Holy hogswallop!

Hello and welcome to RpN. I would say more..but...you know how the wild things are

There's a couple of links you should visit.

Site Rules:Site Rules


Staff List: Staff List

Are some nice links to visit before you get started with your venture on RpN. Once you're comfortable, you can go on and look for or post for recruitment in our recruitment sections.

1x1: 1x1 Recruitment

and Group: Group

That's a few of the good links, if you ever get lost or overwhelmed, make sure to ask one of our friendly members for help!

In case I've missed a helpful link to you, Welcome has a ton of helpful links.

Also don't be afraid to visit the chatbox and chat it up!.

I'm sorry my thingy is not pretty like some of the staff has, but I like to give a personal flavor to each one! Though I will make it prettier for the links at least once I get the time.

Thank You!

Hey Neophyte! You can call me Glasses and I am here to Welcome you to the website, a truly great one for Roleplay no doubt. We get new members all the time and that link helps out a lot when it comes to first joining, and getting a grasp on how we do things here with our systems. I know it helped a lot with me when I first came here! Another great thing to do is pop into the Chat section of the website, we have a lot of fun there and it really lets you see just how friendly the community here is.

So tell me about yourself, have any specific genres you interested in when it comes to Roleplay? Or is this your first time? Regardless of your experience or lack thereof, a great place to jump into the things is the Interest Check section or the Looking for Partner section, both of them catering either to Group roleplays or 1x1 respectively.

All in all, I hope you have a good time here, and I wish you luck with your future endeavors, Roleplay related or otherwise!

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