Other searches frantically in pockets


TV Static Geist
So uh....does anybody here just...not really feel like anything at all in regards to gender. Because....some days I don't feel like anything at all. I'm not a boy or a girl. I'm just here. Not one or the other. Sorry to bring weird gender talk here but uh....doesn't look like there's anywhere else to turn to :v
I don't uh...expect a lot of responses just me chattin to myself in the void really. But I learned that some people use they/them pronouns and honestly?? That's...really comforting to hear. Especially when I hear that it's kids doing this stuff. Like...that kind of exploration was never permitted when I was a middle schooler. Now I'm a sad Adult with life choices to consider and I'm just now figuring out...there might be a reason why I feel so uncomfy with my bod at times.
CoyoteGhost said:
So uh....does anybody here just...not really feel like anything at all in regards to gender. Because....some days I don't feel like anything at all. I'm not a boy or a girl. I'm just here. Not one or the other. Sorry to bring weird gender talk here but uh....doesn't look like there's anywhere else to turn to :v
CoyoteGhost said:
I don't uh...expect a lot of responses just me chattin to myself in the void really. But I learned that some people use they/them pronouns and honestly?? That's...really comforting to hear. Especially when I hear that it's kids doing this stuff. Like...that kind of exploration was never permitted when I was a middle schooler. Now I'm a sad Adult with life choices to consider and I'm just now figuring out...there might be a reason why I feel so uncomfy with my bod at times.
Well, I strongly identify as female on both RPN and real life, but I have a few friends who don't really identify with any gender and a few that use they/them pronouns. I'm sad to hear that you feel like there's nowhere else to turn to, if you'd like, I could scout out a few other sites with people who might be in the same shoes as you. If you ever need someone to talk about gender, body positivity or really anything I'd love to chat.
Oh gosh...this is really heckin sweet uh...I would appreciate that. A lot. Uhm. Sorry if I come off as emotional?? But it really means a lot to me.

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