Story Horns and Humans Prologue (TW: a lot so read at your own risk)


My name is Charlie what's yours
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Darkness, that is all young Elliot could see whenever he closed his eyes he had to do mental gymnastics to dream even for a second. His life was a never ending world of pain his orphanage was nothing but hurtful to him he was broken and alone. He never felt happy because his siblings Forest and Ashley who were younger then him so he had to fight for them being only 15 having to take care of a 14 year old and a 13 year old was hard on Elliot it broke him slowly along with the abuse he would spend hours in his room crying and ranting he was well broken. He considered taking his life but he always chose not to he always feared leaving his siblings in this heartless world with no one to hold their hands but one day things changed it was a normal day Elliot had just got into his room after being off-grounds he closed his eyes seeing the darkness take over his vision he smiled when he heard his door open thinking it was staff he stayed quiet eyes closed when he felt something sit next to him it was no staff maybe it was his sister she was clingy so he restated the rules of his room. "here are the rules again you can vape just don't blow the smoke in my face, you can cuss all you want I'm here for you, you can hug me just no kissing you know you are seeing a lot of women, my stuffed animals are your stuffed animals when you enter this room, weighted blankets are in the corner you can barrow them whenever you need, and don't drink wine please" he said he kept his eyes closed still smiling he heard a voice deep and low here is what it said
"wow that's a lot of rules" Elliot opened his eyes wide he saw a tall man with horns and a tail black torn wings he had burnt skin and blood dripping down his face with dark ebony hair drifting down his back. Elliot scooted back he had heard about the devil in stories but never believed the stories cause that's what they were to him stories! He scared half to death was this how it all ended the thing he never believed in taking his soul to go to hell? He believed that he was a good person, so why was the devil here? He struggled to speak but then a few words fell out his mouth
"Mr. Devil sir, are you going to really take a hardworking man who cares for his family and leave his siblings to suffer I have lived a good life I have never killed anyone or anything! Please don't take my soul!" he pleaded crying trying to trigger the empathy when he felt a hand on his shoulder as the devil shook his head
"Elliot, Elliot, Elliot I ain't going to take you to hell, in fact I just want a mortal friend also call me Luke" Luke said drying Elliot's tears he shook still but a little less
"what?" he said
"If you will be my friend" Luke said
"fine but you have to adopt me and my sbilings"

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