Hogwarts, The Next Generation


The First Iron Warrior
Weather you are related to anyone from the Harry Potter cast, or a fresh face from the crowd, all are welcome here. Pure bloods, mud bloods, and half bloods.


Year at Hogwarts:

Age: {over 11 and under 17}


Favorite Class:

Look: {Realistic Preferred}




I want to sign up. this is info for the rp not personal.

Name: Rose Weasley

Year at Hogwarts: 1st year

Age: 11

House: Gryffindor

Favorite Class: DADA (Defence Against The Dark Arts)

Looks: Red mixed with Brown hair, with wavy curls and pretty tall wth in over bite.

Likes: Reading, Adventure, Studing, compitition hanging with friends and fun

Dislikes: prejuiced poeple, bullies, teasing, being board, evil and being to overly normal (Not like thats posibal)

History/Bio: Rose is the daughter of ron and Hermione weasley nee grangerand is a copy of her mom and da mixed togeather with her mother's brains and loves a good adventure and is usally the one getting everyone out od trouble. She has a history of being a small no-it-all but if you get to no her she is not so much of one.

Personality: kind, smart, funny, bookworm, empathetic and lovable and you can forget famous for her parents and also a decnt flier but mosley does compumentary. (If thats what you call it)
Name: Katrina Robb

Year at Hogwarts: Third Year

Age: {over 11 and under 17}: 15

House: Gryffindor

Favorite Class: Potions and Flying Lessons, shes great at Quidditch.

Look: {Realistic Preferred}


Likes: Partying, Guys, Fun, Quidditch, and Hogwarts.

Dislikes: Anybody who thinks there better then everybody else and Teachers who think there the world.

History/Bio: She lived at home with both of her brothers, so i guess you could say she is a tom boy. Her parents died defending them from the dark arts, after all that they have lived in a house together. Thats how she knows how to play Quidditch. She has started a year late because she actually slept through the day she got the letter, and her brothers being the idiots they were did not bother to look through the mail, they just burned it.

Personality: Nice, sometimes a B****, always there for her friends and never says no to a duel.
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Name: Rosi Smith

Year at Hogwarts: Fourth

Age: {over 11 and under 17} 15

House: Gryffindor

Favorite Class: Potions and DADA

Look: {Realistic Preferred}


Likes: Quidditch, Books, Writing,.

Dislikes: Voldermort.

History/Bio: lived in a small town, With 7 sisters and 2 brothers, her parents never cared for her cause they had 9 younger children to look after so she left at the age of 13 to live with her best friend Katrina Robb and went to Hogwarts just before she left.

Personality: A little B**** sometimes, but is always there for her friends no matter what, unless there stupid! Also she can be a little hungry all the time.
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Name: Alexi Zanos

Year at Hogwarts: 4th

Age: {over 11 and under 17} 15

House: Slytherin

Favorite Class: transfiguration

Look: {Realistic Preferred} Tall and athletic, she has dark brown hair (nearly black) with blood red streaks. She has an extreme case of Hererochromia, resulting in one eye being a bright reddish brown, the other being a goldish color. When not wearing her robes, she can be seen in an old army jacket.

Likes: Manga/Anime (not that she'd tell anyone), swords,planes, animals, food.

Dislikes: loud people, annoying people, stuck up people, bright lights (most likely due to her hetorochromia)

History/Bio: Alezi moved from America after receiving her letter. She comes from a family of Animagi (illegal, most of them). She and her two brothers couldn't stand being around their verbally abusive parents and moved to attend Hogwarts. She is in slytherin due to her ambition to surpass her older brother Gilbert in becoming a stronger Animagus.

Personality: Alezi usually keeps to herself, but is easily described as someone you wouldn't want to get on the bad side of. The few people she gets along with don't realize what she would sacrifice for them. She secretly likes when people trust her and tell her secrets.
Name: Imogen Lovegood

Year at Hogwarts: 1st year

Age: 15

House: Ravenclaw

Favorite Class: Divination






*Magical creatures




*Her mother


Imogen is the daughter of Luna Lovegood although she wishes she wasn't. Unlike her mother, Imogen isn't as sweet or crazy. Imogen has an endeavor to be a normal girl however the name Lovegood categorizes her as a Looney. Imogen had been shielded from magic all her life from Luna. Luna feared that because of all the hatred Imogen had towards her, her magic would be fueled towards evil, but when Imogen light up her room on fire after a fight she had with her mother, there was no way of hiding it anymore. Imogen was then sent to Hogwarts in hope that she would use her magic for good.


Imogen is feisty and quick to anger. She doesn't take rejection well and will stand her ground in a fight. Many believed she was destined to be in Slytherine for her hot-headed ways, but her blood made her stay in ravenclaw just like her mother. Imogen is cold and filled with regret. She will lash out at people she hates and push away people she likes. It's really hard for her to make friends, and although she claims she's okay without them, Imogen really wants a companion to spend time with.
Name: Stanley Marx

Year at Hogwarts: 5th

Age: 16

House: Ravenclaw

Favorite Class: Magical Animals


Likes: Animals, to a lesser extent people, History, Butter beer

Dislikes: Slytherins, Jocks, all those people who get the limelight for doing almost nothing and for simply being alive.

History/Bio: Lived a somewhat normal childhood for a child of wizards, Born and raised mostly in america and moved with his parents to England when he was loves history about both the wizarding world and the mugal world. when he first went to Hogwarts he was alone for most of his time, then with his other ravenclaws he became renowned for knowing more about the past and why things are the way they are.

Personality: Likes to be around people but not quite talking to them, likes to talk to people but they never want to listen to the whys behind the way the world is and so keeps to himself mostly.
Character Forum~

Name: Arabella Lemare

Year at Hogwarts: 3rd Year

Age: 14

House: Raven Claw

Favorite Class: Quidditch (outstanding player,) Care for Magical Creatures, and most of her other classes......



Likes: Flying, Duels, Close Combat, Studying, Books, Reading, Potatoes, Intelligent people, and Animals of all sorts.

Dislikes: Annoying people, Darkness, Tight spaces, cruelty towards anything, and Failing Grades.

History/Bio: Will RP out later, if possible.

Personality: Being shy and soft spoken are just simple ways to put Ara. Growing up in a big family, she was extremely soft spoken and painfully shy when guests were around. Modesty and personal space are two main things that can cause Ara to have a melt down over. Showing too much skin, Ara is afraid it is inappropriate, or "whoreish," when someone gets too close.. Let's just say, you don't want to get too close to someone who could lash out in taekwondo any minute.. Besides this, Ara is an extreme perfectionist, always going in for the tiny details that are often overlooked, like a crooked pin or books, because of this, Ara is acute observation skills.

Preferring to listen over talk, Ara can pay attention to you as you rant for the next few hours, making her a valuable friend or acquaintance. Once you know Ara, she is a bubbly, hyper, out going, dare devil girl, much different from your perspective as a stranger. Undyingly loyal, she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and can be as stubborn as a mule.

Speaking of which, if you ever become Ara's foe, enemy, or threaten a loved one, she can become a cold calculating enemy, her dark eyes taking on an intimidating sparkle. When fighting, Ara is called the Angel of Death because of deadly killing grace and control. When not fighting, Ara moves with the same grace gifted to that of a dancer.
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Name: Aiden Riddle

Year at Hogwarts: 4th

Age: 14

House: Slytherin

Favorite Class: Charms and Potions


Likes: Dragons, Books, Flying, Dark Magic

Dislikes: Girls, Dogs, Crowds

History/Bio: Aiden is the unknown grandson of Tom Riddle. Before he became Voldemort, Tom Riddle had a relationship with a woman named Arrianna. She fell pregnant and took the child far away to America when Tom changed. She gave her daughter, Marie, his last name and in turn Marie gave it to Aiden. Marie also taught Aiden about who her father was and told him all about the war. Aiden has transferred to Hogwarts this year against his mothers wished. He wants to see the places he came from. He is now the only decedent of the Gaunt line and Slytherin line. So far nobody has confronted him on who he is but he does steer clear of the Potter and Weasley girls

Personality: He is quiet and reclusive most of the time. He will walk away if anyone talks of Voldemort but will tell others that he's his grandson, and hates hearing about the war. He is charming and uses it to get his way if he needs to.

(It took forever to find a realistic picture for him >.<)
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ChiiandHidekiForever said:
Name: Rosi Smith
Year at Hogwarts: Fourth

Age: {over 11 and under 17} 15

House: Gryffindor

Favorite Class: Potions and DADA

Look: {Realistic Preferred}


Likes: Quidditch, Books, Writing,.

Dislikes: Voldermort.

History/Bio: lived in a small town, With 7 sisters and 2 brothers, her parents never cared for her cause they had 9 younger children to look after so she left at the age of 13 to live with her best friend Katrina Robb and went to Hogwarts just before she left.

Personality: A little B**** sometimes, but is always there for her friends no matter what, unless there stupid! Also she can be a little hungry all the time.
Ok guys here is the deal there is a twist.

1. you can have a max of two characters

and the BIG one

2. This will be the first Annual World Wide Wizard Tournament. You will now be allowed to play a character from

Durmstrang Institute (Scandinavia, the Balkans, Germany, and East Europe)

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, and Western Europe)

Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia)

Brazilian wizarding school (All of South America)

Salem Witches' Institute (US and Canada)
Name: Molly McMurray

Year at Hogwarts: 4th

Age: 15

House: Hufflepuff

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts/Care of Magical Creatures



Likes: Magical Creatures, Reading, Dueling and sweets

Dislikes: Unpleasant people,(jerks, snobs, show offs etc.) spicy food.

History/Bio: Lived or more or less normal childhood, though she was told her father, Calvin McMurray was a wizard at a young age. She lived peacefully with her magical father and her muggle mother. Her father and mother couldn't have been happier to find out that she too possessed magical ability when she came of age to join Hogwarts. She was excited herself because her father had told her of his time attending there and was eager to start her classes. Upon getting to Hogwarts and having the sorting hat placed on top of her head, a strange thing happened. It was unsure of where to put her. He mulled it over again and again, until finally placing Molly in Hufflepuff, the same house her father had been in. Though the other students found it anticlimactic, Molly wasn't in the least bit disappointed. She was proud to follow in her father's footsteps, even if she did more closely resemble her mother in and looks and behavior.

Personality: She is kind hearted, sweet and caring and around good and loyal much like her father, but unlike her father, and far more like her mother she is stubborn, tough, witty and over all a fighter. She will not stand idly by as someone gets picked on or some form injustice goes on. This outgoing heroism is one of her least hufflepuff like traits and why some find it uprising she was placed in the house to begin with.

Name: Willow Poe

Year at Salem Witch's Institute: 6th

Age: 17

Favorite Class: Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts



Likes: Cats, Reading, Writing, Duels, Potion making

Dislikes: People

History/Bio: Born to magical parents there was no doubt Willow would show magical talent. Upon turning 11, that very thing happened and her parents shipped her off to Salem Witch's Institute. She was a quick learner, and she excelled in potions class, and showed great skill in dueling. So much skill she became of one Salem's top duelists by her 3rd year. Allowing her to come to Hogwarts for the chance to compete in the Wizard tournament.

Personality: She is cool, calm, collected and comes off as cold. She doesn't speak much to anyone and spends most of her time alone. Having an interest in darker things, along with her appearance, love of the color black and even owning a black cat by the name of Binx she certainly fits the Americanized stereotype of a witch. She is her parents pride and joy, but she herself couldn't care less about what they think of her.


Avenue Peacelights

Year at Hogwarts






Favorite Class

Transfiguration - Care of Magical Creatures



(Wow sorry about the size)


Intelligence - Creatures - Deceit - Purity - Duality


Copycats - Bravado - Narcissism - Bigotry


Having been born from two magical parents with muggle history, Avenue had been exposed to magic but, through the wishes of his parents, hid away from it as well. As he grew older and began to understand the world around him, he became very aware of his magical past and quickly urged his parents to let him develop his ability. Unfortunately for him, he was continually denied this. This never shortened his persistence however.

In his childhood, Avenue always caused troubles within classes. This was however not caused by his inherent magical ability. The young boys mind was much more open than the children of both muggle parents. He had much more insightful responses in class and though he was clearly an advanced student, the faculty disliked him. He had treated them like equals in intelligence. This caused an inability for a permanent schooling area. Perhaps it was simply his attitude or perhaps it was his plan to drive his parents to the decision of sending him to the only school he wished to attend; Hogwarts. By his eleventh year of life, his parents had apprehensively helped with preparation for him to attend the school of his dreams.


Avenue is one perspective that is open to reality. He is never disillusioned for the very fact of the knowledge of existence. Avenue is very intelligent and often prides himself in it, though never tries to acknowledge his intelligent ability to others. Although he often finds himself hating the world around him, he tries not to speak down to anyone he meets. He maintains a look of innocence for his teachers and his love of deceit and trickery. He is the type of person to put on a show for himself, as when he pranks it is something small to which only he would notice and understand. Upon interaction, he always chooses to be first cynical before the second interaction that he chooses carefully. Avenue is not evil, he just likes the idea.

Name: Alejandro Jose Rentria (Alex for short)

Year at Hogwarts: 7th

Age: 17

House: Brazilian Wizarding school

Favorite Class: Care of Magical Creatures


Likes: Most magical creatures, Quidditch, flying

Dislikes: England's pet restrictions, unnecessary duels, rude and obnoxious people

History/Bio: Was born in a little hamlet in Argentina where his parents were farmers, grew up helping on the farm and with other brothers and sisters, eventually when he turned eleven a man came to the hamlet. He said he was from a school that wanted to teach Alex, the what is what surprised him... magic. He had thought it only in fairy tales and stories, then the man started going on about how they show certain natural gifts.. Alex could easily befriend almost any animal he came across, to the dismay of his parents after he started bringing them home with him. His parents agreed to send him to the school and after a week of getting ready and saying good byes he was off for a new chapter in his life. While at school he became even more involved with animal care and all animals loved him, gaining respect and favor from other students due to his healing abilities he became a go to guy for injured animals. eventually time came around for the first WWW and he was chosen to go to England to display some of the best from Brazil.

Personality: Easy going and caring towards most others unless he gets a really really bad vibe from them.
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Name: Tobias Macalpine

Year at Hogwarts: 5

Age: 16

House: Griffindor

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Look: {Realistic Preferred}


Likes: Quidditch, loves to learn new spells and incantations and master them

Dislikes: Bragging, the four curse spells and potions.

History/Bio: He had one human parent and one magical parent, and they both decided that they wouldn't tell him about his powers, hoping that he didn't have any or that he would never find out at least. Eventually when he was 12 , he started making strange things happened. After that, his father (magical parent) contacted Hogwarts and secured him a place.

Personality: Really nice guy, generous, kind, warm and funny. He is not quick to get angry, but when he does he gets really angry and it can sometimes backfire on him.
Name: Lorelei Faye Alvery (She prefers to be called Faye)

Year at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic: 6th

Age: 16

Favorite Class: Defense against the Dark Arts










Likes: Quietness, Books, Gay Guys

Dislikes: Guys(She's not into girls, though), Athletics, Crowds

History/Bio: Unlike her cousin Fluer Delacour, Faye is basically full Veela(There's a little bit of human blood on her dad's side). Faye had a great childhood, a great group of friends, good parents and a wonderful first two years at Beauxbatons. It started to go down hill when she turned 13 and her Veela inheritance came into play. Then she couldn't even step outside of her house without being bombarded by boys trying to date her! Her refuge since then has been the Academy, since its an all girls school. She only had a few friends after this and they are severely protective of her. She really thinks that this year is going to be the worst yet since there will be so many guys from different schools at Hogwarts for the tournament. She's just hoping nothing goes completely wrong.....

Personality: Faye is very quiet and tries(even though is pointless) to make herself invisible. She has a fierce temper once angered and has the Veela ablility to throw fire when angered or endangered. She is sweet though if you can get past her 'guards' and protective charms to get to know her.
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We need some more characters from some of the other schools. Preferably at least one from Drumstrang, and one from Mahoutokoro before we can start.
Name: Karo Bennett

Year at Hogwarts: 5th

Age: {over 11 and under 17}: 16

House: Slytherin

Favorite Class: Potions

Look: {Realistic Preferred}: Straight medium brown hair with a few streaks of natural blonde highlights. Dark brown eyes. "sweet smile"


Likes: Quiet time. People who have manners. Being mean to those she doens't like

Dislikes: Mudbloods that roam the school as if they own that (or even belong in this world). Muggles. New Money. People who don't take their studies seriously enough. Griffindors.

History/Bio: Born in to a rich pureblood family she was raised as a princess. Correct manners, postures, things like that had all been drilled into her. So when an affluent pureblood girl arrived at Hogwarts she was bound to be disappointed by the uneducated people that most of the student body was made up of. Ridiculous. She stubbornly refused to socialize with people she considered beneath her, which was most of the people, if not all, outside of Slytherins. Her mother was of German ancestry, and her maternal family almost entirely controlled the Nazi Movement, which was just a stupid excuse to eliminate Mudbloods. She shared the Nazi's contempt for Mudbloods, and could barely tolerate Half-Bloods.

Personality: Stuck-up to people beneath her. Friendlier to those she chose to hangout with. Picky. Very stubborn and rather hard to get along with, unless you know her for a couple years. Over all, a spoiled princess that knows her proper manners to use when she needed them. Which was like, never in Hogwarts.
Name: Emmett Vernacht

Year at Durmstrang: 7th Year

Age: 17

House: Atticus House

Favorite Class: DADA



Likes: Quidditch, Flirting, London, Dueling

Dislikes: Potions, Bullies, Authority, Awkwardness

History/Bio: Emmett was born and raised in Berlin, Germany, to a well-known and respected pureblood family. He is an Animagus (Wolf), and has natural talent for magic, conjuring an effective Patronus at the age of ten. He has always had quite a lot to live up to, and has no problem pursuing the greatness his family expects him to have. He aims to win the WWW, as his older brother won the Triwizard tournament. He was enrolled at Durmstrang at the age of 11, and sorted into the Atticus house. Atticus students usually have the qualities of a Slytherin, with a dash of Gryffindor thrown in for good measure. He cruised through his school years easily until his sixth year. The O.W.L.s he had taken the year before were nearly perfect, he had tons of friends and admirers, and a great girlfriend who loved him. He was headed for the top, until the winter of his sixth year. He was visiting in London with his cousin for Christmas, and they decided to visit Hogsmeade with a couple students from Hogwarts. They challenged each other to a drinking contest, and had way too much butterbeer. Emmett's cousin took off with the two girls from Hogwarts, leaving Emmett with another guy. He concluded that they should probably go back to Hogsmeade inn, and use floo powder to get back home. The other boy agreed, and they headed back to the hotel room. He hat turned to a shelf where the floo powder was being kept, and the next thing he knew, he was being pushed into the wall with fingers tugging at the waistline of his jeans, the sound of a belt being unbuckled...

He never once told anyone about that night, nor has he seen that boy since.

Personality: He is extremely ambitious, in the top three of his class within every subject, and is a beater for his school Quidditch team. Despite his heritage, he doesn't dislike wizards of less purebred families, and is rather sociable. He likes to keep an open mind to all things and people. He loves dueling, and often deals with the few that bother him in this way. He has never lost a duel in his life, but doesn't like to brag about it unless it's to shut someone up.

In truth, Emmett isn't very trusting, as most people he knows just suck up to him because of his last name. Additionally, he is utterly and completely in the closet over his sexuality, and hasn't dated for years. Instead, he flirts with members of the opposite sex as much as possible to divert attention from the truth.
Name: Dominique Weasley

Year at Hogwarts: 3

Age: 13

House: Ravenclaw

Favorite Class: Potions

Look: (Basically 2009 Hayley Williams)


Likes: Reading, Adventure, Exploring, Maps, Food, Company of other people.. most of the time

Dislikes: Rude and annoying people, Daytime (I'm practically nocturnal), Heights

History/Bio: Middle child of Bill Weasley and Fleur DeLacour. She is adventurous and a risk taker, but also is sensitive and shy, and loves books. She has a secret journal where she writes poetry, and collects maps. Dominique feels misunderstood and pressured by her mother, because all her mom wants is that all 3 of her children take part of the TriWizard Tournament, but Dominique isn't athletic and doesn't have much interest in attention. She never trusted many people, and is hidden away from the spotlight of her older much more "perfect" sister Victoire Weasley.

Personality: She is very shy and awkward, but if you take the time to know and understand her she is incredibly clever and witty. She is usually known as the "plan-maker" in the group.

(I'm sort of new to this site, but I'm pretty sure I'll get used to it soon :smile 2:)
^^^^ approved. I'm in the middle of a trip and it won't let me do the occ thing over the phone. So feel free to join in

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Name: Lauren Potter

Year at Hogwarts: 3rd

Age: 13

House: Hufflepuff

Favorite Class: Care Of Magical Creatures


Likes: Quietness, Animals, Watching Quidditch, Family, Friends, Sleeping

Dislikes: Attention, Cruel People, Crowds, Small Spaces

Personality: Humble, Down to Earth. Lauren wants everyone to be safe and sweet, but knows that not everyone is sweet OR safe. Lauren has a sense of humor, though she is a shy girl. She's smart, but, not Ravenclaw smart. Lauren will stand up for anyone being annoyed by someone else. She loves to take care of people and is a proud Hufflepuff. She's a strong Hufflepuff, and will come to anyone's aid. She is loving and truly adoring.

History/Bio: Lauren has always been a bit annoyed of having a famous father, but still loved him dearly. Being the daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley was quite a big thing. Everyone always wanted her attention and always gave her the attention. She, however, hated the attention. She usually wants just some peaceful and quiet time. Her mother disapproved of the attention, but did nothing about it, because of course, there wasn't any way possible to stop it. Her mother is a strong woman, and Lauren really looked up to her. Her mother always told Lauren that not all Hufflepuffs are weak, because when she was Lauren's age, there was Cedric, the strongest of them all. Lauren lives by that saying. From her mother, Lauren inherited her hair color, facial features, and personality. Her father, Harry Potter, the chosen one, was the center of attention, but could bring some trouble in. The scar on his forehead made everything an uproar when he was a child, and still brought a lot of talk now. Lauren inherited his eyes and dislike of spotlight.

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