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Fandom Hogwarts Years 1-7 Group RP | OOC

Also I’m gonna be quite busy tomorrow so I wanted to let everyone know.

Hoping we can get our last two posters to post so I can move this along.
I'm definitely sticking for the ride, too many plans to not do haha
This is the first RP I've participated in in a very long time and I forgot the giddy feeling you can get from the planning and headcanons - Gosh I hope everyone is able to stay long enough to see it through til the end
same or well the everyone staying to the end part lol

so whats everyone up to?
same or well the everyone staying to the end part lol

so whats everyone up to?
At the moment, on my PC procrastinating homework until tomorrow and being very bored
yeah i usually just play games or ill go watch something XD since I don't start college classes again until late October haha
Lucky! I started back in August, it's been a pain
Ah I've already started classes lol, but so far they aren't too bad.

Hockey season starts up soon too so I've got that going for me as well.
Ah I've already started classes lol, but so far they aren't too bad.

Hockey season starts up soon too so I've got that going for me as well.
Ooo that's exciting! I just primarily focus on work and school, I have very little life which is why I need to RP or do some hobby more
well I'm military and I do college on the side lol I only have so much the army covers a year and the reset for that assistance is October 1st lol
Oh wow, I could never do military because I'm super out of shape and lazy
Oooo I used to love watching NASCAR back in the day!
I only got into it because I was forced to go to a race. I don't follow professional Nascar but I like to follow this one guy who isn't as popular in my local area!
I only got into it because I was forced to go to a race. I don't follow professional Nascar but I like to follow this one guy who isn't as popular in my local area!
Ah fair.

You got a favorite driver (or former driver?)

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