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hokusei academy / hokusei gardening club
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hokusei gardening club
[div class="charadata freesiainfo tabcontenthide"]
yoshida kazuo
[div class="charadata daffodilinfo tabcontenthide"]
aoki kasumi
[div class="charadata gardeniainfo tabcontenthide"]
akiyama mari
[div class="charadata ericainfo tabcontenthide"]
maezono ren
[div class="charadata irisinfo tabcontenthide"]
takanashi touma
[div class="charadata hydrangeainfo tabcontenthide"]
wright kaida
[div class="charadata primroseinfo tabcontenthide"]
okada yoshi
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="metadata metatwo"]
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[div class="data datatwo"]
[div class="charadata freesiainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata daffodilinfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata gardeniainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata ericainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata irisinfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata hydrangeainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata primroseinfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="infoblock"]
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[div class="charadata freesiainfo tabcontenthide"]
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[div class="charadata gardeniainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata ericainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata irisinfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata hydrangeainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata primroseinfo tabcontenthide"]
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[div class="charadata gardeniainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata ericainfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata irisinfo tabcontenthide"]
[div class="charadata hydrangeainfo tabcontenthide"]
the regal rper
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[div class="englishtxt gardeniatxt"]
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Hokusei Gakuen is a multi-level academy located in Toyako, Hokkaido. It's nothing noteworthy. Neither in the top nor bottom in the rankings, no super strict principals or even grossly terrible teachers. Its high school department is also pretty average with the usual clubs... at least on the surface.
Clubs are required for all three of a student's high school years. Most join the easier ones like art, science or even home economics. But if you ask the school's seniors, they'll tell you to avoid the gardening club at all costs. Rumors surround the club that range from blackmailing teachers, to the greenhouse being haunted by a frustrated former student. No one knows if there's even any truth to these stories, but based on the members, it may be better to err to the side of caution.
This roleplay follows the adventures of the Hokusei Gardening Club. Unlike their name, the members rarely actually do anything related to flora and fauna. They mostly use the school greenhouse and attached shed to hang out.
Most of the characters will have an attached stigma. It can be some nasty rumor or a personality quirk that prevents them from making friends with others. As a result, they mostly hang out with each other. After all, misery loves company.
So yo this is mono with a super lite and casual rp. I want this to be a fairly small roleplay, so I'll be sticking to 7 character slots. While there's a lot of leeway on how you can interpret the characters, certain attributes are non-negotiable. Seeing as this is such a small roleplay, I won't be accepting reservations. You'll be applying/competing for the role. Check the following post to see how you can score yourself a spot. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent freesiatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] As the current president of the Hokusei Gardening, they're responsible for the well-being and continued prosperity of the club. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if they're quite ready to embrace the responsibility of it just yet. Their questionable decisions have lead the club further down the rabbit hole of bad reputation. What exactly lead to Freesia being head of the club?
[div class="meaning"] childishness / immaturity [/div]
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil and Freesia have both been Hokusei students since their elementary days.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Freesia was the one to invite Gardenia and Iris into the club.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Conned Erica into applying for the club.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Freesia was the one to invite Gardenia and Iris into the club.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Freesia is currently eyeing them as the club's new meat.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Classmates with them. Both Primrose and Freesia are third years. They entered the club at around the same time. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent daffodiltab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Daffodil is quick to put down other people. Whatever self-confidence someone might have is quickly crushed beneath their shoe. Rumor says they made a senior cry within their first week of high school. Considering they barely made a ripple back in Hokusei's junior high school, everyone's left wondering what caused the change.
[div class="meaning"] respect / self-esteem [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Daffodil and Freesia have both been Hokusei students since their elementary days.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Daffodil and Hydrangea have an extremely tense relationship.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Primrose is one of the few people Daffodil doesn't mess with, for good reason. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent gardeniatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Amongst its members, Gardenia is probably the most acceptable to normal society. Unfortunately, they're stuck like glue to Iris. Despite the coaxing and pressure from other people, they refuse to leave their side. They owe Iris, and it's not something they can easily share with others.
[div class="meaning"] secret love / purity [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Freesia offered them the gardening club when people began avoiding Iris and Gardenia.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Iris and Gardenia are extremely close. They both used to belonged to the same club Iris punched the advisor of.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Hydrangea and Gardenia haven't spoken much, though they are aware Freesia's thinking of dragging them into the club.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Gardenia occasionally helps out Primrose with their studies, but does find it strange they're so obssessed with passing. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent ericatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Frankly, all Erica wanted was to be treated normally. After a major incident in their old school, they left the prefecture to find some peace. They found it in Hokusei for a while, but somehow, the stories followed them. So they joined the only club that would take them, unwittingly signing a death wish to normalcy.
[div class="meaning"] solitude [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Erica has only recently realized they were basically conned into joining the club by Freesia.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Bumped into Erica once in the hallways, after which the upperclassman began to circle around Hydrangea whenever they cross paths.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Surprisingly okay with Primrose, as they don't go out of their way to speak with them. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent iristab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Iris was once the star of the school, but they lost that status the moment they punched their former club's advisor. After that people eyed them warily, and they were forced to join the gardening club to fulfill the school's requirements. Though angry about the treatment, they keep quiet for Gardenia's sake.
[div class="meaning"] noble heart [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Freesia offered them the gardening club when people began avoiding Iris and Gardenia.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Iris and Gardenia are extremely close. They both used to belonged to the same club Iris punched the advisor of.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Iris has heard of them via rumors, and knows Freesia is thinking of netting them in.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Iris chills out with Gardenia and Primrose whenever they have their tutoring sessions. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent hydrangeatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Considering their ego, one wouldn't expect Hydrangea to be a completely new face to Hokusei. Yeah, they've got a pretty face, but with that personality, it's an instant turn-off. Someone dubbed it the second coming of Daffodil. Others called it "More Aesthetically-Pleasing Daffodil". Either way, it's caused bit of a power struggle between the two and things get tense whenever the two are in the room.
[div class="meaning"] pride [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Freesia occasionally speaks to Hydrangea when they see each other.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil and Hydrangea have an extremely tense relationship.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Hasn't spoken to the Gardenia/Iris pair, but has heard of their history.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Bumped into Erica once in the hallways, after which the upperclassman began to circle around Hydrangea whenever they cross paths.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Hasn't spoken to the Gardenia/Iris pair, but has heard of their history.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] A scary upperclassman if rumors are anything to go by. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent primrosetab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] There's rumors that Primrose has threatened a few students and more than a couple of teachers to get the grades he wants. With their less than amicable nature and a face that seems to be perpetually scowling, there seems to be a grain of truth there. What a lot of people fail to ask is why would a delinquent be so desperate to pass their classes?
[div class="meaning"] desperate [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Classmates with them. Both Primrose and Freesia are third years. They entered the club at around the same time.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Primrose once accidentally spooked Daffodil. They've been avoiding Primrose since, and they don't know why.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Gardenia occasionally helps out Primrose with their studies. Appreciates the fact they don't ask too many questions.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] The garden shed tends to be peaceful when it's only Primrose and Erica sharing the space.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Iris is often around when Gardenia and Primrose have their tutoring sessions.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Doesn't think much of Hydrangea beyond what Freesia's told them. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imgcontainer portraitimg"] [div class="imgfilter smallimg storysmall" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/BREB1Rg.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg freesiasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/bDC69uq.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg daffodilsmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/Pc92ZC2.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg gardeniasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/I6TRHOp.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg ericasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/sr5kEeN.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg irissmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/7ZxSoeU.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg hydrangeasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/Z3Fcb78.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg primrosesmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/W5qSgkQ.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/export]
Clubs are required for all three of a student's high school years. Most join the easier ones like art, science or even home economics. But if you ask the school's seniors, they'll tell you to avoid the gardening club at all costs. Rumors surround the club that range from blackmailing teachers, to the greenhouse being haunted by a frustrated former student. No one knows if there's even any truth to these stories, but based on the members, it may be better to err to the side of caution.
This roleplay follows the adventures of the Hokusei Gardening Club. Unlike their name, the members rarely actually do anything related to flora and fauna. They mostly use the school greenhouse and attached shed to hang out.
Most of the characters will have an attached stigma. It can be some nasty rumor or a personality quirk that prevents them from making friends with others. As a result, they mostly hang out with each other. After all, misery loves company.
So yo this is mono with a super lite and casual rp. I want this to be a fairly small roleplay, so I'll be sticking to 7 character slots. While there's a lot of leeway on how you can interpret the characters, certain attributes are non-negotiable. Seeing as this is such a small roleplay, I won't be accepting reservations. You'll be applying/competing for the role. Check the following post to see how you can score yourself a spot. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent freesiatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] As the current president of the Hokusei Gardening, they're responsible for the well-being and continued prosperity of the club. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if they're quite ready to embrace the responsibility of it just yet. Their questionable decisions have lead the club further down the rabbit hole of bad reputation. What exactly lead to Freesia being head of the club?
[div class="meaning"] childishness / immaturity [/div]
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil and Freesia have both been Hokusei students since their elementary days.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Freesia was the one to invite Gardenia and Iris into the club.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Conned Erica into applying for the club.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Freesia was the one to invite Gardenia and Iris into the club.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Freesia is currently eyeing them as the club's new meat.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Classmates with them. Both Primrose and Freesia are third years. They entered the club at around the same time. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent daffodiltab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Daffodil is quick to put down other people. Whatever self-confidence someone might have is quickly crushed beneath their shoe. Rumor says they made a senior cry within their first week of high school. Considering they barely made a ripple back in Hokusei's junior high school, everyone's left wondering what caused the change.
[div class="meaning"] respect / self-esteem [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Daffodil and Freesia have both been Hokusei students since their elementary days.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Daffodil and Hydrangea have an extremely tense relationship.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Primrose is one of the few people Daffodil doesn't mess with, for good reason. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent gardeniatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Amongst its members, Gardenia is probably the most acceptable to normal society. Unfortunately, they're stuck like glue to Iris. Despite the coaxing and pressure from other people, they refuse to leave their side. They owe Iris, and it's not something they can easily share with others.
[div class="meaning"] secret love / purity [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Freesia offered them the gardening club when people began avoiding Iris and Gardenia.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Iris and Gardenia are extremely close. They both used to belonged to the same club Iris punched the advisor of.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Hydrangea and Gardenia haven't spoken much, though they are aware Freesia's thinking of dragging them into the club.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Gardenia occasionally helps out Primrose with their studies, but does find it strange they're so obssessed with passing. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent ericatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Frankly, all Erica wanted was to be treated normally. After a major incident in their old school, they left the prefecture to find some peace. They found it in Hokusei for a while, but somehow, the stories followed them. So they joined the only club that would take them, unwittingly signing a death wish to normalcy.
[div class="meaning"] solitude [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Erica has only recently realized they were basically conned into joining the club by Freesia.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Bumped into Erica once in the hallways, after which the upperclassman began to circle around Hydrangea whenever they cross paths.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Surprisingly okay with Primrose, as they don't go out of their way to speak with them. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent iristab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Iris was once the star of the school, but they lost that status the moment they punched their former club's advisor. After that people eyed them warily, and they were forced to join the gardening club to fulfill the school's requirements. Though angry about the treatment, they keep quiet for Gardenia's sake.
[div class="meaning"] noble heart [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Freesia offered them the gardening club when people began avoiding Iris and Gardenia.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Iris and Gardenia are extremely close. They both used to belonged to the same club Iris punched the advisor of.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Daffodil, Erica, Gardenia and Iris are all second years and classmates.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Iris has heard of them via rumors, and knows Freesia is thinking of netting them in.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] Iris chills out with Gardenia and Primrose whenever they have their tutoring sessions. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent hydrangeatab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] Considering their ego, one wouldn't expect Hydrangea to be a completely new face to Hokusei. Yeah, they've got a pretty face, but with that personality, it's an instant turn-off. Someone dubbed it the second coming of Daffodil. Others called it "More Aesthetically-Pleasing Daffodil". Either way, it's caused bit of a power struggle between the two and things get tense whenever the two are in the room.
[div class="meaning"] pride [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Freesia occasionally speaks to Hydrangea when they see each other.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Daffodil and Hydrangea have an extremely tense relationship.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Hasn't spoken to the Gardenia/Iris pair, but has heard of their history.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] Bumped into Erica once in the hallways, after which the upperclassman began to circle around Hydrangea whenever they cross paths.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Hasn't spoken to the Gardenia/Iris pair, but has heard of their history.
[div class="relations"]primrose[/div] A scary upperclassman if rumors are anything to go by. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontent primrosetab tabcontenthide"] [div class="scrollbox"] There's rumors that Primrose has threatened a few students and more than a couple of teachers to get the grades he wants. With their less than amicable nature and a face that seems to be perpetually scowling, there seems to be a grain of truth there. What a lot of people fail to ask is why would a delinquent be so desperate to pass their classes?
[div class="meaning"] desperate [/div]
[div class="relations"]freesia[/div] Classmates with them. Both Primrose and Freesia are third years. They entered the club at around the same time.
[div class="relations"]daffodil[/div] Primrose once accidentally spooked Daffodil. They've been avoiding Primrose since, and they don't know why.
[div class="relations"]gardenia[/div] Gardenia occasionally helps out Primrose with their studies. Appreciates the fact they don't ask too many questions.
[div class="relations"]erica[/div] The garden shed tends to be peaceful when it's only Primrose and Erica sharing the space.
[div class="relations"]iris[/div] Iris is often around when Gardenia and Primrose have their tutoring sessions.
[div class="relations"]hydrangea[/div] Doesn't think much of Hydrangea beyond what Freesia's told them. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imgcontainer portraitimg"] [div class="imgfilter smallimg storysmall" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/BREB1Rg.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg freesiasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/bDC69uq.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg daffodilsmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/Pc92ZC2.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg gardeniasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/I6TRHOp.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg ericasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/sr5kEeN.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg irissmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/7ZxSoeU.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg hydrangeasmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/Z3Fcb78.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="imgfilter smallimg primrosesmall tabcontenthide" style="background: url(https://i.imgur.com/W5qSgkQ.jpg) center center/cover;"] fluticasone [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/export]
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