Hello there, I’m a fairly new member to the site however I did have an account on here long ago. I’ve recently got back into roleplaying after an absence. As it happens I am looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay with historical based fandoms and classic novels. Now I am over eighteen myself and I do request that any potential partners are also over eighteen. I don’t write with minors purely to protect myself online. Please respect this.
With this having been said I am looking for a male partner ideally however ladies I can do doubles! These are my partner requirements; as I am literate/advanced literate I expect you to be as well, I am looking for someone who enjoys plotting and story building, someone who can use third person and past tense as well! These are the fandoms/books I am seeking:
The Musketeers (The bbc adaption only please!).
Call The Midwife.
Game of thrones (I do this one a lot though).
Pirates of the Caribbean (I also do this one a lot!).
Far From The Madding Crowd (the 2015 movie!).
Pride and Prejudice.
So just a recap, I expect third person, past tense, detail. Ladies if you come wishing to do doubles I expect both oc’s to be treated equally and replies to be even in length at all times if not at all times at least most of the time. I also expect 100% effort in both characters you play not just your oc, in return I shall try to do my best. I am desperately searching for an Aramis or an Athos based off the BBC adaption, I’m also searching for a James Fraser too! I also utterly adore love triangles as well. I seek long term only! Hopefully I will see you in my dms. Please send me a ️ to prove you read this!
With this having been said I am looking for a male partner ideally however ladies I can do doubles! These are my partner requirements; as I am literate/advanced literate I expect you to be as well, I am looking for someone who enjoys plotting and story building, someone who can use third person and past tense as well! These are the fandoms/books I am seeking:
The Musketeers (The bbc adaption only please!).
Call The Midwife.
Game of thrones (I do this one a lot though).
Pirates of the Caribbean (I also do this one a lot!).
Far From The Madding Crowd (the 2015 movie!).
Pride and Prejudice.
So just a recap, I expect third person, past tense, detail. Ladies if you come wishing to do doubles I expect both oc’s to be treated equally and replies to be even in length at all times if not at all times at least most of the time. I also expect 100% effort in both characters you play not just your oc, in return I shall try to do my best. I am desperately searching for an Aramis or an Athos based off the BBC adaption, I’m also searching for a James Fraser too! I also utterly adore love triangles as well. I seek long term only! Hopefully I will see you in my dms. Please send me a ️ to prove you read this!