
The Rose and Phoenix

Seen & Not Heard
Hiya, hello, how is everyone? I'm well, thank you for asking.

I had a bit of a look around and I have noticed that this site is a bit immense, I'm surprised that no one gets lost here. As for me, I'm familiar with role-playing, having done it at uni with friends. I did mostly table-top. And by mostly table-top, I mean Exalted with friends who dragged me into it whether I liked it or not. Happily for me, I enjoyed myself immensely.

Then I got out of uni, moved away from my friends and such amusements were, sadly, at an end. I took some time to get my qualifications to teach and here I am, voila, a history teacher. King Richard III got a raw deal if you ask me, and if you do I just might tell you why!

In case you don't know, I am a Yorkist down to my bones. My mum's side of the family have been in Yorkshire since the dawn of time but I have plenty of Celt from my father's side.

And... that's about it for me. It'll be nice to meet you all at one time or another.

'Ello, I'm a sausage sandwich.

Nice to have proper Yorkshire folk here. I'm new myself, friend got me to come here. Perhaps I'll see you around?
HA! I finally beat you Spoon!

Spoon has this whole thing about beating me to intros and then letting new users know I am here. Cause I have this intro post for new users.

and here it is:

Greetings and salutations!

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Unlike the Pirate code, they aren't more like suggestions but rules that we take a bit seriously. If, however, you've got a few pieces of eight you'd like to swing our way, we're always more than happy to take it. (I said, the rules weren't suggestions, never said we weren't piratey mate).

Once you've had a glance over the rules there's more information to be had here: Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum. You can find something there to answer just about any question you might have.

Now then, I know that you have to answers that you're wanting answered now and the first is, you can join any RP that is open. You can find the different RP genres here: Roleplays | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

They're set up by genre so if you're looking for that Belgariad fandom RP (sorry, none yet exists here) then you'll know you aren't going to be looking in the futuristic genre. Each genre has an interest check at the top of the page and you can peruse this to see if anyone is wanting to create an RP.

If you are trolling the RPs and you just gotta make your own futuristic version of the Elenium, then you can pick the genre (future or fandom? I don't know!) and create an interest check. In the interest check you can tell the whole world about your RP and what you want to do with it. If you get enough people to say Aye! then you create your RP.

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Again, welcome to RPN and happy RPing.


Department of Human Resources
SausageSandwich said:
'Ello, I'm a sausage sandwich.
Nice to have proper Yorkshire folk here. I'm new myself, friend got me to come here. Perhaps I'll see you around?
Ah, a good & proper Yorkshire lad! It's so hard to talk to people because they just don't know! I moved out of Yorkshire for uni and that was... a mistake. Had a fellow classmate in one of my classes who was from Lancaster. Amazingly enough we got on quite well.
Yes, exactly, thank you! You can't imagine the dickens of a time I had trying to find a phoenix with a white rose and not a red one. Finally found one on deviant art. I had roommate from the States and she had no idea why there was this thing between the counties. When I gave her a brief (less than an hour) explanation of the War of the Roses, her comment was, and I quote,"That's like Nor-Cal and So-Cal."
The 'Yanks' I knew were from areas that did not appreciate being called Yankees. I called my roommate a Yank once and she had a go at me. She said Yankees were from New England, not California. Then she said they were a horrible baseball team.
King Richard III was the last Plantagenet king. He inherited his throne from his brother who had two sons. If you read Shakespear then you will believe him to be an evil man who had murdered his nephews to become king. After his brother's death he became his nephew's regent and he placed both boys in the Tower. In modern days we see the Tower more as a place where people were imprisoned and eventually hung, but it was also a place to place people for safe-keeping. To be fair to his detractors, the Dukes of York who became the King of England were not exactly men who were the best men in the world and they really wanted that throne. They wanted it so badly they went to war and took it. The Yorkists eventually won the war and they sat on the throne until the death of Richard III.

Now, the thing is, despite the fact that I am sure Richard very much wanted to be the King of England, as his two brothers had been before him, murdering his nephews was pointless seeing as he didn't have an heir of his own. There has been more than one case in which a regent has declared himself king only to pass it onto a nephew once he died. Though some argue that he had the means and motive, there is one yet who had means, motive, and opportunity. And that someone was Margaret de Beauford and she was a woman who who remembered.

Margaret de Beauford was just 12-13 when Henry VI married her off to his brother. He raped her and she almost died giving birth to a son nine months later. Even back in those days it was one thing to marry a girl of 13, but one didn't actually sleep with a girl that young. So forcing her was not an acceptable thing to do in polite society. He eventually was killed and she was forced to raise her son on her own. Over her life she made several advantageous marriages to help her in her cause. And she had but one cause: get her son, Henry, onto the throne. Her son was the Lancastrian heir to the throne and she wanted him to have it. She eventually shipped him off to France as his life was in danger in England. She wouldn't see him for 17 years. While she remained, she became a lad-in-waiting to the Queens of England-all of whom were from York. The War of the Roses was still very fresh in everyone's minds and there is now bitterment between Lancaster and York (still is).

Margaret eventually married a man who was allied with the Yorkists while she was known as a Lancastrian. This served them both as they had the other to fall back should public opinion sway one way or another. She could hide behind her husband's Yorkists leanings and he could show he married a Lancastrian woman if need be. Theirs was definitely a political marriage and they were both okay with that. It served them well. Now, Margaret, as a lady-in-waiting to the Queen of England, had access to the Princes in the Tower and she knew, very well, that if they survived to adulthood then then her Henry would never become king. She also had access to the princes as her loyalty to her mistress was never in question. We're talking about a really good sleeper agent.

So the Princes in the Tower disappeared and Richard became king.

This was when Henry of Lancaster heard from his mother than the time to return was at hand. He and several Frenchman raided the beaches of England and they fought their way up north and there the two forces met and King Richard III fell in battle. He would be the last English monarch to die in battle. The only person left of royal blood was Henry of Lancaster... and Elizabeth of York. He ascended the throne and eventually married Elizabeth of York. He of the red rose and she of the white. So he joined the two roses, and thus we have the Tudor Rose. He became the first Tudor King; King Henry VII.

Margaret de Beauford died knowing she made it possible: her son was king.

Now, Henry and Elizabeth had a son Henry but they also had a daughter, Margaret. Henry would become King Henry VIII and his sister would go onto marry King James IV of Scotland. Margaret and James of Scotland had a son who became King James V of Scotland. He eventually married a frenchwoman from a very powerful family: Marie de Guise and they had but one child: Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland (MQS). Henry VIII had a son and he thought it would be brilliant if his son and Scotland's 5 year old queen should be married. Marie de Guise sent her daughter and her four best friends off to France. MQS was then raised as a French princess and she married the dauphin. He eventually ascended the throne and she was queen of France and Scotland, even though her mother and then her half-brother were actually regents of Scotland whilst she was away.

By 19 her father-in-law, her mother, and her husband had died and her MIL was trying to kill her so she and the four Marys took to ship and returned to Scotland. By this time England had seen its share of Tudor Monarchs and Elizabeth was now on the throne. She and MQS were cousins and many people believed that MQS had more right to the throne of England that QEI. After much drama MQS married an English lord, Darnley, and she had a son, James. James eventually became King James VI of Scotland and, when QEI died, he then became King James I of England and thus ended the Tudor dynasty and began the Stuart dynasty.

Interestingly enough the descendents of MQS and her son James are still on the throne. Also, the Duke of York is a member of the royal family whereas the Duke of Lancaster is not.

And that, boys and girls, is history.
Bah, enjoy it while it lasts.

I had to go to karate class.


Got you back a few times today though, that was rewarding.

Britbongs are neat, I guess!

I am an American tried and true.



I'm super curious how the British teach the American Revolution over there.

To see the difference in viewpoints, of course.
You mean the American Rebellion? The one in which the colonists in America went to war against her mother country? That one?


Now a days, it's taught a bit differently than how you learn it but we don't really talk about the American perspective but things are flavored more towards the British side of the war- for obvious reasons.
@SausageSandwich, you're a Yorkshire lad, how do you recall learning about the American War for Independence?
Aye, it's flavored heacily in our favor here.

Farmers, teachers, young men from all walks of life rising against tyranny and injustice to fight for a new future.

Stuff like that.

(Also spoon-foods are better than hand foods.)
We are all biased towards our own homes. It is very hard to divorce oneself from one's own biases to show a broader picture of history. I do try to teach my students both sides of the issue but they don't quite comprehend the colonials' aversion to paying taxes when Britons were paying more than they were. But then, as I said, we are all biased.
[QUOTE="The Rose and Phoenix]
King Richard III was the last Plantagenet king. He inherited his throne from his brother who had two sons. If you read Shakespear then you will believe him to be an evil man who had murdered his nephews to become king. After his brother's death he became his nephew's regent and he placed both boys in the Tower. In modern days we see the Tower more as a place where people were imprisoned and eventually hung, but it was also a place to place people for safe-keeping. To be fair to his detractors, the Dukes of York who became the King of England were not exactly men who were the best men in the world and they really wanted that throne. They wanted it so badly they went to war and took it. The Yorkists eventually won the war and they sat on the throne until the death of Richard III.
Now, the thing is, despite the fact that I am sure Richard very much wanted to be the King of England, as his two brothers had been before him, murdering his nephews was pointless seeing as he didn't have an heir of his own. There has been more than one case in which a regent has declared himself king only to pass it onto a nephew once he died. Though some argue that he had the means and motive, there is one yet who had means, motive, and opportunity. And that someone was Margaret de Beauford and she was a woman who who remembered.

Margaret de Beauford was just 12-13 when Henry VI married her off to his brother. He raped her and she almost died giving birth to a son nine months later. Even back in those days it was one thing to marry a girl of 13, but one didn't actually sleep with a girl that young. So forcing her was not an acceptable thing to do in polite society. He eventually was killed and she was forced to raise her son on her own. Over her life she made several advantageous marriages to help her in her cause. And she had but one cause: get her son, Henry, onto the throne. Her son was the Lancastrian heir to the throne and she wanted him to have it. She eventually shipped him off to France as his life was in danger in England. She wouldn't see him for 17 years. While she remained, she became a lad-in-waiting to the Queens of England-all of whom were from York. The War of the Roses was still very fresh in everyone's minds and there is now bitterment between Lancaster and York (still is).

Margaret eventually married a man who was allied with the Yorkists while she was known as a Lancastrian. This served them both as they had the other to fall back should public opinion sway one way or another. She could hide behind her husband's Yorkists leanings and he could show he married a Lancastrian woman if need be. Theirs was definitely a political marriage and they were both okay with that. It served them well. Now, Margaret, as a lady-in-waiting to the Queen of England, had access to the Princes in the Tower and she knew, very well, that if they survived to adulthood then then her Henry would never become king. She also had access to the princes as her loyalty to her mistress was never in question. We're talking about a really good sleeper agent.

So the Princes in the Tower disappeared and Richard became king.

This was when Henry of Lancaster heard from his mother than the time to return was at hand. He and several Frenchman raided the beaches of England and they fought their way up north and there the two forces met and King Richard III fell in battle. He would be the last English monarch to die in battle. The only person left of royal blood was Henry of Lancaster... and Elizabeth of York. He ascended the throne and eventually married Elizabeth of York. He of the red rose and she of the white. So he joined the two roses, and thus we have the Tudor Rose. He became the first Tudor King; King Henry VII.

Margaret de Beauford died knowing she made it possible: her son was king.

Now, Henry and Elizabeth had a son Henry but they also had a daughter, Margaret. Henry would become King Henry VIII and his sister would go onto marry King James IV of Scotland. Margaret and James of Scotland had a son who became King James V of Scotland. He eventually married a frenchwoman from a very powerful family: Marie de Guise and they had but one child: Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland (MQS). Henry VIII had a son and he thought it would be brilliant if his son and Scotland's 5 year old queen should be married. Marie de Guise sent her daughter and her four best friends off to France. MQS was then raised as a French princess and she married the dauphin. He eventually ascended the throne and she was queen of France and Scotland, even though her mother and then her half-brother were actually regents of Scotland whilst she was away.

By 19 her father-in-law, her mother, and her husband had died and her MIL was trying to kill her so she and the four Marys took to ship and returned to Scotland. By this time England had seen its share of Tudor Monarchs and Elizabeth was now on the throne. She and MQS were cousins and many people believed that MQS had more right to the throne of England that QEI. After much drama MQS married an English lord, Darnley, and she had a son, James. James eventually became King James VI of Scotland and, when QEI died, he then became King James I of England and thus ended the Tudor dynasty and began the Stuart dynasty.

Interestingly enough the descendents of MQS and her son James are still on the throne. Also, the Duke of York is a member of the royal family whereas the Duke of Lancaster is not.

And that, boys and girls, is history.

Francly (Geddit?) I wouldn't mind speaking French.

Not that I'd notice a difference if english had never been spawned.
Oh, well, we actually use both French and Saxon words for things we think are English: pork and pig; beef & cow; poultry & chicken- french and saxon respectively
Shh, it's 1am here in the colonies.

I am too sleepy for the nuances of languages and their origins.

I'm lucky I managed a bit of wordplay in my previous post.

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