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Homeward Bound

"Oh, right! It is most peculiar. The food seems to restock itself, if that makes any sense. Must be a magical spell. Otherwise I've got no clue how the food is getting here." Zachary shrugged his shoudkers after such an explanation. "All I know is that there's all food here, and plenty of it."

"I lived with a rich family. Very rich family. Lived in a mansion, one larger than this one here." Smiled at the thought. "I don't remember much about my childhood, but it's extremely unlikely that I'm the Zach from your childhood. Even if I was, what difference does it make?"

After Zachary finished and plated the food, he set it down at the dining table, where he also sat. "Might I point out that you're a very attractive young man. Don't get me wrong, I am gay, but I'm not flirting with you. You have a fiancé and you don't have to worry about me. Besides, you meanly rejected my offer to help with your relationship." Pouted slightly for a merely second.
Carmichael frowned, contemplating this. “So even if you were allowed to leave the house,” he thought out loud, “you would have no reason to do so. I don’t get it. Why curse someone if you don’t take it all the way? I mean, not that I think you deserve to be trapped in the house forever with no food, it’s just that- in my limited knowledge of magic- you don’t do things without a point. What is the meaning of this exercise?”

Carmichael smiled as Zachary echoed him, paraphrasing his words into a question. That proved he was paying attention- a quality Linda wanted Carmichael to have but lacked herself. “It doesn’t make a difference at all to me, except that if you are that Zachary, you left a lot of confused kindergartners behind, including myself.” He chuckled a little, sitting down on the chair nearest to him.

Almost immediately, the chuckles stopped. “Oh, um, thank you.” He mumbled awkwardly, eyes downcast as he looked around. If he were feeling particularly sassy, he might say something like, “Yes, you may point out that I’m handsome”, however, Carmichael wasn’t feeling particularly sassy. Instead, he latched on to something Zachary had said. Gay…? Carmichael knew the meaning of that word- it was a male who enjoyed men. He’d learned it during his brief stint in college, but he never really had a conversation about that word before…after all, it seemed to gross most of his guy friends out. “I’ve never met a gay person before,” Carmichael said, and immediately realized that wasn’t quite the thing to say. “Uh, in any case, I’d be happy to receive help from you,” he informed Zach before glancing away awkwardly. “Sorry, for, uh, rejecting your help earlier.” He coughed. How awkward…
"I physically can't leave the house no matter what. The last owner of this house, my master, he had been afraid of me running away so he placed a curse upon me. He was extremely protective over his belongings, especially people." Zach had been the master's favorite when he was still around --- especially since he had enjoyed dragging that boy to bed.

Zachary's expression fell to a frown after Carmichael's rude burst of a comment, but luckily they quickly moved on from such a phrase. He was not in the mood to react to such a thing. His very sexuality had just had been called strange, not on purpose, but it still wasn't kind. "You don't have to except my help. If you're uncomfortable being a bit intimate with another man then I'll respect that." Standing up from his chair he approached Carmichael to wrap his arms around from behind. "First of all, hugs. Cuddling is a big key into a long-lasting relationship. Who doesn't enjoy the feeling a pair of warm arms wrapped around your body?"
“Huh,” said Carmichael, wondering how it felt, as a human being, to be considered a belonging. The term in itself implied one’s being inanimate. It implied that someone owned you and made all your decisions for you. Carmichael wondered, if he were in that position, if that would bother him, and then he remembered his parents’ bullying and coercion. He was indeed in that position. “He should have let you leave. If he was a likable man, there would have been no need for him to keep you here—because he would have known that if you love something, you let it go, and if it comes back, it’s all yours.” His friend Julius always said that. He smiled. “I don’t know how the curse works, but if it were up to me, you would be free to leave.”

Zachary moved behind him and a warm pair of arms encased Carmichael from behind. For a moment, Carmichael glanced up at him, confused (had he said something particularly hug-worthy? He wasn’t sure he had.) before Zach explained himself. Oh, the relationship with Linda. “I’m not uncomfortable,” said Carmichael. “If this is all it is to enjoy the company of men, then I must be gay as well.” How did Zachary find this at all intimate? The poor kid must be a virgin, Carmichael concluded.
"Look, I wasn't saying that hugs are as far as you should go. No, that's not at all what I'm saying." Zachary still clung to Carmichael, secretly enjoying the warmth that the other male's body gave off. It felt nice, comforting for once. "All I'm saying is that you should hold your fiancé more. Make her feel like you actually want her to be there, like you care deeply about her."

"What were you expecting me to do? I'm not going to bend over and tell you to thrust inside. That's not what I thought you wanted help on. I-I wasn't going to teach you sexual positions if that's what you wanted." Taking a step back he felt his cheeks grow warmer, "And no I'm not a virgin. Sorry but I'm not a child."
Carmichael glanced up at him, taking pause from a bite of chicken to contemplate a very strange twist in the dynamic of he and his servant-friend’s relationship. Swallowing, he stood up (noticing the younger man backed up a few paces) and wiped his chin of the orange sauce, leaving some conveniently smeared on his upper lip. “Let me explain, so we never have to have either of these conversations again: one, I care about Linda only to the extent that marrying her will make my parents happy. Therefore, the hugging is a definite ‘yes’, but I have no interest in pursuing a…” He searched for a more enlightened way to say it. “…matrimonious relationship with her in any context outside that of bearing children. And there are ways around that.” He paused. What was two, again? “Two, I…no offense, I mean, you can talk to me about whatever and I’ll be cool…I’m not interested in guys. You included.” And what was this weird feeling in his lower stomach? “I think,” he muttered under his breath. “I think.”
"You can do whatever you want with your future wife, I don't care. You could raise baby cows instead of children and I'd let that slide. Just do whatever. It's your life." Zachary felt very uncomfortable around this man, especially after being told that he wasn't interested in him.

"I get that you're trying to subtly say that I'm a gay freak, so don't hide that." Zachary looked down at his feet with frown. "You don't have to speak to me coldheartedly." It's not like he was trying to attract his master.

Without a warning, Zachary suddenly picked himself up then bolted up the stairs. He was heading for his bedroom. Turning down the hallway where he came to a dead end -- though after purposely flickering the ceiling light three times, a door appeared to invite him inside.
“I-“ Before Carmichael could even dream of protesting, Zachary flew up the stairs and away from him. Carmichael kind of understood his fight or flight response (he’d had the same reaction when he found put his parents intended to choose who he was marrying) but the reasoning was pretty silly. In no way had Carmichael meant to imply that Zachary was a freak—he wasn’t the type to go about insinuating such monstrosities. “Zach!” Oh, come on…

There was no door in the upstairs hallway except the one to the master bedroom. This seemed counterintuitive to Carmichael when he realized why later, but at the moment his only concern was, how does one slam a door that plainly does not exist. “Zach!” He searched up and down the hallway, but, nothing. Sighing, he settled down to wait- his servant would have to show up eventually.

Just to entertain himself, he began singing a lullaby one of his nannies taught him. “Idan da, idan da, duniya juya sauki, da kome da kome da ke cikin kaya. Ilimin lissafi a cikin music. Idan da, idan da, duniya juya sauki, son a bayanne a kan iska. Amma ba zai zama cewa mmm?”

(Translation of song: If only, if only, the world turned smoothly. Math in the music. Love visible in the air. If only, if only, the world turned smoothly, but, wouldn't that be boring and strange?"
Slowly the door to Zachary's bedroom began to appear. Peeking his head out he called in a whisper, "Whst is it you want? Can't you see that I'm trying to avoid you?" The strawberry-blonde haired male gazed at the other man thoughtfully.

((Oh my gosh xP this post so short. I'm so sorry, it's horrible!!))
"Yeah," agreed Carmichael, tapping his fingers as he contemplated going about what he wanted to say. "I don't think you're a freak, and I in no way meant to imply you were or offend you. If you ever truly think I'm acting like a complete asshat, please let me know, and I'll kindly remind you that my intentions are pure." He nodded in agreement with himself, feeling no need to elaborate further but simply to apologize. "I think you are nicer than most of my other friends. It's...refreshing to meet someone who knows exactly what they want, instead of staying a slave to their 'master's' impulses. I'm honestly very sorry."

(Mine is only 111 words- don't feel bad.)
Zachary looked down at the floor as Carmichael spoke. "What is it you want me to do? What would you like me to do for you?" He stepped out of his bedroom, closing the door behind him to watch the outline disappear into the wall. "All I want is to get out of this damn house and actually see the world. Finding a man too would be nice."

The servant boy adjusted his eyepatch as he kept his gaze locked on his master. "It's a shame that you're being forced to marry someone you don't necessarily love."
"Nothing," said Carmichael, but immediately adapted that statement. "I just like you." He was trying not to let his eyes bug out at the fact he'd just seen the door disappear. Judging by Zachary's lack of panic or excitement, though, he was guessing this was a normal occurrence. "I'll help you get out of here. That's definitely something a friend would do."

He paused to contemplate the other half of that sentence. Finding a man, too, would be nice. The way Carmichael saw it, there were three options- either he offered himself up ("I could be your man") on the risk Zachary meant something other than what Carmichael thought he meant, or he offered himself up another way ("What if I bring guys to the house? Isn't there some statistic that 1 in 10 people are gay? I have way more than ten guy friends. I'll wingman."), or he just offered his condolences ("Any guy would be lucky to have you"). In any case, Carmichael wasn't that big of an idiot- he'd learned that guessing was likely to make Zachary run away angrily, so he just rubbed the younger man's arm, and said: "I'm sorry. As for the guy part...I'll help any way I can." The abrupt change of subject jarred him a little, so he kind of glanced away, still rubbing Zach's arm. What was this fluttery feeling doing, again? "A pity, yeah." What did he say?
"You're going to get me out of here?" Zachary's eyes widened and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he tried to hide away the excitement that begging to burst. "I don't see how the curse could possibly be broken, but I'll trust you on this." Placing a hand on Carmichael's shoulder he finally found a smile, something that he didn't do as often as he should.

The smile didn't fade when he was promised to be assisted with his man-hunting as well. This was great news!

"Come with me, I've got something magnificent to show you!" Without a second thought about, Zachary made a childish action of taking his new friend's hand to lead him down the hallway. After traveling up to the top floor of the mansion, the little servant lead them straight to a grand balcony. Zachary opened the doors to reveal the incredible view of the wide-open landscape of the backyard. Couldn't step past the open doors, not even onto the balcony, but there still seemed to be a spark of joy that came from looking out into the world. "I don't know how common they are, but you can always see curious little unicorns tiptoeing through the field. Look! There's one by the rose bushes!"
"Yup. I'll make it my purpose in life," Carmichael laughed, grinning back at the younger male before dropping his arm. "In all seriousness though, aren't all curses broken by true love's kiss?" If fairy tales had taught him anything...he glanced at the pink haired lad and raised an eyebrow, but before the full implications of what he had just said could rub off on him, he was quickly being ferried across the hallway and onto some Juliet balcony, proclaiming adoration at a herd of wild horses.

"Phenomenal," he agreed, but he was looking at Zachary when he spoke. It was...adorable that Zachary thought that unicorns could exist, when those were clearly horses. It was kinda cute that Zachary couldn't tell the difference, either...although, actually, everything about Zachary was vaguely appealing. "Huh." Carmichael had not noticed that he'd bumped as close to the younger male as was possible. He could feel Zachary's body emanating heat, coming in waves towards him. He gulped and stepped back, face red...what was happening to him? He'd only experienced this feeling once before, in the far away past, and he'd made it a point to avoid that professor from then onward. "So I was thinking we could have a party." Time to think about something else.

"If it's a 1 in 10 chance that someone is gay, and I invite...well, this house is five thousand feet square according to the realtor, so...ninety-six other people, all we'd have to do is figure out which nine, or, if we're lucky, ten, are homosexual, and then make sure you hit it off with one of them. What do you think of that plan?" Maybe he was being arrogant again, but Carmichael rather liked the concept- not so much the idea of Zachary philandering about, but he definitely enjoyed the concept.
Hearing the whole suggestion of true love's kiss made Zachary's heart beat a little faster, though he forced himself to ignore it and believe that it was merely a joke. Even if that were the solution, it was going to be practically impossible to find man who was willing to give him a try.

Zachary didn't mind Carmichael standing so close to him, but it definitely wasn't something he was used to. His previous master tended to stand at least a couple feet away from him, unless he demandingly invited Zach into his bed. Didn't really have a choice there.

"A party? Yeah, yeah. That sounds fun!" Never been to a party before. The peach-haired boy smiled at the idea as he looked up at Carmichael. "So basically this whole party revolves around finding me a partner? That's kind of a silly reason."
"It's not silly! You'll get to make new friends as well, and there will be be drinks, and dancing, and inside jokes and stories to tell for millenniums to come." Parties were a rich man's heaven, and Carmichael definitely had that rich man's personality. Running a hand through his curly locks, he leaned forward, whispering softly, "I've held parties for causes far less noble and novel as you." Did everything he whispered have to come out seductive? Oh, well- Carmichael wasn't one to quibble with tone, just word choice. "It's more about...incorporating and assimilating you into our social circle than anything." To sweeten the pot, Carmichael slid his hand over to Zachary's entwining their fingers. "I'll only extend invitations to my hot guy friends." Ignore the part where the 'straight' guy knows which of his male friends are aesthetically appealing. "Besides, don't you want to dance with me? I don't waltz, but I can dance..." Yes, he meant to be provocative that time around.
"You're explaining this whole party-thing as if I have the brain of a child," Zachary pointed. Oh well, he'd get over it. His cheeks brightened with color when Carmichael had leaned in to whisper in his ear, though his pale face suddenly became bright red when his hand was taken into the other male's hand, gaze immediately glued to the floor. That was embarrassing, but he didn't pull his hand away.

"I don't care if they're hot. Of course if they're attractive then that's a bonus, however I'd rather just have someone who's got the right personality." Zachary dared to lift his head, cheeks still red. Sticking his tongue out at Carmichael he followed with, "Damce? With you? I'm afraid I might outshine your mad moves." He smirked after having teased the man before him.
Noticing how shy Zachary got in the face of friendly affection, Carmichael lifted his face to meet his gaze. There were so many things the sadist could have said in order to get a rise out of his newfound companion, but the easiest was the, cool, calm, and collected, "A dance isn't a competition. It's an act designed to bring pleasure to all its participants, especially between partners." At this point, Carmichael was aware that he was flirting. Under normal circumstances, he would never consider someone of the same sex. No, scratch that- under any circumstances, he would not consider getting with a member of the same sex. Zachary was not exactly protesting, however...God damn it. Carmichael needed to get himself under control, stat. "How much do I have to flirt with you before you kiss me?" Did I just say that out loud? Holy crud. Great way to establish the glass ceiling, though...

(Still denying his feelings)
"I know. I was only kidding. You do not want to see me dance. It's an absolute train wreck." At least he was admitting to it. Zachary quickly pulled his hand and took a step back, eyes wide after hearing that last question. "Let's just stop right there. You're about to be married and I'm just desperate." That wasn't at all something he had expected to hear.

Zachary smacked Carmichael's arm when he was least expecting it then turned on his heels to leave once more, "Call up your buddies if you wish to host a party."

"Why has he brought up a kiss? Was it the whole true love's kiss thing? I dunno...either way that's a bit odd just to say." Zachary stopped once he reached the frame of the door, lifting a hand to cover his mouth.
Carmichael laughed a little, but the moment quickly shifted from one of happiness and jokes to one of chagrin when Zachary responded. How had they still been holding hands in the first place? Carmichael should've taken care to remember that they'd only just met, and Zachary was obviously shy. And then there was the point Zachary brought up. "Not of my own will," he reminded Zachary. Did it matter what he said, really? "Is it cheating if your original partner is the one you're forced to be with? I don't see it that way." He shook his head. "It's fine. I'd never force you to kiss me, anyway. Not when you've made it perfectly clear to me that you don't want to. Besides, we're friends. That would be like kissing Michael Hayes." An old college buddy he may have kind of stared at in the locker room a bit more than was technically necessary. "Out of curiosity, though...if you're desperate and you still won't kiss me...is it because I'm unattractive? There's no way to tell when you look at yourself, unless you look like Chad Michael Murray. Which I don't, unfortunately."
Zachary was very hesitant to reply or even look back at Carmichael. Not only did that man make a few good points of his own, but he also had a charming voice. It was almost hypnotic.

"I'm avoiding kiss because there's no reason to kiss. Your appearance has nothing to do with this." Reaching back he ran his fingertips along Carmichael's jawline. "Besides, you have a pretty face." Did he really just say that aloud?

With a slightly amused smile he whispered, "You ask me why I won't kiss you, yet it only makes me curious. Is it that you want me to kiss you? After all you are behaving almost disappointed that I stepped back." Zachary should just stop there. They had no reason to kiss and that was it.
"Right...because being attracted to someone you'd never usually consider...that's not a reason to kiss someone." As he spoke, the desire grew stronger. Zachary's hand wavered across Carmichael's jawline, and he leaned into it- the younger boy was a magnetic force. "You have gorgeous eyes...shockingly blue-green..." Everything in the rational, order-loving part of Carmichael's mind was fighting him, and he still couldn't pull himself away. Irrationality and was a winning cause in all matters of love. "I'm...trying to figure out where our glass ceiling is. How far can I go with you before I botch everything?" Slowly he forced himself away from Zachary. Stumbling backwards, he landed with a tremendous noise on the blue carpet. "I feel...amorous toward you." He admitted haltingly. "But I'm not like you. I don't have that laxity to choose, you understand. My marriage will be forcibly spectacular, as will the children, who I promise to God I will not force to marry each other. If I make any sort of move toward you, I am cannon fodder." He stood up, brushing his clothes so as to remove the particles of dust, splinters, and wood debris that fell from the ceiling as he did. His face grew incredibly hardened as he realized he was dooming himself to a life of the arriviste. "Forget I said anything." He opened the door and crashed into Linda.

"Cannon fodder, huh? What is all this I hear spoken of cannon fodder?"

"You heard nothing," said Carmichael, stepping toward her threateningly. She didn't shrink until he bent down and whispered something private in her ear, reminding her of the enormous favor he was doing her right now. "Understand, cousin?"

"Oh, I understand," she sniffled.
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Suddenly Zachary concluded that they'd only doom themselves if they were left alone any longer. It was only the day of meeting each other and yet they were speaking as if they were reunited lovers. Something bad was going to happen if they continued to gaze into each other's eyes. Zachary thanked the Lord when Carmichael stumbled back then dropped to the floor, grateful for the sudden space between them, though he couldn't stop the blush that once again brightened his cheeks when his eyes had been complimented.

The cursed man only remained silent as the older male spoke to him, feeling a bit pathetic that he wasn't even brave enough to give a response. What was he supposed to say? This was a most unusual situation; one that he definitely had not been prepared for.

"Master Carmichael," Zachary called as the man began to leave, jumping slightly at the sight of the fiancé. "Should I leave? I feel like I'm invading on you two." Zachary left without waiting for an answer.
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If Zachary had remained within earshot, he would have received an intelligible reply, for once. "You've interrupted nothing," Carmichael called after him, tensing with the desire to follow the youth down the stairs, as opposed to having a conversation with Linda in regards to the get-together he was pulling for Zachary the following evening. Sighing, he turned back to Linda, and said through gritted teeth: "The housewarming party for the boys is tomorrow; if there's anyone you'd like to invite, call them and arrange this with them post-haste." Carmichael knew this was arranged very spottily and on short notice, but the friends who were willing and able to ditch prior-existing plans were the friends who would be willing to take a chance on a male, most likely. As Linda looked down at her new TedPhone+ 6, eagerly awaiting the response of her brother, Carmichael began sending out invitations with headlines like "bring your own hard liquor", just to make the idea more appealing. Trotting down the steps and through into the kitchen, he yelled for Zachary. "Zach!" he called. "Check how many repondez sil vous plait there are!"

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