving." He glanced at the more passive memebers. The quiet ones are usually the most doubtful. Deshi and Sonya. "I mean everybody." His words were very pointed. "If we leave we shouldn't come back, this place will only cripple us, it's pointless to stay here now that we've exhausted the food, we need to go and settle in a place that can maintain us again." This was going to be a stretch. "We should go to floor eight, it's the closest cafeteria..."

That's a horrible idea. Eden knew the risks of going down to floor eight. If they needed food surely the other couple thousand students in the school would as well. It was a hub for possible disaster and hostility. On top of that the trek to get there would be massive. From room 1056 the closest staircase was staircase Y, and that wasn't even that close, and then they'd have to walk all the way over to staircase C, go down and make their way over to the center of the school to the cafeteria. It was a serious walk. Suddenly the massive size of the school was becoming less of a cool luxury and more of a life threating liability.

"If I'm being honest, I'm scared." Empathize, show sentimentality. "But the only way I can see us making it out of this is if we all stick together, so if we leave we all leave, no one gets left behind." He shook his head and gave a determined smile. He put his hand out for everyone to pile on. "Come on, together." Inclusivity breeds loyalty...
Kalani Michelle
The female sat at a desk close to the window. Her head was resting in her right hand as she had looked out. The sky was beautiful and she had thought about the birds chirping. Since it had been a week since the feeling of fresh air, a nice bath, and a comfortable bed was at her expense; it had made her depressed. The saying 'you never know what you had truly lost until you had actually lost it' had sat in. Was this the end? Food was becoming scarce and something had to happen or they'd all die in that room. However, someone has spoken about leaving whereas other were searching for weapons. It had caught her attention.

As they were debating on whether to leave as a whole or a group, she rolled her eyes. 'Leaving in groups leaves us as targets and there won't be any guarantee that the first would make it back in time.' She thought. Kalani wasn't going to say anything or rather was prepared to shout ideas. She needed to be smart about her moves or she could be casted out to die and she wanted to live. So, Kalani stood up from her chair and walked towards the group. "I'm in. I do have a suggestion. Shouldn't we arm those who don't know how to fight so we could at least have a chance?" She had then pondered at the idea. "It would decrease the likelihood of posing as a threat since some would know we've never fist fought so they wouldn't know we'd be armed with something that we could hide." With a shrug, she saw Eden's outstretched hand and folded hers to her chest. "Sorry, but I have rules about touching others."
Amira frowned. She hated being told what to do but there's 75% chance that Eden's plan could work, she just have to make sure she would find her own resources and hide it from others. They can't keep this small group forever, the time will come where they'll have to survive on their own, and she will make sure that she does. Amira marched to the curly-haired boy, with head held high and shoulders squared.

"Just so you know, if anything happens to me or the group, I'm going to kill you," Amira threatened. She looked him in the eye, making sure he could see that she's serious.

Before all of this happened, she used to do this to the members of her club whenever they question her choices or they simply wouldn't follow her orders. Threatening could do wonders, even if it's empty. Amira looked down at Eden's extended hand and raised her eyebrows.

"Put that hand of yours away, this isn't a basketball game."
Interaction: Doc Doc
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It seemed that everyone had more or less decided on going together. Now what was left was the question of weapons. If Alex was being honest, he didn't have much experience in fighting at all, unless accidentally hitting a girl with a tennis racket counted as fighting. He guessed most of the others weren't exactly world-class fighters either. "If it's possible, I think it'd be best to avoid getting into fights. Everyone is hungry and weak, so wasting our energy on brawling would leave us worse off in the end. These weapons are really for a worst-case scenario."

Alex wasn't too surprised at Eden's little speech. He was charismatic as usual. Going to the 8th floor cafeteria was risky, but reasonable. There was no doubt that the entire floor, if not the entire school, had been ransacked by now. This left the cafeterias as focal points for students to get food and water. "There's going to be a lot of people at the cafeteria." Alexander stated plainly. "Realistically, it's going to be difficult to get anything but scraps." He felt his stomach growl weakly, "... But it's the best option we have."

Kalani and Amira blatantly rejected Eden's hand. Ouch. Not only that, but Amira literally threatened Eden to his face. The people in this group were much more closed off than Alex had thought. "I know we're all stressed, but if we want to survive we have to work together." He said gently, trying to calm the tension.

There was a lull in the conversation. "I don't know why these things have happened, but we're going to survive to tell the tale. So let's all work together to get out of here." He paused for a moment. "I for one, am getting home-schooled after all this is over." Joked Alexander.
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It seemed that everyone had more or less decided on going together. Now what was left was the question of weapons. If Alex was being honest, he didn't have much experience in fighting at all, unless accidentally hitting a girl with a tennis racket counted as fighting. He guessed most of the others weren't exactly world-class fighters either. "If it's possible, I think it'd be best to avoid getting into fights. Everyone is hungry and weak, so wasting our energy on brawling would leave us worse off in the end. These weapons are really for a worst-case scenario."

Alex wasn't too surprised at Eden's little speech. He was charismatic as usual. Going to the 8th floor cafeteria was risky, but reasonable. There was no doubt that the entire floor, if not the entire school, had been ransacked by now. This left the cafeterias as focal points for students to get food and water. "There's going to be a lot of people at the cafeteria." Alexander stated plainly. "Realistically, it's going to be difficult to get anything but scraps." He felt his stomach growl weakly, "... But it's the best option we have."

Kalani and Amira blatantly rejected Eden's hand. Ouch. Not only that, but Amira literally threatened Eden to his face. The people in this group were much more closed off than Alex had thought. "I know we're all stressed, but if we want to survive we have to work together." He said gently, trying to calm the tension.

There was a lull in the conversation. "I don't know why these things have happened, but we're going to survive to tell the tale. So let's all work together to get out of here." He paused for a moment. "I for one, am getting home-schooled after all this is over." Joked Alexander. [class=container] height:420px; width: 679.56px; border: 2px solid #bbbbaa; margin:auto; [/class] [class=leftbar] box-sizing:border-box; height:400px; width:calc(647.2px - 400px); background:#bbaab3; margin-top:10px; margin-left:calc( ( (679.56px - 647.2px) / 2) - 5px ); float:left; [/class] [class=rightbar] box-sizing:border-box; height:400px; width:400px; background:#b3aabb; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 266px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=hwallpicture] box-sizing:border-box; height:calc((400px * 1.618) - 420px); width:calc((400px * 1.618) - 420px); margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px; background:url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/2fec70dc8adc89d093983e85651b1f58/tumblr_phydxwwSTR1xwd5eeo2_250.png) no-repeat; background-size: contain; [/class] [class=scroll] height: 100%; width:100%; padding-right: 17px; overflow-y: scroll; padding-left: 5px; color: #1d0029; line-height: 15px; [/class] [class=title] font-size:30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; font-weight:700; font-style:italic; [/class] [class=divider] height: 6px; background:url(http://ibrahimjabbari.com/english/images/hr-11.png) repeat-x 0 0; border: 0px; [/class]
Robin Strider

Robin, while listening to everybody else speak, had started sweeping the floor area nearest to him with the broom. After everybody had spoken, he decided it was his turn again.

"Ok, so if we more or less know what we're doing, can we get going? I'm running out of dirt to sweep."

There were a few of other things Robin felt like saying in response to some of the other classmates, mostly about how their counter-ideas were shite. He agreed with Alexander and Eden in that they needed to work together, though, so he tried his best to keep it to himself so as to not cause an early civil war. There was plenty of time for that later. For now, he wanted to actually do something...other than sweeping, as fun as it may have seemed.

Location: room 1056
Mentions: demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine wafflegirl wafflegirl Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent Doc Doc

Deshi Lee

Everyone soon agreed, even a few remarks about making weapons were exchanged by the group. Deshi agreed that was the best way to go, but he would definitely use his weapon at his last resort. He noticed that people already were gathering weapons. He loudly shut his book. Eden looked directly at him as if he wasn't being compliant, but his words soon convinced him that they should go, they need to go, and they needed to find food. He stood up, looking at a desk's leg. There were screws inside the leg, attaching it to the table part., loose screws. Deshi used his nails and his fingers to unscrew the screw, and the bar came off the desk. The whole desk almost crumpled to the floor, but Deshi caught it in time. He now had a large rod. A girl with dark hair, who had refused the presumed "leader", spoke about having discretion. He decided to "pipe up". "If we look threatening, we'll most likely get as much food as we can." He said, tossing the girl a look before walking up to the leader. He also noticed that a girl, named Amira, decided to threaten him. He was fine of this, he liked leading passions, multiple leaders could have a democratic response, but could also equal a thirst for power. He nodded to Amira, but it wasn't a very definitive one. Deshi then turned to the leader, named Eden. He didn't want to say more, but he had to let the curly haired boy know where he stood. "I agree with your plan, but this school is big. We cannot waste time." He nodded to him, his bar in one hand. He shuffled past the two girls and his leader and stood by the door.

He was ready. He didn't want to fight, but he knew that this was the only way to show the other students that they weren't playing games.

Location: room 1056
demnkiller demnkiller Doc Doc Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent


Kira Lukin
Clicking her tongue with a "tch" sound, Kira began to walk towards Eden. There were things that had been said she disagreed with. Partnering up with other students with resources was an option. If need be, even something like ambushing other students could be an option. Nothing directly said they had to go straight to the cafeteria. But Eden also said something that she did agree with. If they wanted to survive, they needed to stay as a group.

That didn't mean she had to like it. As she passed Eden, leaving her hands in her pockets as she did, she told him, "Save it for when we've accomplished something." While not as aggressive as the hot-headed Amira, Kira didn't plan to be led by anyone, makeshift group or not. Her eyes eventually landed on Deshi, who was standing in front of the door. Although she didn't say a word, it was clear she was ready to go.

She paused for a moment and stared at Alexander as he made his joke, though the confused expression on her face said that she wasn't entirely sure if he was joking or not.

Location: Room 1056
demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Doc Doc Reticent Reticent

finnegan lewis

Finn watched as they left Eden hanging, and a girl even threatened him. She's right though, this isn't a game. Sighing softly, she turned her back against the group while they talked and bent down to get her violin from the ground, slinging the strap over her shoulder, like how it normally is. She always brought it to school even if it wasn't needed, leaving some a little weirded out. Finn had no experience at fighting at all, but if worst comes to worst, she could use it as something like a baseball bat. Meaning it would all go to waste. Or she could just choose to die, if the school really has become like a jungle. The thought of death isn't foreign to her, in fact she imagines death so much it's more of like a memory. It is.

She shook her head and turned around, facing the group. One left Eden's hands hanging again, saying he should save it for when they've accomplished something. Another was already at the door. They really do want to live. "I do think she's right," She said, with her eyes cast on the ground as she walked towards the door, leaning on the wall just about a feet away from Deshi. "Do it after we make it out alive."

demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry Doc Doc Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent

Eden pulled his away and laughed awkwardly, "Tough crowd." He kept a smile on his face, turning his gaze towards Amira. Opposition, how troublesome. He wanted to drop the smile and tear her down, but that would be a bad look. A very bad look. Seeds of rebellion and we haven't even started moving. An immediate liability to his control. What to do? What to do? He'd have to play nice. He shook his head. "No, it's not a basketball game, but for now we are a team, all of us, and I just want us to be able to count on each other."

He turned his attention to Kalani. She too had refused his hand, but less aggressively. More wary of him than in opposition. They can see through you. No they couldn't. They were just afraid. Worried. Kira's words stuck out to him. If you want fealty you have to prove you deserve it. She was right, they wouldn't believe in him if he hadn't done something to prove himself first. He nodded and responded to her.

"Right, let's focus on getting out of this room." He took a breath to let the mild anger at Amira pass, and continued speaking. "I don't think we have nearly enough... 'weaponry' to even arm the weakest ones." He noted. In reality he didn't think people would be willing to give up their weapons even if they were better in a fight. "But maybe we should keep those with the least experienced in a scrap to the center, someone who can fight in the front and in the back to surround them, and act as a buffer if we manage to get ourselves in trouble."

They were all ready to charge out that door. How reckless. It seemed as though they didn't need anymore rallying. The time for action was upon them.

"If you've been in a fight, or have a weapon in your hands stick to either to front or the back, everyone else try to stay in the middle." He stepped over t the door and put his hand on the knob. Freezing up for a minute, as if the realization of the situation hit him suddenly. When he was just talking about leaving it was easy, but actually going out into the halls again was something a lot more... terrifying.

He remembered why he was even here. He was making his way to English, when the alarms when off and gunshots stared ringing out across the school. He didn't even see what was going on, he just ran to this class on instinct. It was a blur of fear and adrenaline that had gotten him here, and suddenly that same blur was back. What was out there? Who was out there? Would they be the only ones who were stupid enough to leave their classroom? So much for the fearless leader.

Eden turned the knob, and took a step out into the empty hall. It was silent. Roseview was never silent...

demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent
Eden's smile did not reach his eyes. What a shame. He would look a lot more striking if his smile was genuine.

"No, it's not a basketball game, but for now we are a team, all of us, and I just want us to be able to count on each other," he said.

Count on each other? Amira looked around the room, familiarizing herself with their faces. She didn't want to count on them too much, she still doesn't trust them, especially that curly-haired boy. The girl crossed her arms as she listened to Eden's plan. She has to admit, it was brilliant. But what she didn't understand was why Eden still stick with them. He's pretty intelligent. Amira was present during the campaign and Eden had some pretty good points during the debate. He's also quite fit so he would perfectly survive on his own. Based on the group's survival skills, half of them were practically goners. So why would he waste his time on making sure that this group remains alive?

Amira sighed. Maybe she was just irritated because someone has the upper hand instead of her.

The group agreed that those who didn't know how to fight would stay in the middle. Amira decided that she won't. After all, she has her taser and pepper spray with her so she would be fine. As the others filed out of the classroom, she sucked in a deep breath. This was it. She would be stepping out of the safe zone and be completely exposed to any harm. The quiet ones looked nervous. Amira honestly found it brave of them to do so. To let their true feelings show. She couldn't afford that. She can't let herself break just a little bit, because she knew that if that happened, she would completely break down. The girl spent so much time building her reputation only to what? Throw it away at the first sign of danger? No, she was better than that.

She tightened her grip on her weapons. You got this Amira.

Mentions: demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery Doc Doc Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent
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Deshi Lee
He was scared, nervous. They hadn't left the classroom in a week. He knew that others weren't, but this new school has so many corridors, so many stairs. They could easily get lost on their way to the Cafeteria. Deshi saw his bag next to the door. He knew once he heard the gunshots, he ran in this very classroom and threw the bag down. Now he knew that he needed it. Not just for books, for survival purposes. Deshi grabbed his bag, emptying it out, leaving "War and Peace" in it and the last bag of Fritos in it too. He had his weapon in his left hand and was ready to go. He noticed that Amira had a few weapons herself, and a few others had weapons as well. He felt as if they were ready. He wasn't confident in navigating the school himself, but the other students could definitely help him out. Eden stepped out of the classroom first, and Deshi followed. He gripped his rod tightly, his backpack strung tightly to him, and he carefully walked, knowing his brand new shoes would squeak if he shuffled his feet. He heard nothing. Nobody was in this corridor, there was no noise at all.

Fear struck him.

If there's a God, show us a sign that we can make it to the Cafeteria.

Mentions: demnkiller demnkiller labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery Doc Doc Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent
Robin Strider

Robin followed shortly after the others, choosing to stay at the back of the formation as a rear guard. Once he left the classroom, he was made uncomfortable by the lack of...well, anything, in the hallway. Dead silence. It wasn't quite as scary for him as it might have been for others, as this implied that nobody was nearby just yet. Although, it was still unnerving as they currently had no clue where other students may be. They literally knew nothing about what they should be expecting, and that was the thing Robin worried about the most. How are you supposed to make a strategy when you don't know what you're strategising against?

"Well...at least this way we'll be able to hear people coming?" He said awkwardly. He wanted group morale to stay high, and a scary atmosphere wasn't going to help that. He continued to sweep the floor as he walked into position.

Location: Room 1056 -> Hallways
Mentions: demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine wafflegirl wafflegirl Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Reticent Reticent Doc Doc
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Alexander looked down at the box cutter in his hands. That was a good enough weapon, right? As everyone scuttled out the door into the corridor, he decided to join Robin at the back of the group.

The hallway was completely deserted. With even a whisper, he was sure the sound would echo through the halls. But nobody spoke a word, and so there was only the sound of their disordered footsteps.

Alex's palms were unnecessarily sweaty. He thought the box cutter might slip out of his hands at any moment, so he tightened his grip. "Well... At least this way we'll be able to hear people coming?" Alex started when Robin suddenly spoke.

"Yeah... I guess so." Alex responded. He licked his lips in an attempt to soothe his dry mouth. "How far is it until we reach a staircase?" He asked to nobody in particular. To tell the truth, he had never really learned the layout of the school other than the location of the classes he needed to be at. To navigate a massive school like this, you would really need a map or something.
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Alexander looked down at the box cutter in his hands. That was a good enough weapon, right? As everyone scuttled out the door into the corridor, he decided to join Robin at the back of the group.

The hallway was completely deserted. With even a whisper, he was sure the sound would echo through the halls. But nobody spoke a word, and so there was only the sound of their disordered footsteps.

Alex's palms were unnecessarily sweaty. He thought the box cutter might slip out of his hands at any moment, so he tightened his grip. "Well... At least this way we'll be able to hear people coming?" Alex started when Robin suddenly spoke.

"Yeah... I guess so." Alex responded. He licked his lips in an attempt to soothe his dry mouth. "How far is it until we reach a staircase?" He asked to nobody in particular. To tell the truth, he had never really learned the layout of the school other than the location of the classes he needed to be at. To navigate a massive school like this, you would really need a map or something.
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Kira Lukin
As they made their way out of class 1056, Kira ended up taking a position in the front. It wasn't like she wanted to listen to Eden's instructions, but if she was going to stand anywhere it was going to be at the front. The others were not going to be the ones to lead her around. Her expression betrayed little emotion, but her wandering eyes and clenched fists made her look wary. How would other students react upon seeing them? Aggressive? Welcoming? The silence in the hallway felt foreboding; believing the other students would be welcoming after a week spent in this school turned hell was difficult now.

One of her clenched fists opened up to scratch her ear, somehow feeling a bit relaxed with some of the others speaking to break the silence. "Not sure. I know it's not that close though," Kira answered Alex. The walks to class at this school were such massive treks that she'd never bothered figuring out how much time it took to get from one place to the other. Even if she had a basic understanding of the school's overall layout, all she knew even the rough specifics of was how long it took her to get between her classes.

demnkiller demnkiller Pastry Pastry labyrinthine labyrinthine Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery wafflegirl wafflegirl Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Doc Doc Reticent Reticent

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