Hopefully this'll go somewhere for me.


Writer of Words and Such
Hi, I'm just some schmuck who got fed up of having no one to RP with. I'd write by myself-- and I do, sometimes-- but it's not quite as fun as doing it with another person. Feel free to get my attention if you like detailed, literate RP. Love all forms of it, I've been told I'm particularly good at actiony scenes and some stuff that's uh... less suited to the public eye. I like to paint a picture with the words, so to speak. I'm best at it when I get to know a person better though. Anyway, I'll stop ranting about random junk and you can decide for yourself if I'm worth talking at about it. Here's my post I threw out there looking for RP, it might answer more questions.

Nice to meet'cha.

Action-y scenes are fun to write, but can be a bit repetitive depending on the standard of fighting but it's fun to do.

:'3 Hope to roleplay with you sometime maybe, have fun!

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