Hope Testing Facility


Magic Eight Ball
fourthreeone submitted a new role play:

Hope Testing Facility - Our experiment seems to have awoken, doctor.

You wake up facing a bright light and a man in a white coat far too big for him.

"Hey, kid. Welcome to the Facility!"

You stare, wondering where you are. The thought enters your mind that you might have been kidnapped by insane people.

"Right, right, you're one of those criminals who got their memories taken. Well, anyway, welcome to Hope Testing Facility. Here, we test all sorts of stuff. Most of it's from either the scientists over at Peace Technology Development or something we got from the enemy, which is probably you 'since you're a criminal and all, but we won't kill you."

You stare longer at the man in the white coat and begin to be conscious enough to see that the man has black hair and green eyes with a grin that could revive the dead.

"Anyway, we're gonna move you to your room, which you're gonna share with... someone, I think? Rachel, who's the newbie sharing rooms with?" He asks.

"I'm... not sure. You seem to have misplaced the room register."

"Again? Dammit," The man mutters, but then goes back to looking down at you with his piercing green eyes. "Well, we're gonna try to find the room-list-thing, but while we're at it you're gonna be unconscious again. Can't have you finding your way out, you understand. Might get fired."

You don't understand at all, seeing as you don't remember ever being fired 0r having a job. One of the many perks of being an amnesiac, it seems.

"So, dude or dudette or whatever you are, my name's Zander. Y'seem like a good person... thing... whatsit. Can't imagine you were one of the enemy..." He rambles on as you're injected with something that makes you slowly loose consciousness. The last thing you hear is a woman making annoyed sounds and attempting to express that this man named Zander should not have given out their names. If this test subject escapes, she claims, they're both dead.


Sorry for that horrible short introduction above. You don't have to read it.

Anyway, the roleplay is basically this: In a post-apocalyptic world (note - said post-apocalyptic world may be post-apocalyptic, but chaos has stopped, nations have risen (albeit slightly corrupt nations), and technology has advanced), you're either captured or convicted of a crime and forced to become a test subject at the Hope Testing Facility, a testing facility that is known for accidentally causing test subjects to have supernatural powers or mutations. It's happened so much that there's an in-facility practice room for using said powers or mutations.

The Testing Facility's rooms that are open to test subjects are said practice room, a hallway with ten rooms for twenty people although more hallways can be built, the testing room, the kitchen/cafeteria, the break room (which sports an impressive pinball machine and a vending machine salvaged from the ruins of a city along with an old couch; a bookshelf full of books that are mostly in strange languages, few in English; and a TV) and the garden. The scientists are allowed into all of the above in addition to the staff room hallway (again, ten rooms for twenty people), the phone room (in which technology and records about the test subjects are kept), the staff break room, and the other phone room (which actually contains phones).

I know this is sort of strange but I'd like if someone gave it a chance. It's like those magic schools that keep popping up, only worse.


1. One paragraph (three to five sentences) at very least for every post.

2. This is not an entirely serious roleplay. Sure, you're attempting to escape/live in a testing facility for potentially harmful objects, but you can have some fun with it. As for the mutations, go wild. I would love to see a person who's half chicken.

3. I'd like an equal gender ratio, so if everyone could play a male and a female character that'd be great.

4. If you read the rules, tell me a bad joke in the other section of the character sheet.

5. Characters who are scientists are encouraged, just remember that they can't have mutations. They can, however, have lazer guns.

6. Have fun!
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