
Full Time Student
Hello all of the members here my name is Kelli,

I have rped for 6 years now and I love to rp one on one but if you need a person for a group rp depending on the subject I would love to!

Let's see, I am mostly submissive a lot and I can be shy, but don't be afraid to say hi I love to chat as well as play. So Yeah? If you have any questions or what to learn more about me message me when I can recieve them and....I'll get back to you. :)

See ya,

Welcome, Kelli. ≧∇≦

You have a long experience in rp, that's cool xD

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Hey Kelli! I am also new to this site! Joined sometime yesterday! So far its great! If you ever want to rp I am always open :3

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