• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Hostage High School Characters



Friendly Neighborhood Sad Boy
So we're going to keep it simple. I'm not one much for BBcode. So I'm not gonna require that you do it. lol Here's the format. The stuff in red text is mandatory, everything else is optional, just to guide you into having a more fleshed out character.


Age: (Between 14 and 18, they're high school students.)


Appearance: (Face Claims and/or just a description work, I'm gonna say no art for this, but if you really need to we can discuss it.)
stuff that should be included in your description or images.
  1. Height
  2. Weight
  3. Eye color
  4. Hair color/style
  5. Outfit
Personality: (Be detailed, a paragraph at least preferably 2)

History: (Tell me a little about their past)

Things they like:

Things they hate:

Their favorite song/ theme song:


Mannerisms: (How they speak, ticks, bad habits, etc.)

Relationships and/or Reputation: (Siblings, and Other students. Do they have siblings in the school? or a significant other or friends in the school, that they wanna find? Or What are they known for in the school? Are they part of the track team, or the chess club, etc. Do they have a youtube channel or a band? The school is large, think outside the box. This is mandatory to have you characters have prior attachments to make them dynamic.)

Other: (Anything else you wanna tell us about your character?)
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Eden Thornton



185 lbs
Dark brown eyes
Black hair
Afro Twists
He's wearing a white long sleeve shirt, with a black varsity jacket and black jeans, with white Nike air maxes on.



Eden is two-faced. His generally unoffensive demeanor hides his desires. The legitimacy of his compassionate personality is constantly in question. For all intents and purposes to any outsider with no prior influences, he's just a nice guy. A dependable person, who seems like he has himself together. He comes off as level-headed and compassionate. In truth he really is. He cares about the people around him, and would give you the shirt off his own back if you needed it. He's quick to make attachments to people, and willing to protect the people he feels close to with his life. He will never abandon somebody who asks for his help.

What lies underneath is what calls that into question. Eden is power hungry, he enjoys being in positions of power to a dangerous extent. His power hungry nature clashes with his desire to be a good person, with him often ending up being more manipulative than he intends out of habit. His kind nature tends to feed into his desire for power though, people are more willing to listen and follow someone who is nice to them after all. The clash occurs mostly within himself, as he often questions if his actions of kindness are his attempts to once again gain leverage on another person.

He hates people in positions of authority over him, and tends to undermine anyone who tries to control him. Even in his friendships and relationships he's controlling. His greatest fear is that people can see through him. So he works hard to actively avoid reveal his darker desires from the outside world. The only time his facade is at risk of being revealed is when someone else attempts to undermine his authority. He can quickly become aggressive and irritable when someone attempts challenge him.


Eden was raised by his mother alone. His father was out of the picture by the time he was 5. His mother provided for him as best she could, but she struggled to be around. He doesn't resent his father, he never knew him enough to hate him. He barely knows why he left. His mother refuses to tell. As a child he was pushed around and told what to do pretty often. He was a scrawny little kid with glasses. This continued for most of his childhood into puberty. It took a while but he finally grew into a young man, who wasn't so easy to push around anymore. This rapid shift in social standing is probably led to his controlling personality. Still he was intelligent enough to keep it in check. He joined the student council in his first year at Roseview. He became close to a lot of the members of the student council, and eventually began dating one of the members. Things were going fine until the elections for class president came up. Both he and his girlfriend wanted to run, so she ended up breaking up with him. She had the entire student council on her side, and they created an aggressive campaign that blasted his reputation, with personal details about their relationship, and his true controlling nature. They burned him and left him to dry, leading to him leaving the club with his reputation in the dirt. This has left him as a bit of a loner, with only his two best friends sticking by his side.



His left ear is pierced


Tends to twist his hair when thinking.
His voice is always pretty leveled out, even when he gets upset he won't raise his voice.


He has two best friends that were in the school during the initial lock down. Their classes were on floor 4, so he really wants to get down there an find them. His reputation is pretty much tarnished. He's pretty much gone under the radar since the end of the election, so anyone who didn't really care about the whole election barely knows his name. The people who were paying attention thing he's controlling POS ex boyfriend to the current student government president, and the guy who lost the election miserably.

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Name: Kalani Michelle

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Kalani is 5'4" and weighing at 174 lbs. Her eye color is brown and her hair is red with a curly layer look having her face framed. She wears a baby blue long sleeve top with wrapped crochet hem, black jeans, and tan microfiber flat boots.

Personality: Kalani is outgoing with an open personally. Every person she meets, she is friendly to and prefers to make friends than enemies. She has a quirky attitude in which she tries to make jokes to lighten the mood or to help blow off some steam for herself. However, sometimes she can be over bearing and tends to get annoying when she gets to talking. A lot. She doesn't mean to offend or be annoying, but it is just how she is and feels hurt when people don't like her because of it. Due to this, though, she isn't afraid to show and act on her duslike of people either and will use her annoying attitude to be very irritating on purpose.

In school, she doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't know or rather what she sees in people who don't seem to be a candidate as a potential friend so she wait for them to go to her. That being said, it renders her from being a social butterfly even though her actual personality allows it. Also, her attitude towards school is straightforward and tends to take charge in the long run when it comes to projects. She doesn't mean to, but when no one wants to take the initiative she will get the ball rolling and they tend to follow which boosts her ego but she tries to keep it in check.

History: Kalani's parents were separated and constsntly fought all of the time. Her dad was only able to see her every weekend which he would not try to make an effort to get her but rather for her mom to take snd get her from his home. Fed up, Kalani's mom had gotten fed up and refused which had led to going to court where the judge deemed him unfit and was only able to see her one weekend a month due to more reasons. This disappointed Kalani, but her mom was a socialite and made it interestingly enough that she would forget about her dad and glad she had at least a mom to take care of her.

Her life was mostly happy after the drama and this helped her keep her schooling on track. Her mom persisted in Kalani keeping good grades and a positive attitude about everything that learning came easy to her. With help, her mom would do what she could and would tutor her to the best of her ability.

Their favorite song/ theme song:

Piercings/scars: N/A

Mannerisms: She is nice towards everyone, but the moment someone is rude to her she will show dislike in subtle ways.

Relationships and/or Reputation: Kalani tries to fit in, but isn't athletic or a strategic/math genius. She doesn't really go to any clubs except for the mundane ones that actually don't care what you do as long as you're present. Her friends are very few who are also oddballs and don't do anything special either.
Deshi Lee




  1. Height: 5’6​
  2. Weight: 130 lbs (58.9kg)​
  3. Eye color: Brown​
  4. Hair color/style: Auburn/2018 Trends​
  5. Currently wearing: high waisted joggers, striped tee shirt with a red zip-up hoodie, clear fake glasses, and red retro sneakers.​
Deshi is a kind, and intuitive individual. Deshi loves spending time by himself, but remembers that spending time with people is good for everyone, not just himself. He is selfless, and loyal to the ones he care about. Deshi can't handle people insulting him. He's not strong willed and thick skinned. He has courage in things he believes he can do, and the irrational is impossible for him to believe he can do. Deshi follows, he doesn't lead, he doesn't put himself on the spotlight. Deshi chooses to talk, when it is absolutely necessary. Maybe he'll learn that he can actually socialize with people.
In school, Deshi keeps to himself. He doesn't spend his time socializing or talking to new people in the cafeteria, and he doesn't socialize for the extra five minutes before the bell rings that the teachers give the students. Deshi focuses on academics before anything. Since his parents are already strict, he doesn't mind spending every second of every day studying and learning something new. This gave him aloof tendencies. He never learned how to properly socialize, so this made him a really. Bad. Liar. He also can't say a proper sentence when he's around crushes, and when random people all of a sudden start talking to him, he doesn't know how. It's another reason why people don't talk to him- because he acts really, really weird around new people.

Deshi was born in Seoul, South Korea. He was born on April 22nd, 2001. His father is unknown, and his mother died at his birth. He was adopted and immigrated to Canada at the age of Seven. For ten years, he spent his time in Canada making new friends, becoming one of the best swimmers and track team sprinters in the whole school district. He played multiple instruments like ukulele, guitar and piano. He lived there until his parents had a job change and they moved to America. A small family, him, and his two strict dads, were the only thing he had when they moved. A new school, a new schedule, and a whole new swim team.

Things they like:
Coffee, ramen, iced tea and lemonade, candy, snacking, running, swimming, people that can relate to him, music, reading.

Things they hate:
Snoring, interruption, stereotypes, populars, rude people, having an empty stomach, loud people/setting, being ignored, arrogant individuals.

Their favorite song/ theme song:

Piercings/scars: Scars on his forearms in different directions from reopening wounds due to shaving for swim team. Few scars on his leg too due to the same cause. Multiple ear piercings, and he wears multiple earrings every day. He has a piercing on his left temple.

Deshi has a Canadian accent. He has tendencies to run his fingers through his hair, and purses his lips whilst thinking.

Relationships and/or Reputation:
Deshi doesn’t have a reputation, since he’s very new to the school. He knows he can make friends quickly. He has a few friends on floor 6, from the swim team. He also has a friend on the track team that he doesn’t know where he is, since rumors spread that he was locked out one night.

Deshi is really fast, and has great stamina. He is also trained in CPR, and has little known information on medical terminology and helping people with injuries.

!code may or may not be mobile-friendly!​

finnegan "finn" lewis
finnegan "finn" lewis



5'2" (159.7 cm)

115.0 lb (52.1 kg)

eye color

short, dark blonde

ㅤㅤㅤㅤwhite collared blouse + black cardigan, short black circle skirt, black ankle wedge boots

Around those she isn't familiar with, Finn tends to be exclusionary and keeps her thoughts to herself. At first, she can be a silent girl, who would only reply to someone with simple gestures like nodding. Even if she does reply in words, it would be a short phrase or even just a single word. She has a cold and calm demeanor most of the time, usually having a soft, straight face. Her obedience to requests and commands are only limited to the people she can "tolerate." There are certain times when she speaks up, and those times are often times when she thinks her opinion on the matter is necessary. Most of the time she does not raise her voice, but if she thinks someone's actions are morally and absolutely wrong, she can get aggressive. Finn usually doesn't show how much she dislikes someone, but will show other feelings.

She's a lot more open with people who she think are genuinely kind. However this does not mean she treats them better than other people. She always has an eye out for her friends, she values them greatly and cares about them, though it is not obvious. Finn easily gets attached to friends, and though she won't admit it, every time she's with a stranger she wishes to know them more. Behind her calm and emotionally withdrawn facade is a very gentle and soft girl whose curiosity is unmatched. In fact, because of this curious mind, if Finn doesn't want to put effort into a conversation, her mind wanders off and she has trouble focusing on one topic.
Finn lived a happy, normal life as an average girl. Her family was complete and there was nothing more she could have asked for. She had an elder brother and two parents who loved her. That was, until, at the age of twelve, her brother, who was going to Roseview High, died in a car accident. He was a violinist, a member of the school's music club. In honor of him, Finn didn't want his violin to just sit in the house, so she decided to be just like him, playing the violin and going to Roseview high. His death lead to her being really curious and her constant thoughts about how any person she talks to could die at any moment.
Aside from being in the music club, Finn has a small circle of friends but she only deeply cares for two of them, hoping to see them alive in Roseview . She has a pretty normal school life. She isn't popular and she isn't being bullied either.
-finn has a thick british accent
-she is claustrophobic
-she gets very upset when talking about certain topics
-she tends to look at the ground during a conversation
-sometimes she suddenly hums out of the blue
-constantly apologizes when she feels at fault
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[div class=textcontainer] [div class=name]Name[/div] [div class=text]Alexander Kwon / Ji-young Kwon[/div]
[div class=nickname]Nickname[/div] [div class=text]Alex[/div]
[div class=age]Age[/div] [div class=text]16[/div]
[div class=gender]Gender[/div] [div class=text]Male[/div]
[div class=appearance]Appearance[/div] [div class=text]Alexander has a fairly average height of 178cm (5'10) [/div][div class=text]and weighs 60kg (132 lbs). He has dark brown, almost black eyes, paired with silky black hair. His hair is straight with a part in the middle. He is currently wearing a navy blue flannel shirt with a black t-shirt underneath. He is wearing black jeans and runners. A notable trait is that his cheeks are very soft and squishy.[/div] [div class=appearance]Personality[/div] [div class=text]Alex is the type of person who would be considered a [/div]
[div class=text]model student: a hard-working and polite overachiever. Academically, he consistently scores well, but his real strength is his musicality. His specialties are playing the harp and singing, although he can play the piano decently. He comes off as cold to people who don't know him because he isn't very expressive.

Alex is generally sociable. He is usually the leader in groups, and is good at staying level-headed in stressful situations. He has high self-esteem. While he doesn't have a lot of close friends, he is fiercely loyal to those whom he has formed a bond with.

He can be very aggressive when things aren't going his way. Alex is blunt and always speaks his thoughts. Because of this, he often finds himself in conflict with others. He is stubborn in his beliefs and strongly rejects people whose opinions don't align with his own personal morals. Because he takes a lot of responsibility upon himself, he tends to blame himself when things go wrong.[/div] [div class=gender]History[/div] [div class=text]Alex was born on Ford Island, a small island in Hawaii, on[/div]
[div class=text]August 16th. He was born to Korean immigrant parents. He moved to the mainland of the United States when he was 13 years old. His family is relatively wealthy, and he was well-educated from a young age. He can speak Hawaii Pidgin but since moving, he mostly speaks American English. As a child, Alex was very ill and came in and out of the hospital frequently. His father is a gentle and paternal man, while his mother is a more authoritative figure in the household. However, both of his parents hold high expectations for their son, expectations which he strives to meet. [/div] [div class=age]Likes[/div] [div class=text]jazz music, singing, strong coffee, video games, spicy food,[/div]
[div class=text]sports[/div]
[div class=gender]Dislikes[/div] [div class=text]lazy people, desserts, bottled water, the heat, hospitals[/div] [div class=appearance]Mannerisms[/div] [div class=text]gestures a lot while speaking, rests his head on his hands[/div] [div class=reputation]Relationships + Reputation[/div] [div class=text]Alex is well liked among his peers because[/div]
[div class=text]he is patient and reliable. Of course, every popular person has their haters, and he has gained a reputation for being cold-hearted because of his stony expressions and brutal honesty. He is a member of the Music club, Tennis club, and the Student Council.[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [class=container] height: 322px; width: 536px; border: solid 5px rgb(238,187,221,0.7); margin:auto; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=image] height: 272px; width: 486px; background: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/a1d6cdf99238066ae51fe91dd29c8b0b/tumblr_inline_p4dr95itog1su59zh_540.gif); margin-left: 25px; margin-top:25px; [/class] [class=scroll] height: 100%; width: 100%; padding-right: 17px; overflow-y: scroll; [/class] [class=name] height: 20px; width: 55px; padding-bottom: 2px; background: rgb(230,187,238, 0.7); margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-right: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-bottom: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-left: 2px solid #F9EDFA; border-top: 2px solid #F9EDFA; text-align: center; [/class] [class=nickname] height: 20px; width: 80px; padding-bottom: 2px; background: rgb(230,187,238, 0.7); margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-right: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-bottom: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-left: 2px solid #F9EDFA; border-top: 2px solid #F9EDFA; text-align: center; [/class] [class=age] height: 20px; width: 50px; padding-bottom: 2px; background: rgb(230,187,238, 0.7); margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-right: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-bottom: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-left: 2px solid #F9EDFA; border-top: 2px solid #F9EDFA; text-align: center; [/class] [class=gender] height: 20px; width: 60px; padding-bottom: 2px; background: rgb(230,187,238, 0.7); margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-right: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-bottom: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-left: 2px solid #F9EDFA; border-top: 2px solid #F9EDFA; text-align: center; [/class] [class=appearance] height: 20px; width: 90px; padding-bottom: 2px; background: rgb(230,187,238, 0.7); margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-right: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-bottom: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-left: 2px solid #F9EDFA; border-top: 2px solid #F9EDFA; text-align: center; [/class] [class=reputation] height: 20px; width: 200px; padding-bottom: 2px; background: rgb(230,187,238, 0.7); margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-right: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-bottom: 1.5px solid #cdbbee; border-left: 2px solid #F9EDFA; border-top: 2px solid #F9EDFA; text-align: center; [/class] [class=textcontainer] display:flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: baseline; [/class] [class=text] padding-left: 5px; [/class]
Name: Amira Porter

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female



121 lbs.
Eye color:
Her eyes are pale blue, almost grey.
Hair color/style:
Amira usually let her dark brown hair down, she's not fond of styling it in any way except for maybe tying it into a messy bun.
Her outfits are mostly hoodies and mom jeans, but sometimes when she wants to look put together, she wears her leather jackets, mini skirts, boots and crop tops.
Amira is known for her fiery personality. Being the president of the Debate Club, she doesn't take shit from anyone and will absolutely argue with someone if necessary (she usually win). She values her education above anything else. While people watched the basketball game, she was busy flipping pages in the library. She socializes with people, but it's out of formality rather than friendship. She's pretty bossy and it frustrates her if someone doesn't follow to her plans (in group projects/activities) but if she finds it better than hers, which is rare, she will gladly back down. Amira speaks her mind but she put other people's emotions into consideration (if they're not an asshole).

When she was eight, her father died while he was stationed in Afghanistan. With her mother being a local lawyer, they didn't have much money to hire a nanny to take care of Amira and her two younger siblings. So Amira took care of them at such a young age, this developed her sense of leadership. She was very intelligent as a child, she was more advanced than her other classmates and it continued towards high school. Amira was bullied a lot in elementary school for being different than the other kids and of course, her eyebrows for being too thick. One time she had enough, she fought with a bully and bitten his arm and in return he stabbed her leg with a pencil. That earned her a trip to the principal's office for the first time.

She wants to be a lawyer just like her mother, only she wans to be at the top. If she finally have a job, she will be able to buy her family a nice house and pay for her mother's debts. She had a best friend in middle school, but she moved to another state so they rarely see each other, regardless they still communicated. And once again, she's on her own again.

Things they like:
Music of all genres

Things they hate:
People who questions her

Their favorite song/ theme song:

One on her leg when a bully stabbed her with a pencil.

She puts her hands on her hips whenever she's debating or when she feels confident. She also tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear whenever she's nervous.

Relationships and/or Reputation: Being the president of the Debate club, this earned her insults from people as she pass by the hall, "Here comes that war freak" is what they usually say. Despite of that, Amira knew that they won't take it too far. Nobody would dare. This also earned her admiration from those who bites their tongue, afraid to stand up for themselves. But this didn't earn her any friends at all, perhaps they're too intimidated of her intensity.

-Always carries a pepper spray and a taser.
-Writes poetry usually with dark themes.
-Doesn't like to admit her weaknesses and her fears.
-In good relations with her teachers and she usually run errands for them.
-People also call her "The faculty's dog".

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Name: Robin Strider

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Robin stands at 5’7” and weighs 110lbs.
He wears a red jacket and dark blue jeans.

Robin is instinctively hostile by default, with the idea that he’d rather hurt people before they hurt him. He’s not openly toxic as this mostly just manifests as witty trash talk, but he still feels like he’s managed to discourage others from interacting with him. That’d all be well and good, but now that he’s relying on others for survival, he’s started to try and tone it down a notch. He’s also developed a habit of thinking ahead, mostly as a result of a bunch of strategy games.

Robin grew up with overprotective parents who didn’t let him be exposed to danger or risks as a child, resulting in him initially having thin skin and no defence against bullies, of which he was an easy target. Over time he learnt to develop a silver tongue for insults to throw back at bullies, although it didn’t help much against the more physical bullying. But he didn’t mind that part, since he figured that if he was able to verbally provoke people into getting rough with him, surely that meant he was pretty good at it right? He eventually got so used to this that he forgot to not do it against people who weren’t technically bullying him, which hindered his ability to make friends. He’s reduced this to the point where it just seems like he’s using playful banter, but even then he’s rarely trying to do it on purpose as it’s now purely instinctive.

Things they like:
Strategy games
Shakespearean insults
Internet culture

Things they hate:
Lackluster planning

Their favorite song/ theme song:

A small scar on his cheek from when he slipped on a potato and faceplanted.

His speech is clear and rarely stuttered, and he tends to switch to shakespearean english when he’s openly trash talking someone.

Relationships and/or Reputation:
Robin is in the chess club. He doesn’t really have a “friends circle” but rather a good amount of aquaintances who he’s on fair terms with. He’s usually known as “that guy who’ll roast you in shakespearean but is otherwise pretty chill”.

Other: (Anything else you wanna tell us about your character?)
Name: Kira Lukin

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Height - 5'5 (165 cm)
Weight - 117 lbs (53 kg)
Eye Color - Gray
Hair color/style - Straight black hair with bangs that end right about her eyebrows, the rest of her hair going down to just above the base of the neck
Outfit - She wears a leather jacket, white tank top, black jeans, and black running shoes. While she does carry goggles, she doesn't wear them all the time.

Kira is typically calm and collected. She doesn't get all too agitated by verbal attacks and finds herself simply dismissing anyone who keeps it to just that. She doesn't talk too much, and while not a top student, she treats school seriously as well and does well enough. This calm seriousness stems mostly from her self-confidence, which also makes her quite honest and straight-forward; she even has a dry sense of humor. She's not afraid to give her opinion on anything, but also lacks a censor when it comes to speaking her mind. She prefers just "telling it how it is" and dislikes it when others don't do the same. This often leads to her more heated side coming out. Saying whatever she thinks without any kind of censorship often leads to conflict, and when combined with her tendency to quickly get physical this leads to her getting in far more fights than one would expect from her usual behavior.

Despite her sometimes off-putting seriousness while calm and aggressiveness in conflict, she's not averse to social interaction in general or having friends. She enjoys hanging out with others and actually quite appreciates the more talkative types to help carry social situations. Even still, Kira prefers to act as a lone wolf. This is why her athleticism is directed solely at individual sports. Trying to lead people doesn't suit her, but neither does being led. Kira prefers to stand alone, and support her friends from behind the scenes.

Kira was born to a stay-at-home mother and a high-profile boxing father. She was also raised with two older brothers. Despite her family being pretty wealthy, her life was fairly normal but filled with sports. She jumped between various sports like soccer and hockey while young. However, she soon found she disliked having to work with a team in such sports. Her father's reliance on himself in boxing appealed to her, so she moved to individual sports, dabbling and sticking with rock climbing, taekwondo, and snowboarding.

During middle school some tried to bully her for her solitary nature, but her tendency to get in fights and win made a reputation that dissuaded trying to pick on her. Upon entering high school, some of the sports clubs tried to recruit her, but she declined them all. Focusing on her solitary pursuits, she never really involved herself much with the school itself; instead she decided to continue pursuing her dream of becoming a high level athlete.

Things they like:
Non-team sports
Friendly people
Sweet food
Sports drinks

Things they hate:
Sudden, loud noises

Their favorite song/ theme song:

Piercings/scars: None

Tends to click her tongue and sigh often.
Tends to pick her ear, but she's trying to break this habit.
It's pretty easy to tell if she's irritated since she gets uncharacteristically fidgety.

Relationships and/or Reputation:
Both of her brothers are already in college, and she has yet to have a boyfriend. However, she does have five friends she wants to find. She's mostly known for her good results in taekwondo even at the national level. However, this and the fact she got into a few fights gave her a bit of a rough reputation. A few people keep up with a blog she writes about her sporting experiences, but that aspect of her is less known. Despite her relatively low amount of friends and spending a lot of time alone, she's considered popular for both her looks and high profile in the sports she does. She's considered hard to approach by most, but those who actually end up approaching say she's surprisingly friendly.

She actually tends to break up fights, but since the end result of this is often her getting in a fight this fact isn't quite as well known.
She carries goggles to protect her eyes if undergoing something she considers risky, since good eyesight is key for sports. They also double for snowboarding.
Has a decent number of acquaintances.

Sonya Kapoor

130 lbs
Eye color
Hair color and style:
Brown; usually left down
Sonya prefers to wear clothing with a looser fit, especially soft sweaters and cardigans. She typically pairs those up with a plain pair of jeans and sneakers or boots depending on the weather.

Sonya is quiet and withdrawn. She will only speak if she feels very strongly about a particular subject or if she is very certain she is right about something. She is extremely observant by nature, picking up the smallest of details. She is excellent at holding secrets, believing that trust is the highest form of respect you can have for someone and works hard to gain and keep the trust of those closest to her. She is extremely intelligent and excels in all of her subjects but particularly math and science. She is very focused and devoted to her future, often dedicating most of her free time to her studies, internships, extracurricular activities and part time job to perfect her resume for college applications.

Sonya is also very close to her family. With three younger siblings and two older ones, she rarely has a spare moment where she is not supervising or being tortured by her siblings. Everyone knows Sonya is the smartest in the family and her parents actively push her to further her education - and she wants to. Because of this, Sonya only has a handful of friends and out of those, only two could be considered good friends - the kind that she actually makes time to hangout with and encourages them to be the best they can be. She sees potential in everyone and tries to bring out their greatness.

Sonya was born as the third eldest child in the Kapoor family. Born and raised in the United States, unlike her two older siblings who were raised while their parents still lived in India, Sonya was the first to become fluent in English. She taught the language to both her parents and her siblings to help make life a bit easier in the states. Eventually, and luckily, her parents secured decent paying jobs to support their growing family.

Even as a child, Sonya always had an interest in mathematics. She excelled in her elementary school classes and her parents quickly recognized she was smart and extremely capable of living a better life than they had. They constantly pushed her to do better, perhaps even more than they did with their other children, and thus caused her to feel burdened by their expectations. Despite this, Sonya never indulged in drugs, drinking or partying. Instead she "copes" with her crushing fear of failure by obsessing over her school and job in an attempt to guarantee her a spot in a prestigious university - leaving her very little room for troublesome thoughts.

As she entered high school, Sonya discovered her passion for theater. She enjoyed both performing and watching plays and obtained many roles throughout her time in the theater club. On stage she feels like a star, even if she is only performing for a small crowd that consists of parents of her fellow classmates. And although she is an admittedly good actress, her parents strongly discourage her from pursuing her dream of becoming one leaving this the only opportunity she has to really express herself. Other than that, it's back to work each and every day for Sonya to pave her way for a better life for not only herself, but her family as well.

Things she likes:
Books, the smell of rain on asphalt, a good movie, sugar cookies, birds, mathematics, the color blue, fruits, warm and cozy sweaters, long socks and wintertime.

Things they hate:
Extremely hot weather, bad attitudes, bad breath, bad hair days, cliff hangers, when children and babies cry and dark chocolate.

Their favorite song/ theme song:


Mannerisms: (How they speak, ticks, bad habits, etc.)
She is a horrible liar; always fidgets with her hands when she is doing so
Bites her inner cheek when she's nervous or in deep thought
Bites her fingernails (when no one is looking)
Thinks faster than she can speak, resulting in jumbled sentences

Relationships and/or Reputation:
Sonya doesn't have very much of a reputation at all due to her lack of friendships. Those who do know her or have heard of her consider her to be nerdy and uptight. Some look to her for homework answers although she never gives them out. Two of her three younger siblings also attend the school; Eliza Kapoor, 16, and Kai Kapoor, 14. She interacts with them more than anyone else, usually to walk them to class or to sit through lunch together. Sonya is also an enthusiastic member of the theater club.

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