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Multiple Settings Horror? Fantasy? Romance? Sci-fi?

I wanted to ask if anyone would be interested in a roleplay in one of the following genres:

I have many plots in mind but we can brainstrom or do one of yours .
I adore fantasy and would love to hear plot ideas!
Well those are very long but i will try to shorten em as much as i can

First: Imagine a universe where all dimensions and worlds overlap and mix and it is like a giant maze of tousands of worlds. many interesting characters and places await you.

Second: A swarm of nanobots acts like a sentience and now infects human brains. once infected they show zombie like behaviour but way smarter can you survive in this world?

Third: "One wish shall be granted to whomever makes it down to the ground alive and sane." This offer was made to 30 random people with one striking similarity: they were all very unhappy with their life and tried to kill themself at least once. The reward was told to be anything and death would await ones that don't make it. All people invited had a picture of this ladder in their mind at all times and a strange of direction where they would find it. Out of curiousity 13 guests showed up strangely at the same time or so they assumed. After a quick discussion they realized there was something going on 3 pulled out immediatly whilst 1 walked towards the ladder. Robert was his name and he was the most suicidal of them all with scars on his wrist and around his neck he obviously tried alot and it was a wonder he even got there in the first place. Without hesitation he climbed down alone but even light only seemed to reach mto a specific point after wich it completly disappeared. As Robert begann his climb into darkness he felt the strong urge to just let go so the last thing seen from him were his hands letting go off the ladder. -What will you do and will you able to survive DM me a discription of your character and his fears teams are allowed of which i can play the characters or if you find other people that wish to team up with you they can-
-this rp is heavily inspiried by the Stories: "No End House 1+2"

there are more but that is the general tone^^
Horror Sounds interesting. Wanna DM and discuss some Idea’s?
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