Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Hosted Project Planning]

CJ Mason

Are you sure about this?

Current Gamemasters:

@Carter Jake Mason,

@Edward Valentine, @Vengeance Spirit @October


  • Characters:

    Pending: Any character that has not been approved by a gamemaster
  • Professor: Any Professor that has been approved by a gamemaster
  • Student: Any Student that has been approved by a gamemaster
  • Removed: Any character removed from the Roleplay by a Gamemaster


  • Classroom: Design what a teacher's classroom feel is like
  • Places: Any other places like i.e Diagon Alley, Godric's Hollow, Dark Forest
  • School: Any Wizarding Schools such as Hogwarts, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

[*]In Content Roleplaying:

  • OOC: This is where players can just chitchat back and forth, there is no real roleplaying here
  • Classroom: If you're in a class this is the prefix you use
  • GreatHall/Library: Any roleplaying that takes place here
  • Gryffindor Common Room: Roleplaying that takes place here
  • Ravenclaw Common Room: Roleplaying that takes place here
  • Hufflepuff Common Room: Roleplaying that takes place here
  • Slytherin Common Room: Roleplaying that takes place here
  • Diagon Alley: Any Roleplaying that takes place here
  • Other: Any roleplay that takes place in other areas
Last edited by a moderator:

Character Name Here


Character Statistics

Name: *

Name Meaning -

Alias: -

Gender: * Male or Female |Age: *

Sexual Orientation: *

Zodiac Sign: * |Bloodtype: * (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggleborn)

Place of Birth: *

House: * TBA for now.

School Year: 1

Gemstone: -

Mental Characteristics

Allies: *

Enemies: *

Current Goals/Purpose: *

Asperations: *

Hobbies: *

Likes: *

Dislikes: *

Talents: *

Inabilities: *

Fears: *

General Personality: *

Inner Personality: *

Physical Characteristics

Height: *

Weight: *

Hair: *

Eyes" *

Distinguishing Marks: -

General Appearance: *

Physical Strengths: *

Physical Weaknesses: *



Wood: *

Core: *

Length: *

Center Image Here


Name: *

Age: *

Animal Type: (Owl/Cat/Toad)

Center Image Here


Remember all first year student cannot have brooms!



Fondest Memory: *

Secret: *

General History: * (Must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs long, maximum of 5 paragraphs long)

Present Life: *

@Vengeance Spirit

That's the one thing I have yet to figure out.... would you like to help in the matter?

Hello and welcome to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry rules thread! Glad to see you take an interest in what the rules are for the roleplay! Let's begin with how the warning will be laid out! You will receive up to 3 Warnings per thread in the Hosted Project, once you have reached 3 Warnings in a thread, you are no longer allowed to post in it! But you are allowed to post in other threads!

This is what a warning will look like! It's will be post macros, so that GM's don't have to write it out every time! But it will be customized for each thread and roleplayer! Here it is:

The following user: @Username, has received a warning in this thread: (Link to the Thread), the rules the Gamemaster's setup for this roleplay are not that difficult to follow, please do not break them again, this may result in another warning!

Thanks, the Gamemasters!

Also, all the warnings are kept on record under the Warnings Thread! You can only receive a total of 15 warning before being removed from the roleplay by a Gamemaster.

Alright seeing that all this is out of the way here are the rules:

  • Rules:

    • Be Respectful: You know the saying "Treat others, as you would like to be treated?" In this roleplay, everyone gets the same amount of respect. Do not be rude in the OOC! If you're in an "In Character Thread" feel free, Gamemaster's will tell you if you're pushing it too far.
    • No Godmodding: You're not indestructible, you can get hurt just as much as the next person.
    • No Metagaming: You cannot control other user's characters! This is completely up to how they want to play it, also saying something happened to a certain character before they said it happened is also Meta-gaming!
    • Relationships: Even though RpN is not a PG-13 website, let's try keeping relationships PG-13, you have to fade to black or ask a Gamemaster for a TIMESKIP
    • Cussing/Swearing: Cussing in all aspects is a normal occurrence in our everyday lives. Cussing/Swearing is allowed in the roleplay but keep it to few cuss/swear words per post. Gamemasters will not tolerate posts like this. We blocked it out, just in case it hurts people, just hover your mouse above it: "Fuck you! You stupid fucking bitch!". That type of cussing is not allowed!
    • No Reservations: Seeing that this roleplay is accepting new roleplayers forever, there is no need to ask to reserve a spot! But if the roleplay get's over populated, we may limit spots!
    • All RpN Rules Apply: You can click here for details


I'm glad to see more Hosted Projects popping up now. This one in particular looks well-thought out, and the slick aesthetic makes me enjoy reading through the walls of technical text. 5 Stars :5/5:

I just wanted to let you know that, if you have any questions about managing large scale Hosted Projects or wanted some advice, feel free to ask me.

If you'd like to know who I am first, I'm the leading GM for the Hosted Project Fairy Tail: A New Beginning, which has been running since July last year. You can check it out here: https://www.rpnation.com/forums/fairy-tail-a-new-beginning.1021/
Hiya @Lexielai, I thought that you looks familiar from a Hosted Project! Thanks for the complements, I have been working hard on this info, but there is so much more to add to this. Once I get all of the general stuff done like an overview, and I want to make some setting areas.
First Year Classes

Hey, so you finally came to see what type of classes you will be taking? Well good timing, the school is just about to begin! The classes that all first years are required to take are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Herbology. These are classes taken throughout your entire Magical Education! First years, and only first years, are required to take flying!

Below is your Class Schedule!

Time Held Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8:00am - 10:00am Herbology Defense Against the Dark Arts ---------------- Herbology Potions ----------------- -----------------
11:00am-1:00pm History of Magic History of Magic Charms Herbology Defense Against the Dark Arts ---------------- ----------------
2:00pm-2:30pm All Students reports for Lunch
3:00pm-5:00pm Potions ---------------- Flying Charms ----------- ------------- -------------
6:00pm-7:30pm All Students report for Dinner
12:00am - 2:00am ------------- Astonomy ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Hello, and thanks for clicking on the Thread! Below is a list of Spells used within the entire Wizarding World, please remember not all the spells on this list are taught at Hogwarts, and only a few you will learn in your first year here!

Incantation Type of Spell/Charm Resulting Effect
Accio Charm Summons an object
Aguamenti Charm Shoots water from wand
Alohorma Charm Open locked objects
Amapneo Spell Clears the target's airway
Aparecium Spell Reveals invisible ink
Avada Kedavra Curse Murders opponent. Unforgivable
Avifors Charm Turns small objects into birds
Avis Charms Launches birds from your wand
Cave Inimicum Spell Strengthen an enclosure from enemies
Colloportus Spell Magically locks door
Confringo Curse Explode Flames on target
Conjunctivitis Curse Damages opponents eyesight
Crucio Curse Tortures opponent. Unforgivable
Denfodio Spell Dig out materials
Deletrius Spell Counters "Prior Incatato"
Densaugeo Spell Enlarges teeth
Deprimo Spell Wind Damaging Spell
Diffindo Spell Splits Seems
Dissendium Spell Opens "One eyed witch" hump
Duro Spell Makes objects hard
Engorgio Charm Enlarges an Item
Ennervate Spell Counters Stupefy
Episkey Spell Heals minor injurires
Erecto Spell Erects Things
Expecto Patronum Charm Creates a Patronus
Expelliarmus Charm Disarms your opponents
Expulso Spell Makes Objects Explode
Ferula Spell Creates bandages
Fidelius Charm Hides a secret within someone
Finite Incantatum Spell Stops any current spells
Flagrate Spell Allows user to write on objects
Flipendo Jinx Knocks an object backwards
Furnunculus Curse Produces boils on opponent
Geminio Spell Duplicates an Object
Glisseo Spell Turns stairs into ramps
Homenum Revelio Spell Reveals humans nearby
Homorphus Charm Lockhart's Werewolf "cure"
Immobulus Charm Renders target immobile.
Impedimenta Charm Slows an advancing object
Imperio Curse Controls a person Unforgivable
Impervius Charm Makes an object repel water
Incarcerous Spell Ties someone up
Incendio Spell Starts a fire
Langlock Spell Glues opponent's tongue to roof of mouth
Legilimens Spell Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim
Levicorpus Spell Hangs victim upside down by feet
Liberacorpus Spell Counterspell
Locomotor Mortis Curse Locks opponents legs
Lumos Spell Creates light at wand tip
Meteolojinx Recanto Spell Causes weather effect spells to stop
Mobiliarbus Charm Moves objects with wand
Mobilicorpus Spell Moves unconscious bodies
Morsmorde Spell Conjures the Dark Mark
Muffliato Spell Prevents nearby people from listening to conversations
Nox Spell Counter to Lumos
Obliviate Charm Erases memories
Obscuro Spell Blindfolds the victim
Oppugno Spell Makes conjured items attack
Orchideous Spell Conjures a bunch of flowers
Pack Spell Packs a trunk (suitcase)
Peskipiksi Pesternomi Spell Removes Pixies (maybe)
Petrificus Totalus Spell Body - Bind
Piertotum Locomotor Spell Animates statues and armor suits
Point Me Charm Wand acts like a compass
Priori Incantatum Spell Result when brother wands duel
Prior Incantato Spell Reveals a wands last spell / cast
Protego Charm Cause spells to reflect back to the sender.
Protego Horribilis Spell Protects one from Dark Magic
Protego Totalum Spell Area Protection Spell
Quietus Spell Counter spell for Sonorus
Reducio Spell Returns items to original size. Counters Engorgio
Reducto Spell Blasts solid objects aside
Relashio Spell Releases user from binding
Rennervate Spell Cures unconsciousness
Reparo Spell Repairs Things
Repello Muggletum Spell Keeps Muggles away
Rictusempra Charm Tickles opponent
Riddikulus Spell Use this spell and laugh to defeat a boggart
Salvio Hexia Spell Protection against hexes
Scruge Charm Destroys ectoplasm (remains of ghosts)
Sectumsempra Spell Causes wounds as if slashed by a sword
Serpensortia Spell Produces Snake
Silencio Spell Silences victim
Sonorus Spell Amplifies voice
Specialis Revelio Spell Reveals Hidden secrets or magical properties
Stupefy Spell Knocks out opponent
Tarantallegra Spell Forces opponent to dance
Tergeo Spell Cleans up messes
Waddiwasi Spell Unsticks an object
Wingardium Leviosa Charm Makes an object fly


Diogon Alley - September 1st, 2015 - Stephen Eerly

Ask Madam Fleurance


Dear Madam Fleurance, my husband's wand went missing while I was cleaning. He blames me for losing it, I don't know what to do. Please help.

- Concerned Wife

My dear, do not worry so much, any item that is possessed can be found with zest. A simple enchantment or spell will bring that wand right up. For an item, I'd recommend a crystal ball. If you need help, I will be in stores this week to help people up-close. If you end up not being able to find it, tell your husband that a simple object will not amount to the love you have. And if it does, he may not be the one.

The one and Only, Madam Fleurance

Hogwarts Opens Its Door For New Students

Death Eaters Strike!

Today marks the official first day of schooling in the Wizarding Academy of Hogwarts. Although, it seems to be anything but the average beginning. While riding in the train to Hogwarts, a group of ravage Death Eaters attacked the student's voyages. Leaving three dead. Older students at Hogwarts ended up brawling with the Death Eaters. In the end, the students were able to prevail after what seemed like a living horror show. The events left many students shaken up. Fourteen year old Trisha Kyanaka, second year student at Hogwarts states "I have never seen anything like that before...I'm just happy I


lived it". The headmaster has yet to answer the press on these calls, many speculate that action will have to take place.

The ministry of magic claims it

to be an event that proves that Hogwarts should be shut down and replaced with a better school. "Such anarchy must be answered swiftly, and with a stern hand." States Jennifer Kallie, a well respected wizard in the ministry. Hogwarts will be under heavy speculation in these upcoming days. Authorities will be kept posted.

-L. Herrington


Mandrake Root: Potion Ingredient or Prank!

The Forbidden Forest



The Forbidden Forest, also known as Dark Forest borders the edges of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry grounds.

The forest is a very old place that holds many secrets and houses many creatures, some dark and Dangerous, others friendly. The trees in the forest are considered ancient, they are dense and rough looking from years of exposure to the elements.

As the forest's name suggests, it is strictly off limits to students — except in the case of detention, or Care of Magical Creatures lessons that occasionally take place there. Of course, with the various dangerous creatures living in the Forest, few students would even want to venture into it. Black flowers are known to grow in the forest.


The Forbidden Forest houses or has housed any number of magical creatures. A few known examples include:

  • An Acromantula colony, once led by Aragog, then the Death Eaters forced the remaining colony to assist them during the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • A colony of centaurs, including Bane, Magorian, Ronan and Firenze.
  • Herds of unicorns, hippogriffs and thestrals.
  • A pack of wolves descended from two werewolves mating at the full moon.
  • Grawp, an undersized Giant and Rubeus Hagrid's half-brother, who was moved by Albus Dumbledore to a cave in the mountains surrounding Hogwarts.
  • Fluffy, a massive, three-headed dog who was released into the forest after serving as one of the guards to the Philosopher's Stone during the 1991–1992 school year.
  • Blood-Sucking Bugbears
  • Bowtruckles
  • A Blast-Ended Skrewt who survived the third task of the Triwizard Tournament was also released into the forest.
  • It is also rumoured that many other types of creatures reside there including trolls and a few giants, though of the last, Grawp is the only known example. (However, Forest Trolls have also been seen in the Forest.)
  • Although not technically a "creature", an enchanted and somewhat sentient Ford Anglia, once belonging to Arthur Weasley, took up residence in the forest after crashing into the Whomping Willow in 1992.
Diagon Alley



Diagon Alley is a cobbled wizarding alley and shopping area located in London, England behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron.

Inside the alley is an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. All items on the Hogwarts supply list can be bought at Diagon Alley. The alley is completely hidden from the Muggle world which is right outside of its boundaries. It is very large in area and essentially the centre of wizarding London.


It is a popular historical theory that the oldest building in Diagon Alley is Gringotts Wizarding Bank and that the other shops grew up around it. However, there is a possibility that Ollivanders is the oldest building, records dating back to the late fourth century B.C.


Diagon Alley is accessible from Muggle London through the Leaky Cauldron, which is on Charing Cross Road, set between a bookshop and a record shop. The Muggles who pass by the inn seem to be "quite unconscious" of its existence. Knockturn Alley, a dark artefacts area, is an off shoot of Diagon Alley.


The entrance is behind the Leaky Cauldron in a small, walled courtyard with a dustbin. Diagon Alley can be accessed by tapping the correct brick in the wall behind the Leaky Cauldron (from the trash can, three up and two across). The wall goes in a small hole first but forms a large archway. It can also be accessed by Floo powder and Apparition. There may be other entrances as well.

Diagon Alley connects to a second, less reputable shopping district, Knockturn Alley.

Known Shops:
  • 2nd Hand Brooms - A shop that sells used broomsticks.
  • Amanuensis Quills - A shop in Diagon Alley that sells quills. It is next to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions shop.
  • Broomstix - A shop that sells broomsticks.
  • Eeylops Owl Emporium - A pet shop located in Diagon Alley that sells owls and various other things needed for the care of owls, like Owl Treats. It sells a variety of breeds, including Screech, Barn, Tawny, Brown, and Snowy.
  • Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour - It was owned and operated by Florean Fortescue, and was located at Diagon Alley.
  • Flourish and Blotts - A popular bookshop in Diagon Alley where most Hogwarts students purchase their schoolbooks.
  • Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop - Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop is located in Diagon Alley. Fred and George, and Lee Jordan stocked up on Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks.
  • Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Gringotts is the only known bank of the wizarding world. It was created by the goblin Gringott. It is located in Diagon Alley and is owned and run by Goblins. In addition to storing money and valuables for wizards, one can go there to exchange Muggle money for wizarding money.
  • Junk shop - A shop that sells secondhand items such as broken wands, lopsided scales, etc.
  • The Leaky Cauldron - A popular Wizarding pub in London. It is the entrance to Diagon Alley.
  • Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions - Sometimes simply referred to as Madam Malkin's, it is a shop in Diagon Alley. Students get their Hogwarts school uniforms there, and also dress robes, traveling cloaks, and the like.
  • Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions - Located at 275 Diagon Alley, this shop helps witches getting rid of "warts and worse".
  • Magical Menagerie - One of the shops where students buy their pets and supplies.
  • Obscurus Books - Located at 18a Diagon Alley, Obscurus is a Wizarding book publisher. Its range of titles include the popular Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
  • Ollivanders - Ollivander's Wand Shop is the sole wand shop of Diagon Alley. Peeling gold letters over the door of the shop read: Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.. The shop's display consists of a solitary wand laying on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window. The shop is tiny, empty except for a single, spindly chair in the corner. Thousands of narrow boxes containing wands are piled right up to the ceiling of the tiny shop, and the whole place has a thin layer of dust about it.
  • Potage's Cauldron Shop - A shop that sells cauldrons.
  • Quality Quidditch Supplies - A shop in Diagon Alley. Its main products are things having to do with Quidditch such as Quaffles, Bludgers, and broomsticks.
  • Rosa Lee Teabag - A teashop located in Diagon Alley as well as in Hogsmeade.
  • Scribbulus Writing Instruments - A shop that sells ink and presumably other stationary items (quills, parchment).
  • Secondhand robe shop - A shop that sells secondhand robes.
  • Slug & Jiggers Apothecary - This is where students buy their potion ingredients.
  • Sugarplum's Sweets Shop - A shop that sells confections.
  • TerrorTours - Located at 59 Diagon Alley, TerrorTours is presumably a travel agency for wizards and witches.
  • The Ministry Press - A publishing house affiliated to the Ministry of Magic.
  • The Daily Prophet's main office - Presumably where the Daily Prophet newspapers are printed.
  • Twilfitt and Tatting's - Twilfitt and Tatting's is a wizarding clothing shop located in Diagon Alley. Given that it is favoured by elitist pure-blood witch Narcissa Malfoy, it is probably an upmarket shop.
  • Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes - Located at 93 Diagon Alley, it is a joke shop owned by Fred and George Weasley. It sells practical joke objects, such as Extendable Ears, a Reusable Hangman, and Fred and George's special WonderWitch products, such as love potions and ten-second pimple remover. There is also a section of Muggle magic tricks in honour of their father Arthur. They're not big sellers, but they do fairly well.
  • Whizz Hard Books - Located at 129B Diagon Alley. Whizz Hard Books is a Wizarding book publisher. Its range of titles include the popular Quidditch Through the Ages and Hairy Snout, Human Heart.
  • Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment - A miscellaneous equipment shop.
  • Various Stalls and Peddlers - There are a variety of street peddlers who take up space in between shops out on the main thoroughfare of Diagon Alley. Included are a flower vendor, a vendor who is selling roasted chestnuts, and a jewellery vendor.
Posting Requirement Looks


Place name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum orci laoreet, scelerisque enim quis, commodo est. Vestibulum et feugiat odio. Curabitur viverra nisi quis nibh aliquam, non dictum nisi placerat. Integer eu elit sed nisl dictum elementum sit amet nec risus. Fusce erat sem, varius eu molestie id, maximus non nunc. Pellentesque lorem metus, sodales eget dui at, vestibulum tempus dolor. Sed id elit hendrerit, pellentesque erat nec, tincidunt felis. In fringilla est in quam finibus, a porttitor elit feugiat. Etiam sit amet tortor semper, congue magna in, mollis ligula. Nulla placerat imperdiet nisi ut sollicitudin. In vitae ligula justo. Vestibulum id enim et risus ultricies sagittis. Proin vitae auctor purus. Cras sagittis aliquet est, in iaculis augue venenatis sit amet.

Curabitur congue nisl vel semper rhoncus. Nulla egestas dapibus mi, ac maximus eros congue sed. Praesent convallis consectetur sapien. Donec ac vehicula odio. Maecenas aliquet sapien sem. Curabitur consequat vel turpis et eleifend. Etiam volutpat, nunc vel dignissim congue, dolor justo egestas magna, vitae maximus enim mauris vitae diam. Ut nec est eros. Quisque eu metus at erat sodales sodales. Sed pretium vel eros congue porttitor. Nulla congue neque nec eros gravida fringilla.

Curabitur congue nisl vel semper rhoncus. Nulla egestas dapibus mi, ac maximus eros congue sed. Praesent convallis consectetur sapien. Donec ac vehicula odio. Maecenas aliquet sapien sem. Curabitur consequat vel turpis et eleifend. Etiam volutpat, nunc vel dignissim congue, dolor justo egestas magna, vitae maximus enim mauris vitae diam. Ut nec est eros. Quisque eu metus at erat sodales sodales. Sed pretium vel eros congue porttitor. Nulla congue neque nec eros gravida fringilla.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry



Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a British wizarding boarding school teaching the magical arts, located in Scotland inside Hogwarts Castle. The castle is in the mountains near a loch. The precise location of the school can never be uncovered because it has been rendered Unplottable. Also, to Muggles the school looks like a old abandoned castle. Similarly, most wizarding schools locations are protected in order to prevent their ways of teaching being revealed, as well as protect the students and schools themselves from any harm. Hogwarts is more-than-likely a fantasy world of its own.

Established around the 9th or 10th century, Hogwarts is considered to be one of the finest magical institutions in the wizarding world, though other notable schools include Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Durmstrang Institute. Children with magical abilities may be enrolled at birth, and acceptance is confirmed by owl post at age eleven.

The school's motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, which translated from Latin means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon"


Hogwarts School is located in Hogwarts Castle, a large castle somewhere in Scotland. The castle has extensive grounds with sloping lawns, flowerbeds and vegetable patches, a loch (called the Black Lake), a large dense forest (called the Forbidden Forest), several greenhouses and other outbuildings, and a full-size Quidditch Pitch. There is also an owlery, which houses all the owls owned by the school and those owned by students.

The three highest towers are the Astronomy Tower, the Ravenclaw Tower, and the Gryffindor Tower. There are 142 staircases, which are known to move, in the massive castle, which is set upon huge rocks above a magnificent lake. The castle is known for its many updates and changes in layout throughout the years, such as regenerating itself after the Battle of Hogwarts.

It should be noted that some rooms in the school tend to "move around," and so do the steps on the grand staircase. Albus Dumbledore once stated that he did not know all of Hogwarts' secrets, as the castle has a long history and has witnessed centuries of ancient magic.

The school has numerous charms and spells on and around it that make it impossible for a Muggle to locate it. Such people cannot see the school; rather, they see only ruins and several warnings of danger. Witches and wizards cannot Apparate or Disapparate in Hogwarts grounds, except when the Headmaster lifts the enchantment, whether only in certain areas or for the entire campus, so as to make the school less vulnerable when it serves the headmaster to allow Apparition. Electricity and electronic devices are not found at Hogwarts. Hermione Granger indicates that due to the high levels of magic, substitutes for magic used by Muggles, such as computers, radar and electricity "go haywire" around.

Early History:

Hogwarts was founded around 990 A.D. by two wizards and two witches: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. They each represented an aspect of personality that they wanted to bring out in new students. However, shortly after founding the school, Slytherin had a falling out with the other founders about blood purity. Slytherin wanted to admit only pure-blood students, but the other three founders disagreed. Slytherin left the school, but not before secretly building the Chamber of Secrets. When his own true heir, the Heir of Slytherin, (the heir of Slytherin is Tom Riddle/Voldemort) returned to the school, he or she would be able to open the Chamber and unleash a murderous basilisk to purge the school of all Muggle-born students.

Middle History:

About three hundred years after the school was founded, the Triwizard Tournament began between the three most prestigious magical schools in Europe: Hogwarts, The Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. This tournament was considered the best way for wizards and witches of different nationalities to meet and socialise. The tournament continued for six centuries, until the death toll became too high, and the tournament was discontinued.

Recent History:

1942-1943 School Year:

The existence of the school was threatened twice when the Chamber of Secrets was opened. The first time it was opened was in 1942, when Tom Marvolo Riddle, the Heir of Slytherin and the man who would become Lord Voldemort, opened the Chamber in his fifth year. When a girl named Myrtle Warren was killed, the Ministry of Magic threatened to close the school. As Riddle spent his time away from Hogwarts in a Muggle orphanage, he did not want the school closed (and having his request to remain in school over the holidays denied due to the situation he created), so he framed Rubeus Hagrid and dodged his crimes for decades. However, in 1992 the Chamber was reopened and the truth came out that Rubeus Hagrid was innocent and Riddle was guilty.

1991-1992 School Year:

In 1991, Harry Potter started at Hogwarts. Already being famous for being the boy who vanquished Lord Voldemort at the age of one, he soon began to unravel the secret of the Philosopher's Stone being kept at the school. Harry discovered that the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Quirinus Quirrell, was a host body for the barely alive Lord Voldemort, who wanted the Stone to restore him to his body and grant him everlasting life. Harry, Ron and Hermione suffered a series of difficult challenges down in the Underground Chambers in an attempt to stop the Philosopher's Stone being stolen by Severus Snape, who they believed was trying to steal it, when in reality it was Quirrell. Harry discovered Quirrell in the chambers, whom he was able to defeat and so thwart Voldemort from getting the Stone and returning to life.

1993-1994 School Year:

In 1992, the Chamber of Secrets was re-opened by Ginny Weasley, under the influence of a diary written by Riddle. The diary allowed Riddle's memory to possess Ginny, allowing him to act through her to open the Chamber a second time. Lucius Malfoy, through the desire to further the power of the Dark Lord, had slipped the diary into her bundle of schoolbooks, without knowing it was a Horcrux. His ulterior motive was to ruin the reputations of several great wizards, including Albus Dumbledore and Arthur Weasley, the latter of whom was highly influential concerning the Muggle Protection Act. However, Harry Potter discovered the truth and destroyed the diary and the basilisk, thus bringing an end to these dark plots.

1993-1994 School Year:

In 1993 Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban. Black had been in Azkaban for thirteen years, convicted of murdering twelve Muggles and Peter Pettigrew with a single curse. He was also convicted for turning James and Lily Potter in to Voldemort. It became apparent that Black was after Harry because he believed that killing Harry would bring Voldemort back to power. Black broke into the school twice, one time almost ripping the Fat Lady to shreds, and another time getting close to Ron Weasley's "rat," Scabbers. Harry, Ron, and Hermione met Black in The Shrieking Shack along with Remus Lupin, who had been a friend of Black during the time he attended Hogwarts as a student. Black revealed the truth to them. He was innocent, and it was Peter Pettigrew who had done the things Black had been convicted of. To blame Black he had chopped off one of his fingers as proof, turned into an Animagus, which in his case was a rat (Scabbers), and scurried off. Black had come back to kill Pettigrew, and now that Lupin had heard his story he believed him and was going to help. However, Pettigrew escaped and returned to Voldemort to help bring him back to power. Harry and Hermione helped Black escape on Buckbeak the Hippogriff while Ron was in the hospital wing, and saved both Black's and Buckbeak's lives.

1994-1995 School Year:

In 1994, the Triwizard Tournament recommenced with more powerful safety measures in place. However, more dark plots were being hatched. Barty Crouch Jr., disguised as Professor Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, managed to enter Harry in the Tournament by putting his name in the Goblet of Fire under the name of a fourth school, which ensured he would be chosen by the Goblet. Harry's involvement in this plan caused him great misery at Hogwarts, as the representatives for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, as well as many Hogwarts students, believed he was a cheater. It was because of Crouch Jr. and his influence over certain house-elves that Harry ended up at the end of the tournament with Cedric Diggory (who, under Voldemort's order, was killed by Peter Pettigrew) in a graveyard surrounded by Death Eaters. Voldemort was brought back to his physical form using Harry's blood and a dark potion.

Voldemort attempted to torture and humiliate Harry, but Harry escaped and succeeded in alerting all of Voldemort's enemies, Dumbledore in particular, that he had returned. Dumbledore restarted the Order of the Phoenix one hour after he was alerted. However, to the horror of all at Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory was murdered at the hands of Voldemort.

1995-1996 School Year:

Hogwarts was further threatened when the Ministry of Magic began implementing "Educational Decrees" in 1995, as part of a conspiracy to discredit and ruin Albus Dumbledore. Dolores Umbridge, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, was the centre of this plan. With these Educational Decrees, she slowly took control of Hogwarts, and eventually replaced Albus Dumbledore as Headmistress. But it was through the cunning of Hermione Granger and the members of Dumbledore's Army that Umbridge was overthrown. The Ministry had no choice but to accept that Voldemort had returned and Umbridge was removed from Hogwarts.

1996-1997 School Year:

Through the 1996-1997 school year, new Minister Rufus Scrimgeour ordered Aurors to guard Hogwarts for protection from Dark forces. In 1997, Hogwarts was attacked by a mob of Death Eaters. Student Draco Malfoy was forced into the service of Lord Voldemort for the fear of his and his family's lives. As a result, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore's safety was compromised, and he was killed by Severus Snape. Following this horrible tragedy, Professor Minerva McGonagall was appointed acting Headmistress, although the security of the school hung by a thread. There was no certainty that Hogwarts would remain open. The faculty agreed to follow "established procedures" and let the school governors ultimately decide.

1997-1998 School Year:

Regardless of the school governors' decision, with the takeover of the Ministry by Voldemort, attendance at Hogwarts was mandatory for all eligible children. New, militaristic requirements were established, such as proof of blood status. This was so Voldemort can keep an eye on the entire wizarding world from a young age, and to weed out muggle-borns, which included eleven-year old children who have no knowledge before the forced invitation, with the possibility of never entering Hogwarts nor returning to their homes ever again.

Muggle Studies, involving mainly of how Muggles are vile things, became a required subject, while Defence Against the Dark Arts had simply become Dark Arts, teaching students illegal curses outright. Severus Snape was appointed Headmaster, and Alecto and Amycus Carrow, teachers of Muggle Studies and Dark Arts, respectively, have also been assigned as Snape's deputies. It was a time of great terror in which no one could be certain who was friend or foe.

1998 and Beyond:

In May 1998, the Battle of Hogwarts took place. This battle ended with the death of many on both sides. Thanks to Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort was finally destroyed once and for all, and peace was restored, and Minerva McGonagall returned to her position as Headmistress and Harry was celebrated as a true hero.

Hogwarts sustained extensive damage during the battle. Multiple areas of the main building and adjacent areas were set on fire or blown up, and the Quidditch pitch was largely destroyed by fire.

Based on what is known since the time of the Battle, Hogwarts was repaired and open by 2017; Headmistress McGonagall had retired, the House System remained in place, many descendants of previous students were now coming to Hogwarts as new pupils, and Neville Longbottom became the Professor for Herbology after retiring as an Auror.

School Year:

Term begins on 1 September. Students usually reach Hogwarts via the Hogwarts Express, which leaves from Platform 9¾ of London's King's Cross Station at 11 a.m. sharp.

There seemed to be other ways of entering the school, such as via brooms or Floo powder, or simply Apparating to a nearby location such as Hogsmeade. Missing the Hogwarts Express for any reason is a very serious problem but will not cost the student points as long as they get there before the term has officially started.

The first years' view of Hogwarts.

The Hogwarts Express brings the students to Hogsmeade Station, where the first years traditionally cross the Black Lake in boats with the gamekeeper, and go under an opening in the rocks upon which Hogwarts is built, through a curtain of ivy, and finally into an underground harbour.

Older students travel on the road in carriages pulled by Thestrals (invisible to any that hasn't witnessed death) to the castle. The Welcoming Feast takes place in the Great Hall. This feast includes the Sorting ceremony, followed by a few words from the current Headmaster or Headmistress, the banquet starts after this, including large quantities of food and drink. The feast is closed with a few more words from the Headmaster, but it also included the usual "start-of-term notices".

After dinner, students are led to their house common room by a prefect. This is a special time for new students to get comfortable with their surroundings, because the next day classes begin, 2 September. The class schedules are handed out during breakfast by the Heads of House. After two weeks of classes, the Quidditch team trials and flying lessons for the first years usually occur.

Hogwarts' school year is structured in a similar way to other non-magical schools and colleges in the UK, with a three-term year punctuated by holidays at Christmas and Easter and bounded by the long summer holiday of nine weeks. Students have the option of staying at Hogwarts for the winter and spring holidays. Those who choose to stay at the castle do not have lessons and attend a feast on Christmas Day. Students also do not have classes the week of Easter, but this is much less enjoyable due to the large amount of work that the teachers assign students at this time in preparation for final exams.

Hogsmeade during Christmas

Other than the breaks and weekends, students do not receive holidays. However, students third year and above may visit Hogsmeade, the local village, occasionally. There are normally four feasts per year: the start-of-term feast at the beginning of the school year, end-of-term feast at the end of the school year, and feasts at Hallowe'en and Christmas. Feasts are also called to mark special occasions, as in Goblet of Fire, when there was a feast to celebrate the beginning of the Triwizard Tournament.

Classes will proceed normally and the next notable event occurs on the evening of 31 October: the Hallowe'en feast. Decorations include giant pumpkins and flocks of hundreds of bats flying across the halls. The served foods include pumpkin treats, tarts, cakes and all sorts of magical sweets. The Quidditch season starts usually with the first Quidditch match in the first weeks of November. In the second week of December, the Deputy Head takes names of those who are staying at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays. The first term usually ends about a week before Christmas and most of the students and some of the teachers go home by the school train.

In Triwizard Tournament years, the Yule Ball occurs on the evening of Christmas Day, ending at midnight. On 25 December, a Christmas feast is held in the Great Hall. Shortly after 6 January (Epiphany aka Twelfth Night), the Hogwarts Express returns to Hogsmeade; the second term begins. The exact dates of the beginning of the Easter holidays vary every year. During these holidays, the students may go home. The final exams are held the first week of June and the results come out on the second week. In the evening before the Hogwarts Express goes back to London, the End-of-Term Feast is held. The Hogwarts Express returns to London during the third week of June. Some staff and all students leave Hogwarts for summer holiday.


Coat of Arms
House Gryffindor is well known for bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. The house colours are deep red and gold, and the house is symbolized by a lion. The entrance to the common room is on the seventh floor hidden behind a portrait of the Fat Lady. In order to get into the common room, Gryffindor students must say the correct password. Hufflepuff is well known for loyalty, hard working, dedication, honesty, and tolerance. The house is symbolized by a badger, and the house colours are yellow and black. Its common room is near the kitchens. To get into the common room, rather than giving a password you must tap a fake barrel in the rhythm "Helga Hufflepuff." It is the only common room to have a way to keep students from other houses out (by dumping vinegar on them). Ravenclaw values wit, creativity, and wisdom. The house is symbolized by an eagle and the house colours are blue and bronze. The Ravenclaw common room is located in a high tower, and the interior is decorated with blue and bronze. To enter, rather than give a password, one must answer a riddle from an eagle door knocker, such as "Where do vanished objects go?" or "Which came first, the Phoenix or the flame?" Slytherin values ambition, cleverness, cunning, resourcefulness, and pure blood heritage. The house is symbolized by a serpent, and the house colours are green and silver. Its common room is located in the dungeons, underneath the Black Lake, and hidden behind a stone wall. The password for the 1992–1993 school year was "pure-blood". Many people believe students sorted into this house often get involved in the Dark Arts.
Founded By Godric Gryffindor Helga Hufflepuff Rowena Ravenclaw Salazar Slytherin
House Ghost Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, also known as Nearly Headless Nick Fat Friar Helena Ravenclaw, also known as the Grey Lady The Bloody Baron

Some information for this was found on the Harry Potter Wikia!
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