

Hey, I made an introduction thread a couple months back but I wanted to make another since I sort of just made that post and never posted again until recently. Some things, I understand my name is "Epic" and everyone tends to know me as that at this point so It's hard to really change it, I just use it for everything at this point even if it does sound like I'm an eleven year old kid. (To be fair I made the name at 11 and it stuck until now somehow.)

The type of RP I'm interested in almost always involves humans, nothing really other than humans, sometimes there are some types of alterations though it's mainly humans. I also prefer Sci-Fi or very specific fandom, I'm almost always RPing in a serious setting, I just find them more enjoyable.

Anyway, hope to have fun on this site.
Welcome back! *throws confetti in air* I'm not sure if we ever met, but just I'm case we didn't, I'm Kestrel, and you can call me Kes for short.

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