Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens

Hi! Uhm what kind of vampires are the ones in this rp? If they suck a human's blood, will this person turn instantly if xe doesn't die of blood loss first?
Hello :) . As for your question, it's much more complicated than that, they have to be bitten, die and turn into somewhat of a spirit form, and then into a vampire. If you get bit you just feel weak and sleepy. 
Hello everyone! I'm going to start up the rp, but we're still accepting until all the rooms are filled!
if this is still open I am in, best part it takes place in MAINE.
I think it's still open for another 3 guys and 4 girls if I've counted right xD  
Or maybe it's 6 guys and 7 girls, I'm not sure...
Vampirelovee said:
Hello :) . As for your question, it's much more complicated than that, they have to be bitten, die and turn into somewhat of a spirit form, and then into a vampire. If you get bit you just feel weak and sleepy. 
Hello everyone! I'm going to start up the rp, but we're still accepting until all the rooms are filled!
Thanks for the reply! I just had to know how my character would be affected if he were to be bitten.
DearestEnemy said:
Oops, I have not been waiting my turn xD Sorry if we're supposed to!
I think it's all right, but i kind of wanted to respond now, but to do so when only one person has written after my last post...? Don't know if I can do that or not <: ) 
Yay! Thanks ^^ 
One more question, where are the guys' dorms compared to the girls'? Are they on different floors? 

Tapetal said:
I think it's all right, but i kind of wanted to respond now, but to do so when only one person has written after my last post...? Don't know if I can do that or not <: ) 
Yay! Thanks ^^ 
One more question, where are the guys' dorms compared to the girls'? Are they on different floors?
Okay, thanks for quick answers ^^ And I'm a little curious.. what time zones are u guys in?
DearestEnemy said:
It's 17:44 for me over in Ireland :)
Here it's 18:50. I live in Norway :P (So I'm really sorry if my english is weird at times...) 
Ah, I see. Makes sense that most people wrote when I was asleep then :P Either, you guys are night animals, or most of you live in America :P
I have been told the dance is on Friday. Also, if anyone would like to interact with my character as his entrance, feel free to post a quick thing about going to the school and ending up in the vicinity of the entrance gates.
Velcian said:
I have been told the dance is on Friday. Also, if anyone would like to interact with my character as his entrance, feel free to post a quick thing about going to the school and ending up in the vicinity of the entrance gates.
Sure, I'm about to write my first post as Olivia's entrance as well.
It is not raining, I know someone though it was, just make sure you read every postthouroughly, no skimming. Also, there are no turns :)  
Also, yes they are on the same floras for the rooms 
True, haha, but it's morning. I know it may be somewhat of a confusing transition for some people. But it's morning for everyone, and they would know that if they read my posts through completely. Don't think I'm not guilty too! I skim a lot of stuff, it's just this will get confusing and if you get something wrong in the roleplay then you know why :)
Okay :) Sorry, I began the post before you posted yours; I should check my alerts more often while I'm writing. I greatly apologize. However, how will Lucas and Elysia transition into the next morning while they are still having a conversation in Elysia's room? Hmm, perhaps we could make sure everyone is sleeping before we skip to the morning? Just a suggestion, it might make it more inconvenient anyway.

I am definitely willing to edit my post if you want. :3
Well, I see your point, but they'd have to continue their conversation, and then they'd write their post for the morning. Not very complicated. I forgive you, I've made silly little mistakes like this many times, it's how we learn. I know it may be a little confusing. If you don't understand still, I mean like first we'd have them talk, and then one of them would say, oh it's getting late or something. And then next paragraph and transition to morning, get it? I know it sounds kind of confusing
Oh, okay. That works :3 I was just thinking that it might be weird to have them in the conversation at night while the others are in the morning xD Anyway, I'll edit my post so it's less confusing! ^-^

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