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Fandom [Homestuck - RA2] Recursive Character Sheet

Eidolon Astronaut

Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun.

Pesterchum Handle:
Shirt Symbol:
Text Hexcode: (Must be readable against white, and can't be *too* dark: We aren't playing trolls.)
Symbol Hexcode: (Similar hue but distinct shade from text color.)

Kind Abstratus:
Guardian: (Some three-letter title: Dad, Mom, Bro, etc.)
Home: (A quick description of your house, and where it is.)

- Major Interest:
- Major Hobby:
- Minor Interests/Hobbies:

Name: Grif Matson
Personality: Perpetually tired, Generally bored, always looking for something more to life than simply just hitting the hay, wakeing up, forking hay to animals and hitting it again. The stars are his major love, but he also quite loves the possibility one day he may see something out there in his deep night observations of the stars. But he doesn't hold out too much hope, but it'd be fun if it did...

He is not the most hyped up fellah, but hey, when your life is surrounded by chickens, cows, the occasional horse and whatever tried to sneak into the chicken coop again. You make your own way.

Even if he dreams of one day being abducted into a adventure amongst the stars!

Pesterchum Handle: BorderlineBarbarism (BB)
Shirt Symbol:

Text Hexcode: #0047AB
Symbol Hexcode: #0437F2

Kind Abstratus: ScytheKind
Guardian: Nan (Grandma)
Home: A large farmhouse that shows wear and tear from heavy weather. But also a great deal of effort to keep it standing. Two stories, furnished basement and detatched old rootcellar thats also a tornado shelter. A tree fell onto the garage several years ago, still lives and grows apples yearly, despite the odd position.

- Major Interest: UFOs
- Major Hobby: Stargazing
- Minor Interests/Hobbies: Horror stories, Alien movies, Mecha anime, memes.

Other: He believes they are out there, aliens, other life on planets beyond our vision, Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, Jackalope. They are real, they have to be, and he believes they must be!

...Or at least its fun to believe so.
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Name: Wren Alvarez

Wren is a confident and mischievous, outgoing girl with a competitive streak. Gifted with a strong head on her shoulders, the capacity to work well under pressure and be able to quickly and comfortably make decisions, she has a strong sense of self that's hard to shake unless under the utterly worst of circumstances. Her mother says this is something she inherits from her father, a man who has been doomsday prepping for a vast majority of his life and is confident the world will end in flames at any given moment. Even though Wren doesn't wholly believe in such a silly idea, she was still raised in a very active household, where wilderness survival and games of sport and chance were encouraged between herself and her brothers. The youngest of four and the only girl besides her mother in her family, Wren strived from a young age to be seen and heard by striking out in her own unique interests. However as she grew up it became less and less of a competition as her brothers moved out of their home and went on to live their own lives, her bringing up the rear as always. Wren isn't an optimist but simply a very determined realist whose goal in life is to try and become an explorer.

Appearance: Wren stands a shorter young woman with blonde hair that she has tied up into a tight bun atop her head. She usually wears cargo shorts and a button up short sleeve shirt over a long sleeved t shirt with a symbol of a gas mask on it. For shoes she normally prefers her hiking boots and her face is peppered with freckles.

Pesterchum Handle: gneissTemporality [GT] (current) eloquentBibliophile [EB] (previous)
Shirt Symbol: Gas Mask
Text Hexcode: #32CD32
Symbol Hexcode: #228B22

Kind Abstratus: CardKind

Guardian: Mom - the platonic ideal of a 1950s suburban housewife. Wren's mother wears nothing and keeps her house in no other order but to reflect her favorite time period and as her husband became more and more rare to find around the house with his international business affairs, she became all the more in control of making that dream become a reality. Wren and her have a shaky relationship where initially Wren being the only daughter the Alvarez family had was forced into satisfying her mother's feminine needs by dressing up, learning to sew and engaging in her hobbies or reading and elocution. But eventually Wren fell out of those preferences and became much like her brothers and father whom she was desperate to please. It left things very tense between the two of them as they now have very little to discuss or talk about.

Home: A one story bungalow in the suburbs of Space Coast Florida. The home and its decor (and even the electronics found within) wholly reflect the time period of the 1950s as though not a day has gone by, courtesy of Wren's mother. It's a cozily appointed home which is well kept and cleaned with a pool in the backyard. Underneath a doghouse which has never been occupied there is a secret hatch leading to the family's bunker which also looks to be out of the 1950s with its stocked canned food, mini-bar fully appointed with jack daniels and record player. The bunker is only to be used by the family under the most dire of emergencies, though the only people who would use it are now just Wren and her mom.

- Major Interest: Geology
- Major Hobby: Card Games
- Minor Interests/Hobbies: Doomsday Survival, Hiking, Archaeology, Vintage Comic Books

[Credit to FarragoFiction for everything except the sparkle symbol]
Name: Lucy (Prefers Lulu) Hopper
Personality: Lulu is generally an energetic girl, often getting so excited she stumbles over her words. However, she can be a bit oblivious as things go over her head more often than not. But tbh I’m awful at describing personality we’ll see how she actually is once we start LOL

Pesterchum Handle: effervescentEmbrace [EE]
Shirt Symbol: Sparkles
[credit to istock]
Text Hexcode: F199BA
Symbol Hexcode: E57AA9

Kind Abstratus: Batkind
Guardian: Bro, a man who isn’t around often due to work.
Home: An apartment in a fairly large city.

- Major Interest: Cats
- Major Hobby: Video Games
- Minor Interests/Hobbies: Anime, Creating silly little 10 minute games.

Other: nya nya nya nya nya
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Lark Magowan
Personality: Lark is a naturally curious kid. While his parents are lacking in the strict-department, Lark tends to learn other important lessons from his knowledgeable Cousin, or Cuz, of whom he is spending time with (being homeschooled and all that). Lark is also naturally friendly (though not exceedingly cheerful), which is why his foray into the odd things in life isn’t incredibly scary. As he is very organized, Lark’s laptop (one of his most prized possessions) contains many of the files of his journeys across the years, most of which are also backed up into the cloud. He even has a compartment under the RV which holds a few of the objects he’s collected in his studies.

Pesterchum Handle: backslideExtranaturalist [BE]

Shirt Symbol:


Text Hexcode: #651db8
Symbol Hexcode: #7D7D7D

Kind Abstratus: Flashlightkind
Guardian: Cuz, an urban explorer (23)
Home: An average-sized RV that Cuz and Lark live in, and scour the country with. Cuz explores the ruins of society while Lark investigates the extranormal (hence his tag and symbol). The RV is currently situated between an abandoned amusement park and a large wheat field.

- Major Interest: Obscure Locations
- Major Hobby: Investigating/Documenting Unnatural Phenomena
- Minor Interests/Hobbies: Text Adventures, Tabletop TTRPGs, Escape Rooms, Urban Exploration, Podcasts, Contemporary Horror Artists

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