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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Unlucky Member
Character Creation Rules and Template

Please create a character who is not related to characters if you know from the films they haven't any relatives. For example, you could be the son of Dean Thomas but you couldn't be the son of Fred Weasley as he didn't have children.

Special Abilities include: animagi, Legilimens, Metamophmagi, Occlumens, Parselmouth, Seers, Veelas and Werewolves

Please only select one Special Ability if any and write a sample of how you will use it in the RP. Not all abilities will be excepted, only the best ones.



Full Name:

Known As:



Special Ability:



Physical Description:






Writing Sample:
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Full Name: Rosemary Destiny Blake/Riddle

Known As: Rose

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Animagi, Parselmouth

Occupation: Model in the wizard and muggle world

House: Slytherin

Physical Description:

Rose has long black hair put in a braid most of the time, her forest green eyes mostly void of emotions, unless she's playing pranks or planning them then there's a twinkle in her eyes, since she hates the uniform she wears a silver hoodie and black shorts, but she does wear the robes, she normally wears sneakers. She's of average height and weight. When she doesn't have school she's wearing a black hoodie with a green skull on it and black jeans, matched with black combat boots.


Rosemary is a prankster and troublemaker, though she mostly does that to get attention, she's also a rule breaker, once again to get attention. She is mostly quiet in class and always has the best score on her tests and doesn't get angry that easily, unless you get to the wrong subject.


Rosemary hasn't had the best life, being family of the dark lord, who doesn't even know he has a daughter, she grew up at an orphanage, but she ran away when she was 7. She was taken in by a muggle family who had found and took pity on her and they adopted her, they were surprised to find out she's a witch, but still love her as their daughter non the less.




Losing the people she cares about

Her father finding out about her

Writing Sample:

(just gonna post it already, will edit it later)
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