Hope Testing Facility


Magic Eight Ball

(Please do this character sheet in first person.)

Hello. Hope Testing Facility (HTF) would like to know who you are before your memories are erased. Please fill out the form below.



Appearance(describe yourself):

You would describe your personality as:

Sexual Orientation:

Family(list direct family and spouse):

Short Autobiography:

Why are you becoming a member of the group of test subjects at Hope Testing Facility?:


If you happen to be a scientist joining HTF, please fill out the below form.



Appearance(describe yourself):

You would describe your personality as:

Sexual Orientation:

Family(list direct family and spouse):

Short Autobiography:

Why are you becoming a member of the scientists at Hope Testing Facility?:

What is your view on accidentally giving dangerous criminals mutations and powers?


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Name: Bishop Jakobson

Gender: Male

Appearance(describe yourself): I have short red hair, peculiar green eyes, and brown glasses. I think I am an average sized guy at 5'9'' and a handsome one at that. I prefer to wear formal attire, I just naturally feel more comfortable in them than an ordinary outfit consisting of a tee shirt and jeans. I think that the way that I dress accurately describes my personality and the way that I think.


( High School Photo )

You would describe your personality as: I'm a rather cool and collected guy, it is kind of hard to tick me off. I try to be kind towards others and I try to correct their mistakes for them. I might come off as ignorant to some people, but I am only trying to help them. I think I'm a bit hard headed at times, and my brother says that I can be rash sometimes and I'd have to agree with him.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Family(list direct family and spouse): I have an older brother named John, my deceased mother named Helen and my deceased bastard of a father named Ronnie. I am not married, nor do I ever plan to be.

Short Autobiography: I grew up in a rather large city in which something always needed to be done, and because of this their was always someone willing to pay for you to do it for them. I can't remember a single time that I was out of work, up until we moved that is. We moved out of the city because a plague was apparently starting to spread throughout the city. My family and I got out as fast as we could, but my mother had caught the disease. She died in quarantine, after this incident my father became cold and distant. The only one that I could depend on was my older brother, John. He didn't stay long however, he had been saving money up over the past few years to pay for college and he had just gotten enough to go. I was left alone with my father, and once I found out that he was sleeping with another woman... I just lost control of myself. I murdered both him and the wench that he was sleeping with, I tried to dispose of the bodies but I failed and ended up in prison. Soon after I became familiar with my surrounding and it became apparent that I wouldn't get out for the rest of my life, the representative for the HFT project showed up. I saw it as a chance to renew my life and so I eagerly took the offer.

Why are you becoming a member of the group of test subjects at Hope Testing Facility?: I want to forget... my life and everything I have done up until now. I can never repent for the sins that I have committed, so I think that it would be easier to just let it all go and have my memory wiped. I can still hear them screaming, and it pains me to know... that I enjoyed every second of it.

Other: Oh yeah! I have a funny joke to tell you! What is a pirates favorite letter? You might think it would be R, but a pirates true love will always be the C!

Name: Fate Grim

Gender: Female


Appearance: I'm Five foot seven inches tall, a long haired brunette with striking green eyes, soft full lips, a pronounced jaw and brow and long eye lashes, I'm lean, toned, but despite working out for years on end, chest chest is still in my way when I get in a fight.

You would describe your personality as: Cold and Sarcastic, always seeming to make fun of a bad situation, even if I'm holding the really short end of a really bad stick.

Sexual Orientation: What the hell? Why would I tell you!?


Mother: Claudia Grim (Deceased)

Father: Tyrus Grim (Deceased)

Siblings: (Deceased)

Short Autobiography: I used to be a dog of the military, I was that bitch that they sent out whenever they needed someone to disappear, they hand picked me from the start, after they killed my father for treason or some stupid shit. I graduated top in my class from Military University, and then joined the Armies Sniper Division straight away, I spent a few years popping heads, then joined the Heavy Weapons Division to learn heavy equipment, man that was fun, Ever drive a tank through someone's front door? No..? Forget I asked... Anyways, I went into the Naval Branch, and they taught me to swim! And... blow shit up. Lastly, I was part of the Air Force, Where I learned how to pilot... like... everything, Helicopters, Jets, Hovercraft, Repulsor-Craft, Experimental Crap, yadda yadda, freakin Yadda. Learned all I could from all those places until it was muscle memory, I learned martial arts on the side my whole life too, it's one thing to shoot someone, but until you break a dude twice your size with your bare hands, you haven't REALLY killed someone. But yeah I ended up dropping out because... Honestly... I was bored, There was never enough targets, and always too much red tape... Until this one awesome organization recruited me. They were called (OMITTED BY MILITARY RULING) and they gave me all the targets I could fire at, from corrupt generals, to their wives and kids, I got to kill Everybody... Then one day, I'm pulling an Op in this... little middle of nowhere town, and some... Hick Cop... Some nothing, Knocks me over the head, and I get put in prison, I tried calling my Commander, and the phones like, "Were Sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service, blah blah blah" So I figured I got cut, I killed a few guards, trying to break out, so they dropped me in a maximum security "hotel" for sissies and girly girls, and got put in solitary... then some... Lab coat, looks like one of my old targets, comes and asks me, "Do you want to be part of something that will change things?" I told him No, He asked me the right question, "Do you want to be pardoned?" You can guess what I said next...

Why are you becoming a member of the group of test subjects at Hope Testing Facility?: Uh... They promised me milk and cookies, Duh. Plus, The Lab Coat called me Reaper, Like he knew who I was... Punk ass little...

Other: An Elf, A Dwarf, and a Human walk into a bar, The Elf looks down at the Dwarf and says, "You could have warned us!"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf51ae945_NewPicForFate.jpg.c9fa82af4acfb1afff1014a9ca11845d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf51ae945_NewPicForFate.jpg.c9fa82af4acfb1afff1014a9ca11845d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cassandra Cain

Gender: Female

I'm 5'6" tall. I've always tried putting on more weight, but it really is a struggle considering my lifestyle. I've always been thin, but not in that stick-thin manner. I do have curves which are always hidden beneath the lab coats I wear everyday. My long, blonde hair are always tied in a ponytail for I'm not one of those girls who focus solely on their appearance. I do wear makeup but only minimally.


You would describe your personality as:
You could say that I am a well-balanced, smart young woman. I am not one to hold a grudge; I forgive and forget as quickly and easily as I may feel slighted. At work, I'm almost always cool, calm and collected. Something that most assistants and doctors envy about me. I focus on my work more than anything and always see to it that no mistakes are being committed. But whether I like it or not, mistakes are bound to happen. A warm, friendly smile is always planted on my face when dealing with patients to make them feel more comfortable around me.

Sexual Orientation:

Since my father died in a car accident when I was 12, I'd been living with only my mother until now. I do not have any siblings nor do I know any other close relatives.

Short Autobiography:
When I was younger, my father passed away leaving me and my mother behind. She didn't have a job when my dad was still alive, and when she found one, it was only enough to provide for our basic needs. I was almost forced to stop studying when I was entering high school, but because I really wanted to study, I had to find a job. I studied and worked so hard, usually having only two hours of sleep. But the effort wasn't put to waste. I graduated as the top student on my class, and immediately found a job.

Why are you becoming a member of the scientists at Hope Testing Facility?:
After only four years, at the age of 26, I'm already successful and quite known and have bought a larger home for my mother and I to live in. A lot of jobs are still being offered to me, trying to convince me to leave my current job, but nothing really caught my attention until HTF. I wanted to try something different, something that would challenge my intellectual abilities, and HTF sounded just like it could offer those things to me.

What is your view on accidentally giving dangerous criminals mutations and powers?: I think the idea is quite new/cool but risky. But what good could you get if you don't take any risks? So I decided to believe in it, putting the people's safety and my career on the line. I also believe that criminals do not deserve to be judged. A few of them, I've witnessed at some point, were even innocent people paying for a sin they hadn't committed. Besides, their memories are erased anyway. I believe that bad people were once good people changed by certain things happening in their life. If these experiences banishes from their minds, they wouldn't have any reason to be bad anymore.

"What did the ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, it just waved."
Name: Adrian Vreal

"But you already knew that didn't you."

Gender: Male

Appearance: "Hand over a mirror and maybe I'll tell you."

"I seem to be slightly above average height.

I have dark hair that progressively gets longer as it reaches the back of my neck.

I've been told I have rather defined cheekbones and narrow jawline.

I broke my nose once so now there's a slight bump in the middle.

Thin scar starting at the end of right eyebrow and curving along jawline, as well as two parallel across nose. "Of course I've picked up some scars but most I don't care to mention."

Unnerving blue hazel eyes- "Most people would describe them as weird."


"All in all pretty fine looking if I do say so myself."

How would you describe your personality?:" Most people think I'm a self-centred, rude asshole that dosn't know the meaning of "personal" spac- Wait your writing this down?!"

"Well you might as well add I'm not dead yet, that's gotta count for something... Right?"

Sexuality: "I really don't care- guess you could say I'm pansexual, or maybe demi sexual."

"But wait why am I telling you this? And better yet what business is it of yours?!"

Family: Six feet under.

Short autobiography: I lived a rather normal life, until I was diagnosed at age fifteen with a rare type of brain cancer which meant I got to go through multiple procedures all of which failed to the point my family stopped trying- and I was sentenced to a short lifespan.

Feeling a little out of it would be an understatement- I mean no one ends up saying "Yah sure I'm Fine, can we go out for ice cream now?" after they realize they're dying. So yes I might have gone crazy, yes I might have gone a little insane.

But. They didn't help me. So they got what they deserved.

"I made sure of that. Because you see, I really wanted them to know how I felt- to know you were "gonna die and that no one would come to your rescue."

And man was it fun to watch them burn, to hear them scream for help that would be just moments to late.

Why are you becoming a member of the scientists at Hope Testing Facility?:

If they can give criminals superpowers, then curing cancer should be a no brainer (haha see what I did there!?)


A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption

Name: Pheonix

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My name is Corey Strauss. Don't you think it rolls off the tongue smoothly?


I am a Male. What the hell did you think I was, eh?!


Well, I am 5'8 feet tall, which you probably can't tell below. I do have pretty long legs, which allows me to wear these really nice boots! If you're even thinking off calling me a girl because of that, shut your bloody mouth.

...Anyways, my hair is mainly this silvery colour, but there are some dull black parts in it as well. To be honest, I don't even know how my hair is like this. I like it though~ My eyes match the lighter side of my hair, as they are this pretty, cloudy grey...Well, they used to be. You see how my hair covers my left eye? Yeah. That one is pure black. Like, I doubt you could even see my pupil in that eye. It's not that I'm ashamed of it or anything, but I like this hairstyle. I also like sweaters. The ones that look like the one I am currently wearing. Long sleeves and doesn't or doesn't completely cover my shoulders. Though, when it's cold or I feel like it, I also have a long coat that matches my unique style.


You would describe your personality as:

I would say I am a reasonably sweet person, especially when I'm compared to some others. Just because I don't like to smile doesn't mean I'm antisocial! It's so rude when people say that I am! Hm, anyways, where was I? Oh, yeah, I was saying that I am a nice human being who doesn't throw around a smile like it was a simple "hello". I think a gesture that is as sincere as that should be treasured, and saved for only the best situations...Um, I'm getting off the topic. Sorry~

...Oh yes! I almost forget to mention this! I am extremely protective with my belongings. If it's mine, then don't touch it. You can get your own. This applies with my future love as well! Lay a single filthy paw upon them and I will end you and your pathetic life, in the most painful way there is. The only person who will ever touch them, will be me. Unless you don't want your hands or a head.

Sexual Orientation:

I am indeed Bisexual, but I prefer males. What, you have a problem with that?!


My Stepmother goes by the name of Robyn and my father is called; Landen. I have a little sister called; Claudia, who is absolutely adorable and I love her to bits! Also, whoever becomes my lover next. They're going to be with me forever so we'll eventually get married~

Short Autobiography:

Well, when I was at the age of fifteen, which isn't too long ago, because I'm not that old! Hmph...As I was saying, I was just fifteen years of age when I drowned my biological mother. Before you accuse me of anything, it was the right thing to do! She punched my sister for spilling a cup of water! And the precious girl was only one and a half years old! Someone who has the heart to do something as horrible as that deserves to die. Yeah, well, back to the autobiography. On a Saturday, my father took Claudia out to a nearby park to play, and that was when I made the move. My "mum" taking a bath and she asked me to bring her the towel from the drying rack outside. I did and when I entered the bathroom, I pushed her head down into the hot water. Of course, the bi-Wait, am I allowed to say that word? ...I'm not? Well, alright. As I was saying, she struggled but I just pushed down even harder and eventually, she drowned. That afternoon, when my dad and Claudia returned, I simply told them that she had ran away, in such a hurry that she forgot all her belongings. Where did I hide the body, you ask? I chopped her up and then fed it to the dogs next door.

Two years or so ago, I murdered two boys, one of which was my crush. Now, here is the story for this. This new boy was transferred into my class, at school because where else would there be classes. He was drop dead gorgeous, almost as nice as me. So, I made it my mission to protect and love him, because a pretty thing like that deserves mountains of affection. One Thursday, I wanted to know where he lived so I could send gifts to him, so I followed him home. Could you believe what I saw when he opened his front door? Neither could I, at the time! Another boy, one of my classmates, was waiting for him! The little brat grabbed him from the doorstep and kissed him! ARGH! #*$%£@/%


Okay. I am back, don't worry. I wouldn't leave my biography on a cliff hanger. Yeah. The next week, I sent my crush a rotten corpse of that little...thing. He doesn't deserve to be even called a human. Well, my love cried. I eventually decided that if I couldn't have him, NO ONE CAN.

I followed him home for the last time and knocked him out. I dragged him into a alley where no one ever walked through or past by. It was safe there. I kissed and showered him with love and attention, before slicing off his head. I hid the rest of his body under this pile of trash, before heading back home with my sweetheart~ Well, a week later, the police grabbed me when I was walking home from school. Apparently, a camera had captured what I had done back then and they were able to track me from that. Those assholes. They searched my bag and found my dear's head. ...What? You think I'd leave him back in my room? All lonely with no one to love him?

Yeah, I thought so. I was sent to jail for a life long sentence but that didn't last long anyway. A guy from the HTP came and offered to take me out of the building and turn me into a test subject.

Why are you becoming a member of the group of test subjects at Hope Testing Facility?:

I wanted to get out that sorry excuse for a prison.


You want a joke?...Why...?...Fine. "What is a Karate Expert's favourite beverage? Kara-Tea!"

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Name: Calvin "Joker" Edesse

Gender: Male

Appearance(describe yourself): I'm around 5'9 I suppose. I'm dark skinned...Yeah i'm black got a problem? I'm a sexy beast and I know it. Anyway...I have always been called gorgeous so yeah sure.

I normally favor it when my hair is covering my eyes...I have weird hair for someone of my type. Black hair of course oh! Also! I have dark brown eyes and a rather stunning array of surprises if you catch my drift.

Anyway I am muscled...Not like a guy who works out all day kinda toned like an athlete. I really really love wearing formal clothing. Makes me feel like a total bada** walking into a room looking like a boss. Oh yeah

i'm like nineteen...Graduated college about a year ago...Those classes are wayyy too easy.

You would describe your personality as: I'm a filthy pervert, I'm crazy, I love things, I hate things, I'm a normal fu***** human being alright? Now while I may be a little over the edge...OH IT BURNS! I mean what?

Anyway...I really love to talk to people and trying new things. I also am really really really really clingy and overprotective over what's mine. I kinda didn't get to keep much and what I did was precious to me.

Also! I love learning and uhhh...Love? Sure. Uh yeah so I guess you can say I am just high on life, happy go lucky eh? Don't worry I wont kill anyone. Infact

if there's anyone crazy here let me handle them I am sure we'll get along just fine. Oh yeah don't forget to drill deeper. Err...Sorry too much Orange soda. OH GIVE ME THE WHIP! Err I might've not slept for two days...

Got a bed somewhere?

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, I could truly care less who it is. Try to stick something in me though and i'll rip it off. Call me a dom if you will, Massive sadist...God I love the screaming..

Family(list direct family and spouse): Family? PFFT WHAT FAMILY?! They're six feet under...Well not really they are all kinda ashy...I did tell them to put the lotion on the skin. It would've helped with the burning right?

Like really can they ever listen for once? Useless bast****s. So like yeah...I don't got a family, I do plan on getting married one day though. I want someone loyal and loving much like uhh.. I dont know. NEXT!

My sister might still be in a cellar though...But dont worry I got let off for self defense! Nothing to worry about!

Short Autobiography: I started off part of a rich class family in what was left in London. Grew up around so many women that I grew a thing for both sides right? So one day, I wake up and i'm sent to military school or whatever

they call it these days. I'm there until i'm fourteen and than i'm put through college because their classes are too easy. Uh? Are you guys recording me or something? I feel itchy...Anyway. So round 18 i'm done with school that

made me really hate math by the way...But science class was easy, always easy when it was biology and about bombs...God I love bombs...Mind if I make one now? No...Fine.. *Sniff* Anyway...So I guess you could say I had an easy life.

Nothing really too interesting about me aside from the fact that I love pie...Can that be put in my contract?

Why are you becoming a member of the scientists at Hope Testing Facility?: Really? Are you asking me why i'd pass up the chance to give crazy people powers and mutations? To get out of the he**hole that is our home?

Pfft you're crazy! Of course I wanna be here! I love science! Mainly nuclear but thats besides the point. I've always wanted to create crazy things and let people try them! It's a public service ya know! mmmmm Chocolate...

Err sorry Uhh, but anyway...I want to become a scientist to truly advance the human race...Viva la humanity? Is that how the saying goes?...No? Revolution? Ehhh f*** the French. My saying is so much better. I'd love to

be a part of this team as eventually we'll create something so cool even Hitler will come to see it...Oh wait too far? Darn...Alright i'm done...ALL HAIL SHAKA---!

In all honesty...I'm looking for something that challenges my intellectual genius alright? I have been getting crappy things to do since I was four and i'm looking for something interesting to do.

HTF, you guys have it all let me in...Put a smile on my face and let me near the acids i'll create something real good for you.

What is your view on accidentally giving dangerous criminals mutations and powers? My view? Well lets see here.....It's Fu***** hilarious. I think it's a brilliant idea!

Why wouldn't we do this? You wanna give these mutations to the droolies outside? There's no way I am gonna let people who don't appreciate craziness get their hands

on something THIS great! Oh god, oh wait does he exist? Oh anyway whatever so like yeah I find it excellent and interesting. Gotta be careful though because go too far and

you might get someone crazy!

Other: What gets louder as it gets smaller...A baby in a trash compacter! YAYY! Oh wait too dark? Alright lets go with this...What did hitler buy his niece for Christmas? An easy bake oven! Jaaa!

Alright fine fine less dark. Why did the chicken cross the road? To lay an egg...A**hole.

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