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Realistic or Modern Hollywood Arts: International (Season 2)

  • outfit
The first day. Percy always loved the thrill of starting something new, whatever that may be. A new school and certainly a whole new life experience was bound to be a riveting adventure. It was hard to say if Hollywood was anything like he expected, Percy tended to not try and hold expectations and rather meet everything head on.

If the experience online was any say though….. Well…..

Then it would somehow manage to surprise him despite open expectations.

What was the deal with all that feet talk? Were foot fetish rates higher here? Never mind, that was a statistic he’d be better off not looking into.

Percy so wisely decided to ignore that whole conversation actually. Joining along on that twitter brigade just didn’t seem like a good plan. It would be handy to pay attention to in order to keep up with everything going on, but unnecessary just yet to dive in. Until his own name popped up in conversation.

That was a quick way to get him involved.

Though Percy was quick to learn it was less about him and more about his supposed tour guide. In fact, his involvement showed more on the lines of… pity. Chas, the person assigned, seemed to have a certain reputation. Alright. Fine. There was no point worrying about such trivial matters. It was just a tour. Percy was more than confident he could survive this day thank you very much.

On a lighter note, it seemed Percy made a friend amidst the chaos!

Aaaand then got threatened by said new friends friend??? What? Percy has just gotten to this school, how could he have possibly been responsible for anything like that? But, bygones would be bygones, it was clear Ezra was just worried for Auguste and patching things up came swiftly. Another friend to be made.

Sure that his first day wouldn't raise hell by some rumor, it was back to the grind! Eh, really just getting to the assigned meeting point. Nothing actually crazy just… he was excited.

With a sense enough to have looked over a map the night before, getting to the arranged spot was a piece of cake. Early, because if you’re on time you’re late, but not too early that he’d have to wait around awkwardly for long. The art of punctuality was truly a delicate craft for a patient hand.

Okay. There was enough time to spare to do a quick look up of Chas- Oh!

The goal had just been to get a face to easier spot him but a surprising realization hit Percy. This was Claudia Marino’s child. That was not a name that escaped Percy’s radar. Now, Percy wasn’t going to let that sculpt his view, nor what many of his peers had to say about Chas, but he couldn’t deny a twinge of excitement there.

This school really was something.

A voice breached the growing numbers, calling out his name. It was time to begin.

Adjusting his bag, Percy made quick work to approach his guide. Yes, Chas. Just turn around, he was right on his way. But it was apparently not fast enough for his taste.

This was definitely going to be an adventure.

He could’ve signalled his approach, gotten Chas’ attention some way or another. But this was a little more fun, standing behind with a patient smile. Sure enough, he soon turned around and was met with a little surprise.

Right to the recovery, Chas got to schmoozing. It wasn’t Percy’s first rodeo, it was smart to make connections here. He wouldn’t blame Chas for that at least, but it didn’t mean it was the preferred response.

"Yes, it is nice to meet you." Voice easy and friendly as he confirmed and greeted. Just some simple pleasantries, Chas seeming to toot his families horn a bit. Never the matter though.

"I’m excited to be here. I think it’ll be a wonderful experience.” The statement bubbled with a pure, genuine joy.

Right, onto business. Chas seemed to have some ideas on where to start. Some seemed promising while some were… A small laugh escaped once Chas got to ‘outfit coordinator.’ Not mocking, just amused with Chas’ tenscity. "Let’s start with the facilities. I’d like to see where I’ll spend a lot of my time working. I’m sure we’ll have plenty time to go over some other things after.” Perhaps in a less staged conversation.

"Please, lead the way."
coded by reveriee.
MOOD: ...

OUTFIT: He's Doing Great Guys



TL;DR Bastard.

New year, new students. Same old, same old.

Fucking hell, it was all so… boring.

Teo was out on the balcony of his apartment taking a smoke. Usually he wouldn’t give a shit, but hey. He had a new roommate (charity case) that he had to take care of.

Percy Eberling or some shit like that. Needed a place to stay during the school year or some shit. Sounded kinda desperate.


His parents had given up on trying to discipline him, and he’d patiently pointed out to them that it’d be really bad form if their highly public private life suddenly showed that they’d given him back just because he was a “problem child.”

So. His parents sent him off to Hollywood Arts to make some connections and try to clean up his act.

Yeah, like that was gonna happen.

So, what’d he do? He’d invited a stranger into his apartment to stay. Semi-permanently.

After his smoke he came back into the apartment to clean up just a bit before his new roommate came in.

The windows were open to try to air out the hazy smell of cigarettes and sweat, giving the place more light than had been allowed in years.

Sagging bookshelves lined the wall under the weight of the sheer amount of books he’d piled on top - some, textbooks. Some, just plain old chapter books. All of it in different languages that he’d picked up over the years.

Papers cluttered the floor in the middle of the room, creating a small nest where in the middle sat a massive slightly deranged looking cat staring at him with unadulterated scorn in its amber eyes.

That had been the first rough draft of a book he’d been writing for the past two years. And it had been in neat manageable piles based on chapter on his slightly stained coffee table. And it was now being used as bedding for the first of many strays that he’d picked up over the years of being a fucking generously giving human. (The other two, obviously, being Jace and Percy).

“... What.” He asked the cat, like it could respond to him in any meaningful way. “I already fed you today.”

The cat just licked its lips and laid down in the sun. Like the spoiled asshole it was.

“... Fucking bastard.” He mumbled as he made himself his third cup of coffee that day, the pile of dirty dishes in the sink was starting to look mighty high… He’d get around to it someday.

Maybe he was going a bit insane from boredom - he was starting to talk to his fucking cat now.

Where the fuck was his new roommate.
code by valen t.

Ezra Gray







  • home (filler tab)



Ezra had absolutely no idea why he had agreed to Auguste’s shenanigans. All of this stuff about breaking into abandoned buildings just seemed…

Okay look, don’t laugh, but Ezra was kind of scared.

There he was, following this oversized ex-gang member out of the safety of his car and down some sort of beaten up path and then up a hill towards some gigantic monstrosity of what Ezra assumed to be the abandoned mansion. Ezra was desperately trying to play it cool but honestly, his fingers kept fidgeting with his belt loops and he found himself humming nervously to himself.

Every sound, every crack of a stick, every shift in the breeze, every wrong step had Ezra on edge. He was, if he was being honest, kinda terrified. But he was here for Auguste, not for this stupid mansion. Hell, he couldn’t care less about the mansion.

“So ehm… Is this your first time breaking a law?” Ezra jumped slightly at the sudden voice beside him, shaking his head at his own jumpy stupidity. Oh how the mighty had truly fallen. “You sound nervous over the text, no?” Ezra resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Gee, how did he figure that one out? “It’s okay to be nervous, you know. First time’s always the most thrilling. Besides, the-the chances we get caught? Slim to none.”

Ezra let out a small laugh at this. “You sound like you’re coaching me through the loss of my virginity, pal, not the beginning of my criminal activity.” Ezra walked in silence for a minute before giving an overly confident shake of his head. “No. No, I’m not really that nervous. I’ve done stuff like this before, you know.”

No, Ezra absolutely hadn’t done this before but he launched himself into the story anyhow.

“So when I was a kid, I was super obsessed with wrestlers. You know, those big dudes in spandex and an awful spray tan. I wanted to be like them so bad.” Ezra raised his arms and gave a ridiculous flex. “I kept thinking ‘oh wow, these dudes must get so many chicks, I wanna be like them’. So naturally, I had begun lifting like a madman because obviously in order to be like them. I wanted to see how much I could carry so when I went with my mom to the store, I loaded up my backpack with cans. I walked right out with like twenty cans of canned beans in my backpack.” Ezra turned to Auguste and flashed a wide smile. “Clearly I am very well versed in crime.”

Yes, because accidentally stealing canned beans (which he immediately brought back out of guilt and a lack of need for twenty cans of canned beans) was the same as good, old fashioned breaking and entering.

The mansion became closer to view. Ezra crossed his arms over his chest as they ascended up the front steps and then to the front door. In a rather bold move, Ez reached a hand out to jiggle the doorknob which, much to his glee, was locked.

“Well, this place seemed sealed up.” Ezra spoke with a shrug, hoping that the hidden joy in his voice wasn’t too obvious. “Shucks.” Reaching an elbow out, Ezra gave a playful jab to Auggie’s side and a wink. “So, wanna get out of here and go do something that won’t get us arrested?”

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: thespiana

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: theatah

TL;DR no
Veronica Crosby
It was just a kiss!
So, auditions went well!

Being cast as Catherine in Pippin was, like, such a huge compliment to Ronnie. Being the real-life love interest was kind of her thing, so it made sense for her to play the pretty, smart, funny, mature girl fawned over by the hero of the story... not to brag.

Thus, that wasn't the surprising thing. The crazy twist was this Fondue fella—allegedly without acting experience—being placed in the titular role. How impressive is that? He did seem to have the look: plucky, boyish, the potential for dramatics. It was Ronnie herself who goaded him into trying out for the show, but she had no idea they would play boyfriend-girlfriend! She was expecting him to get, like, a fun little ensemble role or something.

She wasn't opposed to playing Catherine beside him, but she was a little fearful for his sake. Hopefully he wasn't too shocked to end up with the lead. In theater, it's real easy to bite off more than one can chew; would he have a nervous breakdown like last year's lead?

No matter. He was in good hands. The theater apartment was absurdly overfunded, if that wasn't clear by the gigantic, ornate set being constructed backstage. The theater reserved for the show and its rehearsals was huge, way bigger than any of the Off-Broadway stuff Ronnie did back home. A part of her was insanely starstruck not only to be doing icebreakers with real famous child actors, but also to be under the tutelage of some pretty seasoned directors.

Well, for the amount some people were paying to be here, the staff had better be good.

Rehearsal was usually a few minutes after class ended, so Ronnie sped down the hall as fast as she could without breaking into a sprint. Today was different because there was no school and it was kind of empty, sans a few hard workers lingering around various music rooms and labs. Her backpack, keychains jangling, bounced up and down with her well-kept, ginger hair. All day, every day was spent anticipating the coming contents of rehearsal, going over lines she had next to no time to have down pat. These were the big, big leagues now.

"Hi, you guys!" the smiling girl chirped, dropping her bag on a seat in the front of the theater. The other crew and actors seemed to be congregating below the stage, sending Ronnie's heart thumping madly. "Anyone know what we're doing today?" She glanced at a few of the people she recognized, her gaze lingering with curiosity and excitement.

They're so cool... and talented... they better like me!
code by valen t.
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camo cappie

WITH: elias, ian

MENTION: chanel, ian, stella​
— Our Time Now

He hadn’t spoken to Chanel since January 1st.

When his friends asked where was he all night, Cappie simply told them he’d passed out drunk at a friend’s place. He excluded the parts about that friend being Chanel and him passing out in the bed with said friend. Nobody needs to know every single detail, right?

When they kissed at the winter ball, they didn’t talk to each other for over two weeks. On New Year’s Eve night, they did more than a kiss...

Cappie had no idea how to talk to her again since leaving her house the following morning. (If anyone was wondering, no, he didn’t leave while Chanel was sleeping; he was too hungover to do that right away.) However, he was starting to get the idea why Chanel wanted to avoid him after the ball.

The worst thing he could do was make a dumb sarcastic joke, out of an old dumb habit. He didn’t want to give her a reason to hate him by subjecting her to that.

So, he tried keeping his mind busy with other things going on in his life, keeping his mind off of… you know, the friend who lives in a beach house.

He was using his study hall free period for something more academically productive, actually trying to work hard for that school scholarship, and he was kinda failing at it. Cappie might’ve gotten a month of lunch detention a few days ago.

So, the school has one less vending machine now. No big deal. They can afford another, right? Right.

On the bright side, his old childhood friend Ian was in LA now! The whole gang was back together again, going to the same crazy school. And that’s not all.

Early afternoon on a calm Friday, Cappie ran to whoever was still in the mansion. The first person he spotted was Elias.

Posessed with the energy of a young golden retriever, he grabbed Eli by the shoulders and said, “I’m getting a lead role in a movie!”

Kinda, Cappie added. Maybe. He wasn’t sure yet until the first chemistry reading. Stella Bailey, a sophomore from the visual arts department, messaged him earlier if he wanted to be in an adventure-romance film with her. After having zero callbacks from a dozen professional projects he’d auditioned for in the last few months, he had to say yes.

"Dudedudedude, you gotta call Ian, too. Tell him I said hi," Cappie said after squeezing one of his best bros in a bear hug, still bouncing on his feet. Then he sprinted away to find the rest of his housemates to share his joyful news with them. Positive vibes all around.

Now the boys had the entire Friday off to celebrate both Ian’s arrival and Cappie’s lucky break. His Leg Day went incredibly well and he didn't mind the pain this time.

The new year was doing pretty good so far. Yessir.
code by valen t.
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MOOD: I don't know.



Liv's apartment


Livanna Moore
— It's Ok

TW: drugs, implied self-harm, possibly worse.

She wasn’t concerned about poisoning of any sort… Gen just wasn’t much of a cook so it might’ve been a bit of a surprise— even though she had warned her about a home cooked meal hours ago.

But Liv knew when to pick her battles, Liv’s lips cracked into a smile and took the gummy worm between her teeth. “You don’t have to…” She trailed off, biting off half of the candy and dropping the other in the dishes Gen had bought.

Those were kinda cool.

Reminded Liv of something her mother would buy, like to make her kitchen seem more… organized.

Her apartment wasn’t very furnished– or, well, furnished at all.

The beanbags, TV, and that was just the living room alone— a dining table that was too big for just her, kitchen stools, and now these dishes… well, can’t forget about the dying bounce-house– but that was just about all the furniture and decorations Liv had.

She supposed she could’ve just… had a designer come or something, but Liv kinda blew through all her ‘allowance’ for the month just about every month pretty quickly.

Liv just didn’t see a point to fully decorating if she was going to be alone either way, y’know? She felt like making the place look like a home would somehow make it feel less-so. Like she was staying at someone’s place for the time being, she’d just be uncomfortable.

Livanna glanced up from the candy garnished dishes to catch Gen staring at her, and she swore her breath caught in her throat– but thankfully, she didn’t choke on the candy.

A hand was brushed against her cheek and Liv was unable to hold back a smile, tilting her head slightly to lean into it.

“Only the best for you.”

Simple stares and gentle touches were enough to make her heart pound, and Liv was certain that Gen was the only person in the entire world who could make her melt with nothing else but a glance.

The moment only lasted for a few seconds when Gen pulled her hand away and began to get things ready for dinner. She didn’t say anything when she brushed past her, she merely just watched her leave the room and played with the candy in the dish, an amused breath escaping from her nose.

Would you have gone to multiple different grocery stores to find the unnecessarily sold-out candy that she liked?


Yeah? Would you jump off a bridge if she asked you to, too?


Yeah, like she said– Liv wasn’t letting that little voice in her head ruin her moment with Gen, it’d been awfully quiet that entire time she had been away, there was no way in hell she was allowing it to ruin today.

She didn’t really think she was… crazy, or anything. It wasn’t like she was hearing someone else’s voice constantly mocking her or anything. It was just her conscience.

Liv didn’t want to be self destructive, sometimes the intrusive thoughts just fought and fought until they won.

She couldn’t really help it.

Gen came back into few and Liv offered a small smile,

“Bath’s ready for you whenever you’re ready. You just relax, take it easy. I’ve got everything covered.”

Liv looked down at her appearance, and realized that she might’ve… needed the bath. It'd been a few days-- partly because she wasn't comfortable enough to shower at the facility, and mainly because she hasn't had the energy to actually take a shower.

Gen started to fill the pot with water, shooing Liv off and she hopped off the stool, rolling her eyes and not-so-shockingly so, laughing at her antics.

“I won’t burn down your kitchen. Scout’s honour.”

“Oh, I so believe you, chef.” She spoke walking down the hallway, throwing Gen a grin over her shoulder before she disappeared out of view.

The door to the bedroom shut and that grin had dropped instantly, Liv rubbed at her eyes and looked at the lock on the door for a few moments too long.

She heard the water running from the kitchen, the clinks from the pots and pans, the slight tick from the stove. It was a big place, sure, but again– it was just the two of them here and with barely any furniture, a loud enough whisper could probably be bounced along the walls as an echo.

There’s probably nothing here, if she spent the last few days 'organizing’ and cleaning, you know that was probably a ploy just to get rid of every alcohol and pill bottle in this place, you know that.

Yeah, yeah she knew that.

You said you’d try, too.

She did, she did say that she’d try.

That didn’t stop her from looking.

The medicine cabinets, the side drawers, underneath the sink, she’d even checked her bedroom–bedside drawers, dressers.


No oxy, no molly, no weed, not an ounce of alcohol was anywhere here. It wasn’t like Liv ever had a reason to stash anything, so naturally she didn’t have any secret hiding places.

She sat on the bed, looking around the room and thinking of every other possible place she could look.

But why are you looking?

She didn’t have an answer.

She knew why.

It just wasn’t something she wanted to admit.

Liv walked into the bathroom and slipped off the sweatshirt, carefully folding it and setting it on top of the counter.

“Don’t forget about me in there, okay?”

”I couldn’t even if I tried."


And trust me, Liv had tried.

Before– that is, not in rehab, that was kind of the only thing that kept her sane.

Really, the only thing that’d stopped her from crying whenever they called ‘lights out’ to set everyone on a decent schedule. Apparently sleep was a very important thing for recovering addicts, or… like, an important thing to teach recovering addicts, get them going on some kind of certain… healthy-ish schedule.

No, she didn’t cry because Liv was forced to sleep– because if anything, she wasn’t really forced… And no, she didn’t cry when she had her phone taken away from her, when she had asked if she could’ve had visitors besides her parents, or when she noticed that the tabloids had made her seem like...

Exactly what she was.

An addict.

They didn’t even let her stay in her room all day, apparently that was unhealthy too. She would’ve cried there too, if they had left her alone long enough for it to happen.

So, lights out was the only time Liv was genuinely ‘alone’ enough in that place to actually realize where her actions had gotten her.

How she messed up so many things– how everything could’ve been avoided if… she found Gen or actually went home with Evie that night, if that interaction with Nickie or... Adriane didn't happen, but she couldn't fix the past. No matter how much she wanted to.

The only thing that had had calmed her down long enough to fall asleep, was thinking about... her.

Cliché, maybe but...

“I’ll be right here when you get back. I promise.”

Gen probably had no idea that simple promise had meant the entire world and more to her.

She waved a hand in the now… rainbow water from the bath-bomb Gen had left out for her.

She liked the effort.

She liked the candles.

She loved and hated that Gen had put in so much work for her despite Liv being the sole reason why all of this happened in the first place.

Are you not appreciative?

Well, of course she was.

Liv just felt… undeserving of it all.

The brunette climbed out of the water, running a hand through her hair to help dry it some, pulling a purple robe over herself and shoving both hands in the corner pockets, momentarily freezing when she felt something inside.

She knew what it was and Liv fished it out as fast as she could’ve.

Guess she missed one.

She won’t notice.

Clearly, that voice in her head didn’t give Gen enough credit.

Of course she’d notice.

Liv’s gaze traveled from the pills, to that… white… little coin that laid on the bathroom counter.

24 hours.

She lifted a hand to her mouth, biting at her nails.

She’s so happy to have you back, she won’t notice.

“If you can stay sober for 24 hours, you’re more than capable of overcoming your addiction.”

“I’m not,” she repeated the words spoken hours ago, but in a very different context– here, she wasn’t denying the fact that she was an addict.

She was denying that she was stronger than it.

Liv reemerged from the hallway, in pajamas, her contacts were off-- so it was a rare sight to see but not something Gen would've been particularly new to seeing, Liv was wearing thin-framed black glasses, damp hair that she didn’t bother to put up, feeling the water droplets falling onto her the back of her shirt and it’d made her shiver, holding both sides of her arms, cradling herself as if that’d make her feel better.

“Okay so turns out I still can’t cook,” Gen said, laughing and normally that would’ve been enough to crack a smile out of the brunette, but Liv stood silent and followed her into the kitchen, biting at the corners of her lips.

“but I called up Colombo’s and got your favourite and we all know that we’d place our lives in the hand of Mr Colombo.”

That’s where Liv smiled, a breathless chuckle forced itself out of her chest. “I love that you tried anyway,” She said, her voice quiet and hoarse.

She felt guilty.


None of this felt… right.

It felt like Liv was taking advantage of her just by her being here– just because she was trying to do...

jesus, everything.

Because Gen was trying to do anything and everything for her, and Liv wasn’t worried about being coddled, she just hated the fact that… maybe they wouldn’t even be here if she hadn’t overdosed that night.

Liv was certain that she’d always need Gen.

And Gen would always be there when she did– but how about when she didn’t?

Gen pulled the chair out for her, speaking in the most ridiculous British accent she’d ever heard and surprisingly, Liv didn’t even laugh. “The throne for you, m’lady. Told you that I’d get good at that.” Liv took a seat and just stared ahead, unable to say a word.

The fact that Gen thought that her accent was decent was even more reason to laugh, or smile, to say something light-hearted, anything.

This was… a good moment.

This was something to be happy about, she should be happy, she shouldn’t feel guilty, she shouldn’t feel like…

A waste?

“Bon appetit.” Gen said, and a tear fell but Liv didn’t say anything.

She stood silent and another fell, Gen had probably caught on by this point and Liv couldn’t hold anything in anymore.

It wasn’t some support group, it wasn’t her parents pressuring her into telling them what was wrong, it wasn’t Nick trying to get her to stay silent.

It was just Gen.

And right about now, despite Liv debating whether or not if Gen would’ve been here if it wasn’t for the OD…

She trusted Gen more than she did herself.

“I didn’t mean to,” Liv started without explanation, quickly wiping away some of the tears that continued to fall.

She took a stuttered breath, pausing for a few seconds and putting her head in her hands, struggling to get the words out.

“I just couldn’t do– I thought it’d help and everything was just convincing me that… nobody– everyone had just– I’m just so stupid, I didn’t mean to, Gen, I promise. I wouldn't of left you."

She didn’t have a real explanation.

She couldn’t say that it felt like she turned on herself– because she did, Liv convinced herself that nobody had cared for her, she convinced herself that she broke every relationship she had, that she ruined everything.

Finally, Liv looked up, placing a hand on her chest and scratching as if that'd ease and relieve some of the weight that was there.

“I… it just hurt so much.”

She had meant what she said– if Liv would’ve known, if she would’ve just listened to…

If she wouldn’t have listened to that little voice in her head, if she would’ve known that there was a chance, she wouldn’t have came back…

She never would’ve made that choice.

She never would’ve left her.

Because while it would’ve been so much easier, while Liv weighed the pros and cons of… her own existence… she’d rather live a lifetime of hurt if it meant she’d be with her for a fraction of it.

Her mind had caught up on what was happening, and before she knew it, that voice was trying to convince her to…

She knew.

She knew that if she didn’t, that when Gen left… Liv would’ve contemplated and contemplated, that voice in her head would’ve convinced her of worse and that somehow, she’d end up in her bedroom, alone– and high.

Don’t tell her.

Trust m–


“I… found these,” She said, placing the plastic bag on the table and looking up at Gen, almost worried of her reaction, and Liv let the silence sit for a few seconds.

“I didn’t take any.”

The tears didn’t subside, but her breathing calmed. It was something about… getting all of that out that just made her feel… like she could breathe a little more.

“I looked for them, and when I couldn’t find any, I was really… really… disappointed, I think. But I think I was more disappointed in myself because I looked for them in the first place. And when I found them…”

“When I found them, I tried to tell myself you wouldn’t notice and I hate because I actually… thought that the pills were more… important than you and that’s not true, it's so far from the truth,"

There wasn’t a reason to lie, she really didn’t have any.

“I told myself I’d try, that I’d try for me. And that’s… really hard for me to wrap my head around, because I… really, really hate myself sometimes. I can’t help that I… keep convincing myself that I’m not worth any of it– but I’m trying.”

It wasn’t like anything worse was going to happen, Liv had already lost her, in her mind? There was no way they were getting back together.

Gen deserved so much more than Liv, it just felt like she’d be dragging her down, but what was she going to do?

Say that… in some… magical, spiritual way she found herself and now she wants to get better?

Because it doesn’t go that way, you don’t wake up one day and decide to like yourself so much that you’re only gonna make the choices that are best for you and not the ones that make you feel good.

Because Gen?

Liv’s said it before, Gen was unlike any other high.

“I know what you’ve said before, I know what the people in that place told me, I know what my parents told me but, Gen– I just…"

"I know you want me to get better for me, I know you want me to try for me, but I--" Her voice broke and Liv's opened her mouth, closing it and hesitating.

No reason to lie, right?

“I’m just trying for you.”
code by valen t.
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Gem, I'm Sorry



Ezra geminiy geminiy

TL;DR: Having fun

Auguste allowed himself a private little smile as Ezra laughed and eased up just a little bit. Good the distraction worked.

A tilt of his head as he listened attentively. Ez had… done crime before?

Then why the fuc-

He’d… He’d stolen beans. As a child. By accident. Because he wanted to be built like whatever the fuck was a TV wrestler.



Okay, so he really hadn’t learned his lesson from their little dance off. Auguste repressed another grin as he continued to hear the story of little Ezra with his cans of beans (all 20 of them).

“I am clearly very well-versed in crime”

Now, for one of Auguste’s favorite past times as of late: Calling Ezra Gray out on his bullshit.

“So then you-you have no troubles taking the lead in how we enter the house then, no?” Auguste said dryly, stopping to let the boy take the lead as they went closer and closer to the looming place.

He lingered behind as Ezra bounded right up to the front door.

“Y’know, mon frere, some of these places have cameras on the front door- oh you’re already gone.” A small sigh as he reluctantly looked about for cameras finding himself pleased to spot none. “Of course, the great mastermind criminal like you would have already known that. Of course.”

He watched as Ezra jiggled the doorknob lightly “... yeah get your fingerprints all over the front door, this is a smart idea.”

Auguste took one look at Ezra’s suddenly gleeful disposition. Oh, you thought it was over now, didn’t you?

Hah. No.

“Here let me give it a try.” He muttered as he pulled out two bobby pins from where they’d been resting, keeping the bangs out of his eyes. He walked up to the lock and crouched.

Click. Click. Click.

“Ohhhhhh noooooo I guess-I guess they left the door unlocked. What a shame.” He said as he put the bobby pins back in his hair.

“Let’s go.” And then he wandered into the mansion before his friend could otherwise protest.

Opulence and splendor lit up the hallways of the recently abandoned mansion. More finery than he’d ever had back in Paris doing shitty garage bands with his friends.

He did a little spin on his feet, listening to the way the entire place echoed just a little bit with its large ceilings and fine tile floors. “If this is their-their mud room, what do their closets look like”

He whispered this to his friend almost conspiratorially as he suddenly took off running around the massive adult playground, trying to find a closet.

When Auguste did, his jaw nearly dropped. Why in the WORLD would someone abandon such a nice closet full of perfectly usable clothes.

It was creepy in a way, but hey. The rich fucker who’d left it here clearly had no more use for it.

He began thumbing through the clothes - not really looking for anything to keep, but just something fun to flaunt.

Auguste slipped back out of the closet, right as Ezra was catching up, putting on a black leather jacket and slipping on some silver aviators.

“Do I look enough like a-a nouveau riche douche yet?” He gave Ez an arrogant grin that he definitely stolen from the potter.

code by valen t.
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OUTFIT: Beach Time Bay-Bee



Iuri The Cat Man The Cat Man
Pronouns Currently: He/Him


So, Rowan had been suuuuper busy getting unpacked and settled and partying it up with his girl Lida and like. They were having a GREAT fucking time doin’ that no matter WHAT Kei said.

New Years Eve??? Well, he’d just flown back in to the States after spending the holidays with his fam. Dealin with hella jet lag. BUT IT DIDN'T MATTER THERE WAS A PARTY TO ATTEND. Spent equal amounts of time getting absolutely TRASHED with his buds and bros and Rowan particularly sparkled when in large gatherings of people.

That is, until he’d crashed the very next day and not left his bed for an entire week completely hungover and drained of his entire social battery and not talking to anybody till the school semester started again.

But he digressed.

Anyways. There were NEW PEOPLE!!! WOOOOOOO!!!

And like, they were SUPER cool. Seemed to know how to party, and he could TOTALLY vibe with that shit. Awh yeah. And it came to the people who’d been here before to really, like, get everyone acclimated.

Like Rowan. Who’d been here for like… Four? Months? Maybe?

Yeah, he was a people person, he could definitely be, like, a tour guide or something.

Which leads us to today!!!

This dude Iuri. He, like, super wanted help being shown around the city and Rowan was SUPER good at directions despite only being here for like… 2 months.


He sent Iuri a quick little “Yo where you at” text as he showed up to the meeting spot which they’d agreed upon.

And like, as absolutely AMAZING as these trees were and the mushrooms AND THE CUTE LITTLE SQUIRRELS were at like, keeping Rowan entertained, he kinda wanted to get this show on the road.

Where was his lil buddy?
code by valen t.

Juliette Jameson​

Juliette was sitting at her vanity, a pursed look on her face as she continued to do her makeup for the day. She's never needed much so it wasn't an all-day thing unlike some girls.


That'd never use that hashtag, unless she looked like, unbelievably hot, then she'd probably use it.

It’d been three weeks since Ava and JJ spoke a word to each other.

And it wasn’t like Jules was in a rush to make that interaction happen, she’s had time to think about it— thankfully, sober this time around and for some reason, it confused her even more than when she was drunk.

She hasn’t told anyone. There wasn’t really anyone to tell, but the new year had brought in unexpected… ‘acquaintances’ so, JJ guessed she could’ve asked one of them and got a little bit of a feedback, but— Look, she wasn’t like, afraid or some fucking shit of being gay, which like, she wasn’t.

It was 2021 and everyone at this damn school was gay in some form or fashion. It wasn't like she'd be suddenly shunned by her peers and if she was? It's not like she'd give a shit anyway, but Juliette Jameson was so far from liking girls.


No, it wasn’t a but— it was just…

She was her best friend, no, is.

Jules wasn't about to let some... stupid... thing like a really weird and out of no-where kiss ruin their friendship, because as far as she's concerned, Ava is the only real friend that she's ever had.

So, Ava is her best friend, and this entire situation has just been so fucking confusing Jules just thought it was best to… pretend like it didn’t happen, she didn’t want to deal with stupid fucking drama anymore. Maybe... she should've actually owned up to the situation and texted Ava to talk about it, but who the fuck does that? Confrontation was so fucking easy when it involved people who backstabbed her.

She figured to just... give it some time and soon enough Ava will be the one to reach out, and they'll go back to normal, like nothing ever happened in the first place!

Good idea, right?

Changes upon changes were happening this year and her relationship with Ava wasn't about to be one of them.

Jules even considered moving out, too, actually but that idea was quickly shut down because, what? Was she just supposed to live alone? She fucking despised Chas and Adriane most of the time, but… She didn’t really mind them being around. Not-- that she'd ever, ever admit to that.

The brunette placed the eyebrow pencil down, eying her phone that definitely had the ringtone of some... upbeat pop song (that soph really doesn't feel like finding, so i'm just gonna continue the story.) She answered and left the phone on speaker, listening to Evie talk about... something, clearly JJ wasn't really listening if we don't know what she's talking about.

Yes, Evie.

So, during one of her shopping sprees that she's been on in the last few weeks, JJ and Evie ran into each other once.

And then twice at some brunch place, and then maybe like a third time and after that, it kinda just became a thing.

It wasn't a big deal, alright? Besides, Evie was like, a raging bitch but at least she was a tolerable one.

Anyway, Juliette was too busy admiring her own reflection.

She lost whatever she gained over her breakup, instead of dwelling over what was said on NYE, Jules woke up on January 1st and decided to get the fuck over what happened— which involved some kind of strict 21 day diet.

Yeah, it's actually real and possible to lose like, more than twelve pounds in 21 days, shocker.

It wasn’t like she was sorry for anything she said, it wasn’t like Dorian, Maddie, or Ash were worth ten pounds of water weight. Or… like whatever weight it was, but the point was that Jules lost it all and she was fucking thriving.

A little hungry, but she was thriving.

Finally, she had tuned back into Evie's extremely annoying rant just for her to say that she wasn't coming today. “Okay, but like, give me a real reason why you aren’t coming? Don’t tell me you’re making a booty call to the drug addict.” She kinda tuned out her reasoning behind that, too.

Look! She just wanted to go shopping.

And she didn't feel like hearing about... she doubted Evie was talking about Nate, again, but her horror story with that relationship had only proved JJ's little speech on NYE, a girl literally died in her apartment because of drugs.

Like what the fuck?!

Okay, fine, whatever she didn’t actually die but that was fucking disgusting and JJ doesn’t use that bathroom anymore.

“Evie, I literally planned my entire day around shopping and now I have to do it alone? That’s pathetic.” Before Evie could spit back an insult that was probably something along the lines of, ‘you were already pathetic’ JJ hung up the phone and rolled her eyes over the incoming twitter notifications.

She was literally, like, famous.

Okay, not like famous, famous, JJ already had some sort of following but dancers were different, they weren’t like models… or actresses.

And it wasn’t like Jules was on Broadway or anything. But she had gained so many fucking followers on just about everything over the last few weeks thanks to someone recording what she said on NYE. There were… a lot of negative comments, which she definitely expected but some were genuinely positive and that was the surprising part.

The whole thing gained Juliette a ton of traction, Ash, Maddie, Dorian and especially Gen weren’t people that others turned a blind eye to, and when someone was talking shit on stage, Naturally people wanted to know who. JJ got a ton of hate, and she means a ton— besides the very few comments that cheered her on, she’d been ignoring most of it.

She had even got DMs about sponsoring one of those shitty laxative teas.

Which she turned down, because... she already had money... so...

Anyway, as difficult as it was, she was gonna get through this year without giving a shit about what anyone thought about her. It was her… new year’s resolution.



The girl pounded on the bedroom door.

“Get up, whore. Let’s go shopping.”

Naturally, that translated to: ‘come watch me try on stuff.’

Adriane was such a bitch, she was like, the biggest of bitches and Juliette hated her fat guts.

No, she wasn’t fucking fat shaming?

Anyway, yeah, she hated her.

“Come on.”

So why was she asking her to go shopping?


Stop asking questions.

Adriane had an appointment to be a slut at four, so Juliette unfortunately had to go shopping alone.

A travesty, really

No, she didn’t ask Maggie because she didn’t want to. In all fairness… she probably should’ve, but then Maggie would’ve made it into a whole thing how JJ sees her as a friend or whatever and that just didn’t sound like a conversation she felt like having.

And she technically wasn't entirely alone...

A mousy brown morkie peeked out of her purse and barked, it was literally a mall in LA, there were little dogs everywhere and Juliette was like, 100% sure that Precious was the most well behaved and... well dressed.

He looked fabulous in his pink dress and nobody could tell her otherwise, he cheered her on amazingly whenever she had to try on... like, one of the thirteen outfits she bought in under an hour.

Yeah, she worked fast.

Shopping was going well, though!

It was retail therapy.

It was probably not… the greatest that retail therapy was more expensive than actual therapy, but who the fuck goes to actual therapy?

And yeah, retail therapy was way more expensive when JJ was the one doing the shopping.

There was just something about new clothes that made Jules actually looking forward to the rest of her week. Showing off her style? Her outfits? The fact that she was so much better than this entire school?

Oh, fucking count her in.

She had at least three bags in each hand, some guy offered to hold them for her— but Jules was staying far, far away from men.

Fuck men 2021.

Yeah, that was JJ’s motto, that was her quote—that’s what she was going by.

She didn’t give a shit if it was sexist, they all sucked whorecans. Everyone did— but men especially.

Not really, but JJ is just pretty heartbroken and as every sixteen year old girl is after a heartbreak, she hates men. i'm sorry don't kick me.

There was a point in time where she saw a blue eyed, brown haired boy with a jawline that could cut sandwiches, and JJ has never given someone a death glare that held so much power before.

If looks could kill…

It was brilliant timing on what happened next, literally it was like watching a sitcom, like one disaster after the other and JJ turned a corner and surprise, surprise when she realized that disaster was blonde, smiling and saying hello before she could do anything about it.

Backstabbing, slutbag, whoriest of all whores #1 was in her face.

“JJ, I… hi.”

There was a twinge of deja-vu from when they had their blowout a few weeks back.

”We are not fucking friends.”

Jules gave the blonde a once-over, seemingly already guarded in her body language while her shoulders straightened.

“… Hi.”

Oh, fuck this day. What was she supposed to do? Chew her out again? Push her a few more times? She had no energy to fight with her anymore, it wasn’t like Ash cared either. When the news came out that Trevor left, JJ might’ve… maybe, like, thought about texting her but did Ash text her when Dorian left?


She wasn’t gonna put in all the effort first.

And it wasn’t like they had Maddie anymore to play meditation— ambassador? Whatever the fuck it was called.


But she wasn't just gonna stand here and look like a complete loser, unlike her.

Precious peeked out of her bag yet again, barking at Ash.

Not in a harsh, evil way, she wasn't Chas.

He was just saying hello.

“Did you shop at all or were you just walking around aimlessly with that fake-ass smile on your face.”


The mall

plaid, but she makes it look good

Don't Start Now

by kodaline​



Evie, Adri, --> Ash

Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º
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Damien & Kian

Recap for those that hadn't been keeping the fuck up: he'd talked to Kian at NYE. They'd had a decent enough conversation, and then his buddy had been moving towards him in a very un-buddy-like fashion. And Damien hadn't been stopping him, he'd been all for whatever happened next--

Except that nothing happened next. The motherfucker instead let go and suddenly he was gone, leaving Damien high and dry and so fucking confused. So he'd done what anyone would've done, and he had a decent enough night snorting cocaine with a different, much better friend.

But now, it was fucking school. The first day back, and Damien demanded answers.

He'd spent all fucking day trying to hunt Kian down, but he couldn't find him -- until he finally did at the end of the school day. He'd recognize that mop of brown hair anywhere, and his dark eyes narrowed as his pace sped up, but he stayed quiet for now in case he somehow scared Kian off.

And then he was close enough, and he pounced.

"Hey," Damien snapped, his voice cold as he placed a heavy hand on Kian's arm and turned his friend to face him. "What the fuck was that about?"

Ah, yes, Slutter: the king of not beating around the bush.


School, what a beautiful place to be. Sobriety made the place almost tolerable as long as Kian ignored the assholes and just kept to himself. Yeah, it was actually kinda okay.

Kian actually understood what was happening in class, the songs he recorded with the boys just sounded better, his days passed a little quicker. Even everything with Niamh had somehow gotten better. In fact, that was who he was racing out of school to hang out with.

He’d spent all day looking forward to hanging out with his newly acquired girlfriend, finding himself foolishly daydreaming and texting her when he really should have been paying attention to history class.

It was great.

So yes, that’s why Kian was rushing out of last period as soon as the bell rang with his backpack slung over his shoulder and guitar case in hand, grinning like a total idiot when…

"Hey!” A hand gripped his arm as Kian’s blood ran cold in his veins. Fuck. “What the fuck was that about?"

Kian swallowed as he was pulled around to be face to face with the very person he had been avoiding for weeks. Damien fucking Slater.

“Oh, uh, hey Dames!” Kian rushed with a clumsy grin. “Fancy, uh, meeting you here. How’s it, uh, how’s it goin?” A deep swallow. He needed to get out of here and fast. “Look, uh, I dunno what you’re talking about but, uh, we should catch up sometime soon, yeah? I gotta run, ya know, a dude’s got very important plans.”

Yes. Plans that involved going on a date with the person he started dating the same night he tried and failed to kiss Damien.

Please just let him get out of there in one piece.


Was this fucker serious?

He'd been avoiding the hell out of Damien, and now that Damien actually had him pinned, he was trying to fucking leave. Mother fucking bitch ass mother fucker... the curses continued on in his head as he looked away from Kian for a moment, his lips pressing together as he struggled with trying to figure out what the fuck he even wanted to say, and then he forced his gaze back onto Kian's face.

A deep breath in, a slow exhale out.

"What the fuck, man?" Damien started, but the fucker was probably going to avoid the shit out of that, so he corrected himself.

"Why did you... why haven't you... you know, why haven't you... why've you been avoiding me?" He asked.

And then there was that other question, the one that was still dancing on the tip of his tongue, but the one that Damien couldn't quite get himself to let out or ask quite yet -- because he wasn't sure. Maybe he was the weed and the alcohol or something and he'd been imagining shit, it wasn't like he could really remember much of that night as it was, but like... surely, he wouldn't have imagined that, right?



Play it cool, Kian, play it cool.

Damien’s questions were easy enough to lie in response to. If he was being honest, lying seemed like the best option. There wasn’t any sort of way that Kian could tell the truth and still be alive in ten minutes or, on the off chance that Damien was once again feeling strangely polite, he would be out of there with no dignity left.

Fuck it. He was going to lie directly through his teeth.

“Oh, uh, I’ve been busy with music and I’ve been hanging with friends a lot lately,” Niamh, mainly, but Kian wasn’t about to say that, “ya know, the usual stuff. I haven’t been, uh, avoiding you man.” Kian shrugged slightly, hoping his nonchalant attitude was convincing. “I’ve just been busy. You know how it is.”

Fuck, there was absolutely no way that Damien was gonna believe that. Whatever, it was worth a shot.

Kian’s phone, which was in his empty hand, began to buzz with an incoming call. A picture flashed across the screen, Kian’s arms wrapped around Niamh’s shoulders as she took a picture of them, goofy faces peering into the lens. Across the top was her name along with a disgustingly obvious heart.


Kian locked his phone and fumbled to shove it into his pocket. “Hey man look, uh, I really gotta go so…”


This fucking bitch had the audacity to now lie to Damien.

He wasn't hurt or some shit -- no, fuck that. Damien didn't get... he didn't get hurt over dumb shit, and this was the dumbest of shit. He didn't... he didn't care that Kian had been hanging with other people, and that whatever had happened at NYE had clearly not been that big of a deal to Kian. Not that it had been a big deal to Damien whatsoever -- he was fucking Slutter. Him getting worked up over an almost kiss?

Bitch please.

But Slater wasn't a fucking idiot, and he wasn't going to just... he wasn't going to just let this bitch walk off and act like it hadn't meant shit. Or that it hadn't happened. He wasn't... Damien didn't fucking know why, but he just... for this, he wasn't going to just let it slide. If it had been some random asshole that he was never going to talk to again, then he probably would've. He didn't give a fuck why someone wouldn't want to... ya know... unless that person was someone that he'd never thought of that way, because they were just buddies, and not the fun kind.

(The fun kind being fuck buddies.)

Obviously, Kian was out to continue to ignore the fucking question that Damien had.

He glanced around them, making sure no one was close enough to hear, and that no one was being an annoying ass eavesdropping bitch, before he risked speaking.

"Why didn't you kiss me?"


Kian was surprised. Damien had never been the kind of person to beat around the bush but this... This topic was emotional, tense, totally the elephant in the room and there was Damien, calling it out and shoving it right in Kian's face.


Why hadn't Kian kissed him? Clearly he had been about to and honestly, Kian kind of regretted not kissing him. So why, exactly, did he not follow through.

"I don't know." Kian blurted out, perhaps a little too loud. With a slight cringe at his volume, Kian almost visibly sank into himself. "Look man, I don't know. Maybe it was like, uh, adrenaline or some shit. Why do you even care?" Kian straightened up slightly, his hands curling into small fists. "You went from hating me one minute to being my closest buddy the next. It was driving me fucking crazy."

He was mad, really genuinely mad. Kian used to have feelings for Damien, that much was obvious and clear to him, but now? Fuck him. Kian deserved better than the unknown, better than the lack of emotional availability, better than whatever he had had with Damien.

"You knew I was going to do it." Kian continued, his voice softening as he pulled his gaze up to finally meet Damien's gaze. "You knew that I was going to kiss you. You knew how I felt about you. If what you said was true, you don't care about me. You don't care about what feelings I had for you." Kian's jaw tightened. "So why do you care? And why the hell didn't you kiss me?"


It was difficult to maintain one's bravado when the same difficult question was turned back onto you. He ground his teeth together, then set his jaw, his dark gaze having focused down on the ground, where the tip of his shoe was messing around with a rock. His cheeks puffed out, and then he exhaled slowly before he kicked the rock away, watching it roll and bounce before he forced himself to look back at Kian.

... But he didn't have an answer.

"'Cause you ran away," he snapped. Damien didn't know how else to answer, because anything else would've... it would've, what? Fucking ruined walls that he'd so carefully built up around himself? Cause him to turn around and actually face his feelings, to think about how maybe he did care about someone past a quick fuck?

He didn't do that -- he didn't feel that kind of shit, so the only way to handle this was to snap.

"The fuck was I supposed to do? Chase you down or some shit?"


Kian reached up, angrily brushing a hand through his hair. Maybe, just maybe, Damien was feeling the same thing he was: confused, conflicted, angry. Maybe, Kian eventually thought, Damien felt the same way he had.

No, none of that mattered now. Kian was with Niamh and he was happy. Niamh never treated him poorly, never turned around and made him feel useless, never brushed him aside when things got bad. Niamh was there for him, loved him for all his stupid flaws and fuck ups and features. None of that mattered to her and she was happy.

Kian was happy too.

“No, I wouldn’t expect you to chase me down, not that you would even know how to. Last I checked, unless it’s easy and straightforward, you don’t fight for a damn thing.” Kian scoffed, the huff of hair making a stray strand of messy brown hair bounce against his forehead.

It then dawned on him, a strange fact, that Damien almost sounded… upset.

Kian studied Damien’s face for a minute. His features, although tensed with frustration, was not angry. There was no sense of danger or rage just… disappointment.

Swallowing harshly, Kian straightened his shoulders and once again began to speak. “I ran away because I didn’t want to hurt you. I ran away because you always treated me like I was worthless, like I meant nothing to you. Somewhere along the way that shit got twisted up and we ended up in that position on New Years Eve.” Kian’s arms crossed along his chest. “I left because I thought you didn’t care,” his eyes trailed Damien’s being, “but maybe I was wrong.”

Fuck this.

He just needed to say it.

“Damien, did you want me to kiss you?”


The fuck kind of question was that, and when did this whole thing turn back onto Damien? He'd come out here demanding answers from this motherfucker, but he wasn't getting them -- he was just getting questioned, accused and shit, and the overwhelming to scream and punch something was starting to overpower any rational thinking the boy might have -- which, let's be honest, was already fairly low.

"Yeah," Slater responded, his nose scrunching up an annoyed look as he let out a snort of indifference. "'Cause I thought I was gonna get fucking laid. I don't know when you got all up on this fucking... this fucking... high horse or some shit, this... I don't know." He waved an angry, dismissive hand in Kian's direction, as his words got all tangled together and came out all completely wrong.

"Maybe you're right, maybe I don't give a shit about you."

Some little voice in Slater was begging for him to stop, but once he was started, there was no turning back. He settled on the well-worn path that he always traversed when things got difficult, when things got too personal.

He lashed out.

"'Cause I fucking don't. I don't know when you started fucking... fucking... liking me like that, but we're just fucking party buddies. That's it. I'm not gonna sit around and fucking braid hair and gossip about boys or some shit with you. That's not what we fucking are."

His thin chest was shaking and heaving from the angry words that he'd spat out.

"It was just a fucking kiss, but you... you had to make it fucking weird."


Kian wasn’t surprised when the strings of hatred and venom dripped from Damien’s voice, but nonetheless it hurt all the same.

Part of Kian knew that this lash out was Damien’s clever way of avoiding the topic, he was more than well versed in the distraction tactics of his friend, but the way his words were delivered, the certainty in his voice… it hurt immensely like the final nail in the coffin of their friendship.

Kian hadn’t realized that he’d teared up at Damien’s words, blinking furiously as soon as his rant came to an end and the droplets threatened to spill down his cheeks.

He was done crying. Done feeling bad about himself. Done feeling like he wasn’t enough. Done being second. Done trying his best only to get shoved down.

Kian was fucking done.

“That,” Kian spat, jabbing a finger gently into Damien’s chest, “is exactly why I didn’t fucking kiss you. You can’t fathom the idea of anyone caring about you so you lash out and you push people away and you treat them like shit because at the end of the day, you care too much to fucking admit it. It’s much easier to pretend you only care about yourself and the next person going to give you a meaningless fuck.”

Yeah, he had gone there. Kian didn’t give a shit anymore.

“You act like you don’t care but you do. You hunted me down to talk about this. You made it a big deal. Then you turn around and attack me for what? Not going through with something you claim you don’t care about?” Kian let out a broken laugh, bewildered expression on his face. “Do you even hear how fucking ridiculous you sound? It’s sad. It really is.”

Kian shifted his weight, readjusting the backpack on his shoulders and the guitar car in his hand, his head giving a gentle shake. He just wanted to get the fuck out of here.

“Well you don’t have to worry about me anymore, Dames. Whatever the fuck was going on is over. I’m tired of being someone you just walk over, not when there’s people who care about me out there.” Kian scoffed. “Yeah, I know, huge surprise that I’m not just a fucking punching bag to use when you don’t understand your own emotions. But let me get one thing straight with you, crystal fuckin’ clear if you will,” Kian took a step towards Damien, his jaw clenching. “I’m fucking happy. I’m fucking clean. I have a fucking girlfriend that is brilliant and beautiful and treats me ten times better than you ever have. None of this happiness is from you because all you do is bring me the fuck down.”

Kian was breathing heavily, the rage coursing through his veins fuelling the pounding of the heart behind his ribs and the steady rise and fall of his chest with heavy breaths, knuckles stretched white with his heavy grip on the guitar case in his hand.

“You hate me so much? Fine. I’m done, I’m gone. I’m done sacrificing my time for someone who couldn’t care less if I had fuckin’ overdosed on the bathroom floor a few weeks ago.” Kian shook his head. Maybe that part had been a little much but fuck it, he needed to get this off his chest. “I’m finally happy. Happy with my sobriety, with my music, with my friendships, with my life, with Niamh. I sure as hell don’t need you. Not anymore.”

Kian paused, swallowing down the fear that had begun to rise in his throat. This was it, the finality of their friendship all over some stupid fucking kiss. Whatever, Damien did nothing but hurt him. It was all over and maybe, just maybe, it was for the best.

“Now if you’re done pretending like you give a fuck, I’ve got to go meet my girlfriend.”


The verbal slap in the face probably hurt more than a real slap in the face, and the way it threw him off meant that when Kian's finger poked into Damien's chest, it was like the final blow. The boy stumbled back, dark eyes for a moment cracking underneath the weight of the words that Kian was throwing in his direction, but then his hard gaze set once more, his jaw clenching, his hands balling into fists, and the angry fire lit once more in Slater's eyes.


That's the one that didn't smack him and fall off. That's the one that remained pressed into his thoughts, shot through his heart where it had twisted in, and anything else Kian had said past that? Well, it mostly fell on deaf ears -- Slater had heard this shit that he was preaching before, from Kian's very own lips, but he hadn't heard about this fucking girlfriend. This fucking girlfriend that suddenly turned all of this into some kind of sick joke.

But girlfriend.

That one fucking stung.

Because it meant that he was wrong. It meant that Kian hadn't wanted to kiss him, and that... that didn't... no, no, no, it didn't fucking hurt. No, it didn't fucking bring some kind of feeling of disappointment to Damien, and he wasn't going to fucking wallow in shit, because there was nothing to wallow in. He wasn't sad, he didn't fucking care, it was simply nothing more than a fucking misunderstanding, and fucking good.


Good. Good. Fucking good.

Slater didn't get hung up on assholes, and he certainly didn't care when assholes had feelings or some shit. It just complicated everything, so thank fucking god that this motherfucker didn't give a shit about him and had his fucking girlfriend. And thank god the kiss hadn't happened or escalated, 'cause Slater knew how fucking annoying it was try and detach a leech.

Yeah, he felt relief. Definitely. Totally.

"Have fun with your fucking bitch," Slater hissed, and then he shoved past Kian, making sure that his shoulder hit him on the way.

by blackbear​

this post was made in collaboration with
geminiy geminiy


º º code by ditto º º

Kalida Davies

Oh holy hell.

Her heart had been racing, and she'd held a death grip onto the handle of the car door, her knuckles practically turning white, while her other hand had held tightly onto the seatbelt pressed tightly across her. Now, sure, she was kind of freaking the hell out, but it was a good kind of freaking the hell out.

Los Angeles was fucking awesome.

Since she'd come here, she'd gotten mega drunk and climbed some trees with her bestie Rowan, and she'd caused even more havoc with him following that. And then New Year's Eve had been fucking epic, 'cause she'd had two really pretty girls talking to her. Course, she'd shown up with only one on her mind, and the night had ended with her making out with Trisha and then well... you know... wink wink back at the apartment. And now here she was, sitting shotgun while that crazy dude that sold Jell-O shots in giant ass jars drove like a fucking maniac.

She could've died or some shit.

Fucking awesome.

"Bro," she said, nearly breathless, although now that the car had come to a stop, it was significantly easier for her to catch an excited breath. "That. Was. Fucking. Awesome. You were all... drifting 'round corners like... like..." she was trying to think of a really cool action movie, but the excitement had kind of gotten the best of the girl, so the first car-related movie that came to her mind was-- "Lightning McQueen or something."

Yeah. Cars.

She sat back into her seat, breathless, as Javi started to babble on about giving her some kind of nickname. Kali, huh? Ah, wasn't the first time she'd been gifted that nickname, although Lida was more or less the one she rolled with on a day-to-day basis. Kali and Kei had been kind of confusing to some of their friends when they were younger, and Lida almost gave her some feeling of individualism from her brother.

"What're we shopping for, Jell-O?" Lida asked as she hopped out of the car, her legs feeling a little jelly-ish at first from the leftover rush of adrenaline from nearly fucking dying in traffic (seriously, how fucking cool). She hopped along after Javi, having to speed up a little to really catch up to him.

"See, Jell-O 'cause you're ahh... I dunno, first time I heard about you was 'hey, this dude wants to sell us Jell-O shots in a jar,' and Kei and I were like, whoa man," Kalida held her hands up as she spoke, "we aren't here to die on our first night in LA. But hey, you didn't end up being a real creep, so that's cool." She grinned, hands dropping down before she elbowed her companion in the side.

"We getting stuff for pranks?" Kalida asked, continuing to rattle along as she tended to do. "I've always heard something about shaving cream in balloons. That'd be real cool."

Her sense of adventure? Still nearly childish.

hell yeah

grocery store


by Sugar Ray​

Trisha, Rowan


hery hery

º º code by ditto º º

Ava Sanders

NYE was a memory that for Ava, provided a lot of embarrassed cringing. Like, how the fuck could she of been stupid enough to fucking kiss Jules?

Just thinking about it made her want to wince.

And... they hadn't talked since then. Ava'd kind of figured she was probably pissed or... upset or some shit, so she'd chosen to mostly just... stick to her own for a while. She figured that at some point, Jules would choose to get over it or forgive her, and then the two of them could talk it out and things could return to normal. But until then, she was just... going to give her best friend as much space as possible.

... Well also working on herself.

Kind of.

Well, okay, so, Ava was seventeen, and she'd never been on any kind of fucking date. She'd just always kind of been waiting on Jules' doorstep, which was dumb as fuck to have a crush on a straight girl, but to also keep one for as long as she had... embarrassing as shit. So... she figured it was kind of time for her to move on from Jules, and to actually try experiencing a little bit of the wide world.

The world outside her apartment was bright, though.

And so, today marked the day of Ava Sanders' first ever date.

Yeah, that nice girl she'd met at NYE? Right before JJ's whole blowup? Well, Ava had kind of started talking to her a bit, and late one night while between matches, she'd finally asked the girl on a date. When Petra had replied, Ava had so eagerly checked her phone that she actually fucking died.

It was fine -- she recovered her score and ranking. No worries, everyone.

She was nervous as fuck, though.

But the date was a simple enough idea. A trip to a little frozen yogurt place, and then maybe a walk around or something. Keep it nice and simple, something that you saw in movies and shit, because... that was about as far as Ava's date knowledge actually went.

Specifically, her date knowledge went as far as the cheesy movies that Jules made her watch.

Stop thinking about her.

A breath was passed through her lips, and then she forced herself out of her car to head up to Petra's place, where she nervously tapped her knuckles against the front door... then realized there was a doorbell, which she quickly pressed.

Deep breaths.


outside eww


play pretend
by braveweather​



jazzyball jazzyball

º º code by ditto º º

Nathan Woods

He'd closed his curtains the night before, or rather early in the morning when he'd finally fallen into bed, but there was still a tiny sliver of sunlight peeking through. Nate groaned, rolling over in his bed and patting around for a pillow to cover his face with, but it was too late. He was fucking awake.

After a few minutes of laying there, he finally tossed his pillow aside, and he pushed himself upwards. His head was throbbing and he squinted over at his nightstand. His hand fumbled for his phone, and then he pulled it to himself to check the time. The brightness of the phone screen made him wince, and then he saw the time. Two pm. He'd slept through a good portion of the day, but he'd also gone to bed late.

With a sigh, Nate pushed himself out of bed. His feet hit the floor with a heavy thud, and the palm of his hand rubbed against his exhausted eyes. He looked down to see that he hadn't managed to wriggle out of last night's clothes, but it didn't really matter when well... he wasn't gonna leave home. So he stood up on sore legs, and he stumbled over to his dresser. His hand reached in, rummaging through his underwear and socks until his fingers hit what he wanted.

A little bag of shrooms.

And no, there wasn't really any reason for him to be hiding his drugs -- it wasn't like he was gonna get in trouble for having them or something, but well... old habits died hard. Or some shit like that.

He headed out of his bedroom, his hand reaching up to ruffle his messy hair, figuring he could grab a snack or some shit to go along with aforementioned drugs -- and hey, his roomies didn't seem to be home.

Or so Nathan had thought, until he saw the bleached head of hair residing on the couch. With a sigh, Nathan tossed the shrooms down onto the messy coffee table in front of his cousin, giving a nod of his head towards them. "Bored?" He asked as he started into the adjacent kitchen.

Nate and Beel's relationship was... one that was kind of confusing. Once Nate had gotten clean, he hadn't really talked too much to his cousin, aside from living together -- which was kind of strange given that they'd been fairly close growing up (hey, someone had to stand up for Nate at family reunions against Esther and Lucas), but now that he'd tumbled back down an all too familiar path... that relationship felt kind of mended.

He grabbed a bag of potato chips from a cabinet, and headed back into the living room, collapsing onto the couch beside Beel.

Oh yeah, he was doing great since the breakup with Evie. Hadn't thought about her once.

"Gonna owe me," he added as he popped a somewhat stale chip into his mouth.

Eh, it'd do.


the apartment

yesterday's stuff

One Man Wrecking Machine
by Guster​



mogy mogy

º º code by ditto º º

Jace West

Ah. Nothing quite said new year, new me like dropping a sucky, lying, stupid bastard friend whose name definitely didn't have anything in relation to a stupid blue fish from stupid Finding Nemo. Oh, and cutting and bleaching one's hair. Yeah. That definitely made him seem like a very new person.

Of course, waiting up on the first day of the New Year with a brand new haircut that he hadn't entirely remembered getting had certainly scared him at first. The bad bleach job, the uneven cut... it was certainly a look, and he'd whipped out his old beanie to get him down to the nearest open salon -- and hey, they'd actually managed to fix it! And it looked... it looked... you know what, it looked okay.

It was certainly an upgrade from his previous, moppy blonde look, and the reaction to his new Instagram post boasting about his new hair had gone over well.

Well, for his fans, anyway. His mom had called him really, really mad, and following whatever had happened with Ash (he didn't keep up with his loser sister's drama), she'd decided that clearly the only option was to pack up her and their dad and move to Los Angeles. And sure, he'd always kind of wished his parents were there because hey, it was hard and lonely never seeing them, but now that they were moving here...

... Would it be wrong of Jace to say that he was dreading the day that they showed up?

Not to mention that his mother was pressuring him to leave his studio apartment, which was just upsetting in and of itself. He quite liked the little place that he'd made home for the last year, and he'd really just gotten everything just right enough that he could properly think when he was working on his music.

But hey, that was future Jace's problem, and Jace was a peppy, happy boy today.

Although he knew that he'd need to reign in that optimistic attitude now that he was rolling up to Callum's apartment, because it'd be wrong of him to be all upbeat like.

He knocked on the door, trying to kill the beaming smile on his face.


bestie's place


by Silent Pilot​



hery hery

º º code by ditto º º

Ashton West

She shrugged her shoulders, but she didn't let the smile fall away from her lips. Like, when it came to JJ, she'd been prepared for insults to every little step she could took before the girl hated her guts. But now? She expected it just as much, but tenfold, so her words meant nothing to her.

"Why would I be shopping?" Ash asked with a joyless laugh, her fake smile growing a little stronger for a moment before falling back to normal -- and then she kind of remembered that, oh yeah, she was in a mall, and she found herself glancing back towards the dress store.

A hand come up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, followed by a little casual shrug of her shoulders before her hands fell to her sides and slipped into the pockets of her jacket. "I was just, like, ahh... I was just returning stuff and then I was going back home," Ash explained, her smile perhaps wavering briefly over those stumbled words, but she kept it plastered on her face -- because the last thing she needed was more publicity.

Like, bad publicity, anyway.

And a picture of her frowning, or looking down, or disheveled in any way could easily be like... misconstrued or whatever into any kind of story that people wanted to try and spread around. Even before these little videos had gotten out, Ash had been privy to plenty of things spread around -- and it just felt as if it grew more common the bigger she got. Some part of her greatly missed just being some kid that no one knew.

Her gaze fell down for a moment to the dog in JJ's purse, and then back to the girl's face. "Couldn't get anyone else to go with you?" She asked, her voice hollow as she spoke. "Can't say I'm surprised." She added, the wisp of a smile on her lips twitching up as she did speak.

No, she shouldn't have said that, but Ash... she didn't know. She couldn't help herself or something. Something dumb like that, and it wasn't... god, she didn't know.

fine, don't worry

home -> mall

bro I hate finding outfits

She (Cover)
by Marie Gallo​



Soap Soap

º º code by ditto º º
"Focus on me, I'm about to blow them all away"
Stella Bailey
@Steller.Bae has set their status to:
Totally handling this like a champ...

@Steller.Bae has set their outfit to:
Slytherin pride

@Steller.Bae has set their location to:
Downtown LA

@Steller.Bae has mentioned:
Jordan, Beth, Cappie, Zeph

@Steller.Bae has Interacted with:
Natalia ( Harrowhark Harrowhark )
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
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"Say what you want to say. You lied and I got played.
You threw it all away, and now it's over. Just face it, we didn't make it.
You bit off more than you can chew, Can you taste it?"

Stella hated two things most in this world...being second when she knows she deserves first, and being played like a fool. New Years Eve had made her feel both. Second to his childish desires, second to Lin, second to whoever he thought was so much more thrilling and exciting then her. He wanted hell, she hoped he got it. She hoped the next time they saw each other he'd look at her and see the monster he made, she hoped he'd see hell on heels and live to regret passing up heaven.

She hated that she didn't just feel rage...that she missed him, that she'd cried herself to sleep several nights over it. She wasn't even sure anymore if she missed the relationship because, maybe there was something missing. But she missed her best friend. She missed having faith that someone could love her, care for her, accept her. She missed having an escape, because now...now what did she have?

"Being nice was my pastime, But I've been hurt for the last time and I won't ever let another person take advantage of me.
The anger burns my skin, third-degree. Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea.
There's nobody getting close to me, they're gonna bow to the Evil Queen." SKIP

Music, her career, her family, her pride. All great things she supposed. The music really was helping, especially now, and any time she was in public. She constantly had her earbuds in blasting. Why? Because for starters she no longer cared about what anyone had to say around her who wasn't a 'close associate' or 'friend' and even then it was kinda limited. She became icy while at school to most people and people started talking about how cold she'd become because of the break up...they were wrong.

This ice queen who only knew how to work and please the masses was who Stella had been before even meeting Zeph. She was naïve enough to warm up to the giant teddy bear. But bears aren't cuddly, they aren't pets...they are wild beasts, and turns out...Zeph was a bear indeed.

The lyrics help since they conveyed all the things she couldn't. How deeply she felt but could no longer show. Each song ringing in her ears more true then the last. Then again that was kinda the point of the playlist. Yup, she made an entire playlist of songs to fuel the bittersweet mix of burning rage and drowning sadness her heart was in. Since she couldn't express it but so much it gave her an outlet for it all.

"This new you, this new dude? Don't know him, don't want to.
I wish that I still knew the old him, the old you.
R-I-P to the old you, I fucking miss you.

I would have never let you down like you did to me, Now you're dead to me" SKIP

Sure Beth told her to be petty for as long as she wanted and she deserved to be...but she knew how that'd look to the public, to her mother. She couldn't do that, she sadly didn't have that kind of freedom. Celebrities don't get that luxury. You lash out even if it's deserving you get called crazy, a bitch, deranged, mentally unstable. You show too much sadness, then you're playing the victim, attention seeking, weak.

She wasn't weak...maybe she was but she damn sure wouldn't let anyone else see that. She wouldn't let all she'd worked for go down the drain and for what? a guy who thought she was...boring.

So she allowed herself a snide comment here or there in an insta post he probably couldn't see. Even that had a statute of limitations to the public eye. It wasn't fair, but that was the cards in her hand, this was the hand she'd been dealt, and she'd play the hell out of it until she could get her way. Until she either won or flipped the whole damn table over. Cause is she couldn't win why did anyone else deserve to?

Bitter much? You bet your ass she was. Because she gave the knife that stabbed her in the back. Never again...

"I know, if you were true there's no damn way that you Could fall in love with somebody that quickly...
Loved you at your worst, But that didn't matter.
It took you two weeks to go off and date her,
Guess you didn't cheat, But you're still a traitor."

Three weeks...it'd been three weeks since that night. The night her heart turned cold. and left an ice box instead. The night she decided that playing nice was a waste of time. that 'nice guys' don't actually exist. Doing what people wanted in hopes they'd stay was pointless. Taming your demons, and not baring your teeth because you love them too much was nothing but beta female shit. She was an alpha female, and maybe it was time to realize she needed to only stick around other alphas. People who could handle her, all of her. They didn't need a watered down version, they didn't need her to play nice. If they get hit, they hit back.

He didn't even try, he didn't even call. She never even blocked him so she knew just how little he reached out. Nothing. Turns out she was right, she wasn't much of anything to him in the end. Not a girlfriend, not a friend, nothing. Sure she'd been made New years, but a real friend would've reached out eventually right? Someone who cared would've tried right? Realized she'd calm down eventually if he'd only tried...but he didn't.

She'd heard whispers that he might even already be moving on. Typical jackass...it was proof he never cared about her...not like he said. Not like he promised.

So enraged is how she stayed, because if he wasn't going to try? Then he didn't deserve anything but her fury. He hadn't earned the softened touch of her forgiveness.

"Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you?
Well, screw that and screw you.
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do!
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy. Not me, if you ever cared to ask"

So instead? Stella did what Stella did best. She worked. She threw herself into the only thing she's ever know, the only thing that's ever been consistent, that's never switched up on her. People were fickle but a paycheck wasn't.

She worked harder on helping with her movie debut, even suggested a new leading actor. She showed them his work with Chanel, talked to Cappie, and bam now they were back in business. She guest started on a few animated shows as a voice actress two of the weekends. Her manager encouraged her to think about trying out singing. She had a background in musical theatre it might not be bad. She auditioned and got one of the leading roles in the school musical Pippin.

Things were great! Clearly.

"I know nobody gets outta love alive.
We either break up when we're young, or we say goodbye when we die.
For a moment at least I know you were mine and it was beautiful,
But winter comes and roses don't survive...

Before love came to kill us...

I miss when you were my best friend" SKIP

She hung out with Jordan, talked to Beth, and now she was about to hang out with a hopefully new friend in the making. A vlogger who she believed was in the plastics department. A sophomore like herself who actually she'd been following for a while now on social media. Today she was finally getting the chance to be closer with now that she'd just transferred to HA.

Natalia. Super pretty name, super beautiful girl with a bright future. They were going to be vlogging together exploring LA for Nat's fanbase. The exposure would help them both girls out, and the fans loved when celebrities linked up like this. Publicity bonus, and if they get along yet another person and decent ally to have at her side the next two years.

Everything was going perfect. She didn't need him, she didn't need friendship. She had everything that mattered. Fuck feelings they only ever get in the way. She was 15, and on her way to being a global celebrity if she played her cards right by the time she graduated from here. She had dreams and ambition.

Who needs a best friend? Who needs a gentle touch? Nope not her. She was steel...

"Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made
But we hold on, hold on
There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase
But we hold on, hold on...

If I'm not the one then I'm the best mistake you ever had" SKIP

As she clicked the last skip she noticed the vehicle come to a stop. She got out of the Uber car without a word and fluffed out her hair a bit to fix it. It didn't take long to notice her reason for being out and about today. Stella painted a smile on her cherry glossed lips while taking out her earbuds and stopping the music. She waved as she got closer.

"Hey! Good to see you." She chimed. "I've honestly never done a vlog before, but I've always wanted to give it a try. What's first?" she asked curiously and shoving down everything that'd been on her mind on the ride over. She was nothing if not a master actress after all.

º º code by ditto º º


The wind-down time was over and for the last week, Raven had been job hunting. Which surprisingly wasn’t as easy as she thought in LA.

Either that or she was just being incredibly picky.

She earned the right to be picky.

No matter what Mason said, Raven wasn’t settling for something that’d pay her five dollars an hour or dressing up like a princess for sweaty kids to beg for a picture with her.

She’d look great in the photos, but that was beside the point.

She walked into the coffee shop, laptop under her shoulder and placed an order with one of the baristas, looking around the place, searching for an empty seat.

Raven could’ve submitted applications at the apartment, but that place was entirely too crowded to hear her own thoughts, let alone finding the perfect words as to why she deserved that job.

Because she was ‘good’ at problem solving? A people-person?

Do you know how many blonde, rich, eager to get daddy’s approval girls has said the exact same thing on their resume?

And besides, as sweet as she was, Raven really didn’t feel like having Jackie hang over her shoulder, check up on her, offer her lunch… or…

It was just weird, okay?

Raven understood hospitality, she did—maybe it was a French thing to assign yourself a mother role to every member in the apartment, but it was just weird.

Raven was trying her best not to be… like Mason and make it seem like she didn’t appreciate the gestures.

It was difficult, though.

They were cut from the same cloth, two of a kind, all the sayings that could’ve been applied— should be.

She never wanted someone to feel pity for her, see her as charity, or unable to do just about anything for herself.

She was independent, free-spirited and… afraid to ask for help from to time.

Not that she’d ever admit that.

Mason was just more brash than she was, more… firm with his words and entirely too aggressive.

So, why did Jackie not hate Raven yet?


Raven was just… more charismatic than he was.

She spotted a man sitting alone, dressed well-off— which was something to be said here, because in LA everyone had the tendency to wear rags and call it designer.

But let’s be honest, Raven wasn’t very well-versed in designer— she’d be able to find you an excellent fake for under forty dollars, though.

She took in his appearance before he had noticed her and Raven had walked up, a slight grin playing the edges of her lips.

“Sorry, papi, I’m stealing this seat.” She said, momentarily glancing up at the boy before sliding the chair out with her boot and taking a seat across from him, laying the laptop she’d borrowed from Jackie onto the table.

Another thing she didn’t want to take, but if she needed a job, she needed a way to apply.

besides, Raven was going to save up for her own and surprisingly enough the school hadn’t provided one for her.

Come on, not everyone at this place had money to throw around, just seemed like it would’ve been effortless for the almighty HA to give their students what they needed to thrive.


The thought alone made her chuckle, shaking her head and typing away at the keyboard, looking at job openings.

She had homework of course, but Raven still hadn’t written a word, nothing original of her own, nothing real…

Nothing that… meant something.

And what exactly was the point it none of it meant anything?

Scrolling through the many applications that required experience— experience that Raven didn’t have, mind you.

Back home she merely had a few side-hustles for work and at one point, she’d gotten so desperate as to use a fake ID to get hired as a waitress for a club that definitely didn’t hire minors.

Couldn’t really throw that in the resume with ‘adaptable to certain situations.’

It was one listing after the other and a few minutes later, the waitress had arrived with her drink, placing it onto the table and Raven had muttered a thank you.

Instead of dwelling over the obvious jobs she wouldn’t be able to get…

Raven did what she did best to help relieve some of her anxiety over the fear of imminent failure for the fourth time in a week.

What did she do best, exactly?

Talk, of course.

She caught his eye above the laptop screen.

“Long day, baby?”

No, no, she wasn’t flirting.

Raven was just charismatic.

I’m not a big fan of coffee.

knock-off starbucks?

sexy enough


by justin bieber​




tags Xed Xed

º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

Dalton Kirby

Coffee was better black. How people could stomach those sickly sweet drinks with their ridiculous mountains of cream and syrup was beyond Dalton. That was not worth forking up $4 for, then again neither was the cold brew yet here he was, sitting in the overpriced café with its overpriced and overly sweet drinks, on an early Friday afternoon.

He definitely wasn’t ordering that again. In fact, if the sun wasn’t out in full force today and he hadn’t already had a rather heated morning in the office, he would have just gotten a cup of espresso. There was always iced espresso, but it never quite suited his tastes, the staff always seemed to mess it up somehow and he wasn’t about to overpay someone to give him a diluted iced espresso.

…not that this was any better.

Forget it. He was better off using it to cool his hands. Maybe he should have just gotten his coffee from the Vogue office pantry, after all, it wasn’t like it was completely off limits to interns.

No, the pantry could have easily gotten crowded at any moment and the last thing he wanted was to get questioned about why he was sweating in a fully air-conditioned office.

He wasn’t about to explain the little exercise session he and his fellow intern had, had on top of office property. That would definitely get them both in more than a little trouble and as much fun as it was to rile up Sinclaire, he would far prefer to do so while keeping his job.

So for now he’d stick to poking fun at things like her inability to maintain any of her personal relationships as he had this morning. In his defense she started it… or did he?

Either way if their little exercise session ever got found out by higher ups, they were both equally at fault. She had provoked him about being related to Damien and he’d teased her about her failed relationships which in turn led to talk of her ex-boy toy and their fight and then… well the bickering progressed from verbal to physical and then the furniture was wearing the clothes instead of them.

All things considered, it was still a productive morning of getting things in order before the school ski trip and now he was rewarding himself (well, not much of a reward really) by getting a refreshing drink (that he had since decided he did not like) on this crowded Friday afternoon and enjoying the comfort that you could only get when alone.

Someone though, seemed determined to change that. What was it with girls coming along and dropping themselves right in his path? And did she just call him ‘papi’?

What the fuck?

Was there some ‘welcome one and all’ sign stuck on himself somewhere that he didn’t know about? Sure, the chair opposite him at his little table was empty but that didn’t mean it was free for the taking.

Unfortunately, the message clearly didn’t get through to the girl who was now seated from across him, and despite his lack of a greeting, he was getting the sense that she was determined to stay.

She looked young, maybe his age, attractive but then 90% of the LA population was decently good looking and he worked with ridiculously attractive people almost every day.

At least it didn’t seem like she was going to bother him. Her attention was squarely on the laptop she’d taken out which worked perfectly for him.

That thought lasted all of a couple of seconds.

“Long day, baby?”

The fuck? Baby? Did she just –

Well that was certainly one way to make an impression and start a conversation.

He sat there, sipping on his drink for a few moments, one eye cocked at her as he debated whether to respond to her attempt at small talk.

For once a little conversation seemed more appealing than silence, which was a testament to how awful his drink was and a credit to the fact that the strange girl across him at least appeared to be mildly interesting, possibly entertaining, besides it didn’t feel like she was going to leave him be if he just ignored her. Worse come worse, he could just leave once he had his fill of air-conditioned comfort, which was not quite yet.

So he gave her a short two word answer.

“Just work.”

Dalton stopped short of telling her he was not her baby or papi. His past experience with a certain hyper energetic bunny like girl calling him daddy, taught him that letting the other side know he didn’t like it would probably just encourage them even more.

this drink sucks

knock off starbucks


song title here

by artist here​

Evie, Liv


Soap Soap

º º code by ditto º º

Juliette Jameson​

"Why would I be shopping?" She laughed and Juliette’s face contorted into confusion, taking in their surroundings when sensibility caught up to Ash, realizing where she was.

"I was just, like, ahh... I was just returning stuff and then I was going back home,"

She bit her tongue.

Oh, did she bite her tongue.

Juliette was a lot of things, but she wouldn’t cross the line of making a certain… weight comment. Especially after that ThirstTea post all those weeks ago.

Jules just couldn’t.

Oh, but she fucking wanted to— and she should’ve when Ash continued.

This motherfucker.

“Couldn't get anyone else to go with you? Can't I'm surprised."

This bitch had the fucking guts to make an odd-hand fuckin’ comment? A little crack to throw? A little joke here and there?

Who the fuck did she think she was?

Ashton West, probably.

The goddess of all goddesses.

A girl who can do no wrong.

“‘Can’t say I’m surprised,’” Juliette repeated her words in a high-pitched voice, mocking her in a childish way before rolling her eyes and putting a hand up, the bags swaying slightly from the movement.

“Shut the fuck up, the little comments you make aren’t the least bit clever, stick to being a backstabbing slut and give up the bitch act, it’s not your thing.”

It… was JJ’s though.

That was one thing Ash couldn’t touch her with— sure, she might’ve dated her boyfriend— ex-boyfriend first, and sure, she might’ve lied to her face about it— and yeah, she totally called herself her friend while doing it…

But nobody could beat Juliette Jameson at her own game.

“What was the fucking sense of saying anything to me? Nothing’s stopping you from turning around and running into your boyfriend’s arms, oh wait— you don’t have one anymore,” JJ pouted, mocking sympathy for the blonde.

She didn’t have a boyfriend either, but at least her ex was attractive in the slightest bit— at least Dorian didn’t try to keep her a secret.

“Oh, sorry— I meant your latest boyfriend, probably wasn’t too hard to get yourself a rebound. Just threw yourself at anyone and then denied it right? Y’know, being the closet whore that you are.”

No, she wasn’t sorry.

Why should she be?

Because it was mean? Please.

The only time JJ had honestly apologized to anyone, it was probably with Ava over something incredibly stupid.

She was rarely ‘sorry’ for her actions. Everything she did was fucking well-deserved or in retaliation.

And this?

Yeah, it was retaliation.

“And I swear to god, if you give me another one of those high-pitched, and annoying forced laughs, I’m gonna slap you across the face, nobody’s watching, Ash— ‘really wish you acted like that half the time with the amount of shit you get away with.”

I remember thinking… I’m ‘bout to fuck this bitch up.

The mall

plaid, but she makes it look good

Don't Start Now

by Dua Lipa​




Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: Life is good, my dudes.

OUTFIT: Dark green shirt, black jacket, jeans.

LOCATION: Random coffee place in the city.

@dear.szmm (Isaac).
TL;DR Noah is trying to get some.

Hollywood was everything Noah Stewart expected and more! He had barely been back in the apartment, because every day was a new adventure for him.

The people in this city were more fun. The streets were fuller; filled to the brim with people. The buildings were shinier, even if the sun was nowhere to be seen. Everything was so much bigger than it was back home—in Westbrook. And by everything, Noah truly meant everything. 😉

He’d been in this city for a few weeks now, maybe, and he’d gotten a taste of more than he could ever bargain for. From indie food places that offered types of sushi he hadn’t even heard of before, to vintage coffee shops which were also plant shops, to, well, to boys. They were Noah’s favorite.

Back in Westbrook, the only guys Noah could fool around with were either closeted bi guys who would be embarrassed to be seen with him, or the rare openly gay guy whose only character trait was that he liked to suck adult men off in sketchy gas stations. And don’t get Noah wrong, there was nothing wrong with that, but those guys weren’t what he was looking for. He was looking for confident people who knew who they were and just wanted to get their shit rocked with him. Nothing more, nothing less.

Maybe in Westbrook, that was way too much to ask for, but here, every single person was like that because this was Hollywood, and people came here to become stars. Oh, and Noah definitely was a star.

These were his people. This was his town. He was going to use the opportunity he earned to the fullest, even if that meant eventually earning himself an STI and ever being able to have biological kids.

In fact, that was exactly what he was doing right at this moment. Seizing the opportunity he earned. In a bathroom of a random coffee place, with the guy he met on the first day of school. Or, well, that was the plan, at least.

In this exact moment, Noah was sitting opposed to Isaac, drinking some lemonade drink that was supposedly ‘to die for’—even if it was average at best—flirting his ass off, as he usually did.

A little lip bite here. Hair flip there. Giving the occasional hand to hand contact. Laughing at stupid jokes, though Isaac’s weren’t even that stupid.

“Right, Los Angeles is actually pretty fucking cool. If I knew it would be this good, I definitely would’ve come here sooner.” He said, taking a sip of the drink afterwards.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Who doesn't lock the bathroom when they're inside?

OUTFIT: Plain white t-shirt and gray sweatpants.

LOCATION: At home.


@jasmichelle (Savannah).
TL;DR A different type of Friday.

Los Angeles, California.

It was a dark and gloomy day.

Well, it was actually a pretty sunny day for winter. Boston didn’t need to wear a puffy jacket that he didn’t own or pretend that he wasn’t cold. His hoodie was enough, plus, in actuality, he didn’t need to walk far to get to the coffee place he worked at.

It was this weird, positivity-based, vintage, plant and coffee shop, which, truth be told, Boston really didn’t understand one bit. You either sell coffee or you sell plants. Why would you sell both? It just causes confusion and is bizarre as fuck. But it was what it was. Even if the flowers that grew on the wall made him sneeze from time to time, and the people who came in smelled weird, the money was good, and he could take as many shifts as he wanted—or needed. If his math was correct, doing this job at the rate that he was, he would be able to pay for school, groceries, and still have some money left over for himself. Now, this was probably the only good thing about Los Angeles that one simply could not find back in Seattle.

His day started out like it usually did. He got up early, earlier than Savannah, made himself something to eat, and then hurried to get to work. Usually it was school, which he didn’t hurry to, but he didn’t have school today, and getting some shifts in was the next best thing, so he asked Kalida to take her shifts because she obviously didn’t want to work on her day off. Neither did he, but it was better than staying home at this point.

The boy genuinely forgot how difficult it was living with his sister. At least when he lived with their mother, he could ignore her and go about his work in the confines of his own room. But he didn’t have his own room here. He slept on the couch. In the living room. Where Savannah would pass through in the middle of the night to get a snack. Waking him up.

And that wasn’t the worst of it either.

She wasn’t the person he lived with before. The person he lived with before was his little sister who liked to joke around with him and play weird kid games with him. But this, this was some girl who didn’t know what she wanted, so she got daddy to rent her out an apartment in Hollywood so she could pursue whatever it was she wanted.

“That must have been nice.” He spoke, as uninterestingly as it sounds. The old lady in front of him was saying something about her cactus named Linda or something and how it reminded her of her dead wife who she met in Hawaii. He was just a barista, he wasn’t a florist, and he definitely wasn’t a therapist. “That will be $5.35.”

Then she continued to talk about her wife for the next five minutes, which was exactly five minutes after his shift ended, and he genuinely did not need to hear this lady out. “That will be $5.35.”

It wasn’t long after that that he got rid of her and her overpriced coffee and cactus. So he changed out his shirt, and basically dashed home. Well, no, he walked home because the weather was nice and he didn’t have to talk to anyone for the next three days.

When he got home, he threw his backpack on the couch, put some toast into the toaster and made his way into the bathroom, forgetting entirely that his sister might be home. So when he entered the bathroom, he basically flung the door open and hit his sister with it before quickly reverting his eyes to the hallway and then closing the door.

“Fuck. Sorry. Lock the door next time, Savannah! Jeez!”
code by valen t.
MOOD: Time sure does move slowly around Friday.

OUTFIT: Rainbow sweatpants and a dirty wifebeater.

LOCATION: At home.

Winona Winona (Nathan)
TL;DR Some proper cousin time. Finally.


Just wow.

It was a brand new and shining day, and life could not have been better for Beelzebub. Truly, he didn’t remember the last time he woke up feeling so refreshed and refurbished. Where he usually felt like that couch that junkies slept on in the dark alley close to the apartment, he now felt like a brand new, newly-put-together velvet red sofa from Ikea named Karlstad. And there wasn’t really a reason for it that he could think of, except…well…except the pill bottle he managed to snatch at the new years party. Those were some top tier little bitches, because Beelzebub could feel himself wanting to dance through the slight breeze that came from nowhere, and left to nowhere.

He did dance, in fact, at 8am when he popped one of them and drank some soda that he found in the fridge. He danced and danced and that seemed to take a long time out of his day. After that he went into his room to paint something, which he didn’t like and proceeded to throw the painting out the window on whoever was passing by down below.

Then he decided he actually liked the painting, so he retrieved it, and put it back on the canvas. Even with the tire tracks on it, and footsteps as well, the painting looked marvelous, and Beelzebub Woods just found himself the next piece he would be able to submit for art class. The life of an artist was truly marvelous and more than he could’ve ever hoped for.

He went to the grocery store after that, to pick out some groceries and buy more of the weird caffeinated soda that he found in the fridge. His dad forwarded him some money, so he didn’t even have to worry about that for the time being. Maybe that was also a reason why he’d been so jolly ever since he woke up.

By the time he got home with two bags full of groceries, it was only 10am, which, truth be told, was impossible, because it felt like 3 days had gone by from the time he took the pill and now. Damn, they really were some magic little bitches.

In the next four hours, he repeated this process maybe half a dozen times, and found himself laying on the living room couch, staring through the window and observing clouds which seemed to be scarcer and scarcer as the day went by.

“That one kinda looks like a mushroom.” He whispered to no one but himself, and as he did, a bag of what could only be shrooms, fell on the coffee table next to him. “God? Is that you?” He looked up at the ceiling.

But no, it was not God. It was bitch boy Nathan, Beelzebub’s cousin. The two had one of the weirdest relationships in Beelzebub’s life, and that said a lot because Beelzebub had many homeless friends, one of who escaped from prison and hadn’t been caught since. But Nathan definitely wasn’t God. Definitely.

“Oh. It’s you. You stink. Go take a shower.” Then he processed what his cousin said, and responded accordingly. “Yes. Very bored. Since when do you do drugs? Aren’t you like all flowers and daisies and bullshit? Didn’t you like go to rehab?”

Nathan fell down beside Beelzebub on the couch, and by that point, Beelzebub already had the bag of shrooms in his hands.

“It’s fine. Dad sent me money. Oh, and I have these.” He wiggled the orange bottle of pills out of his pocket and lightly threw them on the boy beside him.
code by valen t.

Ashton West

"Oh my god, JJ, you're so funny," Ash responded. She was sure that her words were weak attempts to try and get under Ash's skin or something -- there was no doubt in her mind that the other girl was still pissed at her, and it wasn't like she could really blame her. But the childish insults and remarks that she directed at Ash? The ones she'd heard plenty of times before this?

Yeah, not really getting to her like they probably used to.

"Yeah, no boyfriend. He ran away -- kinda like yours did." Ash said, and this time there was a grin on her face, and one that probably wasn't as fake as it should've been. Like, this wasn't something that shouldn't have been making her laugh, but what could she say? The absolute absurdity of it or something, just thinking about it brought a goofy grin to the girl's face, and laughter that threatened to bubble out -- for literally no good reason.

She let out a sigh, giving a small shrug of her shoulders. "Rebounded to Javi. He's not, like, half bad, though. Kinda see why Maddie was all crazy for him," she added with another little shrug. "And..." She trailed off, but decided to bite her tongue. Maybe there was still a part of her that wanted to keep some of her more intimate moments secret.

But she didn't really have time to dwell on that for too long -- on like... New Year's Eve, and the confusing kiss with Ryder that had kind of tainted the taste of alcohol for her, and...

Well, whatever. JJ was talking.

Good distraction.

"Nobody's watching?" Ash echoed, another laugh bubbling out. Who cares if JJ slapped her in the face here and that got around, too? Like, it wasn't as if it'd be any worse than every other little thing that got around about her, but...

Yeah, she did still care.

"That's literally bullshit," she snapped, but didn't remove the fake smile, because last thing that Ash wanted? Pictures taken of her that could be construed as her getting into some petty fight with JJ at the mall -- again. "Someone literally, like, took a picture of me outside and I'm sure there'll be some dumb thing they try to start..." she giggled, bringing a hand up rest over her face as she gave a snort of laughter. "There was someone that tried to, like, start some shitty rumor that I had, like, gained weight or whatever and they thought I was pregnant or something. Like it got shutdown, but..." another small laugh as she dropped her hand down, giving a shake of her head. "There's literally always someone watching."

fine, don't worry

home -> mall

bro I hate finding outfits

She (Cover)
by Marie Gallo​



Soap Soap

º º code by ditto º º


”Just work.”

She cocked an eyebrow, taking a sip of her own drink and looking at him over the rim of the lid.

Quiet, and straight to the point while still capturing his interest long enough to reply.

He seemed… stand off-ish.

But there was something about him that didn’t quite tag him as a loner for Raven,

And again, she isn’t flirting— she’s viewing him from a different perspective when she says he had a certain fire to him.

“Allow me to guess the job?” She asked before continuing, her gaze trailing over his outfit, lingering in a way that might’ve made him uncomfortable as if she was trying to study him.

It was someplace important enough to look professional, so clearly it wasn’t some… brunch cafe that closed at 1:30.

Very specific, but LA was very serious about their brunch apparently.

Not serious enough to have him dress decently— that is, unless they threw blazers on their waiters.

Yes, waiters.

He wasn’t old enough to be a manager, could pass for it, but… hm…

“You’re an… assistant to an extremely douchey, but unfortunately handsome businessman?”

Oh, how Raven wanted to be right, but even she knew it was a long-shot.

He wasn’t the handsome businessman either.

“No? Okay, you’re a… babysitter.” That last one was just a tease, but Raven could totally see it.

Besides, what was the off-chance he actually was? Maybe Mason won’t be too happy about hiring a sexy babysitter— but Raven would.

“I give up, what’s gotten you so worn-out?”

She had to.

“Or should I say who? Any workplace romances? You lookin’ for one?”

She was so subtle in asking if the mysterious business had any openings— because obviously, Raven didn’t want any favors, but…

It was LA, right?

Network, network, network.

She was just playing the cards that she was dealt, was all.

The brunette extended a hand towards him, a grin peeking through. “Raven.” She spoke, introducing herself to the ‘fiery’ stranger.

“Don’t worry,”

“I don’t bite unless you ask nicely.” She added, an eyebrow pointedly raised in his direction, her gaze falling to her extended hand.

I’m not a big fan of coffee.

knock-off starbucks?

sexy enough


by justin bieber​




tags Xed Xed

º º code by ditto º º


casual | yellow hoodie + square-buckle belt + cargo pants + converse tennis

Rowan | Matt (mention)

qunqun qunqun
Iuri Pascoal
Things kinda went by a little quickly, but Iuri had a good grasp of this whole school thing by now, yeah! Matt was a great tour guide, he had to say, maybe it was a bit of an one-sided deal with him being annoying and the more introverted guy having to endure his questioning over things that seemed a bit more obvious as well as his usual openness compared to the other's reservation, but that's how you get friends! You sometimes just have to annoy them just right, and you'll eventually get a good relationship out of that, and Iuri thinks it's kind of the same with Matt, and, well, it doesn't seem like he's being annoying either way, so it's all good!

Hell, Iuri even got Matt to film a TikTok with him last week after meeting in the hallways!... Well, film under quotation marks, if you consider him just standing still as Iuri danced filming on Matt's part, then they did film! Either way, filming or not, it did kinda work out! It got a respectable number of likes and views, he got his tour guide some fame, that should strike something for sure!

Now, he has been doing okay, at least he thinks so, Iuri had a lot of things to learn, and it's going by well! Things feel a little slow, but they're moving after all! Not just his work too, but his friend circle too! Iuri managed to strike up YET another friend in the face of this little buddy called Rowan!
SUPER cool kid, Iuri bets they're definitely gonna have some fun later down the road.

Still though, Iuri wants to have some fun this Friday! So, he wants to hit up all the hit places around Los Angeles, it's the city of angels! He has to have some fun if this place's called something like heaven! He's just taking a closer look at the stars since he's already there! So, Iuri took a chance to know one of his possible party partners that may or may not get completely blackout drunk with him and other dumb things once they really start getting into it... And a chance to actually know what's out of the school! Iuri also knows what's up, there's also a reason for this, he's not JUST going out for fun!

With that being said... Iuri does plan to have fun! Arriving at the meet-up place, late like usual, if someone befriends Iuri, first thing they gotta know is that he arrives at minimum 5 minutes later than the arranged time, that's just how he is and for a multitude of reasons that change everytime! As for this specific scenario?... Well, he's new! He's still taking his surroundings in!

"Right over here, dude!" Iuri's phone conviniently popped a message as he approached Rowan, so he boastedly announced his presence, responding the message, waving his hand around brutishly as his hand holstered his phone that appeared. "So! Everything set? Getting right into it? Anything I should know before we hit up downtown?" He straight up questioned, hands on his hips, smirking in a friendly way. He really is excited! It's been a while since he went out like this! It's gonna be fun!
coded by reveriee.

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