Hold Onto Me (Aidan- and oOBubblesOo)


Mr. Kat Lover
Daniel (Danny) Starr


Age: 23

Personality: When Danny isn't drinking, he is a wonderful guy to spend time with. His good-humored personality and charming ways often attract people to him. His strong stature is maintained by Danny's constant need to work out, and his desire to please people is often overwhelming. But his drinking problem brings out the worst in him. He becomes an unstoppable, violent monster who shows mercy towards no one, and even though the times he is sober outnumber those where he is drunk, the things he does during that time often overshadow his daily life.

Traits: + comical, charming, loving - moody, secretive, violent (when drunk)

Background: Danny has always been one of the cool kids in school. He could always be seen joking around with friends or teammates. Home life wasn't bad either, aside from the fact that his parents were rarely home. On the outside, it seemed as if he didn't mind his parents disappearing for months on end, as if they had forgotten they had ever had a child. Besides, why should he care? He was filthy rig and had everything anyone could only ever dream of. Danny threw wild parties in his parents' home and developed a severe drinking problem. His friends were worried but he convinced them that he was only drinking to "have a good time" rather than to hide the pain he was feeling.
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Sophie Rivers


Age: 22

Personality: Sophie has always been a very emotional person but little things don't seem to get to her too much, most of her emotions seem to stem from more empathetic reasons. When Sophie hits her lows, her behaviors become more compulsive and there is little she can do to prevent herself from carrying them out. And, although her intuition is usually reliable, it sometimes lacks as her emotions override her thoughts. On a good note, Sophie's emotional side seems to bring out a better version of herself as well, that being her compassionate ways. Sophie knows the devastation people face due to lying, she isn't very good at it anyways, so she tries to be honest at all times, sarcasm typically being the closest thing she uses that is even somewhat equivalent to a lie.

Traits: + compassionate, honest, intuitive; - compulsive, emotional, sarcastic

Background: Sophie was raised by her aunt and uncle after being abandoned by her father. Sophie never knew her mother and she barely knew her father and it doesn't bother her too much that that's the way it is. The one thing Sophie wishes she knew is what happened to her parents that neither of them were around at all, really. Over the course of time, Sophie adapted to living life as the weird adopted kid who didn't truly have parents and she learned to live with it. Never big into partying, Sophie has only even been to a couple, the majority of them being with her high school friends who were way more into the idea of getting wasted for fun. However, Sophie refuses to drink or go anywhere near drugs and cigarettes simply because she was told that's what pulled her father away from her, though, little does she know, that's not necessarily true.

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